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Author Topic: .WS & 10 Critical Links...  (Read 13488 times)
« on: May 27, 2005, 04:06:22 PM »


As a service to so many who are discovering the rewards of building an internet business, they can call their own, this series of 10 Critical Links has been established. This is not a typical internet marketing course and, for good reason, they are all beginning to sound and look alike. It seems as though there is a cloning of others’ thoughts, ideas and tips giving the appearance that the standard is in some way set by the mere repetition. No offense but I find much of the commentary of limited value and, in many cases, just plain hype, that many times is so lengthy one couldn’t find the real message if they tried with all their might!

I wish to share with you, briefly, why we should all make the internet a part of our everyday life. It is ever-present and ready to take you where your thoughts, desires and emotions want to go. The more you do anything the better you become. Same with the internet. Only difference is you can see the returns so much faster. Why? You can multiply your efforts, you can save time, you can obtain answers fast, you can at the touch of the keyboard get to where you want to go without travel, without connecting, personally with someone else, etc. All in how you and your mind want to travel, on the internet.

How often have we heard the phrase: Back to Basics? How seldom do so many of us realize the importance of establishing the foundation to build upon. Yes, we know what we are supposed to do but, in our zeal to achieve and succeed, we sometimes, unintentionally skip certain principles. I know I have found myself wondering why isn’t this working out and then one day, like the proverbial ton of bricks, it hits me…I then have to re-group, evaluate, do damage control, whatever is necessary to get back on track. What a pity—true loss of time.

From here on, each section will address one of the 10 Critical Links. The order is not as relevant as the understanding and, application, to all your online/internet pursuits. Please take a few minutes as you read each to make some notes, reflect and then re-visit as a prompt to utilizing these Links for your Internet Success!

Remember, 10 LINKS, just as in a chain, so bring them all together to secure true success.

“He or She who is waiting for something to turn up might start with your own shirt sleeves.”
“All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.”

The 10 Critical LINKS to Internet Success—Link 1


Why did I spell it out? Sound it out to yourself. Great word, with so much meaning. Isn’t respect what we all want and, really expect from others? Reflect back over your life’s experiences and take this LINK into situations you have been most pleased. How often have we heard that respect is earned? How many times have you wanted to extend respect only to be let down? Why not create a world around you where people are, in part, measured by the respect they have for others, you and themselves? Sounds so elementary, but is so often overlooked. What respect also encompasses is sincerity, genuineness and a conscience that the means will justify the end, not the other way around!

ALL quality, long-term and successful relationships begin with establishing a rapport, confidence and trust. The pay-off is respect for that person, what they say and how they interact with YOU! Doesn’t it make sense that in all your dealings on the internet that you be mindful of these factors. If someone is skipping a step, or two, don’t you think it best that you pause and think about whether there is really a fit. One must give to get in so many aspects of daily life and, respect is clearly one that must be a two-way street.

>From this day forward, evaluate all that you encounter with an eye toward: “Am I being respected as an individual with certain unique qualities and desires?”

“It’s the little things in life that determine the big things.”

COACHip For Your Success!
Chip Snyder>>Copyright-2004

THE 10 Critical LINKS to Internet Success—Link 2


While PATIENCE is a huge part of every aspect of one’s life, nowhere can it be said to be more important than on the Internet by virtue of building relationships, a business, trying to figure it all out, etc. Many, in their rush to succeed “push the envelope” a bit and then are faced with having to undo that which could have been avoided with a bit of patience. In our zeal to accomplish, we often fail to take into account many things take time to take root and advance the natural order of events to our own detriment. The beauty of succeeding in an Internet business is that once you have patiently developed the base of contacts, methods and profit centers you can multiply those with extraordinary and, cost-effective speed!

WE all have suffered consequences to moving too fast whether in business, personal life, etc. Based on those experiences, many become too patient and fail to assert themselves. So patience is a middle-ground in the sweep of the pendulum of life’s experiences. Some need to slow-down, others speed-up but all knowing, when it is time to apply the brakes and let events take their course. No place is this truer than in the evolution of an your Internet business.

“The only preparation for tomorrow is the right use of today.”

