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If you are a new member please make sure to read the "Forum Rules, Forum Tutorials, and GDI FAQs" section.

Please avoid posting any questions which may require us to discuss detailed information regarding your GDI account. Such questions should be submitted to support@wsdomains.ws.

GDI has a strict Anti-SPAM policy. Please do NOT send unsolicited messages via Private Message.
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Author Topic: Newsletter Archives...  (Read 152234 times)
Nicole Taylor
Full Member
Posts: 177

Welcome to Talk.ws!

View Profile WWW
« Reply #105 on: August 03, 2006, 07:46:55 PM »

20 Network-Building Tips that will Help You See Money Fast.

In this newsletter:

Feature Article: 20 Great Network Marketing Tips! [read more]
New Spanish Version Animated Presentation! [read more]
The GDI Wealth Guide [download it here]
SPAM WARNING: [read more]
Suggestions from the Support Department [read more]
Compensation Outline [read more]
Read this carefully: Our Unlimited Bonus Contest will be continued throughout the month of August! For every 5 confirmed (paid) referrals you make in each week-long referral period in August, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus!


Here area 20 profit-producing network building tips from Thom Reece that will make your network marketing business a fast success!

1) Write down your goals. They're your road map to success. Be specific and refer to them every day.

2) Commitment is the key to attaining your goals. Commit yourself to enrolling five first-level leaders within two weeks of starting your business. Commit yourself to enrolling a minimum of two new distributors per week for the next year. Teach your marketing team to duplicate your efforts.

3) Ask yourself "Why am I in this business?" The answers will help you define your goals.

4) Ask yourself "What do I want to achieve from my network marketing business?" How fast do I want to achieve it? Be specific and write it down.

5) Develop a marketing strategy that fits your personality. Consider all the techniques of lead generation: on-line advertising, off-line advertising, trade/consumer shows, fairs, fund raising, etc. Whatever method you choose, do it consistently. Persistence pays. Never go to bed at night without taking a minimum of five active steps to promote your business.

6) Always assume that a person WILL BE INTERESTED. To do otherwise will end up costing you a fortune. Remember that everyone is a viable prospect for either the retail product or the business opportunity, or both.

7) Be prepared to present the product or business opportunity to anyone at anytime. Always have promotional materials close at hand. Make sure that you have a minimum of three complete sets of literature in your briefcase, your purse, in your car, at your desk at work.

Cool Be a "Marketing/Sales Sponge." Soak up everything you can find on the subject of marketing, sales, promotions, and publicity, both off-line and on-line. Try to read at least one new marketing book every two weeks.

9) Emulate your successful upline leaders. Do what the successful leaders are doing. Remember that you have the same resources that the most successful upline heavy-hitter has. Be savvy enough to recognize that *you* are the one-and-only person responsible for your own success or failure.

10) Find out what advertising techniques and sources have been successful for others, and duplicate their methods.

11) Learn how to explain the compensation plan. Keep it simple, because it IS simple. Don't waste a lot of time getting bogged down with minutia. Relate the compensation to the prospect's personal goals.

12) Don't take the word *NO* personally. They are not rejecting you as a person; they are rejecting the proposal that you have made. All they are really saying is "You haven't told me enough yet."

13) Follow Up! FOLLOW UP! FOLLOW UP!!! This one thing is more responsible for your success than any other element of your marketing system.

14) Let your computer organize your business. Organize your contacts, your follow-up schedule, everything about running your business. It will save you huge amounts of time, increase your productivity and help make you a fortune quickly. Use top-quality contact manager software like GoldMine Contact Manager. You'll be able to do twice the work in half the time.

15) Realize that your home-based business can give you some serious tax advantages. Consult your tax professional about the dozens of things that are now tax deductible. Your home business is a tax benefit!

16) Maintain the highest level of business and personal ethics. Credibility and believability are built upon a foundation of high-level ethics.

17) Realize that this is a BUSINESS. Run it like you would run any other successful business, with skill, attention to detail, with aggressive marketing, with honesty.

18) Stay FOCUSED!! Put the blinders on and stay focused on building your business as fast as possible. Remember that the only people who lose at network marketing are those who quit!

19) To manage growth---manage Activity Levels. Set DAILY goals and benchmarks. Work your business DAILY!! Teach your marketing team to do the same. Meet your daily goals and your monthly and annual goals will take care of themselves automatically.

20) YOU are the only person who can keep you from succeeding in network marketing.


Copyright 2005: Thom Reece is the CEO of the Online Marketing Resource Center and developer of the premier network marketing training site on the web.

Company of the Month Reprints!

The reprints of the July 2006 Network Marketing Business Journal, featuring Global Domains International as the Company of the Month, are now available! If you haven't read this impressive multi-page article from the industry's most respected publication, The Network Marketing Business Journal, you should read it immediately.

This is a sure-fire way to show your prospects that Global Domains International is a credible business opportunity that has the potential to change their lives. The reprints include the full article published in the July 2006 issue of the Network Marketing Business Journal.

There is no specific sponsor information in the article reprint. Instead, there is a place for you to write or type in your own ID and contact information so the people you send these to can join with you as their sponsor. Visit our new "Goodies" section of the member's area and click on "NMBJ Reprints" to order your own copies of the reprints at a very affordable price of about 35 cents per copy.


Spanish Version of our Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:


You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.

URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.

Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws

Suggestions from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

Outside Leads: We do not condone the use of outside leads being entered into the invite system. You may use your own mailing system but all mailings going out with the mention of .WS or GDI MUST be in compliance with our Anti SPAM policy.

Access Codes: Your "access code" for any of your replicated referral sites is your username (nicoletaylor).

Web Design: If you need help with ideas for your WebSite or help with design, try looking in the GDI Forum.

Marketing Goodies: Check out the new section within the members area, "Order Goodies." You can place your order for Phone Verified Leads, DVD's, NMBJ Reprints, and Business Cards. We also offer a package for the purchase of Leads and DVDs together.

