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Author Topic: Canadian, eh.  (Read 7534 times)
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« on: July 19, 2012, 06:22:59 PM »

Hello everyone and greetings from the Great White North, otherwise known as Canada.

I am not really a new member with GDI, nor am I new to the idea of either network marketing or internet marketing but I am rededicating myself to trying to get a profitable site up and running.  I am new, though, to the forums on this site.

Almost 2 years ago I signed up with Global Domains and have been paying my $11 US per month like clockwork but have realized $0 income.  This is likely to do with the fact that I have done nothing with it other than begin the creation of a website.  Well, I have been thinking of late, why am I paying all of this money out when I am getting nothing in return.  My answer to the question was, "I don't know, but I'd better get busy and do something about it because I am sick and tired of remaining a slave to debt."  As a result, today, I resurrected some interest in creating a paying website but with a "crawl before I can walk" mentality.  That means that I want to get this working with the services I currently have rather than upgrading to the premium service.  I am not a stranger to computers and can usually do what I need to with one, but the problem for me seems to be that I lack the confidence and insight necessary to figure out what niche to service, how to go about it and what I need to put onto my site that will create some cashflow.  Once I have been able to make a little money, I know I would feel more comfortable with recommending others to the program (affiliates).  Until then, though, not so much.  I am a more quiet person so I am not much into newtorking on Facebook or the like which, no doubt, can be a hindrance in today's climate of social interaction.

So why am I posting here?  Well the reasons are simple.  First, having been an Amway distributor at one point in my life, I realize that those who have been involved for awhile are somewhat, if not a lot more successful than I am with making money online.  In my Amway training, I was told that if you want to become a millionaire, you need to talk to one.  So I figure that if I want to be successful in internet marketing, I need to talk to someone who is.  That follows the same logic, I think.  Therefore I am looking for guideance about how I get started and what I need to do that isn't going to cost me.  In other words, I am looking for those who will be willing to hold my hand so to speak and become a tutor.  Second, I need to know about finding a niche that is in demand but yet is one that I can be passionate about.  Third, I want to find out how really lucritive online marketing is from an honest standpoint, not from a promotional one.

My proposed website is www.commonsenseforliving.ws but is not viewable online because it is still a work in progress and not yet hosted.

Any help you might offer would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from anyone who might be able to help.  Grin
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« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2012, 09:24:57 AM »

Nice to see another canuck  on here. Hope you realize your dream. I'm not much farther along that you are but if I can be of any help, with your website or blog, let me know.

Webhosting For Profit Blog
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« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2012, 09:24:57 AM »

Hi Mark.

SUCCESS BEGINS IN YOUR MIND. Your mind always sets your limit. If you believe that you can do something, you can do it. You must believe in it 100%.

-  Serving others is my personal passion.
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« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2012, 01:41:42 PM »

Good Day Mark,

I provide free support to GDI members and will bring you a solid foundation to get your business rolling.  Please setup an appointment with me and we can get you on the right track.  No fees, great value shared and much growth to be shown.  Let me know when you would like to begin. 

Turn the "I Can't" into the "I Can."  Success is about you!
Michael Levy
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« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2013, 08:17:45 AM »

Hi Mark, Great White North, otherwise known as Canada. HUM?? Also known as t
Northern Wisconsin Your Neighbor HEHE

Anyways I do agree with Jose here, You can achieve anything you want as
along as you have the right mindset. My suggestion would be to start working
on that first. There are quite a few free books you can get your hands on right
here online. Or better yet I have quite a few stored here on my computer just let
me know and I will shoot you a few to get you started in the right direction.

I am here to support anyone who has the drive to become a winner. I will never
charge you anything for your time but I do expect you to take action. I am not
going to waste my time with Wanna Be's! You want to build a real business Right"?

 If you are serious and truly tired of being a slave to debt, then start with your mindset
 and then get busy doing what you need to do to build a strong foundation and then to
share your passions with the world. We can work on this together if you wish.

Connect with my anytime my contact information is below.

I do wish you the best that life has to offer.

Your Friend
Chery Smiley

Chery Schmidt Friend & Mentor
24 Hour Support: http://my.vcita.com/cheryschmidt
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Love What You Do & Do What You Love
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« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2015, 02:36:02 PM »

Hi Mark, Great White North, otherwise known as Canada. HUM?? Also known as t
Northern Wisconsin Your Neighbor HEHE

Anyways I do agree with Jose here, You can achieve anything you want as
along as you have the right mindset. My suggestion would be to start working
on that first. There are quite a few free books you can get your hands on right
here online. Or better yet I have quite a few stored here on my computer just let
me know and I will shoot you a few to get you started in the right direction.

I am here to support anyone who has the drive to become a winner. I will never
charge you anything for your time but I do expect you to take action. I am not
going to waste my time with Wanna Be's! You want to build a real business Right"?

 If you are serious and truly tired of being a slave to debt, then start with your mindset
 and then get busy doing what you need to do to build a strong foundation and then to
share your passions with the world. We can work on this together if you wish.

Connect with my anytime my contact information is below.

I do wish you the best that life has to offer.

Your Friend
Chery Smiley
Hi me i am new since the last week (sorry my english) my i was nit lucky because i didn't have any help for built my site and after 6 days i decided to cancel but i'm back because i reactived my account but i have the same problem but i'm so interest to do this than i don't give up but i really need some help Smiley
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