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1  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Ads, Flyers and Business Letters on: April 19, 2010, 02:54:35 AM
I have seen a few posts stating to put flyers in mailboxes.  Please do not do this.  This is illegal.  I used to work for a staffing agency, and this is how we found most of our employees.  The post office eventually got in touch with us and told us that this was illegal, and you MUST have postage in order for something to be placed in the mailbox, and even then, it must be placed by a postal employee.  They told us that if it happened again, they would make us pay for everyone that they found, plus pay huge fines (not sure exactly how big is "huge").

The way around this, and we approved it with the post office (which you need to do as well), is to put the flyer on the outside of the mailbox.  Roll the flyer lengthways without creasing, and place it between the mailbox and the flag.  If you do it correctly, it should stay there, even in fairly high winds. 

Make sure that you do this AFTER the mailman passes,as they generally tend to take the flyers down if ou do not have a relationship the that individual mailman (which you will, if you are out there enough).

Regulations vary from one country to another. Where I live, there is no problem
with posting fliers directly into letter-boxes. So check with the law in your country
or state.

Hope this helps


2  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Please Help on: April 17, 2010, 10:34:20 AM
First off Hello and my name is Bret.  I am using dreamweaver and fireworks cs4 and cannot get my site to come up .I went into remote and entered the ftp and user/pass and nothing Huh?? Can anyone help and thank you. 

Have you set your GDI domain setting to hosting and have you uploaded your web page as index.html.
Just a couple of thoughts.


3  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Getting Paid Up to the 5th level. on: September 04, 2008, 11:47:36 AM
Hello Everyone, I'm new to the business and would lilke someone to answer me clearly.

I understand that I'm getting paid up to my 5th level.  My question is: For example: I put 6 people on my first level. Out of these 6 people only 1 really gets successful and does all the five levels 6 adding 6s. At the end of the five levels this successful person is making $9330. Now, will I get all the $9330 that the one successful person makes as well? and will my upline get all that $9330 as well?   Please someone with an understandable straight answer.  Thank you very much and I hope all of you are making lots and lots of dough..... Roll Eyes Grin

You have 6                       Your Level 1
Only one of them gets 6     Your Level 2
who get 6 each = 36         Your Level 3
who get 6 each = 216        Your Level 4
who get 6 each = 1296      Your Level 5

Total = 1560 = £1560 per month for you
Your sponsor gets $264 per month

When you have  a group of 5000 members in your first 5 levels, you qualify for
10% level 6 to infinity.

I understand that most people who have achieved infinity bonus say that most
of their income comes from level 6 and beyond.

Hope this helps,

4  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: BE GENTLY, THIS IS MY FIRST TIME... on: August 17, 2008, 06:06:09 AM
Hi!  My name is Janis, and am new to the world of internet business, and finding it very interesting, and new to WS, only just begun today.  I live in the UK, and work as a driving instructor, running a vibrant and busy school, but being driven crazy by the amount of work I have to do, and watching my profits plummet with the cost of fuel rising all the time.  How is this going for you...hints, tips, ideas always welcome.   Wink

Hello Janis,

Welcome from another in the UK. I understand much of what you
are experiencing since a friend of mine is suffering as a
driving instructor ,too.

If you are looking for some good advice on how and where to
start with GDI, a good place to start is reading....


Hope this helps,


5  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Aloha from Hawaii on: August 15, 2008, 08:38:54 AM
I am Alaana and I just joined GDI about five days ago. I have been racking my brain as to how to get organized and on the right track to get my GDI Downline going. I only have one Level person.
If there are any tips you could share, I would appreciate any help and advice.
I wish everyone luck and I am eager to learn!


Hello Alaana,

What you do depends on your budget. If you can set aside some money then
why not try the GDI leads. For phone authenticated leads, they are fantastically

If you are strapped for cashflow, then check the last post in this thread

Wishing all of you newbies, the very best of success with GDI.

