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Author Topic: New WebBuilder!! New vs. Old...  (Read 56590 times)
Posts: 2

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« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2008, 05:35:03 AM »

Yes, I am having the same problems everyone else is here.  Hours upon hours working and tweaking only to loose all the placement and have everything slip off the page.  And the humongous page size issue, too.  I am new to GDI and my only experience with the GDI site builder is with the new version.

Can you recommend a beginner-friendly (I know only basic html) template site (hopefully free or low cost) that I can use to build a site and import to the GDI server?  Can anyone please advise me?

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« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2008, 05:35:03 AM »


Is there any possibility we could get some word on when all this will be fixed?

Or should we just forget the builder and start from scratch?

A Fairfull
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« Reply #17 on: August 11, 2008, 05:35:03 AM »

The upgraded WebBuilder has been released.

Please share your constructive Posts re: new vs. old.

Also, help us perfect the migration/transition by
using the Help/Debug Report in the WebBuilder
OR, contact .WS Support.

Chip Snyder

Hi There,

It appears I am not the only one having problems with the new sitebuilder.  This is frustrating!!  I was in the middle of creating and building momentum with my website, now it is all over the place??    I was not advised this was taking place, how about some advance warning instead of the abrupt disruption! When is this likely to be resolved?
On the positive side I do like the fact that the new site allows you to click and drag and fill in the white spaces but a tutorial would definately help!!
Sharon Smiley
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« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2008, 05:53:08 PM »

Hi Chip-I don't want to be a pest however there are drastic problems with the new website buider. Is the management of global domain aware of this. No one seems to respond or make a statement concerning this! John
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« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2008, 03:44:49 PM »

Here's something else that isn't working. I have been receiving feedback from my website with only the name and email address of the person who sent it.

The text that should have been delivered is missing from all of my feedback messages. You might want to test yours also.

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« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2008, 03:46:22 PM »

Greetings all,

I have been a member of GDI for over 2 years now. I was very pleased with our previous W/S Builder, but I am very excited with the 4.01 version, it has fantastic tools and functionality...congratulations to all those who are responsible for it's birth, however, and here comes the crunch. I wonder if someone here can throw any light on the issue I am finding which is:

I have built my Home page with the equivalent of  8 A4 pages when printed. I have built my Home page 4 times already, have enjoyed doing it, and felt that each time I was forced to start all over I leaned something new, so I dare say that I am in very friendly terms with our 4.01 and all it's tools, but each time I am finished building my Home page and click the publish button, I loose all my long work. This as I said has happened 4 times now, so I will not attempt anymore until I get some answers. To make it very clear; my problem is simply and only at the publishing stage, and of course while at the building stage I save the work often.

Has anyone had the same issues?

Can somebody help explaining why this is happening?

Could I be doing or not doing something that is causing this?  Huh

Cheers for now.

Antonio.  Smiley
Nick Imorde
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« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2008, 09:21:42 PM »

I am new to GDI and I have unsuccessfully been able to do anything with this version of Sitebuilder.   Simple task like resizing pictures seems to be a chore.  Adding Text is not populating where I want it to populate.   Is there a new tutorial for this version?  We should have a tool that should be very simple to use.  That is one of the BIG advantages about belonging to GDI...so, we need to be able to show our members the ease of using it.

Maybe I am just going about this incorrectly. 
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« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2008, 09:21:44 PM »

The "resize" function on one of my text blocks is locked now, and I can't get it back to normal.
All the text is now in a little column on one side of the page.

Also, any page edited with the new version has all the keywords and description deleted, so you have to re-enter them.

