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1  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: If you have $100 a month ad budget to promote GDI, what would you do? on: April 03, 2008, 02:39:40 AM
Has anyone got good results with Google Adwords?

What headlines work best?

What body messsages work best?

And what GDI Websites that pull the best?

This is one of the methods that I will use, but before I do
that, for me, it's better to learn from those who have succeeded
with it in the first place.

Really need enlightenment... Grin  Grin  Grin
2  .WS Business / Marketing / If you have $100 a month ad budget to promote GDI, what would you do? on: April 02, 2008, 03:10:30 AM
Hello ALL GDI Lovers,

I need inputs from those of you who have made it with GDI.

I'd like to seriously market my own GDI sites to be as successful as you are.
I have my own methods which I currently apply, but if you can show me
your own success ways, I will be very glad to check it out and follow.

I currently set upto $100 ad budget per month. What's the best way
I can do with it?

All inputs are welcome and really highly appreciated.

Thank you very much in advance....


3  .WS Business / Marketing / Hello Anggota GDI Dari Indonesia! Ini beberapa tips yang mungkin berguna. on: March 27, 2008, 01:20:29 PM
Hallo teman-teman semua, sesama Anggota GDI dari Indonesia!

Sesuai janji saya di seksi perkenalan di forum ini, berikut ini adalah artikel yang pernah saya tulis untuk para Subscribers newsletter saya beberapa waktu yang lalu. Cuma karena khawatir di forum ini berlaku aturan yang demikian ketat, maka saya sengaja menghilangkan link-link yang seharusnya ada di artikel tersebut.

Soalnya, kalo ada link entar dibanned lagi!

Kalo mau baca versi lengkap yang ada link-nya silahkan berkunjung ke Blog yang baru saja saya bikin. Coba aja klik tanda website yang ada di sebelah kiri postingan ini. Di blog saya itu ada banyak artikel tentang Network Marketing yang mudah-mudahan bermanfaat untuk teman-teman semua.

Silakan kasih komentar, pertanyaan, masukan atau kritikan di sana. Mudah-mudahan saya bisa merespons secepatnya supaya bisa lebih membawa manfaat buat Anda.

Oh, iya. Saya memang kadung udah menulisnya dalam bahasa Inggris dan belum sempat saya terjemahkan. Tetapi saya yakin teman-teman bisa mengerti, karena bahasa Inggrisnya nggak rumit. Bahasa populer yang mudah dimengerti.

Ini dia artikelnya:

6 Surefire Ways To Profit From Your Online Network Marketing Program

Making money through quality Network Marketing has become a very
hot topic in today’s Internet Marketing industry.

I know it for sure, because as an Editor of Arigola e-Millionaire Newsletter
which provides FREE Ad to my subscribers, I notice that the numbers of
ads I received which promote Network Marketing programs have increased
significantly for the last 3 years.

If you want to take advantage of this growing trend, the following
suggestions might be very useful for you to build your own nice residual
income through quality Online Network Marketing programs.

1. Join A Quality Network Marketing Program That Has A Good System To
Help You Build Your Own Paid Downlines.

Every experienced Network Marketer knows that in Network Marketing the
money is in the Paid Downlines who stay and grow.

Therefore, it is so important to make sure that the Network Marketing program
you want to join has a good system to help you build and grow your own
Paid Downlines.

You know a Network Marketing Program has that kind of system, if they provide
you with the following:

1a. Professional Website. (Easy to load, easy to navigate, easy to read
and grasp information.)

1b. Powerful sales letter in the website. (The one which is so convincing
that turns visitors into downlines.)

1c. List Building System in the website. (Offer something valuable for
free to capture the visitors’ email addresses, so you can follow-up with your
Autoresponder Series.)

1d. Autoresponder. (The machine that automatically send several
messages in different set dates.)

1e. Powerful Built in Autoresponder Messages. (7, or 15, or 52,
or whatever number of messages that have been pre-written for
you and you can set them to be sent for every 2 days, or 7 days,
or whatever days that suit you. If these messages are very well
written, you will have high conversation rates.)