Referral Links: Here are some useful links to send your prospects to:



www.freedom.ws (then give them your username to use as the access code)

How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!

* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression 

The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show after our next run of shows has been scheduled.

Bonus Contests

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***


Unlimited Bonus Leaderboards Can Now Be Viewed in The Member's Area!

I make a good income right from home while I am drinking Starbucks and eating my cinnamon crumb cake.
Nicole Taylor
Full Member
Posts: 177

Welcome to Talk.ws!

View Profile WWW
« Reply #106 on: August 14, 2006, 12:28:36 PM »

Make Your Work More Enjoyable and You'll Reap Outstanding Benefits, Including More Profits.

In this newsletter:

Feature Article: Make your work more fun! [read more]
New Spanish Version Animated Presentation! [read more]
The GDI Wealth Guide [download it here]
SPAM WARNING: [read more]
Suggestions from the Support Department [read more]
Compensation Outline [read more]
Read this carefully: Our Unlimited Bonus Contest will be continued throughout the month of August! For every 5 confirmed (paid) referrals you make in each week-long referral period in August, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus!


One of the biggest secrets to creating a life of wealth, as well as personal and professional satisfaction, is to find ways to turn the things you enjoy into an income.

Think of all the entrepreneurs out there who are making hundreds of thousands of dollars from their hobbies online. They simply took something they enjoyed, and they found a way to make money with it.

Someone who is knowledgeable about and loves model airplanes could easily make the jump from a hobbyist to a business owner with just a little motivation and some startup cash. Over time, a specialized hobby shop - owned by an enthusiast - is likely to be more profitable than one owned by a businessperson who is just in the business for the money.

The reason for this is simple. When you enjoy doing what you do for a living, you'll put more time and focused energy into it. Time and focused energy: these happen to be two of the most important elements of succeeding at anything.

A professional football player focuses on the main skill required of the position he plays, and he puts hours upon hours into practicing that skill. What does it mean to him? Usually, it means MILLIONS of dollars.

An inventor takes a dream or interest, and with time and focused energy crafts it into a solid plan for a product that can be marketed to a known group of buyers, again - sometimes netting millions!

As a network marketer, and especially as an affiliate of GDI, you already have a plan that's been put in place for you. You should already know what specific skills you'll need to develop your own specialized plan for success, and the skills you'll need to insure that you carry out that plan.

In a way, you have an advantage over the hobbyist, the football player and the inventor. You have blueprints for success that can be easily followed by anyone. The roadway to success is already there for you. All you have to do is hop into the vehicle and drive it. Just like driving a car, if you're applying focused energy and putting in the time, you're going to get where you're headed.

Here's something that will make that easier: Make your workday more fun. Instead of driving a 1970's model beat-up old station wagon, tear up the road to success in a Ferrari.

Even if the actual tasks you're doing are not "fun," that doesn't mean your workday can't be enjoyable. Imagine this: John Doe has a task to do that's repetitive and a little boring. He earns a low wage and sits in a cubicle that has gray walls with nothing on them. His desk is littered with even more paperwork that he knows he'll have to get to once he finishes this current task.

Ugh... it makes us sick just to think about.

Now, remove that cluttered paperwork from the equation. Give John a small corner office with a nice view of the skyline. Give him a small radio playing soft and non-intrusive music, and a chair that's more plush. Finally, give John some nice motivation to complete the task at hand.

It's crazy to think about. This is the exact same guy, doing the exact same task. But in the first scenario, we almost feel sorry for John. In the second, John's probably a hard working guy, doing a task that's not loads of fun - but at least his environment is enjoyable. That makes John much more productive, wouldn't you think?

Heck, if John was a network marketer and his own boss, he could grab his laptop and his cell phone and complete his day's work from pretty much anywhere he wanted to! In fact, on more than one occasion, the article for this weekly newsletter has been written while sitting on the beach or some other beautiful place.

Now, think about YOUR work environment. What steps have you taken to make sure that your surroundings are as stress-free as possible? When was the last time you cleaned up YOUR clutter? When was the last time you downloaded all your emails to your laptop, then headed to your favorite outdoor spot to reply to them - and saved your replies as drafts that you could easily send later with a single mouse click? If you haven't tried that, why not? You might just find you get more work done.

Your energy and your ATTITUDE will have a great impact on the ALTITUDE (level of success) you reach as a GDI affiliate.

Take a few minutes to think about ways you can make being a GDI affiliate as enjoyable as it can be - for YOU. Starting on day number one, you'll immediately begin reaping the benefits, and within a few months, you'll see how those benefits equate to more monthly profits.

Company of the Month Reprints!

The reprints of the July 2006 Network Marketing Business Journal, featuring Global Domains International as the Company of the Month, are now available! If you haven't read this impressive multi-page article from the industry's most respected publication, The Network Marketing Business Journal, you should read it immediately.

This is a sure-fire way to show your prospects that Global Domains International is a credible business opportunity that has the potential to change their lives. The reprints include the full article published in the July 2006 issue of the Network Marketing Business Journal.

There is no specific sponsor information in the article reprint. Instead, there is a place for you to write or type in your own ID and contact information so the people you send these to can join with you as their sponsor. Visit our new "Goodies" section of the member's area and click on "NMBJ Reprints" to order your own copies of the reprints at a very affordable price of about 35 cents per copy.


Spanish Version of our Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:


You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.

URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.

Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws

Suggestions from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

Your Affiliate Links: Here are some valuable links you can send your prospects to.

www.freedom.ws  (give your username for the access code)

Required Paperwork: There is paperwork required for each affiliate. This paperwork is located within the members area by clicking the "Documentation" tab.

Wealth Guide: New versions of the GDI Step by Step Wealth Guide are now offered in Spanish and French.

Design Ideas: Please use the GDI Forum as a place to look for web design ideas for your site(s).

Marketing Support: You may contact your upline for marketing support or advice. If that are not able to provide assistance you may use the GDI Forum at www.talk.ws.
How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!

* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression 

The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show after our next run of shows has been scheduled.

