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1  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: HTML Questions? Ask Here! on: April 01, 2006, 09:48:08 AM
Hello Debra,
Thank you.  Actually I meant the one that looks a lot like that, but it's square.  It appears right above the member sign in area on website. ws.  I'll email support and ask if I can use either on my own website.  Do you have the code for the one I'm speaking about?
The images you want to use;
As long as you are using them to Promote GDI I do not think GDI mind...
To add the image using SiteBuilder you need the Url Address where the Image is being Hosted. Richt Click on the image and select copy image location.
Go back to your Sitebuilder and click the Add Image icon in the Normal view and then press Ctrl+V to Paste the Image Url into the window.

It is easy enough to add an image using HTML.
Insert Image - Template
<img border="in pixelx" src="http://Url of your Image" width="in pixelx" height="in pixelx">
Insert Image - Working
<img border="0" src="http://mg247.ws/m1.gif" width="80" height="80">
The above Code will add my Avatar to an HTML Document.
You will notice the words in pixels have been replaced with numbers but the "" remain in place.
same applies with the Url of your image.  The Full Url needs to be placed between the ""

Hope this helps;

BTW you can add alt="" Tabs to the end of the code to add Text which will replace the Image if it is not loaded by the Browser

Insert Image - With alt="there should be a picture of me but it has been blocked by your browser"   (you can add any text you want)
<img border="0" src="http://mg247.ws/m1.gif" width="80" height="80" alt="there should be a picture of me but it has been blocked by your browser">
2  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome To All New Members - Part 2 on: March 27, 2006, 07:21:47 PM
Hello Manuel,
Welcome to the FORUM;
my name is Manuel Caro Del Castillo,
Christina Castillo is my up line now
Hmm, what an amazing coincidence.  You quit GDI and then meet up with a Sponsor who has all the answers and they have the same last name as you.. That is a remarkable twist of fate.

With luck like that you are surely going to the Top, RIGHT.

See you at the Top!
3  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Share your Website...Part 5! on: March 27, 2006, 02:32:21 PM
Hi All,

I added a  Feed to my Blog and some basic Blogging Info to the Be-Smart page of my Website today.

It all looks great to me, but a crytical eye won't go a miss so please take a look and let me know what you think
4  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Hosting/Disk Storage Questions on: March 26, 2006, 07:08:03 PM
Hello ALL,

Is there any way of Hosting a Database with GDI that can be updated using Forms and also give reports...

I want to be able to do the same stuff I can with Microsoft Access, but with a Website,, Log In details, personalised Pages etc... I know the consept but I can not find any info to tell me which system is compatible with GDI Server.

Is there an option available to me that will allow me to do this with GDI??
I have the stuff working on my PC but can't figure out how to do the same online with GDI.

I have spent an incredible amount of time on this and just need pointing in the right direction..

Please help,
5  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Domain Questions on: March 26, 2006, 05:20:10 AM
Hello All,

I am seeking some Technical info.

I want to Host a database with my GDI Domain...  Having done some research I have hit a brick wall.. I do not know what is compatible with the GDI Server.

Is there anyone who Hosts a Database with GDI?   I want to create a self replicating website and I was initially thinking I could use Microsoft Access for the Database, but I can't figure out how to get a Database on my PC to work on my GDI Domain...

I could use some help because I have spent lots of time looking into php and the language is starting to make sense, just not sure how everything pulls together...

Please help me;
6  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Share your Website...Part 5! on: March 25, 2006, 07:50:09 PM
Hello R_Sedita,
I Spent many hours trying to put this together! Please give me some feed back..http://www.GETIN2ABIZ4U.ws
It is clear to see where ll of that time went. You have proved to your self and others that you know how to add all the elements needed for a Website.

I suggest your next step should be to to Build on what you have so far.  Rather than adding more Links. I think it would be good to explain what all the links are for, give a description or demonstrate how they can be used or whatever.  Just add to what you already have.  You have learned the hard stuff so Blending it all in with plenty of content will be a doddle, lots of writing and wording to carefully consider, but technically a walk in the Park.
7  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Part 2 - Ads, flyers and business letters.... on: March 24, 2006, 10:24:49 PM

I meant to say
I want you to consider this.
Sending an email to someone that they don't want can invoke 1 of 2 reactions. Good or Bad
Sending an email to someone that they do want can invoke 1 of 2 reactions. Good or Bad also but the likelehood is positive.