Posts: 2

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« Reply #23 on: August 14, 2008, 03:34:31 PM »

Greetings all,

I have been a member of GDI for over 2 years now. I was very pleased with our previous W/S Builder, but I am very excited with the 4.01 version, it has fantastic tools and functionality...congratulations to all those who are responsible for it's birth, however, and here comes the crunch. I wonder if someone here can throw any light on the issue I am finding which is:

I have built my Home page with the equivalent of  8 A4 pages when printed. I have built my Home page 4 times already, have enjoyed doing it, and felt that each time I was forced to start all over I leaned something new, so I dare say that I am in very friendly terms with our 4.01 and all it's tools, but each time I am finished building my Home page and click the publish button, I loose all my long work. This as I said has happened 4 times now, so I will not attempt anymore until I get some answers. To make it very clear; my problem is simply and only at the publishing stage, and of course while at the building stage I save the work often.

Has anyone had the same issues?

Can somebody help explaining why this is happening

Could I be doing or not doing something that is causing this?  Huh

Cheers for now.

Antonio.  Smiley

Hi again

To update on the above please see below:

I fnally found out how to overcome the issues I was having with the new Ws/Builder version 4.01, in regards to publishing the work done.

(1)What I don't do now:

While still building/work I now donnot click on "save" on the floating interface menu and then the "Go Back" button

(2)How I am doing it successfully now, but small amounts at a time:

I now, while working with the site builder do not use the save. I only click on the "Go Back" on the floating interface menu button,then click "OK." Doing this will take  me back to "Pages" or (the Site Builder Home Base), and once there I just click on "Publish" and it is 100% Ok this way.

I have gone back and tried it again as in option (1) as above and got the same result, lost everything once the publish button was hit or things got so scrambled up that I might as well have lost it. Sitebuilder version 4.01 is very nice to use, but it is highly unstable at the moment. I hope the techs will come to grips with it and get it working as smooth as was intended. It is a bit of a pain in the but as it is!



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« Reply #24 on: August 15, 2008, 08:38:56 AM »

I just sent this to support. Maybe we will find out something soon. Maybe not!

No One is addressing the issues of the new site builder. If you are not aware of them go to the forum and have a look. http://talk.ws/index.php?topic=11061.from1218397958#new

Can we get some information about when the issues will be solved?
Posts: 12

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« Reply #25 on: August 17, 2008, 06:06:08 AM »

It's worth noting that the Support Department does not respond to posts in this forum - if you have issues  you want them to address then you should contact Support directly.

Here is the reply I received on aug 12 from Support when I asked about new templates and commented that there were lots of issues being raised in the forum about v4:

===================== Reply begins ==============

Thank you for your email. In response to the issues you are

1. Our new templates are not currently available. Once we have worked
out all of the technical bugs in the new SiteBuilder, we will begin
releasing the updated templates we have previously mentioned.

2. Since the release of the new SiteBuilder, our support department has
been inundated with telephone calls and emails regarding the subject.
Unfortunately, this then delays our standard response time; this may
cause some of our Affiliates to feel that posting on the Forum will
resolve their issues. All of the issues that you have mentioned that are
listed in the Forum we have received emails or call for as well. In

> While we are corking out technical bugs, it is considerably easier for
our technical department to work on the program while it is hosted on
slower servers. This is more efficient for all parties involved, and we
apologize for the slow loading time that you may have to deal with while
the program is being smoothed out.

> Global Domains International has never offered tutorials nor guides on
how to utilize our services; we feel that they are relatively self
explanatory, and the "Help" or FAQ section will suffice. If there are
additional issues not addressed there, Affiliates may contact our
support department for further assistance.

> Wide width is an error that is currently being worked on by our
technical department. We hope to have this issue resolved soon.

> We intentionally chose certain icons and designed our interface to be
more aesthetically appealing and user-friendly. We do not feel that it
is necessarily childish or juvenile.

> Updates that are not being saved is one of the larger bugs that we are
attempting to work out of the system at this time. This has been
resolved to an extent; we are seeing more cases of updates actually
saving, however we are still working to come to a full and complete
resolution regarding this issue.

> Meta tags, keywords, and descriptions are no longer being removed by
our system. If you enter this information and it disappears, the update
ay not have saved correctly, or the information may not have been
entered correctly.