Bonus Contests

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***


Unlimited Bonus Leaderboards Can Now Be Viewed in The Member's Area!
« Last Edit: August 14, 2006, 02:04:10 PM by ChipSnyder » Logged

I make a good income right from home while I am drinking Starbucks and eating my cinnamon crumb cake.
Nicole Taylor
Full Member
Posts: 177

Welcome to Talk.ws!

View Profile WWW
« Reply #107 on: August 17, 2006, 07:21:10 PM »

The Power of "Branding" Yourself with Your .WS WebSite Will Help You Reach Greater Heights.

In this newsletter:

Feature Article: Brand yourself for easier profits! [read more]
New Spanish Version Animated Presentation! [read more]
The GDI Wealth Guide [download it here]
SPAM WARNING: [read more]
Suggestions from the Support Department [read more]
Compensation Outline [read more]
Read this carefully: Our Unlimited Bonus Contest will be continued throughout the month of August! For every 5 confirmed (paid) referrals you make in each week-long referral period in August, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus!


We have a quick question for you. Who do you "listen to" online? By that, we mean what other online marketers do you feel you "know" and respect? Whose articles and advice do you take most seriously?

If you've been in the online marketing arena more than a few weeks, I'm sure you've noticed there are some names that stand out. Everyone has their favorites. These are the men and women that everyone else looks up to.

Any project they touch seems to turn to gold. With just a few mouse clicks, they can reel in 5 figures overnight. They're rainmakers.

Do you wish the same was true of you?

In addition to obvious skills in marketing, A LOT of these people's successes can be attributed to the fact that they have spent much time and effort in branding themselves as online marketing leaders. They write articles, they get their name out there for people to see and they make sure to provide only great information to their contacts.

The Internet is largely based on the flow of information, so it should come as no surprise that the people with the best information on any particular subject are the people who are sought out by others.

As an online and network marketer, no single thing will give you a bigger jump towards success than to make yourself known. It's a huge advantage.

Many of our affiliates have registered their own name as their domain name. That's a smart move. If you haven't considered doing that yourself and your name is still available, consider grabbing it before it's gone.

Here are a few pointers that will help you brand yourself and make other people want to do business with you.

1) Make a web site about you, with all of your contact information available.

2) Write some good, original articles that are relevant to what you are promoting online and make them available to your WebSite visitors.

3) Put your picture online! It's been said that people are three times more likely to believe what you are saying when they have a face to put with the words. At least in theory, by letting your visitors see the real you, you'll be able to signup three times more people or sell three times more product. Even if that's not 100% accurate, you'll still benefit.

4) When you use and like a product that's sold online, ask the seller if you can write them a great testimonial for use on their WebSite. Be sure to include your picture and the link to your .WS site.

5) Start a mailing list and keep your contacts updated on what you're doing, what you like and even what you dislike online.

6) Join some popular online marketing forums and offer help and assistance to people who are struggling through issues you've already dealt with. Always include your entire name. You want to brand your name, nothing less.

7) Next time you get an email, don't reply with just an answer. Ask the person you're writing to how they're doing. Let them know you really care and you're not ONLY online to make money.

Cool Always use a signature file that includes a link to your personal WebSite in your emails.

There are hundreds of ways you can increase your exposure online. These are just a few simple ones you can start doing almost immediately to increase your sphere of influence. By finding your niche, learning about it and sharing great information about it, you'll start being recognized as an expert in your own right.

Then, people will start seeking YOU out, and your network marketing business will grow to new heights.

Company of the Month Reprints!

The reprints of the July 2006 Network Marketing Business Journal, featuring Global Domains International as the Company of the Month, are now available! If you haven't read this impressive multi-page article from the industry's most respected publication, The Network Marketing Business Journal, you should read it immediately.

This is a sure-fire way to show your prospects that Global Domains International is a credible business opportunity that has the potential to change their lives. The reprints include the full article published in the July 2006 issue of the Network Marketing Business Journal.

There is no specific sponsor information in the article reprint. Instead, there is a place for you to write or type in your own ID and contact information so the people you send these to can join with you as their sponsor. Visit our new "Goodies" section of the member's area and click on "NMBJ Reprints" to order your own copies of the reprints at a very affordable price of about 35 cents per copy.


Spanish Version of our Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:


You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.

URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.

Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws

Suggestions from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

Your Affiliate Links: Here are some valuable links you can send your prospects to.

www.freedom.ws (give your username for the access code)

Required Paperwork: There is paperwork required for each affiliate. This paperwork is located within the members area by clicking the "Documentation" tab.

Wealth Guide: New versions of the GDI Step by Step Wealth Guide are now offered in Spanish and French.

FAQ Page: Please refer to the FAQ section located within the member?s area for answers to most basic questions you'll have about your account with us.

Account Limit: Per company policies, affiliates are able to have only one active account.
How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!

* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression 

The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show after our next run of shows has been scheduled.

Bonus Contests

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***


Unlimited Bonus Leaderboards Can Now Be Viewed in The Member's Area!
« Last Edit: August 18, 2006, 04:47:14 AM by ChipSnyder » Logged

I make a good income right from home while I am drinking Starbucks and eating my cinnamon crumb cake.
Posts: 1

View Profile
« Reply #108 on: August 23, 2006, 12:01:34 AM »

Hi Nicole,
I just found this forum, and am I glad! It's been so frustrating trying to figure out how things work with GDI. An example is my current puzzlement.
I see in the August 17 newsletter, the notation that an affiliate is only allowed one active account. Yet in another posting on this forum there is a reply to a question from Frank, I believe, that if a downline opens two domains the commission will be $2.00.
I read the article about branding and that gave me an idea for marketing, so I purchased the domain with my name, a second one. Yet when I went in to create my website, the message asked for my social security number, which I entered in. Yet, then the objection came up that the SS number was already in use and that I can only have one active account.

So...............Huh?? How do I go about branding my name if I already have a domain with another name?


