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Author Topic: Understanding What You Already Have With GDI  (Read 16212 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« on: November 21, 2012, 01:48:22 PM »

I just want to clear the air and let everyone old and new understand what you already have within the GDI setup.

You do not need lead generating pages and other timely expenses. You have that by hosting your own Blog within GDI. Help is free and support is for a lifetime.

You do not have to spend anymore money monthly to really get it going. You have access to a resource of unlimited leads all for free and for your lifetime. This is with coaching and support with not cost.

You do not need to pay someone to place ads, nor do you have to place ads. Your GDI Blog keeps record of all people who leave comments on your site. You just need to be coached on how to access this information and more. This also is free with hands on support at no cost.

You do not have to guess what is next or how to use GDI. We have amazing videos to show you and free hands on support all you have to do is ask.

You do not have to face daily challenges alone. You have free access to unlimited resources just by asking for help. We will never leave anyone alone that is what serving others with a true servant's heart means.

Learn what you have and get this GDI thing right the first time. Stop making mistakes by spending money other than monthly for GDI. You do not have to nor should you.

You have more than you can ever know right in front of you. All you have to do is ask. Do not wait until your 7 day trial is up. That just doesn't make any sense.

Hey, you can continue to get no results and jump around to the next big thing or learn the right way the first time without all the hype and expenses. Stop wasting you money and time.

GDI family is here to help you and all you have to do is ask. No cost for our lifetime support and it should never be. You can listen to outside people saying you need to pay for leads, Ads and other gimmicks. You have to love people and understand that you must build a foundation first before you will see any type of real lasting revenue. It all starts off with knowing how to use GDI as the core part of the foundation.

We who had to learn the hard way are making attempts daily to help as many people as we can. We just need everyone else to stop and complete due diligence. We can and will help you if you just ask for help.

If you take one thing with you let it be this. Learn to master navigation through every area within GDI. It is not going to be overnight. You are facing a lifetime journey and not a race that is what should be branded in your heart. Do not loose that hunger to want more. To desire to leave a legacy and create a better lifestyle that allows you to help others. One that allows you to share your passion with the world.

Hey, we get paid just to share our passion daily with people. We do not sale anything nor will we ever. We love and live to serve others and that is our passion and we write about it weekly with our stories to bring hope in others lives. Bring more empowerment to each person who reads our weekly articles on our unique sites. This also you have hands on support to get this accomplished on your schedule.

Sooner or later you will see more of us within GDI as we are huge and growing everyday. This is without effort and pure passion to serve others without excepting anything in return.

Thank you for listening and I pray this will help clear up all the misunderstanding. Just take your time and complete due diligence with everything and everyone you get involved with. That is the first step in achieving all your desire as success as only you can determine.

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2012, 11:25:31 AM »

I just finished winning the top global syndicater for last week, WOW.  That means allot to some people and just stands for me being consistent in reading and communicating with others. I visit over 70 blogs and comment with helpful and useful replies. That is all there is to it. Yet, you gain so much knowledge on so many topics.

That is just it you have to interact with people if your going to make this GDI things work. You are a part of a huge global industry. That is something we all should understand and embrace. I want that to be the one thing you get out of this message. You have to engage in our industry with your own style. You will see how unique you are and sharing it will go be a driven passion of yours.

Let us see how to make you aware of all that GDI is and then we will venture into how to use it for what it was built for.


"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2012, 11:27:56 AM »

Next week will will walk you through the basics and answer all questions. Please leave a comment and I will answer all questions. Hey, you can even contact me 24 hours a day with any and all questions. It is free and never a cost.

We believe in helping all our GDI family members in every area of their lives. This is real hands on support with never excepting anything in return.

Thanks and have a great holiday if I do not hear from you soon.

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2012, 11:33:16 AM »

I would like to share a great article that I just published and it is only the beginning to support all who just ask for help. Contact me if you would like support and learn the right way to use GDI as a huge part of your foundation for your business. We will always be here for you now and in the future.