1f. Certain numbers of leads which will be automatically loaded
to your autoresponder every month you stay in the program.
feature helps you market your network marketing program
automatically. While you do nothing, your autoresponder messages
do the selling for you.)

If you haven’t involved in any Network Marketing program yet, please take
a look at the following sites:

[The links are omitted deliberately to follow the forum rules]

Visit those sites and learn. That’s what I mean by a “Quality Network Marketing
Program”. They have even more than I listed above. They have video and DVD
presentations that do the selling for you. They have great forum with more than
60,000 active members where you can learn from each other how to build your
Network Marketing business. And they have a lot more than that.

I highly recommend you to take their “7 Days Free Trial” offer. And then browse
all they got in your member area to make you understand how a good Network
Marketing Program should do and be.

(Bagian ini baru saja saya tambahkan, sebagai salah satu cara saya memasarkan GDI)

2. Work Closely With Your Upline

The fact that your upline has successfully recruited you as his/her downline means
that his/her method works.

It’s really a simple common sense to ask them for “their success secrets”. If you
succeed from putting their ideas to work, they succeed too.

3. Organize An Advertising Co-Op For Your Organization

Getting quality traffic to your Network Marketing program site can be very
expensive, if you do it on your own. But you can save tons of cash, if you
purchase it in bulk.

Let me explain.

Let’s say you want to buy responsive and quality leads from a reliable leads
provider, but your budget for that purpose is only $150. With this cash, you
can only get $0.30 per lead.

Now, you can ask your downline to do Ad Co-op with you. If you can get 9
downlines who are willing to pay $150 each, your budget becomes $1500.
With this money, you can get leads for $0.22 each. So everyone will get 681
leads instead of 500 for the same $150.

What if you just start and don’t have any downline yet? Easy. Ask your
upline(s) to organize it for you.

4. Get As Many Targeted Prospects As Possible To Trigger Your Autoresponder

You want to do this because you need to expose your series of sales
messages to people who are in needs of what you have to offer. The more
targeted prospects who send emails to your autoresponder email address,
the better.

Apart from importing quality leads you purchase into your autoresponder as
explained in point 3, you can also do it by promoting your autoresponder
address through:

4a. Ezine Advertising.
Run Solo Ads or Top Sponsor Ads or Classified ads in Ezines of which the
subscribers match your prospect criteria. Give them something valuable for
FREE to send a blank email to your autoresponder email address. Trust me,
it works. I’ve personally gained hundreds of prospects using this tactic alone.

4b. Google Adwords Advertising
When you use this method, it’s like displaying your classified ad in the entire
network of Google. It can be displayed million times but you only pay when
someone clicks your link. And when they do, they are very targeted. They
are your hot prospects.

Therefore, make sure that the link you put in your ad, is the one that directs
them to a web page that will make them send their email addresses to your
autoresponder address.

If you want to get Google Adwords for FREE, click here:

[The link is omitted deliberately to follow the forum rules]

4c. Smart Use Of Quality Traffic Exchange, Start Page Exchange Or Hit
Exchange programs.

These programs are free to join and this is how they work: When you join,
they will give you a “surfing” URL that contains so many web pages in rotation.
Usually, you get one credit for each page you surf for 30 seconds. For every 2
credits you’ve got, they will display your Target URL to other member once.

Nowadays, there are hundreds of them. But the quality ones are not that many.
When you use this method, don’t put your Network Marketing Program
homepage as the target URL. Your target URL should be a web page that offers
something so valuable for free to motivate your prospects to send their email
addresses to your autoresponder address.

Here are the best ones I know:

[The links are omitted deliberately to follow the forum rules]

4d. Getting Involved In MLM forums
Go to Research MLM forums. Join the ones that suit you. Don’t
write any ads at all. Introduce yourself. Involve in discussion that interests you.
Provide intelligent answers only in the topic you really know. Invite people to
send blank emails to your autoresponder only in your Signature file.

If your posts make people think that you are an expert, chances are you’ll get
a lot of hot prospects sending blank emails to your autoresponder address.

4e. Quality Article Writing
Once you’ve gained some experiences that people might like to know about
and to learn from, start writing quality articles and submit it to as many article
directories and ezines as possible.