« Reply #109 on: August 25, 2006, 04:22:12 AM »

Six Simple Ways to Spark Growth and Customer Retention in Your Organization.

In this newsletter:

Feature Article: The importance of staying in contact! [read more]
New Spanish Version Animated Presentation! [read more]
The GDI Wealth Guide [download it here]
SPAM WARNING: [read more]
Suggestions from the Support Department [read more]
Compensation Outline [read more]
Read this carefully: Our Unlimited Bonus Contest will be continued throughout the month of August! For every 5 confirmed (paid) referrals you make in each week-long referral period in August, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus!


Hello GDI,

Here's a strange question for you. What would you rather have, 1000 new affiliates that remain as customers for a couple months, or 500 new affiliates that remain as customers for years and also lead to downline growth and more income for you?

Unless you owe a loan shark $1,000 - the answer to that question should be obvious. Take the long term money and great customer retention, right? Get paid month after month!

Having a long-term, residual income is the desire of so many people who are working online today. It amazes us how many of them do not realize the importance of staying in contact with affiliates and customers. If you really want to build a long-term, strong and loyal customer and affiliate base in GDI, here are some tips that will help you do it.

Get New Members Involved Immediately! When you refer a new affiliate or customer to GDI, make sure they hear from you as soon as possible. If you can make a quick phone call to welcome them to your team, that's going to do the most good, but even an email welcoming them and giving them some of your own pointers will be beneficial.

If you have referred someone who is mainly interested in using our products, make sure they learn how to setup their email accounts and work with our SiteBuilder tool. Contacting your new downline members is a simple process that can often be automated using autoresponders and other tools, and it will do a lot for your retention rate.

It's also recommended that you create a list of recommended steps each of your new downline affiliates should take to get started with a bang.

Stay in Touch. Set aside 15-30 minutes every day just to make phone calls or send personal emails to some of your working downline members. The calls don't have to be long or structured. Just call and see how your members are doing, and ask what you can do to help. When you show your organization that you care about them, they'll be more than happy to work towards your success.

Creating a Downline WebSite. Once you've gotten a good handle on what works for you in promoting GDI, you can easily share the information with your organization by creating a WebSite for their use. Using our SiteBuilder tool, you can create a WebSite that gives your downline tips and shows them the resources you use to promote GDI. This saves you time and effort and puts the information your downline needs at their fingertips, 24 hours per day.

Holding Regular Conferences. Don't underestimate the power of making your team feel like a team. People enjoy working together towards a common goal. When your downline affiliates know that they're moving forward towards a definite goal, they're not likely to quit on you.

You can hold conference calls with your group, or utilize online conference rooms to have weekly get-togethers with your organization. There are many free conference call services out there. Just search Google for "free conference call" and you'll find a handful to choose from.

Recognize and Reward Your Leaders. Doesn't it feel nice when someone recognizes your achievements? Other people like the feeling too! When you notice a standout in your organization who is working extra-hard or who has created a new and better way of doing something, recognize and reward them! If you have conference calls, invite them to be a speaker and let others on the line know about how well they are doing. If you have someone in your organization who is proving to be a valuable "closer", offer to send some of your advertising budget their way if they'll agree to talk to prospects. It's a total win-win scenario.

Be Heard. Make sure you don't fall into the background. Let your organization know that you are an active member and that you're not just collecting commission on them month after month without doing any work yourself. Activity from you breeds activity in your organization. Be open with any great information you have for your group, and don't be afraid to let them know what DOESN'T work. The more time and energy you can save them on doing things that don't work at building their organization, the more time and energy they'll have to dedicate to doing the things that do work.

The key to all of these tips is consistent communication. As long as your organization is staying active and communicating with you - and with each other - it's almost impossible to not make money.

Consistent Communication + Consistent and Focused Activity = Long Term Income.

If you're not already doing these things, start incorporating them into your overall business building plan, one by one. In short order, you'll be a standout leader with an organization that people WANT to be a part of.

Company of the Month Reprints!

The reprints of the July 2006 Network Marketing Business Journal, featuring Global Domains International as the Company of the Month, are now available! If you haven't read this impressive multi-page article from the industry's most respected publication, The Network Marketing Business Journal, you should read it immediately.

This is a sure-fire way to show your prospects that Global Domains International is a credible business opportunity that has the potential to change their lives. The reprints include the full article published in the July 2006 issue of the Network Marketing Business Journal.

There is no specific sponsor information in the article reprint. Instead, there is a place for you to write or type in your own ID and contact information so the people you send these to can join with you as their sponsor. Visit our new "Goodies" section of the member's area and click on "NMBJ Reprints" to order your own copies of the reprints at a very affordable price of about 35 cents per copy.



Spanish Version of our
Online Animated Presentation!
The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:

You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.

URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.


Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws


Suggestions from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

Your Affiliate Links: Here are some valuable links you can send your prospects to.

www.freedom.ws (give your username, gditrafficws, for the access code)

Required Paperwork: There is paperwork required for each affiliate. This paperwork is located within the members area by clicking the "Documentation" tab.

Marketing Support: You may contact your upline for marketing support and advice. If they are unable to help you, you can find answers to many of your questions and get support from other members at the GDI Forum (www.talk.ws)

"Guaranteed Signups" Warning: We do not permit our affiliates to purchase "guaranteed signups" through ANY source. This means paying for signups from any company that claims to be able to provide you with new downline members for a fee. Almost all of these companies are scams and using guaranteed signups is not profitable, and it causes us lots of support issues. If you do this, you are putting your account at risk for suspension or cancellation.

FAQ Page: Please refer to the FAQ section located within the member area for answers to most basic questions you'll have about your account with us.

How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!

* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression 

The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show after our next run of shows has been scheduled.