We are going to take you through each step as I have done since the beginning over 32 years ago. You are going to get the first step to change the situation in your life. Most people do not understand that not everyone can create a business offline or online. We have done both and prefer to have it global to support free for a lifetime to everyone who just ask can us to show how to achieve leaving a legacy.

You have been told all your life, just to go to school and get at least two years of college. Then while doing that work. Well, you can continue doing what makes you feel nothing or love what you do daily with excitement and a different adventure daily.

All of us have been involved with scams and hype from pages online that give us false promises of having this or that. You have allowed yourself to dream and then been shown a gimmick of pay us a monthly amount to purchase junk that you never used before and will find out later is crap. That is the greed, hype and fear methods used in marketing. This is something that us who have been in this industry allowed to be shown to vast numbers of people on a daily bases. It is wrong and I am the one who on this site will make a huge apology for our industry.

We few are not part of that plan to take you for a ride until you wake up. Yet, you bounce around to the next “Money Program”, “Opportunity of Millions”.

I want everyone to understand that our industry has been around for hundreds of years and will continue to grow daily. You just have to be one person who stops and those who are sick and tired of all the hype. You must start to believe you can achieve what I and only 1% of millions online have gain, a real lifestyle that allows us to only do what we love and when we desire. We spend quality time with our love ones. We never have to again, become a drone prone to believing working for someone will get us to a place we only can vision. Now, you are making someone else dream a reality. Let us keep it real and tell the truth even though it hurts and may insult lots of people playing like they are gurus and other titles that we all see within the online world. Hey, my title is a servant of others who only have to ask to be supported in every area of their lives to receive my support.

I am telling you the truth that the powers to be will be upset with me giving you the real  formula that people have even paid me for. I am going to give you the step by step instructions to achieve all you desire without all the hype and expenses. Yes, everyone must invest an amount when the time is right to join a phase that will give you the daily, weekly and monthly revenue that you use to be falsely shown. You do not have to pay huge amount of money to create a solid foundation and then a legacy to leave to your loved one when you are gone.

Now, we will give you all the steps you need yet not everyone can make any money online. You have to have the resources and that is something no one will tell you. You have to also learn how to establish a solid foundation without all the false payments people will make you believe is required. That is the first step.

OK, you have a business desire and you want more for yourself and family. You want everyone to stop laughing at you based on the feelings you have that pulls you to our industry.  You want to show everyone that you have a passion in bringing hope to everyone. You want to have more meaning to your existence. Well, now you have taken the first step in reading about the crazy false junk out here. Stop doing the overnight wonders. What I mean is to wake the heck up and stop spending your money for junk that is just a way for others to make money.

Now, we can begin to travel this journey together that you have stopped putting your greed, desire of objects and just about any other overnight million dollar chance. You are not going to make any money for over two years that will allow you to quit your job. Yes, you will have to volunteer your extra time to your business development. You have to build a foundation first before you will see one dime on money to spend. It will take a person who has a vision to achieve great levels of achievement about four years to have unlimited continued revenue generated from past support for others.

 Not all who read our words here can or will achieve what we 1% of vast numbers have achieved. You have to have resources and persistence. You must also have the rhythm and never give in or up. You have to be a person who can take people laughing at you. You have to have a hunger to want a legacy. Lastly you have to be one who lives to serve others. One who will motivate and edify others. You must be more than one who is thinking of self. You must put others in the equation and support them for a lifetime and never expect anything in return.

Hey, you have to be one who believes in what you do and only share it with those who want or desire more than what they have.  If you will not invest your time and a small amount of passion in what you do, then keep moving on and stay with that 9 -5 for forty years and end up with only 40% of your annual worth. Hey, if this industry was easy everyone will do it.

 Yes, you have stories of those who made this or that from nothing. Yet, only 1 % of us really has what our partners globally speak about. You know them; they are motivating speakers and make their living off of you going to hear them motivate you. We get paid over hundreds of dollars an hour just to speak with vast numbers of people who desire better for themselves and family. You have to understand right now that it is not a hobby or just let me see if it works situation. You have to commit and learn everything about our great industry.