COACHip For Your Success!
Chip Snyder>>Copyright-2004

THE 10 Critical LINKS to Internet Success—Link 3


In today’s fast-paced world it is sometimes hard to discern what is real communication and what is pure, unadulterated hype. As we know, you cannot believe ALL that you read—been said for years as to newspapers, magazines, etc.—why should the Internet be any different? Many put in their emails, deadlines (only to extend them), discounts (already inflated pricing?), urgency and so on. You know what I am referring to and if that is the style of communication that works for some, so be it. I, for one, am more interested in honesty, integrity and substance. I want to be able to read and comprehend thoughts then, assimilate them to how I can best utilize them. None of us wants, at least not intentionally, for another to impose their will. Yes, there is something to be said for long, rambling narratives to get your mind engaged and operational but wouldn’t it be great if we could just get to the core of the issue from the start without the excess verbiage?

I have found I tend to tune-out lengthy verbal conversations, so why would I allow myself to get pulled into lengthy email commentaries? Part of it is there may be recognizing something to this effort—look at the time, the length, etc. When I get to the end I find it is all about selling, selling, selling often with passing attention to informing and educating. If the product is worthwhile is more copy really necessary?

So, keep in mind, in all your communications get to the point. Time is precious. Don’t try to impose your will but rather build a dialogue—ask for interaction. In that way, you are establishing a relationship and addressing true concerns rather than just trying to anticipate every possible thought or question. Stimulate thoughts by not only what you convey but, ask for the comments, questions, observations & ideas. In this way, you will develop true communication which is not an imposition!

The great persuader Thomas Aquinas offered this bit of advice: "When you want to convert someone to your view, you go over to where he is standing, take him by the hand (mentally speaking), and guide him. You don't stand across the room and shout at him; you don't call him a dummy; you don't order him to come over to where you are. You start where he is, and work from that position. That's the only way to get him to budge."

COACHip For Your Success!
Chip Snyder>>Copyright-2004

THE 10 Critical LINKS to Internet Success—Link 4


This is a big one, yes?! Everywhere you go you hear about the importance of focus. Why? Is it because we have so many choices that we are distracted from things easily? Is it because if something fails to hold our attention long enough we lose interest? To many, FOCUS is all about making a sincere effort to concentrate on an issue to the point that you know it better than anyone else. When issues from day-to-day crop-up, you are able to address them and all the while keeping your mind set on the next step in what is truly important.

Another way to look at focus is to say, this project is of such a nature and so compelling, that my failure to stay focused will result in me not being able to maximize the benefits from my efforts, thus never knowing what could have been achieved. Some would have you think you need fear, great rewards, major incentives, etc., to keep the focus. I would rather believe focus comes from within and is a function of a subconscious/conscious desire to excel. The urge to get better & better each day, all the while realizing a string of doing a thousand little things right is far superior to waiting for one big thing to just happen.

“The secret of success is to start from scratch and keep on scratching.”

COACHip For Your Success!
Chip Snyder>>Copyright-2004

THE 10 Critical LINKS to Internet Success—Link 5


In today’s world, with so many choices, why would anyone want to do anything that didn’t excite them? Without excitement, it is well nigh impossible to have enthusiasm. If you don’t convey the energy that comes from enthusiasm you are just going through the motions and it will show! Enthusiasm is a function of knowing where you fit within the project/product that you are sharing with others and, at the same time, being able to transfer that feeling to them. An enthusiastic attitude is contagious. Your demeanor determines the mind-set others will have in receiving, not only information you are conveying, but also the acceptance of it as being of importance.

In ALL of your contacts, let your upbeat, positive self rule and know that you have the comfort of your prior analysis and decision-making, to insure that your enthusiastic edge stays in control of your thoughts and presentations. The result is unbridled success that grows and develops just by the sheer momentum of your enthusiastic confidence. Let it show in ALL you do!

“If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.”

COACHip For Your Success!
Chip Snyder>>Copyright-2004

THE 10 Critical LINKS to Internet Success—Link 6

PERSISTENCE!!! (Aka, Don’t Quit!)

Oh my, here is the reality check, literally and, figuratively. How often do we start something only to let it slide down the list of priorities? Has it really been replaced or, have we not put it in the right slot mentally? I believe persistence has less to do with energy, affirmations, motivation and far more to do with desire. The desire to see something through to a conclusion, not only out of curiosity, but a genuine sense that what you are doing is valuable and of importance. Since this desire comes from “how you view things”, doesn’t it make sense that the basis for applying PERSISTENCE exists from the get-go and is not something you should have to rally along the way. Oh yes, we all can get down on ourselves, others, slow results and so on but, this usually is a function of expectations that you set, often unconsciously, and have nothing to do with the reality of your actual progress.