Bonus Contests

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

  4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***


Unlimited Bonus Leaderboards Can Now Be Viewed in The Member's Area!
Tina Brownlee
Posts: 3

View Profile
« Reply #110 on: August 31, 2006, 05:24:06 AM »

Hi I am a relatively new member and would like to know if the conference calls that were on Thursday nights still available to gdi members.  Just tried from a previous post, no luck, said pin no. incorrect, 7509#, would appreciate it if you could shed some light on this.
« Reply #111 on: September 01, 2006, 10:34:09 AM »

Celebrate the Importance of Your Labor Every Day and You'll Become Enriched.

    In this newsletter:

        * Feature Article: Remember the pioneers of true labor? [read more]
        * New Spanish Version Animated Presentation! [read more]
        * The GDI Wealth Guide [download it here]
        * SPAM WARNING: [read more]
        * Suggestions from the Support Department [read more]
        * Compensation Outline [read more]

Read this carefully: Our Unlimited Bonus Contest will be continued throughout the month of September! For every 5 confirmed (paid) referrals you make in each week-long referral period in September, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus!


    "The vital force of labor added materially to the highest standard of living and the greatest production the world has ever known and has brought us closer to the realization of our traditional ideals of economic and political democracy. It is appropriate, therefore, that the United States pay tribute on Labor Day to the creator of so much of the nation's strength, freedom, and leadership - the American worker." (Source: US Department of Labor).

How often do you celebrate what you do for a living?

As you're working online to earn money and you start feeling tired or overwhelmed with the amount of information you're trying to sift through, or the amount of time you've spent in front of your keyboard, do you ever stop to consider the human work-horses who have built gargantuan dams, skyward mountain roadways or even the Great Pyramids of Egypt?

If you haven't spent a 10-hour day in scorching heat lately, doing manual labor - try it. You'll instantly be reminded of why you've made the wise decision to do something different, and you'll appreciate the wonderful opportunities for wealth and abundance that your business provides.

We know that many of our affiliates work months before they really get the hang of building a sizeable organization in GDI, but the thousands of successful affiliates we have prove what can be accomplished if you really set out to change your life for the better.

Getting on the phone with a prospect isn't always a fun time, but sometimes it is. Following up with prospects by email can get time consuming and tedious, but it's necessary. To really build a sustained organization that brings money to you and your family month after month takes work. It requires you to properly train your downline to do the things that are working for you.

To reach the greatest heights in this business you must be able to think outside the box and be willing to take calculated risks. If you keep on doing what you're doing now, you'll keep getting the same results you're getting now.

Decide today where you want your GDI organization to go. Decide how much money you want to make. Decide how you're going to make it, and how fast. Then, just go for it.

Even if you put 10 hours a day into your business until it's paying your bills, it will be worth it. One of the greatest benefits of being an affiliate of GDI is that the work gets easier with time. As you learn what it takes to be successful in our company and actually do those things, it stops seeming like work at all.

Building an organization can hardly be considered "labor."

We know that many of our affiliates choose to take their laptop on the road and get their work in while they're not busy playing. We think that's great. If you're not able to do that yet, hang in there. If you put in the time and effort now to build a GDI organization that brings you closer to your dreams, you'll be able to before you know it. As you're speaking with a difficult prospect or starting to feel frustration at the road bumps that everyone experiences from time to time, just smile and remember the guys before you who moved tons of concrete and steel to put dinner on the table.

Develop your plan and stick with it for as long as it takes - and do it in the air conditioning.

Company of the Month Reprints!

The reprints of the July 2006 Network Marketing Business Journal, featuring Global Domains International as the Company of the Month, are now available! If you haven't read this impressive multi-page article from the industry's most respected publication, The Network Marketing Business Journal, you should read it immediately.

This is a sure-fire way to show your prospects that Global Domains International is a credible business opportunity that has the potential to change their lives. The reprints include the full article published in the July 2006 issue of the Network Marketing Business Journal.

There is no specific sponsor information in the article reprint. Instead, there is a place for you to write or type in your own ID and contact information so the people you send these to can join with you as their sponsor. Visit our new "Goodies" section of the member's area and click on "NMBJ Reprints" to order your own copies of the reprints at a very affordable price of about 35 cents per copy.

Spanish Version of our
Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:

You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.
URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.

Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws

Suggestions from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

SiteBuilder: For assistance in using the SiteBuilder features, refer to the SiteBuilder "Help Section" within the SiteBuilder, or refer to our GDI forum at www.talk.ws to get assistance from affiliates who are experienced with its use.

Required Paperwork: There is paperwork required for each affiliate. This paperwork is located within the members area by clicking the "Documentation" tab.

Use of Leads in the Invite System: We do not permit outside leads from lead vendors to be used in the GDI invite system. The only people that you may enter into the invite system are your personal contacts. You may use your own mailing software, but all mailings with mention of .WS, Global Domains International or "GDI" must be in 100% compliance with our Anti-Spam Policy.

Access Codes: The "access code" that you will give to your prospects for any of your GDI affiliate sites is the same as your username (wildcardform4).

Offices Closed September 4th: Our support office will be closed on Monday, September 4th in observance of the United States Labor Day Holiday.

How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!
* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression       

The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show after our next run of shows has been scheduled.

Bonus Contests

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

    Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

    Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

    Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

    The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***

Unlimited Bonus Leaderboards Can Now Be Viewed in The Member's Area!
Timothy C
Posts: 1

View Profile
« Reply #112 on: September 04, 2006, 12:20:30 AM »

What if we dont have paypal here in the philippines?

Hi lovely is your paypal question answered already? I f yes, may I know where's the answer located in this forum?
Posts: 7

View Profile
« Reply #113 on: September 05, 2006, 06:40:06 AM »

Here is the number for the Tuesday and Thursday nights calls

Phone Number: (212)990-8000
Pin Code: 8821#

« Reply #114 on: September 08, 2006, 04:15:02 AM »

Small Town, Low-Tech Advertising Can Lead to Big Time Profits!

    In this newsletter:

        * Feature Article: Why expand your advertising portfolio? [read more]
        * New Spanish Version Animated Presentation! [read more]
        * The GDI Wealth Guide [download it here]
        * SPAM WARNING: [read more]
        * Suggestions from the Support Department [read more]
        * Compensation Outline [read more]

Read this carefully: Our Unlimited Bonus Contest will be continued throughout the month of September! For every 5 confirmed (paid) referrals you make in each week-long referral period in September, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus!