Only human, sorry.

But anyway my point is simple, if the email has been asked for in the first place it will be welcomed and opened practically every time presuming it is delivered...

Now thats another headache that seems to be getting worse.
I have members in my Downlines that send me requests for suport, I reply and get the same / similar requests for support.  The requests get more hostile as time progresses because they think I have never replied to them. How can I tell someone ther emails are being sensored if I only have the 1 address to contact them??
Sometimes if I send them an email using a different email address of my own they get their mail, but sometimes this does not work and a potential client is lost.

If more people read the small print with thir email providers they would think twice about using some "Big Name" email providers, such as AOL, Yahoo because they are among the worst for deleting mail without telling you it ever existed
8  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Part 2 - Ads, flyers and business letters.... on: March 24, 2006, 11:58:45 AM
Hello Don,
welcome to the FORUM,

Hi!  Just a quick question.What would be a goodsubject line to put in emails to get them to open the email ??
I alsways start with a Recipients First Name if possible, then I give an accurate reason for sending the email, GDI info you asked for or you requested info from me  or   whatever really, but be accurate and discriptive.. I then add my nickname in brackets o identify me.

I think it is possible that as long as I use the persons name and my nickname the email will be opened regardless of the in between bit (non offensive obviously) because the person is waiting for my email and they want to open it...
I don't need to GET THEM to open the emails. It is far more effective Marketing to have people asking for info than it is for people being given info. 

I want you to consider this.
Sending an email to someone that they don't want can invoke 1 of 2 reactions. Good or Bad
Sending an email to someone that they don't want can invoke 1 of 2 reactions. Good or Bad also but the likelehood is positive.

Also to make any real money with GDI you will need to attract Hundreds, even thousands of people to your Downlines directly and indirectly.

That is 1 of you and how many of them.. If you are chasing Leads you are always going to be struggling and overstretched.
Might be able to spend time chasing 1, 3 6 people, but you would soon be sent crazy.

Your Marketing Systems should draw people in, not shove them away.

If I spent all day chasing my Leads I would not have the time to be writing this for you either   Cheesy
9  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome To All New Members - Part 2 on: March 23, 2006, 02:53:20 PM
Welcome to the FORUM;
I'm new. I'm lost. What am I doing here? I don't believe I'm a stupid person, but never before have I been baited so, just to wander aimlessly through an abyss! Is it like this for every one? I gather that the website is just to make this not a pyramid, I bought and recieved something, but what now? I think I followed all instructions, I even shelled out $50 bucks for leads. Is this what I feared it would be when my consciensce told me NO! I was sane when I started this, anybody out there?
There is so much wrong about wha you have had to say, really. I think you have mis-judged what GDI actually is.

I presume your suggestion of Baiting was you trying to imply that you have somehow been conned into believing GDI is something other than it actually is. Possibly this is because you do not yet own your own Ferrari off of the back of your earnings.  It takes a lot of $1 commissions to be wealthy, something I have not yet achieved with GDI.

I have achieved a GREAT DEAL since becoming a Member of GDI, my FIRST Affiliate Programme. I have learned so much that when I reflect I am actually very impressed by what I have achieved.
I have learned how to actually Set-Up and maintain Multiple Income Streams. My Business is rapidly expanding and I am being rewarded expediently for my efforts.  Time is Money, I have certainly put the time in   Cheesy

I have learned and am indeed still learning that GDI provides you with the 1 most important element to Internet Marketing

Your DOMAIN...
Not a Website, but your OWN DOMAIN.
My Domain is quickly proving to be the most valuable thing I own. SERIOUSLY if the growth in my Business continues at the same increasing rate, It will have earned the same as my House is worth in less than 3 years.   The silly thing is with the nature of this Business I actually expect things will Grow even more with time... I have only scratched the surface so to speak.