To the extent your desire wanes then it is at that point you may have to dig deep and say, “Don’t Quit”! Often, we are so close to what we really desire to achieve but decide not to go that extra step—what a pity, what a potential mis-, or missed fortune. Always, look to yourself, not others, to find, or rediscover, the desire so necessary to reaching above average results!

“Falling down doesn’t make you a failure, but staying down does.”

COACHip For Your Success!
Chip Snyder>>Copyright-2004

THE 10 Critical LINKS to Internet Success—Link 7


Notice this link is capitalized, italicized, bold and underlined. For good reason, this is the one aspect to all that we do that, can undo all the great applications of the other links with the greatest of speed. Why? Our receptors to what others generate are geared to fit impressions into pre-conceived images to assist in deciding what we let in our world and what we repel! Do you believe it is a tough task to know the “how-tos” in dealing with people, not knowing what shaped them and their perception of people, places, things and events? No more difficult than approaching every person and situation with sincerity, compassion, honesty, integrity and genuine commitment. Exhibit these qualities and it shows, big-time! Cut a corner or two and guess what, that shows in even a bigger way—just human nature to respond that way.

I have noted, many times, the ease with which one can convey true perception by not only being yourself but, doing so, in accordance with what you believe the other person(s) perspective is, or should be, based on the issue at hand. Makes sense to conjure up a bit of empathy by knowing more about the likes & dislikes through discussion than imposing your will upon them, blindly. Pretty neat, just take a little time and expend some preparatory effort, to position yourself to be better informed and, with that edge, you can portray the appropriate qualities that secure the positive results you deserve!

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

COACHip For Your Success!
Chip Snyder>>Copyright-2004

THE 10 Critical LINKS to Internet Success—Link 8


Many would have you believe it is all in the follow-up. While prompt follow-up is important, you must be aware of the needs, questions and concerns of others. The follow-up is merely an extension to being responsive, in the first instance. This encompasses not only the speed of the reply but, also, the nature of the information provided coupled with an effort to add “value” by providing leadership and direction through your comments, questions, observations, etc.

Once you have established the baseline of being responsive, you also build trust and that makes your follow-up more credible. KNOW as much as possible about the person and/or situation you are dealing with, so that you can assert a personal touch in your contacts. Anticipate situations to avoid playing catch-up by thinking ahead and planning responses or contacts, accordingly.

Finally, perfect timing for being truly responsive is NOW, not later. If there is a reason for delay, share why. If there is no reason for delay, then get on with it and be known as someone who is dependable, forward thinking and easily accessible.

“Forget yourself for others and others will not forget you!”

COACHip For Your Success!
Chip Snyder>>Copyright-2004

THE 10 Critical LINKS to Internet Success—Link 9


You knew this had to be somewhere among the links. I have always believed the very best reason for goals is so you can measure your progress and if you do not establish targets to shoot for, how will you know if you have hit them. There is much said and written about setting goals. True, it helps to have some idea where you would like to go and what you would like to achieve. Far too often we get hung-up on coming up with the right answers, due to many years of conditioning in this regard and, fail to simply lighten up and establish some targets we want to hit. In archery, darts, basketball or whatever comes to mind, the target is in place and you seek to “hit it”. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Take time to set broad targets and then with each day’s practice hone in on hitting some bull’s eyes! Those are YOUR goals. As time marches on, you can create more challenging scenarios and loftier missions, just as you would in standing further away from the target, once you have hit the bull’s eye with uncanny perfection.

YOU, and only you, can set the balance between what you want and what you are willing to do to get those results. Some goals are inherently short-term, many are long-term, but one thing is certain, they are many times more a guide or direction that should be viewed as modifiable, rather than etched in stone. In this way, you have the comfort of knowing somewhat where you are headed without the pressure of rigid adherence. If you really want to lock-in a goal for achievement don’t keep it to yourself but, rather, share it with others. Amazing what a motivator accountability can be!

“You cannot win if you do not begin.”

