Global Domains International

.WS/GDI Discussion => General Comments => Topic started by: EmilGolovin on June 30, 2011, 10:02:45 AM

Title: That's IT!
Post by: EmilGolovin on June 30, 2011, 10:02:45 AM
My Upline member doesn't help me or anyone whats soo every I will be quitting GDI to join another downline that will 100% promise to get me leads if I follow the steps you tell me but it gotta all be free I don't wanna pay anything else but GDI for now untill I get leads then later on I will pay for more leads!

Title: Re: That's IT!
Post by: Nav M. on July 01, 2011, 10:02:05 AM
Silly, Silly, Silly.

Chances are, if it wasn't for your upline....You wouldn't of even heard of Global Domains International.

I understand that it's pretty frustrating when your upline does not provide any support, but actually....they don't have to.

Your upline obviously know what they're doing....otherwise you wouldn't be in their downline and they wouldn't be your upline....

^^I know thats rather confusing^^

To the point:

Your upline do not have to help you at all, though they would be stupid not to, no matter how much they are earning from GDI already.

You may think you'll be better off with a good GDI team but you really should start learning to become more independent.

In my opinion, your better off on your own.

Somebody's probably gonna reply to this thread offering you some "great" tools to grow your GDI downline (if you re-join under them of course), but if you know whats good for wont bother putting yourself through all the hassle of changing your GDI sponsor ( (which includes account cancellation and waiting 14 days) and you'll just stick with who you've got.

Your upline are probably earning too much money to even bother thinking about a newbie in their downline let alone caring about his/her success.

But anyway, it's still up to you...

Happy Marketing


Title: Re: That's IT!
Post by: AftabHusain on July 01, 2011, 10:02:05 AM
Hi Emil,

I believe i sent you an email and a message as well.
Do let me know if you got it or not.
You will definitely get leads if you continuously advertise your GDI business!


Aftab Husain

Title: Re: That's IT!
Post by: C_Chavez on August 29, 2011, 10:43:23 AM
Hi Emil,

Don't depend on your up line to make your GDI business work, a lot of members don't know what to do at first and if they ask there up line and she or he probably wont respond.

Look on Google for ways to market your business, I began to do that an now my up line i asking me for knowledge and how do i get referrals so fast.

Best regards

Title: Re: That's IT!
Post by: Jody M on April 23, 2012, 11:36:22 AM
i agree, everyone will come at you with all these promises, when in actuality,they give you a link to promote and bring more leads to whatever system they are using, one of my upline did nothing but try to sell me stuff,and to me that is not being a team member, thats being low life in my opinion, yes harsh, but after realizing what was going on, that is just how I felt, ive only been here about three weeks, and through my own efforts, I have gotten about 19 leads, so eventually they will sign on, just gotta have patients and with over 1200 hits to my sites, I think Im on the right track although it becomes depressing knowing all of those prospects actually seen the sight but failed to commit, I just try to keep my self from becoming disappointed, and discouraged, thats the big thing, plus being unemployed, it becomes really hard, but im not giving up on this one, and from what i've read, it takes on average about 2 and a half years to really get something going. keep you head up and keep in touch, maybe we can motivate each other without getting sucked into everybody's so called team plan to get all these signups
ticked off >:(

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