Please stop and education yourself before jumping into our industry. It will eat the weak and take everything from you with the wrong company to keep as your home. You are not going to create a product that anyone wants and must have them pay a monthly which they are willing to pay a fee each and every month to continue to have something you just shared with them.
You do not sale things nor do you hype it up for those to see if they will jump to spend money. You have to be one who would use the product or service without it having a revenue part to it.  This is the first information to understand and start your due diligence before spending on dime on any opportunity. That is the truth and first clarity I will give to you.

OK, you cannot understand that all of us lost so much to get where we are now. You cannot imagine the pain mentally and physically we went through. Yet, to do it all again in a heartbeat, I would jump to the chance to get it right the first time.

Hey, I too went through over a year of no money while I was spending money on product from the same company. Yet I found my “Mother Ship” that takes care of me and provides all my personal needs with excellent customer service. I am not with those who will used and hurt all the people online with promises of false results if you pay x amount each month. They even gave you a promise of supporting you and your family with pictures showing how they achieved false cars, boats, and crazy designed homes. They are the ones who came to my group for support after years of spending thousands and no results such as the 1% of us in this glorious industry.
Hey people use to say, “Fake It Till You Make It”. That was offline Marketing Techniques used since the 30’s and out dated now. Technology is changing every 3-6 months and we are still the same offline or online. We must tell the truth and show people real models that work. That is what you are going to get right here for the rest of my lifetime.

Thank you for listening and looking forward in giving you facts and not junk. I will be back next week with starting step 1. You are going to get each step like it is supposed to be in our industry no matter what home (A company with a product or service for the masses).

If you require ever having more details to what I will expose, feel free to setup a free one on one with me on the right side is the source to make it happen for you.

Thank you for all you have done thus far for our industry, which I love and live daily. Building relations that last a lifetime is what our industry was and will remain to be about. Are you about it?


"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Donna F1
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« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2012, 09:23:54 AM »

Hi, I have been with GDI now for almost a month and I am getting frustrated.  I am hoping to learn how to get more people in my downline.  If you can offer more help, it will be greatly appreciated.  I cant wait to read what you have to offer next week. 
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2013, 03:42:13 PM »

This is a delay with me publishing the next part and I am going to take you through procedures that work with GDI as the launching point for your business. You do not have to sell or self-promote anything including GDI. That doesn't work and will make people believe that GDI is hype and not worth all the excitement our pitch pages bring to the viewer. They only join and then after a week or so leave with never doing anything. Most never are contacted by their sponsor or anyone in their group. No one knows what to do with GDI until now. Hey, you can make a quick bonus while everyone in our group keeps each person who joins for continued stream of income. I take continued income over a little bite. Plus, it cost you more than a bonus to get a bonus? Just do the math and see how much you time, money and endless other expenses just to get a little chump change, to say. We show people how to coach and communicate not only with their new members yet people who are looking just to make a buck more than their traditional jobs has to offer. Challenge everything and only except the best in life!

The first thing we will cover is the beginning of starting a real business. You have to create an operational budget first. Yes, sounds boring yet this is imperative and something that must be the first productive activity. You have to know how much you need to run your business on a monthly basis and make sure you understand that amount will be for the next 6-12 months. Do not kid yourself with "I will make x within 1 month". Please, I have been in business for over 27 years and don it all. I am one of the blessed few that really made it work and created a real lifestyle that allows me to do what I want and when. I have created a huge legacy and never will stop increasing it with helping more people daily change theirs.

We are going to show you how to do that in a few minutes being GDI is the only expense you will have if done based on our procedures. That will not be for long when you have growth and then GDI is free. We give you people and there is no looking for the next one to add up to the amount that GDI is free. Think of this as a lifetime journey and not a race. With just remembering that, you are on your way to amazing results.

Most people in GDI make the mistake to add other locations that try to get people to pay in addition to GDI. That is a huge mistake and like everything in life as in business. You must complete your due diligence before making a move. Nothing should be added to create another monthly expense. You have everything you need and with our procedures being shared soon everything you want.

You took the first step in making a commitement to yourself for starting a real business. So, to not have the mentality of "Let me see if this will work". If you think like that you will have no success no matter what you do. It is not rocket science and you should only do what you have a real passion for.