COACHip For Your Success!
Chip Snyder>>Copyright-2004

THE 10 Critical LINKS to Internet Success—Link 10


Your-Own-Understanding, not only of all the other links but, also, an ongoing commitment to personal growth and development intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. Always relish the chance to learn more on your own, from others and events around you. Be realistic in your expectations of yourself and others. Do what you like and like what you do! Blend humor, knowledge, sensitivity and just plain YOU into all your interactions. Let the you-in-Y-O-U, come through! Make a difference by your actions. Don’t hesitate to look at things differently and possibly identify a better way to approach situations and opportunities.

The more YOU know Y-O-U, the better able you will be to grow individually and, with others!

TO YOU, Y-O-U & Y-O-U-R (Your-Own-Understanding-of-Results) Success on the Internet,

Chip Snyder

Bill Daniel
Posts: 5

Internet/network marketer

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« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2005, 03:56:38 AM »

Dear Chip:

HEY GREAT Topic!  Can I print out and copy to give to my team? I would refer any one to you for advice! - Thanks.

Brantford. ON  CANADA

Learn to be Great, Teach to be Great, All will be Great.
personal motto I live by

Bill Daniel
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2005, 04:19:34 AM »

Yes, the 10 Critical Links can be printed out and also, distributed electronically, so long as it is in their entirety.

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Posts: 166

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« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2005, 05:08:46 AM »

Thank you Chip that  is all  Smiley very much appreciated.....
MMMnnnn Thomas Acquinas is an all time favourite  of mine..
Posts: 8

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« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2006, 11:42:32 AM »

Hi Chip,

I can not thank you enough for the 10 Critical Links.  Each of us need to print
and place in a close location for re-read daily.

Just what I need for today.

Jr. Member
Posts: 84

Take That Step

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« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2006, 10:18:10 AM »

This was very enlightening, I found so much truth in it.
Sometimes we need to stop and smell the coffee.
Come back to the basics and try to remember from
where we also came.There is so much truth in it,
and I was truly moved by it.  Thank you Chip. Smiley

Success Is What You Make Of It!
Phillip McCloud
Posts: 4

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« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2008, 03:51:14 PM »

Being relatively new to GDI, but an ol'timer in internet marketing I found your post to be more like the 10 Commandments of Marketing. In fact, that's what you should call it as each one is not only critical but should be viewed as a commandment that leads to success.

Thank You so much for your insight!

Phillip McCloud
One must decisively choose to change the course they are heading and act on it. Otherwise, all that will be left is unrealized dreams, nothing more.
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2008, 03:52:10 PM »

Thank you, Phillip!

Posts: 2

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« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2008, 05:01:02 AM »

Love the article!  Thanks for your time and dedication!  Have a great day!   Cool
Posts: 1

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« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2008, 02:07:27 PM »

 Kiss that was great Chip now would anybody be willing to give me abit of a boost in my ideas on how t maket my gdi more..
i have free classifieds, invites,forums,chats...and still only three members...help!!!
Posts: 20

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« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2009, 04:50:58 AM »

WOW CHIP THANKS!!! I am a newbe and was just about to get discouraged. But then I read this and I am pumped again!!! Thanks
It is too bad that when someone sponsors someone and then never contacts them. Sort of no sponsor!! Please don't get me wrong, I have a sponsor but he is a newbe too.
Thanks to all you folks for listening and all the great advice. I am on this board at least 3 times a day!!
Thanks again and God Bless
Dave Grin
Posts: 12

Who cares what u know,what matters IS that U CARE

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« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2010, 10:54:16 PM »

this is totally rockin' chip...thanks again


As a service to so many who are discovering the rewards of building an internet business, they can call their own, this series of 10 Critical Links has been established. This is not a typical internet marketing course and, for good reason, they are all beginning to sound and look alike. It seems as though there is a cloning of others’ thoughts, ideas and tips giving the appearance that the standard is in some way set by the mere repetition. No offense but I find much of the commentary of limited value and, in many cases, just plain hype, that many times is so lengthy one couldn’t find the real message if they tried with all their might!

I wish to share with you, briefly, why we should all make the internet a part of our everyday life. It is ever-present and ready to take you where your thoughts, desires and emotions want to go. The more you do anything the better you become. Same with the internet. Only difference is you can see the returns so much faster. Why? You can multiply your efforts, you can save time, you can obtain answers fast, you can at the touch of the keyboard get to where you want to go without travel, without connecting, personally with someone else, etc. All in how you and your mind want to travel, on the internet.