6  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Share Your Best! on: August 11, 2008, 02:48:28 PM
Hello Guys,

I want to share with you what I'm going to do this week.

I'm going to order some business cards (1000) with the appearance of a movie ticket with my web site sending people to the Income for Life movie; I'm going to walk parking lots until my feet hurt and I'm gonna place a movie ticket in every car window. If I get some sign ups this way I will recruit every homeless in town and I'm going to sponsor them and make movie tickets for them to help me cover the whole area. Because as I say "This Home Based Business is so easy even the homeless can do it.

Good, and I wish you success.

Keep us posted on how you get on.

Try to tuck the card in between the glass and the seal on the drivers side
window, just above the door handle. That way you will have less of a chance of
making the car driver angry.

7  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: MLM Strategy: The Other Reason Not To Recruit Friends & Family on: August 09, 2008, 01:49:48 PM

Total strangers, on the other hand, have no bias. It’s a new relationship, and they often become your biggest fans. Unlike friends & family, their impression isn’t formed by what they know about you (or think they know).

But strangers have no reason to trust you, either. You have to build a
relationship first and that can take weeks, months, even years. Especially on
the internet.

What supports this is that 71% of customers do their research on-line and
then go to their local store to make the purchase.

My daughters have just offered to fund a new laptop for my birthday. What
have I done? I've researched suitable laptops on the internet and I shall be
calling at the local store to make my purchase.

Why? Because I know the stores in my area and I trust them more than
those that "direct-response" (mail-order) market on the internet.

That's why many of the very successful network marketers say that "cold
marketing" should only be used as a supplement to "warm market"; never
the other way around.


8  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New Members! on: August 05, 2008, 02:33:52 PM
Well now, I have been in GDI since about May 2005 but never used or been in this forum [shame on me]  Roll Eyes
From New Zealland, have a great team of people I'm working with and building MLM business portfolio under TeamOdyssey banner, we have all been using our GDI websites to promote and build.

Have to say that until now, we have been very happy with GDI and were now about to promote it as part of our "Sysyen" we have developed to help others.  However, yesterday I had reason to go into my site builder to do some changes.  To my disgust the site builder has been upgrade, and that's fine.  But, my site and those of our Team are now one hell of a mess, which is goiing to mean rebuilding all of them - what a curse.

To my way of thinking, this was very poor on the part of GDI.  Also, now having done it, where are the instructions on how to use the new site builder?

Sadly, in over three years this is the only bitch I've had with GDI - I think it is very poor PR with it's large, long-standing members.  Having said that, I guess the up-side is that this got me into the forum.  It's an ill wind that blows no good... Smiley

Dave Neilson [vauxman]

Hello Dave,

I don't use site-builder, so I cannot help you with it. I have had several of my
downline tell me that they have tried using it with other web hosting services
and have decided to give it a wide birth. As you have just discovered, site
builder also seems to ignore the value of future-proofing.

What I have done with those of my affected downline is to introduce them to
NVU http://nvudev.com/index.php and filezilla http://filezilla-project.org/
Both are free and oh-so simple to use.

I create my webpages with NVU and ftp them to GDI using Filezilla. I show my
downline how to do the same.

The webpages are never affected by the, so called, "new and improved".



9  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Hi from Stellenbosch, South Africa on: August 05, 2008, 02:28:30 PM
...but are you actually making money here??


Why do you ask that? If it is to help you make a decision to proceed to build
a GDI business,  it is not me that is the opportunity, but the Company, the
products and the training.


10  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Greetings from the UK on: August 05, 2008, 02:28:30 PM
[Hey Tom,

You have to look at how you can sell the product I find before trying to build the business with GDI. I've been around network marketing a while both online and off and it is all about two things: timing and product. When times are hard you need a product which either saves someone money or is absolutely essential to life. GDI doesn't really do the latter but will save anyone wanting a webiste built a few hundred quid. I'd suggest teaching yourself a bit of website building skills (if not get a friend who can) and advertise a self-build website package in your local business ads. That way you'll start to earn a bit of extra money as your GDI downline grows.