These issues are all errors that our technical department did not
foresee when the new SiteBuilder was pushed live; the migration process
for sites built in SiteBuilder 3.0 to the new version has run into a
number of roadblocks that we did not believe would be an issue;
unfortunately, these things became issues.

3. There are currently no plans to reinstate or allow access to our
prior version of SiteBuilder; to have to migrate all info back to that
program at this time would cause further frustration, as Affiliate
websites would, once again, be in shambles. We will work out each bug in
the new system as they come along, and make updates to the system as

4. While the issues you mentioned were the main issues, there were many
more thoughts, ideas, and suggestions from a wide gamut of our
Affiliates. In an effort to offer a program that would entice current
customers and give them something they could be proud to promote, we
took all suggestions into account. To update the old SiteBuilder with
all of these ideas would have been impossible, without rolling out a new
version of the program. Your websites are important to us as well, and
as mentioned, we did not anticipate the errors and issues that we are
currently dealing with; everything was planned to simply release the new
SiteBuilder and have it fully functional immediately. Unfortunately, our
system simply rejected the updates and information in the upgrade.

We appreciate your input, and will gladly forward your thoughts on to
the appropriate department. We feel that as we continue to work out the
functionality of the new SiteBuilder, all of our Affiliates will come to
appreciate the new program and the updates it includes.

==================== end of response ===============

I think it would have been useful if we had received an update from admin on the problems and how they are being tackled as it would have helped ease our frustration.  However, I hope this post will show that the issues are being addressed.


Posts: 9

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« Reply #26 on: August 17, 2008, 06:06:09 AM »

Well, here it is:

Good Afternoon Craig,

GDI is aware of the issues that are occurring with SiteBuilder at the
moment and the SiteBuilder Development team is currently working to
resolve each issue as soon as possible. If you feel that there is an
error that is affecting your site, you may reply to this email with your
problem for review.

If you need additional help, please reply to this email making sure to
include the original messages for an accurate response. If you prefer,
you may call us at (1) 760-602-3000 M-F 8-5 Pacific Time. Please listen
to the entire list of telephone choices in order to ensure you reach the
proper department.

Kindest Regards,

.WS Affiliate Support
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« Reply #27 on: August 17, 2008, 06:06:09 AM »

I consider myself an advanced user, but this new SiteBuilder is a disaster and has completely derailed my GDI business that depends heavily on teaching people how to work around the quirks in the old one and maintain their own website. I'm at a standstill until this is resolved.
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« Reply #28 on: August 17, 2008, 06:06:09 AM »

I just sent this to support. Maybe we will find out something soon. Maybe not!

No One is addressing the issues of the new site builder. If you are not aware of them go to the forum and have a look. http://talk.ws/index.php?topic=11061.from1218397958#new

Can we get some information about when the issues will be solved?

I've built my business on a budget! If you need any tips on how to do it and develope youself into an expert, I can help. Just PM me and I get back to you as soon as I can.  Though, if you go to www.gdi-made-easy.ws it's sure a good starting point!

Good Luck!

Logan Wandell
Wills Point, TX

The first step to success is building on a budget, whether its your time or financially. If YOU *FAIL* to plan, YOU *PLAN* to fail!
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« Reply #29 on: August 17, 2008, 07:02:28 AM »

May I know how building the business on a budget related to the GDI new web builder?
Does it come with a webpage builder like GDI?

I just sent this to support. Maybe we will find out something soon. Maybe not!

No One is addressing the issues of the new site builder. If you are not aware of them go to the forum and have a look. http://talk.ws/index.php?topic=11061.from1218397958#new

Can we get some information about when the issues will be solved?

I've built my business on a budget! If you need any tips on how to do it and develope youself into an expert, I can help. Just PM me and I get back to you as soon as I can.  Though, if you go to www.gdi-made-easy.ws it's sure a good starting point!

Good Luck!

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