How often have we heard the phrase: Back to Basics? How seldom do so many of us realize the importance of establishing the foundation to build upon. Yes, we know what we are supposed to do but, in our zeal to achieve and succeed, we sometimes, unintentionally skip certain principles. I know I have found myself wondering why isn’t this working out and then one day, like the proverbial ton of bricks, it hits me…I then have to re-group, evaluate, do damage control, whatever is necessary to get back on track. What a pity—true loss of time.

From here on, each section will address one of the 10 Critical Links. The order is not as relevant as the understanding and, application, to all your online/internet pursuits. Please take a few minutes as you read each to make some notes, reflect and then re-visit as a prompt to utilizing these Links for your Internet Success!

Remember, 10 LINKS, just as in a chain, so bring them all together to secure true success.

“He or She who is waiting for something to turn up might start with your own shirt sleeves.”
“All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.”

The 10 Critical LINKS to Internet Success—Link 1


Why did I spell it out? Sound it out to yourself. Great word, with so much meaning. Isn’t respect what we all want and, really expect from others? Reflect back over your life’s experiences and take this LINK into situations you have been most pleased. How often have we heard that respect is earned? How many times have you wanted to extend respect only to be let down? Why not create a world around you where people are, in part, measured by the respect they have for others, you and themselves? Sounds so elementary, but is so often overlooked. What respect also encompasses is sincerity, genuineness and a conscience that the means will justify the end, not the other way around!

ALL quality, long-term and successful relationships begin with establishing a rapport, confidence and trust. The pay-off is respect for that person, what they say and how they interact with YOU! Doesn’t it make sense that in all your dealings on the internet that you be mindful of these factors. If someone is skipping a step, or two, don’t you think it best that you pause and think about whether there is really a fit. One must give to get in so many aspects of daily life and, respect is clearly one that must be a two-way street.

>From this day forward, evaluate all that you encounter with an eye toward: “Am I being respected as an individual with certain unique qualities and desires?”

“It’s the little things in life that determine the big things.”

COACHip For Your Success!
Chip Snyder>>Copyright-2004

THE 10 Critical LINKS to Internet Success—Link 2


While PATIENCE is a huge part of every aspect of one’s life, nowhere can it be said to be more important than on the Internet by virtue of building relationships, a business, trying to figure it all out, etc. Many, in their rush to succeed “push the envelope” a bit and then are faced with having to undo that which could have been avoided with a bit of patience. In our zeal to accomplish, we often fail to take into account many things take time to take root and advance the natural order of events to our own detriment. The beauty of succeeding in an Internet business is that once you have patiently developed the base of contacts, methods and profit centers you can multiply those with extraordinary and, cost-effective speed!

WE all have suffered consequences to moving too fast whether in business, personal life, etc. Based on those experiences, many become too patient and fail to assert themselves. So patience is a middle-ground in the sweep of the pendulum of life’s experiences. Some need to slow-down, others speed-up but all knowing, when it is time to apply the brakes and let events take their course. No place is this truer than in the evolution of an your Internet business.

“The only preparation for tomorrow is the right use of today.”

COACHip For Your Success!
Chip Snyder>>Copyright-2004

THE 10 Critical LINKS to Internet Success—Link 3


In today’s fast-paced world it is sometimes hard to discern what is real communication and what is pure, unadulterated hype. As we know, you cannot believe ALL that you read—been said for years as to newspapers, magazines, etc.—why should the Internet be any different? Many put in their emails, deadlines (only to extend them), discounts (already inflated pricing?), urgency and so on. You know what I am referring to and if that is the style of communication that works for some, so be it. I, for one, am more interested in honesty, integrity and substance. I want to be able to read and comprehend thoughts then, assimilate them to how I can best utilize them. None of us wants, at least not intentionally, for another to impose their will. Yes, there is something to be said for long, rambling narratives to get your mind engaged and operational but wouldn’t it be great if we could just get to the core of the issue from the start without the excess verbiage?

I have found I tend to tune-out lengthy verbal conversations, so why would I allow myself to get pulled into lengthy email commentaries? Part of it is there may be recognizing something to this effort—look at the time, the length, etc. When I get to the end I find it is all about selling, selling, selling often with passing attention to informing and educating. If the product is worthwhile is more copy really necessary?

