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Author Topic: Sa a se men ou sou sipò chak jou nan langauge ou!  (Read 2509 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« on: August 16, 2013, 11:34:36 AM »

Hello, and Welcome to GDI,

I want to be the first to offer help with what areas you need to know within GDI first. Then you will also be shown how to use GDI for what it was created about. You can continue to be excited as you should. Yet, when you calm down from all the hype and glitter then return here and take a huge slow look at what I will help you with until you contact your sponsor or anyone in your upline.

That is the first step on day one is to contact your sponsor for a one on one talk. They should be able to show you what GDI is and how to use it based on your business. Got that, GDI is only a part of a foundation that you will establish a real solid foundtion first. Then you will be shown how to create a real unique business of your own.

Let me give you an example of this. My business has been around since the early 70s Amis Interactive Communities. I specialize in business support services no matter how small or large. All without a cost for my lifetime support services. This is never mentioned by any company that is not a non-profit Corp.

Well, I provide support services for businesses, individual business owners and any establishment that is to provide services to our communities worldwide. No matter where you are located we have support in every area you will have a challenge with. From starting a business to keeping it alive.

That is my business for over 30 years and will remain. Now, GDI is and always will be my one stop place that is a huge part of a solid foundation that my business and 100s of others count on for various reasons.

When you get with your sponsor or upline start from the begining of what their business is. Most people are confused with saying I have a business, I sale Avon, or etc...or I am an Affiliate Marketer. These are not business owners and that is the problme with our industry. Those are all sales positions and nothing else yet they pay a company to have the honor of continue spending of money they do not have for a chance to have people do the same. Never will there be people making money from just doing that. The ones who have made it with those companies where with them at the beginings when no one else was around and they build an empire of sales people of product from a company niether of you own. They are no CEOs or all that stuff. They are just sales people who got in at the time before everyone else did. The right time yet still just sales people.

Now, if you want to establish a real business online or offline. You would and always will need a foundation before you see any money or growth. That is just how businesses are established. GDI is the only place you can create a foundation and establish a real business. Yet, do not state that GDI is a business just get to know what GDI is and how to use it the right way the first time.

I will always be around and so will my Global family/Partners which you can tell who we are by looking at our profiles and see it is complete within the signature area you can contact me or them one on one only after you have failed to make contact with your sponsor or upline.

We look forward in providing information right here that will help you get this right. Take you time and get serious about if you want a real business or just act like the rest being a sales person who pays to sale other peoples' property?

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
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