    If you're trying to maximize your income in ANY business, doesn't it make sense to spend your time doing the things that are going to make you money in the long run, like closing leads and training your organization?

    Our estimate is that up to 75% of our active affiliates spend the majority of their work time advertising and figuring out new ways to get traffic to their WebSite.

    However, just placing ads and hoping that you'll achieve great results isn't enough to build a substantial organization. You have to play an active role in educating your prospects and leading them through the information gathering steps, and then follow-through by assisting them with signup and while they learn our system.

    With online advertising, there's a constant and growing battle for attention. We'd back this statement up with numbers if we felt it was necessary, but you know it's true. Unless you're using some serious, high-powered email filters, your inbox probably gets filled with email from people you don't know - advertising everything from flowers to human growth hormone.

    You have to pick and choose which ones to give your attention to, right? Otherwise, you could easily spend 24 hours per day, 7 days per week reading email and evaluating the sites that people send you links to.

    There is a growing trend toward over-saturation of online advertising. When you place free ads, you're in competition with the thousands of other people who want to advertise for free. Most sites that allow free advertising can be auto-submitted to by software programs that are readily available. Some of these programs have resubmission options, so you end up with people who are submitting their ads over and over again using automation.

    What is the chance of YOUR ad being seen in this sea of ads, even if you've written a top-notch ad with a catchy headline? The chances of it being seen by a targeted prospect who is likely to come learn more is slim.

    What about Google and other pay-per-click sites? Well, they're great if you have the money to outbid your competitors and still make a profit, and there's a huge learning curve there.

    Here's how people are raking in the real money.

    For decades, network marketers have been transforming themselves into millionaires using low-tech advertising methods. The Internet is a GREAT informational tool, and obviously it's what our particular product is based on, but that doesn't mean you should rely on it entirely for all your prospecting needs.

    There is still a lot to be said for drop cards, print ads, postcards and other kinds of advertising you might not have even thought of doing. Have you ever seen a billboard promoting a network marketing product, or any other kind of advertising that is seen day after day by thousands of people? Those ads are owned by the big dogs of networking, the people who are lining their pockets with tens of thousands of dollars per month.

    We're certainly not saying you should run out and purchase a billboard just yet, but we'd like to open your eyes to the other opportunities that are out there waiting to be discovered.

    The people who make the most money in network marketing are the ones who have found ways to bring in a constant flow of leads, without having to spend the majority of their day doing it. The people who really have a handle on this have too many leads to talk to on their own and they are forced to share them with the members of their organization, which is obviously beneficial to training.

    The next time you pick up a national newspaper that allows business opportunity ads, remember some of the ads you see. Then a couple months later, grab another copy of that same newspaper and flip back to the business opportunity classifieds once again.

    You'll notice that many of the same ads are still there.

    That's because the people running them have developed a system that works for them, and brings interested prospects TO THEM. They don't chase people, asking them to look at their business opportunity, and they don't spend the majority of their day trying to learn to advertise using new methods. They advertise using proven methods and then spend their day closing prospects. That's how fortunes are built in network marketing.

    Did you know that some of the best places to advertise your business are in small towns?

    This is great for you, because many people in small rural areas without much industry (or job opportunities) find other ways to supplement their income. The next time you're in a small town, look around at the community bulletin boards that are often inside the local businesses. You'll see people advertising their handyman services, tree trimming, childcare and the list goes on. However, you don't often find network marketing ads. The opportunity there is often wide open.

    The point of this article is just to get you thinking of other ways you can advertise. Our invite system does an excellent job of informing people you know are prospects, but it's not meant to go out and find prospects for you.

    Stop for a minute and ask yourself this question: Am I spending the majority of my day doing things that cost me time and money, or am I spending the majority of my day doing things that save me time and make me money?

    If you're not currently spending the majority of your day doing tasks that add to your income, then there is plenty of room for growth in your business. All it takes is streamlining your business process.

    Develop a method that works to bring your prospects to speak with daily, and then spend your time getting better at closing prospects and training new members. There is no shortage of advertising available; you just have to find YOUR niche where you're not competing with a million other people.

    If you take a minute to stop and think, you'll find that it's not that difficult. Good luck!

Company of the Month Reprints!

The reprints of the July 2006 Network Marketing Business Journal, featuring Global Domains International as the Company of the Month, are now available! If you haven't read this impressive multi-page article from the industry's most respected publication, The Network Marketing Business Journal, you should read it immediately.

This is a sure-fire way to show your prospects that Global Domains International is a credible business opportunity that has the potential to change their lives. The reprints include the full article published in the July 2006 issue of the Network Marketing Business Journal.

There is no specific sponsor information in the article reprint. Instead, there is a place for you to write or type in your own ID and contact information so the people you send these to can join with you as their sponsor. Visit our new "Goodies" section of the member's area and click on "NMBJ Reprints" to order your own copies of the reprints at a very affordable price of about 35 cents per copy.

Spanish Version of our
Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:

You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.
URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.


Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws


Suggestions from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

SiteBuilder Security Feature: We have recently implemented a new security feature into the SiteBuilder that prevents visitors from SPAMMING you when you use the Feedback Form or Guestbook on your WebSite.

Offline Ad Materials: For advertisement flyers and post cards you may log on to www.1.ws/flyer or http://website.ws/mlm/postcards.

Required Paperwork: There is paperwork required for each affiliate. This paperwork is located within the members area by clicking the "Documentation" tab.

      http://www.freedom.ws (give visitors your username for the access code)

Access Codes: The "access code" that you will give to your prospects for any of your GDI affiliate sites is the same as your username (gdiconnection).

How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!
* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression       

The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show after our next run of shows has been scheduled.