So, keep in mind, in all your communications get to the point. Time is precious. Don’t try to impose your will but rather build a dialogue—ask for interaction. In that way, you are establishing a relationship and addressing true concerns rather than just trying to anticipate every possible thought or question. Stimulate thoughts by not only what you convey but, ask for the comments, questions, observations & ideas. In this way, you will develop true communication which is not an imposition!

The great persuader Thomas Aquinas offered this bit of advice: "When you want to convert someone to your view, you go over to where he is standing, take him by the hand (mentally speaking), and guide him. You don't stand across the room and shout at him; you don't call him a dummy; you don't order him to come over to where you are. You start where he is, and work from that position. That's the only way to get him to budge."

COACHip For Your Success!
Chip Snyder>>Copyright-2004

THE 10 Critical LINKS to Internet Success—Link 4


This is a big one, yes?! Everywhere you go you hear about the importance of focus. Why? Is it because we have so many choices that we are distracted from things easily? Is it because if something fails to hold our attention long enough we lose interest? To many, FOCUS is all about making a sincere effort to concentrate on an issue to the point that you know it better than anyone else. When issues from day-to-day crop-up, you are able to address them and all the while keeping your mind set on the next step in what is truly important.

Another way to look at focus is to say, this project is of such a nature and so compelling, that my failure to stay focused will result in me not being able to maximize the benefits from my efforts, thus never knowing what could have been achieved. Some would have you think you need fear, great rewards, major incentives, etc., to keep the focus. I would rather believe focus comes from within and is a function of a subconscious/conscious desire to excel. The urge to get better & better each day, all the while realizing a string of doing a thousand little things right is far superior to waiting for one big thing to just happen.

“The secret of success is to start from scratch and keep on scratching.”

COACHip For Your Success!
Chip Snyder>>Copyright-2004

THE 10 Critical LINKS to Internet Success—Link 5


In today’s world, with so many choices, why would anyone want to do anything that didn’t excite them? Without excitement, it is well nigh impossible to have enthusiasm. If you don’t convey the energy that comes from enthusiasm you are just going through the motions and it will show! Enthusiasm is a function of knowing where you fit within the project/product that you are sharing with others and, at the same time, being able to transfer that feeling to them. An enthusiastic attitude is contagious. Your demeanor determines the mind-set others will have in receiving, not only information you are conveying, but also the acceptance of it as being of importance.

In ALL of your contacts, let your upbeat, positive self rule and know that you have the comfort of your prior analysis and decision-making, to insure that your enthusiastic edge stays in control of your thoughts and presentations. The result is unbridled success that grows and develops just by the sheer momentum of your enthusiastic confidence. Let it show in ALL you do!

“If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.”

COACHip For Your Success!
Chip Snyder>>Copyright-2004

THE 10 Critical LINKS to Internet Success—Link 6

PERSISTENCE!!! (Aka, Don’t Quit!)

Oh my, here is the reality check, literally and, figuratively. How often do we start something only to let it slide down the list of priorities? Has it really been replaced or, have we not put it in the right slot mentally? I believe persistence has less to do with energy, affirmations, motivation and far more to do with desire. The desire to see something through to a conclusion, not only out of curiosity, but a genuine sense that what you are doing is valuable and of importance. Since this desire comes from “how you view things”, doesn’t it make sense that the basis for applying PERSISTENCE exists from the get-go and is not something you should have to rally along the way. Oh yes, we all can get down on ourselves, others, slow results and so on but, this usually is a function of expectations that you set, often unconsciously, and have nothing to do with the reality of your actual progress.

To the extent your desire wanes then it is at that point you may have to dig deep and say, “Don’t Quit”! Often, we are so close to what we really desire to achieve but decide not to go that extra step—what a pity, what a potential mis-, or missed fortune. Always, look to yourself, not others, to find, or rediscover, the desire so necessary to reaching above average results!

“Falling down doesn’t make you a failure, but staying down does.”

