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Author Topic: Is "Make Over $100,000 Every Month" a Good Headline?  (Read 7312 times)
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« on: September 06, 2011, 11:47:41 AM »


I'm new to GDI.  I've been advertising on free online classifieds with the headline "Make Over $100,000 Every Month" and then I explain in my ad, that if you sign up 10 people, and they sign up just 10, 5 levels deep, that equates to an income of $111,100 every month.  After that I direct them to http://www.website.ws/realitywiz (which is the 40-minute freedom.ws video)

Now to me, this sounds really good.  But I wanted some opinions on this... does such a large claim sound like a scam?  I know how such an income IS logically possible because I played around with the Income Calculator... but how would others react?

I do receive a couple responses to my ads here and there, but then they never sign up.  Is my headline an attractive one?  Or does it sound too good to be true?  What are some suggestions for ads?

Nav M.
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« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2011, 11:10:16 AM »

It is people like you that should not be welcome to GDI, as you do no good but allot of bad. You are here to advertise the product and services that GDI offer and the income opportunity, not to make GDI sound like another "get rich quick scheme".

Did you know Facebook now consider over 60% of all .WS domain names as SPAM, all down to people like you.

Did you know, The phrase "Global Domains International Scam" is placed in the second option of Google suggestions when typing the keyword "Global Domains International" in search (try it yourself). Again, down to people like you.

Did you know, any YouTube video that has a link to a GDI replicated site (in the description or in the video) will be removed as its classed to be part of the SPAM and SCAM violation.

To be honest, I'm surprised Global Domains International is still standing with its current reputation.

I apologize for my attitude towards you. But I just consider it to be absolute common sense to work out the answer to your question.

Do you make $100K from GDI? Do you know anybody who does?...I'm pretty sure you don't. So why advertise it like its some sort of get rich quick scheme when it takes some real hard effort and allot of time to even earn a few dollars in profit?

Now I apologize on behalf of GDI as an affiliate if you where brought to GDI with these silly promotions thinking you could get rich quick (earning that kind of money as an affiliate).

I also understand your a newbie and you don't know whats right and wrong at this stage, but it really is common sense to work out if advertising with silly titles like that is right or wrong.

If you do own any ads that contain silly titles like the one you suggested or if your involved in any false advertising, I strongly recommend you stop.

You, asking this question on this forum, just made me think: your just looking to be criticized.



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Vincent R Parker

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« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2011, 09:00:08 AM »

Hi AnkurP,

For the most part, it DOES sound too good to be true, although as you can see with the income calculator it IS possible, though not probable as not EVERYONE will have the motivation or drive to refer 10 people.

It is known that numbers attract attention, and big numbers attract a lot of attention.  But, personally I stay away from titles like this simply because the first thing people will think, without reading the rest of your ad, is that it IS a scam.

It's very good that in the body of your ad you explain how it could happen, and especially if you put a disclaimer like, "These numbers are used for educational purposes only and do not reflect what will happen as an affiliate, only what could happen under the best of circumstances."

Perhaps a better title would be "Unlimited Monthly Income Potential", or anything with the word potential in it.  As there ARE 6 figure earners in GDI.  It's just not typical.

I think the bottom line though is to do what you feel would be a fair representation and at the same time create excitement about the business.  It's a hard line to walk.

Good luck!

Vincent Parker


Vincent R. Parker
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« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2011, 08:23:18 AM »

Its a really bad idea to promise those kinds of things.

Although i have to aplaude your enthusiasm by doing adds and getting more people to notice you, your aproche was not the best.
You would get better results by just being honest to people. Say this is a greate buisnes oportunity safer than opening a shop and have it fail
but it IS HARD WORK, (nobody belives in making a lot of money by staring at the sealing, and they souldnt because you cant) but
the benefits can be great if you work hard every day you could in some what short periot of time (shorter than working a regular job) make 100k a month

Remember always tell the truth and give all the facts.
Dont create false statements because you just let people get disapointed and then they end up saying that GDI and all network marketing is Fraude
Jr. Member
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« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2011, 08:23:18 AM »

Hi Ankur P,

I must say that i totally agree with Nav on this and you really should NOT use such a headline as there is no way no one would even go for it!
Go for something that you know can sound more appropriate.
I remember when i newly started out with GDI i used to advertise with such headlines!I didn't claim that you can make up to $100,000 but around 10-13,000 and i still got criticized by people so better watch how you promote and market your GDI business.

It is better to be realistic with this and know what you are into.
Advertise GDI's products and services as well.
There are loads of people out there that need a domain name or a website.
Let people know how easy it is to benefit with GDI

I hope i helped.
To Your Success,

Aftab Husain

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« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2011, 08:34:57 AM »

I agree with Vincent,
the information given in your pitch page. This is going to reflect not only on your character. It also will have an impact on GDI.