Bonus Contests

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

    Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

    Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

    Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

    The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***

Unlimited Bonus Leaderboards Can Now Be Viewed in The Member's Area!
Jr. Member
Posts: 84

Take That Step

View Profile WWW
« Reply #115 on: September 09, 2006, 01:20:30 AM »

Dear Chip,

Thank you so much for all the information that is in this newsletter.
I have found answers to a lot of questions that I have wanted answers
to for the longest. Now I am sure of some of the things I want to do. Smiley


Success Is What You Make Of It!
Allan K
Posts: 1

View Profile
« Reply #116 on: September 13, 2006, 12:45:36 AM »

Hello to all,

I just joined GDI last month and as a matter of fact, I am a "Green Horn" meaning very new to this kind of network marketing.  I have lots of guts in me trying out this GDI as I'll love income for life!!! 

I will be much appreciate for any advice / tip from you.

Thank you.

« Reply #117 on: September 14, 2006, 05:56:17 PM »

Gain Confidence, Gain Profits! The Reasons Why Every Affiliate Should Get to Know GDI.

    In this newsletter:

        * Feature Article: Confidence in your promotion! [read more]
        * New Spanish Version Animated Presentation! [read more]
        * The GDI Wealth Guide [download it here]
        * SPAM WARNING: [read more]
        * Suggestions from the Support Department [read more]
        * Compensation Outline [read more]

Read this carefully: Our Unlimited Bonus Contest will be continued throughout the month of September! For every 5 confirmed (paid) referrals you make in each week-long referral period in September, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus!


When you joined Global Domains International, did you know who your sponsor was?

With such an inexpensive opportunity to get involved with, the answer to that question might be yes or no, but one thing is for certain: You can increase your recruiting results by getting to know the GDI product and gaining confidence in yourself.

Many people who are looking for a great business opportunity find having a great sponsor just as important as having a program with the right product and compensation plan.

There are several ways you can increase your attractiveness as a sponsor, but the single most important one is to learn what GDI has to offer and what the benefits of our services are.

When you know these things, you'll gain confidence in yourself and you'll find it much easier to talk to prospects without stumbling over your words. The GDI product is very simple. We offer domain names, email accounts on your personalized domain, web hosting and a SiteBuilder product that allows you to build a WebSite without any knowledge of HTML coding.

While we do offer some sub-services that are related to these, such as domain and email forwarding, the services listed above are the main ones that we provide. You'll find that there are many people who can use our products if you are confident in your ability to explain their benefits.

Take some time to review your members area and learn how to use the different features in your back office. The more you know, the easier it will become to explain things to prospects and new members.

When you speak to a prospect either by phone or even in an email communication, your confidence in knowing the GDI product will shine through in your writing and speaking. Prospects will become more open to doing business with you as if by magic.

Here are a few other ways you can increase your confidence when speaking with prospects.

    1) Do "role-playing" prospecting calls with your sponsor until you are confident that you can answer most basic questions a new member might have.

    2) Stand up when talking to prospects, and speak firmly and clearly. Just as in any communicational situation, people will respect you more if you if they are not straining their ears just to hear what you're saying. To most people, a bold voice equals confidence.

    3) Make mistakes! Practice makes perfect. The more you talk to prospects and learn from your mistakes, the more confident you'll be in knowing that you'll say and do the right thing next time.

    4) Know what YOU bring to the table. Everyone has something to offer the people they bring into the GDI business, whether it be marketing expertise or emotional support. Know and emphasize your strong points.

    5) Don't focus on the money you earn or the number of years you have under your belt. Some of the best network marketers are new to the industry and aren't stuck on old habits. Don't assume that someone is not going to want to do business with you just because you're a newbie. Sometimes people new to networking are attracted to working with their peers.

With experience comes confidence. Keep up the hard work and keep on doing the things that are working for you. Before you know it, recruiting will become second nature to you and the money you earn from your organization will soar to new heights!

Company of the Month Reprints!

The reprints of the July 2006 Network Marketing Business Journal, featuring Global Domains International as the Company of the Month, are now available! If you haven't read this impressive multi-page article from the industry's most respected publication, The Network Marketing Business Journal, you should read it immediately.

This is a sure-fire way to show your prospects that Global Domains International is a credible business opportunity that has the potential to change their lives. The reprints include the full article published in the July 2006 issue of the Network Marketing Business Journal.

There is no specific sponsor information in the article reprint. Instead, there is a place for you to write or type in your own ID and contact information so the people you send these to can join with you as their sponsor. Visit our new "Goodies" section of the member's area and click on "NMBJ Reprints" to order your own copies of the reprints at a very affordable price of about 35 cents per copy.

Spanish Version of our
Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:
http://www.website.ws/(insert ID)/spanish/show

You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.
URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.

Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws

Suggestions from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

DVD Languages: All seven languages that our marketing DVD is dubbed in are available on the same DVD, and viewers can choose their language. You don't have to order separate DVDs for different languages.

Offline Ad Materials: For advertisement flyers and post cards you may log on to www.1.ws/flyer or http://website.ws/mlm/postcards.

Required Paperwork: There is paperwork required for each affiliate. This paperwork is located within the members area by clicking the "Documentation" tab.

Marketing Support: If you need help with marketing or advertising your GDI business, your first point of contact should be your upline. If they are unable to answer your questions or assist you, you can find help at the GDI forum at www.talk.ws

Access Codes: The "access code" that you will give to your prospects for any of your GDI affiliate sites is the same as your username (wildcardform4).

How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!
* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression       

The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show after our next run of shows has been scheduled.

Bonus Contests

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

    Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

    Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

    Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

    The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***

Unlimited Bonus Leaderboards Can Now Be Viewed in The Member's Area!
« Last Edit: September 14, 2006, 05:58:08 PM by ChipSnyder » Logged
Jr. Member
Posts: 70

Success is our way of life

View Profile WWW
« Reply #118 on: September 15, 2006, 02:19:21 AM »

Hello to all,

I just joined GDI last month and as a matter of fact, I am a "Green Horn" meaning very new to this kind of network marketing.  I have lots of guts in me trying out this GDI as I'll love income for life!!! 