That is why we start at the beginning of creating a real operational budget. This will show you that 6-12 months you must be able to keep working your business without expecting any revenue of huge amounts. Yes, your income will increase in time yet do not stop your day job.

Be realistic and do not fall for hype of any kind. You have to be honest with yourself and really commit no matter the challenges that will appear. Hey, our partners support each member through all challenges so no one is alone. We provide support from housing, food and just anything in life. That is while you are following correct ethical procedures to create your business. That is our trade mark, hands on support in every area of your life. This is something passionate people do naturally and this is something you should look for within your group. Everyone needs a plan?

Like anything once you have created this operational budget. Which is much different than a personal budget. Do not get them mixed up based on you will have a large problem come tax time. Yes, you have to pay self-employment taxes in a business. So, this is another area which we have professionals that give hands on support services at no cost in this area and all others. But once that budget is created the hard part is over. The rest of which I am going to coach you through is fun, exciting and you gain so many skills to help others. It is well worth it and changed my life.

So, even before we get into the meat and potatoes of creating a real business and leaving a legacy. You have to setup your operation and this is the first part.

Next week I will completely walk you through setup this operation first. Then we will start on foundation building. Then we will coach you to coach others in following the same procedures you learned. Then you gain access to the area of prosperity where some may say "Show Me The Money". Hey, you have to work up to that level yet it cost you nothing as you learn to do this GDI thing the right way the first time.

Just remember a traditional business takes 5 years before you even see any money that can be said to be a profit. Our industry only takes 6-12 months that you start to see real spendable money and there is no limit on generating any amount you desire. It is all based on how much you really help others.

So, get your mind right and commit to no matter what it takes your going to make it. Through all the challenges you will never give up because if you stop you fail. You just have to keep moving forward. Before no time you will realize that you have created a real business without all the hype and dedicated time just doing what you love.

If you are ready then we are going to give you step by step instructions and it cost nothing. The more people we help the better our communities will be. Its all about focusing on what you love and just do it. You are going to be shown how just sharing your passion you generate revenue.

This is something no one has shared in our industry, until now. All this and more at never a cost for our supportive service. We live to serve everyone who just ask for help that is the only cost, ask for our lifetime free support and it is given to you.

As usual you can setup a one on one with me. I answer all questions and this is a supportive service at never a cost to you. Hey, our meetings only take 15 minutes of your time. No selling you anything and leave all the pitches out of our meeting. We do not get involved with any products and programs they do not work.

Thank you for stopping by and look out for the beginning of your business and creation of your legacy.

Hey, if you really want to get your mind right and commit. Then go here and for symbolic purposes choose to lead by example. Choose to put yourself to the test by open commitment. Just go to the below location and sign the "Commitment Document". This is going to put you in the mindset of nothing will stop you from making this work. You are committed to creating your business and learning all there is to know about our industry. The more you learn the more supportive you will be for others. Think about that!


Your time is valued and please feel free to leave your question within this area. I will get to it and you will be helping others get clarity.

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2013, 10:13:58 AM »

More languages will be added. Contact me if you speak another one in your own language. I am going to start next week with weekly updates and we will not stop.

You have one location to get all the support you need. Just make it work by answering questions. Send me your questions and they will be answered. If you need hands on support contact my 24hr contact and setup a one on one. It cost nothing yet you gain everything.

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2013, 11:11:35 AM »

Let us take you through one step at a time and this first posting will be the beginning of getting this GDI thing done right the first time. It will not matter who sponsored you or how you came upon GDI. We are going to share with you what works and leave all the hype out of the equation.

If at anytime you require more detail on any posting. Take just a few minutes and setup a meeting with me from my 24hr contact below. I do not charge a dime every for a lifetime of hands on support. Just my way of giving back and living a life of serving others. You must understand that I have been creating my legacy for over 32 years and still growing. Serving others with a true Servant's heart. Now, that is my passion and I share it globally with having just that what I love generate my prosperity in every area of my life.