Having my own DOMAIN is the 1 thing that I attribute to my Success...
Without having my own Domain it would have been impossible for me to Market Myself properly. Yes I can use many Advertising Sources that do not need a Domain to use them but for them to be effective you need to be able to add your own Brand.
My DOMAIN is the Truest representation of Me there is online. Here I control every single bit of information. Add change adapt who I am online.. My DOMAIN is my Profile.. Without a DOMAIN I could not be able to do the simplest of things, such as my Signature here in the FORUM.  I would have no-where to host the image.  My Signature actually helps me to increase my Profile.. Not for how it looks, but for the recognition value as well as the how did he do that thing...

Everything that I am involved with is featured in my Domain in 1 way or another... My Blog is hosted with GDI too as well as my Website/s yes more than 1 and lots of Solo Ads and Lead Capture pages Oh and Sales Sites for Products that sell daily.

I too had to learn the basics.. What a hyperlink is, a Url, Auto-Responder, HTML, Forms, etc etc.
I too did not have the answers.  GDI is not here to give them to me, They Provide a Service that can be used for so many different things that it would be ridiculous for them to even attempt to teach everything that I for example have learned.

It is up to you, the individual to determine what it is that you need to know and then it is up to you to find the information for your self.
The info is certainly available, I know because I have spent months doing the research  Cheesy

Without GDI there is no way I would have achieved what I have.  My Domain coupled with the desire to make this work have been enough for me.

I think do dismiss the Domain or in your Words "Website" as a way of getting around the Notion of Pyramids suggests to me that you have not considered the true value of a "Good Website" or indeed DOMAIN.

I am very grateful for GDI, not for what it as actually done for me and reality is when I turned to Admin for Support with Hosting I was extremely disappointed with the vague responses and it took me a couple of weeks to figure the darned thing out my self, but I am grateful for the Superb -Services that they Boast...

GDI never claimed hey would teach me how best to use their Services, they Promised Quality Services that are reliable and they certainly deliver on their Promises

Actually GDI do have a Radio Station and a FORUM which were both set-up to Provide a Support Network...

If you are not willing to put the effort in to make the Best of GDI, you have only got your self to blame..

I see lots of people in this and other FORUMS complaining about their Sponsor, like it is their Fault that the COMPLAINANT is Failing.

Get over your selves. Your Sponsor is not obliged to spend hundreds of Hours teaching you stuff that took thousands of Hours to learn.  Your Sponsor will do their best, but 1 person can only do so much for you and you have to do the rest for your self.

If you look hard enough you will always find excuses for your self, why GDI is not working out for you but as far as I am concerned, if it is not working for you it is because you are not using it properly, that or your expectations are too high and you need to be a little bit more patient...

Online Marketing has a cumulative effect.. Your impressions are left for others to see.. Over time this Builds and the recognition you desire is inevitable... That is if you have Branded yourself.. No Brand, No recognition and basically a waste of time...

Keep going, learn whatever it is you need to learn, apply the knowledge and be rewarded for your efforts
or QUIT NOW, save yourself the hassle and be contented with what you had already
either way it is your choice...

I hope you make the right choice for you,
10  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Tv Commercial on: March 20, 2006, 09:10:27 PM
Everyday I see a commercial on tv about getting into a home based business. You go to the the website, fill out their forms, and they sell your information to numerous home business companies. My question is why can't or doesn't GDI do the same thing except make the commercial specific to GDI and then sell us those leads instead of the junk leads they sell us now? I know I would buy those leads in a heartbeat and I'm sure everybody else here would to!

Not everyone... I would never buy Leads... I would just add the "As seen on TV" slogan to my own Lead Capture Systems...
Why pay someone to do someting you can do better yourself???
11  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Share your Website...Part 5! on: March 18, 2006, 02:13:24 PM
Hey everyone, check out my new site.
I'm not completely pleased with it, will redesign it soon.

Suggestions and comments are very welcome Smiley


I am impressed with the Graphics...
The video could do with cenetering though and the text over the bonnet of the ferrari is hard to read, but that said;

This is a "NICE PAGE"
12  .WS Business / Training / Re: What if my upline never contacts me? on: March 18, 2006, 02:13:24 PM
Hello Arthur
I was wondering if anyone is able to give me some instant messenger (or chatroom) help.