Good luck,

Hi Neil,

When talking about product, I presume you mean the GDI hosting,
website building and email services. If that is correct, I
believe we have to look at things slightly differently.

The GDI hosting, website building and email services is what GDI,
the Company, sells and so their focus is on promoting those
services. But you are not a member of the company. You are a
member of the network, and your focus should be elsewhere.

You can have your hosting cost free, if you build a group of a
dozen GDI affiliates. That would make GDI very competitive,
price-wise, wouldn't you agree?

I think that when times are hard, some people look to save
money, whilst others look for a way to earn more money.

I have always found an abundance of the latter, regardless of
the times being good or bad. I feel it is these that we should
focus on locating and helping.

It is these people that are our true product. It is taking them
as raw recruits and, through familiarising them with a system,
turning them into self-sufficient leaders, capable of building
leaders themselves.

A leader is our true final product, and the more leaders we
build, the greater our success.

Hope this helps,

11  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Greetings from the UK on: August 05, 2008, 02:28:30 PM
Hi i am miles i am currently in cheshire, this is all new to me  Shocked, but i am willing to give it a go, and i have not got a clue how to build my web site and the other stuff

What part of Cheshire? I am near Northwich. Maybe we can meet.


12  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: Does GDI sites support PHP on: August 03, 2008, 03:15:24 PM
I agree, I think it's time for GDI to modernize it's approach and give their customers PHP, MySQL and CGI capabilities.

For $10 a month you can get all this and HEAPS more options from hundreds of other providers.

Blog Sites are now becoming so popular and installing something like Wordpress so easy GDI needs to get it's act together for it's loyal members.

Yes! You are correct. But mostly you have to outlay for a year or
two up front, where as GDI it is a month at a time.

Point 2 is that, "Do other hosting services pay you a residual on
5 levels (and more if you qualify), allowing you to develop a long
term residual income? Not at $10 a month, as far as I know.

GDI is a top level hosting service for those that don't want all
the bells and whistles but just want a few web pages on a pay
as you go service.


13  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: The dreaded Phone call on: August 03, 2008, 03:15:24 PM
This thread brings back memories of a talk given by Rich De Vos
who was co-founder of Amway. He was doing a world tour at the

He said that while he had been at many of the meetings, talking
to many distributors at various levels, they all had their own
opinions as to which was the best way to build "the business".

He concluded that there was no "best way". He said that what you
had to do was to test-drive all the different ways, not just for
a week, but preferable for a reasonable period of time, and
select about 3 or 4 methods that worked best for you. Then keep
using those methods.

The bottom line though, is this,
"To get whatever you want, you have to do whatever it takes!"

Hope this helps,

14  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: What is the nature of this business? on: August 01, 2008, 04:03:35 AM
Tell the person that the nature of the business is related to selling .ws domain names which include hosting, a site builder, and email accounts. That .ws is becoming the next .com domain extension.  You can say the business involves introducing other clients to .ws domain and hosting package and that they earn commission for every person that signs up for their own personal or business website.  That for $10 a month they are getting a website package and an income generating business as well. They get Two things for one price.

I would suggest using the word "promoting" or "marketing" instead
of "selling".

When I am asked, I say, "I get very well rewarded for showing
people how to make make additional income."
Very often I will get a response, "Okay, so tell me more".

I then say, "Got a card?"  If they haven't got a card I produce
a pen and a pocket sized spiral note pad and say, " jot your
name and email address on that and I'll send you some
information." I then log in to GDI and use the invite system.

I try never to get into conversation about the detail, nature,
(or anything else) to do with GDI. I let the tools do the

Hope this helps,

15  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: can someone help me with this on: July 31, 2008, 09:26:32 AM
Moving people under others can act as an incentive, but it can
also make people lazy. So be careful.

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