Now, we would ask that you first understand that GDI is the platform to launch your business. It is only the major part of a solid foundation for any business online or offline. That is something you must except and believe to move forward. Hey, all the hype and self promotion is not going to get you members that grow with you for a lifetime journey as you have chosen to take part. This is not something you dabble in nor is a hobby. It is your business and you must operate daily as a real business owner. It starts with your state of mine no matter how it looks as you are building a solid foundation and then launching your business.

Next. let us assume you have read earlier and setup you business operations with a real budget for you business. Not be confused with making a personal budget. No, you have to learn what a operation budget is and then create on only for your business. That is something that takes research or as we say "Due Diligence".

Let us now say that has been accomplished. Now you must build a solid foundation before you will even see any type of real income being generated. So, you must have enough resources to take care of you and your family for the next 6-12 months only if you accept working your business 2 hours six days a week or 12 hours a week. That means maybe one day you may just manage your 'Clean Blog". Next day you may be coaching new members in building a solid foundation as you learned. You get the picture as long as you are active in growing your business total of 12 hours a day for four years. You will reach the level of were only the few of us global actually have been blessed. Only doing what we love and when. Found our passion and learned how to generate massive revenue for just sharing our passion. Never selling anything and only loving each day. Every day being an amazing adventure to share with the world.

Now, you get the mental picture and next week we will have more of the meat and potatoes. You should understand I will never share my partners procedures unless you request for help. I can not just work with masses. I coach one on one free for a lifetime. No hype and hidden agendas.

Yet, I will help everyone who just ask for help. Hey, contact me below with my 24hr contact link. It is free and more detail on what I share within these forums.

Have a prosperous day!

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2013, 10:00:25 AM »

Let us try it this way. You joined GDI and all this time went by with no results except laughter and money spent for nothing?

Well, let them laugh and you get with people withing this forum who have made something with GDI right the first time.

You must build a solid foundation with GDI as the core part. If you thought GDI was the business that is your mistake and that doesn't mean to give up? If you keep giving up all you become is a failure. Never stop when you know it will work if you have the real support we all needed.


"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2013, 10:13:28 AM »

I wanted to update these shares with all. We enjoy and use GDI as what it is for with our personal and business needs. Each has a different need and that is where all new members fail at. First you have to follow the fundamentals of navigation and only by watching all videos that train new members will you accomplish this with hands on support.

The norm is to really get in touch with who is listed as your sponsor and then all upline members diligently during watching the training tutorials. If then, you can not really get responses do not quit. No, that is failure and we are a global family which have backup support through this forum. If you can not get it here just contact me day or night. No matter our differences with language, location and beliefs. I will support and walk you through each fundamental as I have continued to provide since the concept of GDI.

If you really believe in yourself never ever give up on a thing. Just get with honest ethical people with no hidden agendas who have you best interest out for you. That would be able to walk you through each step to understand how to use GDI for your life. Not anyone else.

Stop looking at others and really focus on yourself. Then you can help others do the same of a thing. Learn from those who have what you desire to add to your personal growth and understand for any cause or project you want to accomplish in your life. That is how we do it who have nothing but time on our hands to support others through daily challenges they will face. This I learn while going through life without guidance.

You will learn how just sharing you daily activities in an adventurous way will bring all the prosperity in every area of your life. The thing is to accept all good things are worth the learning and waiting. Patience is key with never giving up on yourself. You have to accept responsibility and be accountable for your choices. Me nor anyone in the world can make your choices based on the end results of each is what you alone will have to accept.

So, if you are tired of being laugh at and wasting time with your money. Then get serious and contact me today!


Billy (Brotherbill)

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
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Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2014, 11:08:48 AM »

The people brown from 1980 to 1998 are the ones who are now. Making the leap into their own creations as a company. That is bold and that is what we need. Now, those who have been busy doing what ever? Take a not from the young adults ages 18-39. They are the ones to watch.

Take your notes and duplicate the action that work for you. Not everything is going to feel right. Just as long as it is ethical. You have to just do something that you have a passion for. Stop over thinking stuff and jump in with us. You will look back years from now. Laughing how easy it was and adventures have just begun. You must start now. Then, adjust on the way.

The more you  learn something new each day. That will get you in the habit to get things done right.