COACHip For Your Success!
Chip Snyder>>Copyright-2004

THE 10 Critical LINKS to Internet Success—Link 7


Notice this link is capitalized, italicized, bold and underlined. For good reason, this is the one aspect to all that we do that, can undo all the great applications of the other links with the greatest of speed. Why? Our receptors to what others generate are geared to fit impressions into pre-conceived images to assist in deciding what we let in our world and what we repel! Do you believe it is a tough task to know the “how-tos” in dealing with people, not knowing what shaped them and their perception of people, places, things and events? No more difficult than approaching every person and situation with sincerity, compassion, honesty, integrity and genuine commitment. Exhibit these qualities and it shows, big-time! Cut a corner or two and guess what, that shows in even a bigger way—just human nature to respond that way.

I have noted, many times, the ease with which one can convey true perception by not only being yourself but, doing so, in accordance with what you believe the other person(s) perspective is, or should be, based on the issue at hand. Makes sense to conjure up a bit of empathy by knowing more about the likes & dislikes through discussion than imposing your will upon them, blindly. Pretty neat, just take a little time and expend some preparatory effort, to position yourself to be better informed and, with that edge, you can portray the appropriate qualities that secure the positive results you deserve!

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

COACHip For Your Success!
Chip Snyder>>Copyright-2004

THE 10 Critical LINKS to Internet Success—Link 8


Many would have you believe it is all in the follow-up. While prompt follow-up is important, you must be aware of the needs, questions and concerns of others. The follow-up is merely an extension to being responsive, in the first instance. This encompasses not only the speed of the reply but, also, the nature of the information provided coupled with an effort to add “value” by providing leadership and direction through your comments, questions, observations, etc.

Once you have established the baseline of being responsive, you also build trust and that makes your follow-up more credible. KNOW as much as possible about the person and/or situation you are dealing with, so that you can assert a personal touch in your contacts. Anticipate situations to avoid playing catch-up by thinking ahead and planning responses or contacts, accordingly.

Finally, perfect timing for being truly responsive is NOW, not later. If there is a reason for delay, share why. If there is no reason for delay, then get on with it and be known as someone who is dependable, forward thinking and easily accessible.

“Forget yourself for others and others will not forget you!”

COACHip For Your Success!
Chip Snyder>>Copyright-2004

THE 10 Critical LINKS to Internet Success—Link 9


You knew this had to be somewhere among the links. I have always believed the very best reason for goals is so you can measure your progress and if you do not establish targets to shoot for, how will you know if you have hit them. There is much said and written about setting goals. True, it helps to have some idea where you would like to go and what you would like to achieve. Far too often we get hung-up on coming up with the right answers, due to many years of conditioning in this regard and, fail to simply lighten up and establish some targets we want to hit. In archery, darts, basketball or whatever comes to mind, the target is in place and you seek to “hit it”. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Take time to set broad targets and then with each day’s practice hone in on hitting some bull’s eyes! Those are YOUR goals. As time marches on, you can create more challenging scenarios and loftier missions, just as you would in standing further away from the target, once you have hit the bull’s eye with uncanny perfection.

YOU, and only you, can set the balance between what you want and what you are willing to do to get those results. Some goals are inherently short-term, many are long-term, but one thing is certain, they are many times more a guide or direction that should be viewed as modifiable, rather than etched in stone. In this way, you have the comfort of knowing somewhat where you are headed without the pressure of rigid adherence. If you really want to lock-in a goal for achievement don’t keep it to yourself but, rather, share it with others. Amazing what a motivator accountability can be!

“You cannot win if you do not begin.”

COACHip For Your Success!
Chip Snyder>>Copyright-2004

THE 10 Critical LINKS to Internet Success—Link 10


Your-Own-Understanding, not only of all the other links but, also, an ongoing commitment to personal growth and development intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. Always relish the chance to learn more on your own, from others and events around you. Be realistic in your expectations of yourself and others. Do what you like and like what you do! Blend humor, knowledge, sensitivity and just plain YOU into all your interactions. Let the you-in-Y-O-U, come through! Make a difference by your actions. Don’t hesitate to look at things differently and possibly identify a better way to approach situations and opportunities.

The more YOU know Y-O-U, the better able you will be to grow individually and, with others!

TO YOU, Y-O-U & Y-O-U-R (Your-Own-Understanding-of-Results) Success on the Internet,

Chip Snyder



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Margarita I Cruz-Amaro
Master Business Builder, Mentor, Trainer,
Motivational Speaker, Master Online Marketer

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