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Author Topic: Promoting GDI On Traffic Exchanges The Right Way!  (Read 4901 times)
Luis Villasana
Posts: 5

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« on: March 05, 2013, 11:14:01 AM »

Here are 10 Tips For Using Traffic Exchanges

1. Track Everything - As with all online marketing efforts, it’s critical that you track all traffic generated
by Traffic Exchanges.

Tracking can be done using a tracking service which you pay for monthly, or using tracking software which
you purchase and install on your server. Whichever option you choose, be sure to look for a solution that
will give you as much information as possible. Many will tell you how many clicks you get, how many are
unique visitors versus return visitors and where they were referred from. Some even give you conversion
information by telling you which visits resulted in sales.

2. Know Your Audience - It is important to remember that everyone using Traffic Exchanges is first and
foremost interested in having their own pages seen. Just like you, they all want to drive traffic to their
sites. This means that you have to develop creative, eye-catching pages to entice them to take action.
Simply using the same affiliate materials everyone else is will not be effective.

3. Make Sure Your Page Loads Quickly - Your website design and the time it takes for the website to
load are very critical when using Traffic Exchanges. Your page will never be seen if your site takes 15
seconds to load and the exchange rotates the websites every 15 seconds. You want to have at least a
10-second viewing window to give the surfing exchange member time to respond to your offer.

4. Use Simple Splash Pages – Rather than sending surfers to your home page, which provides too much
information, use a splash page. This is a page that does not require any scrolling. It’s purpose is to be
short, sweet and to the point. Typically it consists of a killer headline, a clear list of benefits and a simple
call to action. You want your visitor to be able to make a quick decision whether to ask for more
information or pass on your offering.

5. Include a Persuasive Call to Action - Make sure the page has a clear "call to action". That is, that it
clearly tells the customer what they should do next. Whether that’s join your newsletter, request your free
ebook or take some other action, it should be obvious to the surfer what they are to do.

6. Capture Their Contact Information – Offer surfers something in exchange for their email address. This
gives you permission to contact them later and introduce them to your products and services.

7. Learn From Others - As you’re surfing, be sure to take note of the pages that catch your attention.
Chances are that if they are enticing to you, they are enticing to others. What is it about the page that
appeals to you? What made you want to take action? This is very valuable information that you can use to
improve your own pages.

8. Make Your Offer Stand Out – If you have your own niche website, then you already differentiated
yourself from the pack. If you are an affiliate marketer, then you need to find products/services that
everyone else isn't already promoting, especially within your particular Traffic Exchange. Your individual
promotion is everything. If you're trying to promote something everyone else is your sales conversions are
going to be very low, or nothing at all.

9. Only Choose Traffic Exchanges that Offer Manual Surfing - Most people do not even watch the
window when an autosurf is running. If it is a manual surf exchange they have to physically watch the
pages in order to go to the next site. This gives you the best opportunity for them to actually see your
site and be drawn in by your offer.

10. Test. Test. Test – If you’ve put in place a good tracking system you’ll be able to run tests to find out
what effect they have on your results. Try different headlines, graphics and offers to see which ones get
the best response.

The most effective way to test is using Split Run Testing. This involves creating two pages that are similar
but have one thing different (for example different headlines). You show the two pages equally to your
visitors and see which one converts best. There are several scripts available to help you do Split Run
Testing very easily.

And notice that if you promote GDI upfront won't work, WHY? because every body is doing the samething
trying to get credits to promote a bsuiness, if you want to know the right way to do it click one of my signatures
"Unexposed Secrets Of Traffic Exchanges"

Best regards

Palomino Jose
Posts: 66


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« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2013, 12:45:06 PM »

Thanks Luis. Check, one of your links is not working  Wink
Luis Villasana
Posts: 5

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« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2013, 09:30:21 AM »

Thanks Jose, Checking the links and there working fine..

Best regards

Orlando Thompson
Posts: 2

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« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2013, 12:09:20 PM »

This is very valuable information and I have to say I have learned this to be factual over the years.  You cannot and should not promote your main affiliate home page anywhere especially in traffic exchanges like traffic swarm or any of the others out there.  

Keep in mind as stated the reason you joined them.  Was it so you can look at other people's offers?  

Probably not, it was so you could get your page viewed.  I would also be willing to bet however while surfing for credits from time to time a page would catch your eye and you would take a little more time to see what it was talking about providing it was not to much info (after all you need to continue to build those credit... right?).  

So the right thing to do is to have a eye catching short to the point capture page that entice the view to at very minimum leave you there contact info so you can provide more detailed information.  I love the steps and information provided in the post and would endorse it 100%.

To Your Success,
 Smiley  Smiley  Smiley

*Link removed as it violates forum rule 2-F.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2013, 12:10:19 PM by SDBoltsFan » Logged

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