I look forward in hearing your stories and will support you when needed. Have a great prosperous day.

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2016, 07:58:15 AM »

Just a heads up. We will continue with free support. I am accountable and will not allow anyone who reaches out to me. Fail by giving up with the easy navigational steps. Yes, each one of you will enjoy setting up your foundation with GDI. Then, each are unique.

Your reason for arriving varies. I will be accountable for your clarity and guidance. Just reach out and know that I am a real person without a hidden agenda. Just here to really give you hands on support. It is all free!

Get with me soon, below is how.

Welcome to GDI and your last step in making your vision a reality. I will be here each step.

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Christopher Parkes
Posts: 1

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« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2018, 11:38:22 AM »

hi william i am new to this and yes i just paid for some leads just to get me going it just know how to market it on line and can i say u made some good points on here good on u and thankyou for that chris parkes
Russ R2
Posts: 3

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« Reply #13 on: August 03, 2018, 03:29:03 PM »

Hello WilliamAmis,
 I have tried to useing free way to generate free traffic & now im looking into ways to generate to at least 1,000.000.00 daily. That is the most obviouse i know to do it. There was a man by the name of Brian Bear that started with GDI a few yrs ago & did amazingly well with it & i guess still does. I know i cant be like him but being able to even come close to that would be great. Anyway i read a blog rescently that he used a system to do that and i have been looking into those but wow the r expensive & im not about to put that kind of money until i have a gurantee that i will get what im after.
                                                           If u can help or advise it would be very much appreciated.
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« Reply #14 on: November 19, 2020, 04:06:54 PM »

Welcome Guest and New GDI Family

Yes, that is the true question based on all the research within this forum. Daily I watch all the trends and it shows people are wasting time and money with purchasing outside lists, telephone resources, etc...They do not work, based on people will join and never stay. They have no leadership willing to walk them through all of GDI first, then help them learn how to apply that wisdom to their unique life and needs. We have resolved this issue and you benefit without paying anything for our support. Nice, we believe in GDI and use it for vast years. Now you can also and not have to pay us one dime. No more excuses with explanations.

There is and always has been one true proven and no monetary (Money) cost to getting people to know what you offer and how to work with you. That is simply "Word Of Mouth" which is proven the most effective natural method of Advertising.

Companies pay my company tons to get their message across to vast areas they decided to target. Hey, they waste money with other methods. Nevertheless, I walk them through our way, the true GDI way and approaching people with earning their consideration is the best practice.

Now, if you are a GDI family member and desire to get this right the  first time. After you have exhausted all attempts to have your people who convinced you with all the hype about their vast knowledge in business. Well, no you can't get them to help you make it right? Contact me by completing what we call a "Commitment" document.

Think of it as a method we use to make sure you can follow easy steps. The ability and hunger you have is focused without Vanity, Greed and Fear. That is the old method to get people to purchase worthless stuff and being here you must have had years of falling for the next shining thing?

Well, GDI is not anything you have imagined. No matter your degrees and experience selling others products/procedures...

My company and self, invest in people like yourself. We invest our resources, money and efforts in you. It's about time someone believes in you without a hidden agenda. That is us!

Just complete our form and I will personally be accountable for walking you through all of GDI with my determination and commitment. You will awaken strategic awareness in how GDI will be applied to your life. Each person since GDI conception. Never will have the same usage for GDI. So, think of it as a tool to shape as you vision your future self.

Come let us walk through an amazing journey of wonder. While you receive the overflow of favor in needed areas of your life.

My only agenda is to earn your acceptance in considering allowing me to be held accountable for your manifestation of a future without lacking basic needs and establishing something to help others achieve greatness as you will.

Come let us enjoy without any rush...this invitation to me is open for a lifetime. Nothing worthwhile is rushed. Please complete your due diligence on people and companies prior to being involved with them. Just go to LinkedIn and place my full name William Earl Amis, Jr. III and research my ethical years and honorable service.

Then, return to complete this form and I will be sent a message to contact you...Making the right choice at the beginning is critical and will save you years of disappointment.

 Roll EyesWilliam
Here to complete the “Commitment” form.


"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
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