I will be much appreciate for any advice / tip from you.

Thank you.


Allan I would like to wish you the best of luck in building your business.
Never give up!

If you read through out the forum. You will get some great tips.

Your Success



Take Care,
« Reply #119 on: September 21, 2006, 12:06:22 PM »

How to Turn Anyone Marketing Anything  Online Into a GDI Prospect.

    In this newsletter:

        * Feature Article: Prospects galore!
        * New Spanish Version Animated Presentation!
        * The GDI Wealth Guide
        * SPAM WARNING
        * Suggestions from the Support Department
        * Compensation Outline

Read this carefully: Our Unlimited Bonus Contest will be continued throughout the month of September! For every 5 confirmed (paid) referrals you make in each week-long referral period in September, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus!


If there has ever been a network marketing business with a larger potential customer base than GDI, we sure don't know what it is. Perhaps this is the reason why the Network Marketing Business Journal recently said:

    "Global Domains International has the potential to become the largest direct sales/network marketing company in the world in terms of number of distributors and customers!"

One of the keys to being an effective promoter/recruiter in GDI is to know how our products and services will benefit others that you have contact with.


      How can having a WebSite benefit a small business owner?

      How can having a domain that matches your business name be of benefit?

      How is using email on your own domain more beneficial than using a Yahoo address?

      How can having our professional templates save people time and money?

      How can business owners gain another profit stream by affiliating with GDI?

Do you know the answers to these questions? If not, carefully consider them. For every feature that GDI offers, think of the corresponding benefit it offers your prospects. Instead of explaining to your prospects how they can get their own domain name and WebSite with GDI, tell them how they will benefit from having that domain.

Almost everyone who does business online is a prospect if you can find the right angle to reach them. Many of our affiliates find their own little niche and run with it, and doing that helps them build larger organizations. For instance, instead of marketing the GDI product to anyone who will listen, what if you decided to contact churches in North America that don't already have WebSites.

Believe it or not, that would still be a HUGE market for you to specialize in.

Using this example, consider how you market the benefits of GDI to this niche. What would having their own WebSite, email accounts and an additional way to earn money mean to this particular audience? Right away, we can think of many benefits.


      The ability to update their congregation on coming events.

      The ability to create a special email account for prayer requests.

      The benefit of letting non-members know about their organization.

      The benefit of extra income to cover expenses.

      The benefit of saving time.

This list could go on and on. Any ONE of these benefits is worth $10 per month, don't you agree? The main reason a prospect would NOT join your Global Domains International organization is because they have not been properly shown how being a member of your organization and using our products would benefit them.

There are thousands of other niches out there, and most likely a handful that you would have an interest in. Just to get you thinking, here are few we can think of right away. Independent models and actors, looking for work. Floral shops. Mom and pop businesses who don't have a web site. People who offer any kind of consulting for a living. Restaurants. We could fill this newsletter with ideas on what groups you could specialize in sponsoring.

One of the things that makes network marketing difficult for some people is that each prospect is different. If you can focus your efforts on smaller niches than just "people who want to make money," then this difficult aspect of marketing becomes much easier. The majority of prospects you'll talk to will share things in common, and since you've chosen this certain niche they'll likely also have something in common with you. You'll already KNOW what benefits GDI has to offer them, and you'll get better and better at communicating those benefits.

Some of our most successful affiliates use "reverse marketing" to promote GDI. When they receive promotions from other online marketers, they closely examine how GDI's product could potentially fit in with that person's marketing to make it more effective and let them know about it. If it sounds simple, that's because it is simple.

Far too many affiliates concentrate their efforts on email marketing, mass invites and posting their ads in as many free places as possible when they could do much better by simply looking for opportunities to help other people market THEIR products and services better by affiliating with GDI.

Try it yourself and see how effective it is for you. Even if you decide that your organization cannot be supported by this type of guerilla marketing alone, there's not doubt that it can at least benefit from it.

Turn yourself into a 24/7 GDI "consultant" and you'll soon begin reaping the benefits.

Company of the Month Reprints!

The reprints of the July 2006 Network Marketing Business Journal, featuring Global Domains International as the Company of the Month, are now available! If you haven't read this impressive multi-page article from the industry's most respected publication, The Network Marketing Business Journal, you should read it immediately.

This is a sure-fire way to show your prospects that Global Domains International is a credible business opportunity that has the potential to change their lives. The reprints include the full article published in the July 2006 issue of the Network Marketing Business Journal.

There is no specific sponsor information in the article reprint. Instead, there is a place for you to write or type in your own ID and contact information so the people you send these to can join with you as their sponsor. Visit our new "Goodies" section of the member's area and click on "NMBJ Reprints" to order your own copies of the reprints at a very affordable price of about 35 cents per copy.

Spanish Version of our
Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:
http://www.website.ws/(insert username)/spanish/show
http://www.website.ws/(insert username)/espanol/show

You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.
URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.


Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws


Suggestions from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

Using Leads: We do not condone the use of outside leads being entered into the invite system. You may use your own mailing system but all mailings going out with the mention of .WS or GDI MUST be in compliance with our Anti SPAM policy.

Your Referral Links: Here are some links you can send your prospects to:

www.website.ws/(insert username)

www.my.ws/(insert username)

www.freedom.ws/(insert username)

www.freedom.ws (give prospects your username, for the access code)

Marketing Support: You may contact your upline for marketing support or advice. If they are not able to provide assistance you may refer to the GDI Forum.

Required Paperwork: There is required paperwork for each Affiliate. This paperwork is located within the members area by clicking the "Documentation" tab. When faxing us paperwork, each Affiliate must fax their documentation separately. Multiple affiliates sending all their documentation as one large fax is not acceptable.

How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!
* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression       

The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show after our next run of shows has been scheduled.

Bonus Contests

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

    Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

    Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

    Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

    The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***
« Last Edit: September 21, 2006, 12:08:11 PM by ChipSnyder » Logged
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