There are too many misleading ads for GDI all over the internet. If we few keep it clean and by duplication. All our new members will follow your lead. Give the ads juice and quality. Not making anyone respond to the greed that to many ads attempt.

Tell more on how you as a person will support them as a new member. How you will be reachable and empowering. Let them no something about you, who you are. Never mind about products and formulas. Too many of my readers state the same thing for years. If people would only give others a chance to find out about the person. There would be unlimited members joining. It's about branding yourself. Not the company.

Our video is the one item that sells GDI. The ways of just getting people to watch is not brain surgery. That is so beautiful when you think about it. GDI pays us just to get people to watch movies and attend Webinars. That is it without any selling required. Answer questions through the video and when you followup. Tell people all question should be answered within the presentation. It's a movie and thousands of people watch them daily on YouTube. It amazes me to read the stats on time spent playing games v.s. time spent watching videos.

That is why anyone would give a few minutes to watch any video. As long as your not selling anything when your speaking with them. Just have fun to get people to watch this amazing video and pamper them all the way. Being yourself as a person who love to help others. Being persistent in supporting the health and welfare of others. These are what shows to others by your actions. They can determine right away your a person of character. That is priceless!

I see you will learn this is not a race. It is a lifestyle that so few of use are living. If one can do it, why can't you. Just live with an attitude of gratitude. Love helping others and look at each day as an adventure. You will succeed in all your endeavors. 

Thank you for being part of GDI. No one will be left alone.

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« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2011, 08:34:57 AM »

Great response Nav....I hope all new people who join GDI recognise that EVERY business has to grow from scratch and GDI offers an opportunity to secure a residual income for (the rest) of your life. Consistancy, hard work initially, a little expense and confidence in a product that many many others have succeeded in will produce results. Not all will achieve their goal but for $10 per month it's all risk free. Rubbish website advertising produces absolutel nothing !!  Successful people are a lot smarter than that.
I know GDI does not control an individual's website advertising but now maybe it's time for at least some form of approval to eliminate those who make a real businiss questionable.
Peter in Australia
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« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2011, 11:21:55 AM »

I want to use the video found on www.freedom.ws to promote GDI.  In the video, one man claims he makes thousands per week with this opportunity.  So my common sense  Wink tells me it's okay to use a headline such as "Earn Thousands Per Week...."  In another testimonial, one affiliate says that all you have to do is show people the movie.  But I still wanted to hear opinions.  Is it a good idea to use the following headline?

Earn Thousands Per Week By Showing a Movie

I thought I'd get some opinions before I start marketing with this headline -- which I don't personally see anything wrong with.  If there was anything wrong with saying such a thing, GDI would not allow it in the testimonials.  But the question is, are they effective headlines?

All opinions, from kind advice to harsh criticism, is welcome.   Smiley
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« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2011, 11:21:55 AM »

Oh, by the way, even though I want to use the nearly 40-minute long freedom.ws video, I want people's opinions on which is the most effective landing page. 

Nav M.
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« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2011, 02:21:47 PM »

I want to use the video found on www.freedom.ws to promote GDI.  In the video, one man claims he makes thousands per week with this opportunity.  So my common sense  Wink tells me it's okay to use a headline such as "Earn Thousands Per Week...."  In another testimonial, one affiliate says that all you have to do is show people the movie.  But I still wanted to hear opinions.  Is it a good idea to use the following headline?

Earn Thousands Per Week By Showing a Movie

I thought I'd get some opinions before I start marketing with this headline -- which I don't personally see anything wrong with.  If there was anything wrong with saying such a thing, GDI would not allow it in the testimonials.  But the question is, are they effective headlines?

All opinions, from kind advice to harsh criticism, is welcome.   Smiley

I was originally just going to be polite and tell you stay away from silly titles like "Make thousands a week" BUT since you welcome criticism in future replies to your message, here goes:

I'm just kidding. But long put short, don't use those kinda titles mate. They wont get you anywhere.

You may get a few signup's but you'll end up with a downline full of deactivated/inactive customers as they wont get what they were originally looking for (an income of thousands per week).

Those testimonials are legit, but yet are from VERY successful Internet marketers. No average Joey will be able to make that kind of money, in a short period of time (before they start having second thoughts about GDI).

My advise for a headline would be to make it sound exciting, yet keeping it real at the same time.

I've been with GDI for over 3 years, so I know what doesn't work - False advertising.

You may not see it as false advertising (because of the testimonials) but think about it from the prospects point of view, getting them all excited about something that will probably never happen.

You need to make it VERY clear that it takes allot of effort, time and hard work to even begin making a profit from selling domains as an affiliate.


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