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Author Topic: Building Downline Questions  (Read 3847 times)
Posts: 2

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« on: June 07, 2010, 09:26:47 AM »

Just Curious to anyone who has become successful for I'am A brand new member and would love if someone would give me some tips of getting my page known Im into this for the long run and no patience is truly a virtue in this so any tips would be great
                                             Thanks To All Of You
                                                  -Cory Martin
Full Member
Posts: 202

Vincent R Parker

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« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2010, 04:05:02 PM »

Hi Cory,

First off, welcome to GDI!  It's great to have you as part of the GDI team.  Smiley

I'm not 100% positive at what you are asking so I'll just shoot in the dark and hope I don't hit anyone important.  Shocked

The best pieces of advice I could give are this.  First, figure out how you want to market.  There are lots of ways and honestly, virtually all marketing methods work well.  Video marketing is really hot right now because videos are a big market.  And people these days would much rather watch you than read about you.  Plus, it helps establish you as a person and that's important because when all is said and done, people join people, not businesses.  That's why when you get a missed sign up or a new visitor to your page GDI writes you and says that you must contact them right away.

Many people use only classified ads, or SEO, or paid for marketing.  There are a bunch of ways.  But they key is to think about what you will enjoy doing.  Do you like to write?  Blogs, SEO, articles or emails might be good for you.

Next, get as much training as you can in that method.  Training is a constant thing and I bet if you called anyone on the GDI affiliate council they would tell you that they STILL spend time learning and growing.  It increases your value and your effectiveness.

But here is the ultimate tip as far as I'm concerned.  Pick what you want to do and write yourself a schedule saying this is what I will accomplish on any given day.  And then stick to it.  Do it every day and do it in a big way.

Let's stick to videos for an example.  If video marketing is the way you want to go, make one video every day and get it out there using something like Tube Mogul or Traffic Geyser.  But stay focused.  Don't make the mistake of doing it for just a couple of weeks and then moving to something else because it's not giving you results.

Results take time, consistent action and FOCUS.  When you reach your goal with videos (again, just an example here) then you can add another marketing technique.  But only after you have mastered it and spent at least a couple of months doing it every day.

Probably not exactly what you were looking for.  Personally, I get this question a lot.  "What works the best?"  Well...that's really hard to answer because what works best for one person doesn't match what works best with another.  But the thing that definitely without doubt is the secret is daily consistent action and focus.  Without that focus and daily consistent action you do very little in a lot of things and will see nothing in return.

I really hope this helped.  If you have more questions let us know!  We are here to help.  Smiley

Vincent Parker

Vincent R. Parker
Posts: 1

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« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2010, 09:12:19 AM »

I focus on free business opportunities. then highly recommend buying a domain name I am going to cut and paste portions of my site as to not try and use this to promote my stuff, but this has worked for me. I am now starting to look at bigger advertising to get it out there.

Directly from my site on the same page I provide links to some affiliate programs. Give people a free business and free money first, it helps.

"Affiliate programs pay people to promote their products or services. They are always free, if someone claims to have an affiliate program that you have to "buy in" to; it is not a true affiliate program. Unless they provide a product or service that you are interested in walk away. There some good programs that you only have access to after purchasing their product. If it is a product that you will use, go for it. I do not recommend places that require you to spend hundreds of dollars a month for a product automatically shipped to you if you are just trying to make money. There are way too many free sources available today that require no cost to make money. This causes no justification to pay a buy in and spend your money.

Step 2 - Get Your Domain Name."

Then on the step 2 page.

"Why a domain name is so important when promoting an affiliate program, people will leave out your referral link. Here is the problem and solution to your missing commissions.
Set up a redirect to the affiliate link provided to you by your affiliate program. 90% of people will not type http://www.youraffiliateprogram.com/thislongname...

Everyone knows http://www.youraffiliateprogram.com gets you to the same site. this is all they care about your commissions don't matter to them. If you want to fix that and keep all your commissions, here you go. We will go over promoting your domain names in the next step. "

Here I compare GDI to godaddy since it is the most commonly heard of competitor.  Were I explain 1 pays you back, 1 doesn't. hope that helps. I will let you know how things go for me as i start advertising heavier.
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