I feel like I'll manage but I need some help starting up. I've contacted my upline but so far not much really. Seems like they are really busy making money not having any time left for me.
I'm really looking for some people that I can contact if I stumble upon a new question.
I have been studying making money on the internet for more than two weeks straight, my eyes look like little LCD screens now. GDI wasn't the only thing I looked into, but I have learned you need to focus on one project at the time. Overwhelmed by all the info, but still very very excited to start referring people, I really need someone helpful enough willing to help me taking off.
You reently joined my Downline at HIT, welcome to the TEAM...  I am not your GDI Sponsor but that is not an issue...

I will gladly meet up with you in Mesenger if you want to discuss Marketing Strategies or the Weather or whatever really.
BTW Arthur There is a lot to be gained from SHARING with others, be it information, ideas or resources;   Wink
13  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Opt in leads - Solution to your advertising problems? on: March 17, 2006, 05:56:13 PM
Hello All,
First let me make my view very clear;
    "I think buying LEADS is a waste of money"[/list]
    and then let me eplain why;
      "You can use the same money to generate your OWN LEADS"[/list]
      Actually there are many ways to generate LEADS that are FREE..  Many of these FREE Programmes will have Upgrades which basically increases output for said Programme...
      It makes more sense to invest money into generating your own LEADS.  You would be well advised to then introduce your LEADS to these services too...  Introduce your NEW LEADS to the Programmes that you used to Promote to them...  They already know it works because they prooved that for you, RIGHT...

      If they buy in, so to speak you have yet another income stream to write home about, thats more money to invest into List Building Tools etc or take your friend to the Races.

      Buying LEADS can not possibly be value for money because the second you stop paying, the LEADS stop coming...   Having your own LEAD CAPTURE SYSTEM that is fed by TEAM WORK will NEVER STOP...  24/7 Advertising that gets STRONGER and BIGGER just because it works... Being able to Build your OWN LIST is the ONLY WAY...  If you are to be successful it is YOU that needs to change the Browser into the CUSTOMER rather than paying someone else to say hello to their customers...

      The crazy thing is;
      as a GDI MEMBER you have all the tools you need to capture leads...  You have a DOMAIN so you can have whatever you want on a Web Page (legal stuff obviously).. As a GDI MEMBER you can use the Lead Capture FORM to capture your LEADS and it also sends you their details by email.
      If you don't like the Lead Capture pages of GDI use the HTML from the same form and make your own LEAD CAPTURE PAGES... (LCP's) and then upload them to your DOMAIN

      Your NEW LEADS will be introduced to GDI for you because of the Auto-Responder messages (subscribe to your own LCP for a DEMO).  The email that you are sent can easily be forwarded to a seperate Auto-Responder to Promote other stuff such as your Marketing System.

      You can also contact the LEAD PERSONALLY because you know that they are online and interested....

      BTW you should always add Opt-Ins / Outs to your Emails... Especially automatic mailing lists. Opt-Ins are achieved by making a person confirm that they want to receive the emails from you and an Opt-Out makes it possible for a person to remove themselves from future mailing.  By adding Opt-Ins / Opt-Out LINKS you are eliminating the possibility of a SPAM COMPLAINT ever being Upheld..  You have thir permission and if the info you deliver is to Subject and of Good Quality they will remain on your list.
      14  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: HTML Questions? Ask Here! on: March 17, 2006, 10:54:35 AM
      Hello Debra
      Debra Sanford here and I have a question about adding HTML code to my website. I want to place a page into my site. I have the code but when I place it in the editor a warning sign comes up and it doesn't work
      It is an affiliate page for Adland Pro Free Classifieds. Can you help me?
      Debra Sanford
      I too am a member of AdlandPro so I know which pages you are referring to.
      Is the warning sign error122.
      Please CLICK HERE for further info and possible solutions...

      Ok before you dissapear and get enlightened I want you to consider what your Next Move should be when it comes to GDI;
      consider this...

        Host your own Website
        15  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Share your Website...Part 5! on: March 17, 2006, 10:54:34 AM
        Hello Craig,
        it opened for me .... cable / IE brrowser / XP ..... what is it , ..guess I'll look it up and study ... anyway like your site   and all the eye catching tricks  you use  ,...inspiring 
        cable / IE brrowser / XP .....
        your connection to the Internet   /   The Programme you are using to Surf the Internet   /   Your Operating System

        Just a few words to help you refine your research;
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