If you can put in quality content that your readers like and find it useful,
you’ve built a good reputation. And usually they don’t mind to visit your
website or subscribe to your mailing list.

And when they do, they are also very targeted and they are also your
hot prospects.

To access Article Directories and Ezine Directories, just Google it. You’ll find
tons of sites where you can submit your articles to.

4f. Learn The Tips, Tricks And Techniques of Web Promotion
In The “Insider Secrets” Course

For other effective methods to promote your sites, I highly recommend you to
take Derek Gehl’s The Insider Secrets To Marketing Your Business On The Internet.
Originally, it’s the work of the late Great Internet Marketer, Corey Rudl. It’s
responsible for the making of tons of today’s Internet 6 figures income earners.
It’s responsible for making me an Ezine Publisher with more than 40,000
subscribers. I guarantee that you’ll learn a lot just by taking a closer look at the
site here:

[The link is omitted deliberately to follow the forum rules]

4g. Promote your Network Marketing site using Web 2.0 Marketing.
What does Web 2.0 Marketing mean? It actually takes an entire ebook to explain
it thoroughly. But in short, it’s using the combination of “Bookmarking Sites”,
“Social Networking Sites”, “Blogging Sites”, and “Video Sharing Sites” to promote
your site.

How do you do that?

For complete resources which you can get for free, click here:

[The link is omitted deliberately to follow the forum rules]

Here, you can sign up for free and download ebooks about how to use Web 2.0
Marketing to promote your site.

4h. Use Your Microsoft Excel To Create Your Own Table Of Daily Marketing
Plan For 36 Days. Or More.

Put what you’ve learned so far into action immediately. Don’t procrastinate. Don’t
be afraid to spend some money, when you have to. It’s your investment.

Remember, building your Network Marketing business is no different than building
a brick and mortar one. It takes capital. It takes skills and works.

So, do your Marketing and Promotion Activities Daily. Plan it first using your Microsoft
Excel. List all the activities in one row. Spread it up to 36 days. Or more. Once it’s
done, execute it as planned.

Don’t forget to use Ad Tracking Device for every promotional tactic and ad you
use to know which one gives you the best results.

5. Repeat The Methods That Work Until You Gain Significant Profits

If the methods you receive from your upline work, repeat it. If not, forget it.
The same thing goes for other tactics explained in this article.

If you keep repeating what works, chances are you will gain significant profits in
no time. What I mean by significant is the amount you receive per month from
a particular program is at least 30 times its monthly fee.

Once you reach this stage then…

6. Ask Your Friends To Join Under You And Persuade Them To Do What You Have Done

Well, you’ve gained profits already. It means that you have a solid prove and you
don’t come to your friends empty handed. You won’t be laughed at. In fact, you
will trigger their curiosity and motivate them to join under you.

But be picky here. Choose only those who have interest in making money from
home and are familiar with computers and internet.

After they do, explain to them the benefits (read: profits) they will get, if they
follow your examples. Be their faithful coach until they earn their own significant
profits. Once they reach this stage, tell them to ask their contacts to join under
them and follow their steps.

Once you hit success with this technique, CONGRATULATIONS! Your Downline
for a particular program has grown like crazy! Without you even knowing it! By
that time, I guess you’ll earn more than $1,900 per month from any Network
Marketing Program you join!

===End of Article===

Semoga bermanfaat!
4  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Hello From Indonesia on: March 27, 2008, 03:08:22 AM
Hello Teman-teman dari Indonesia!

Perkenalkan nama saya Rizky Nur Zamzamy. Tapi teman-teman saya lebih suka memanggil saya Jimmy. Saya sering bilang "Rizky Nur Zamzamy" itu untuk urusan akhirat, naaah "Jimmy" untuk urusan dunia!  Grin

Saya baru aja join GDI. Belon ada 24 jam. Jadi belon sempet masarin.

Yang pertama saya lakukan justru register ke forum ini dan saya senang sekali ternyata banyak orang dari negeri tercinta yang join di GDI. Dan banyak yang punya antusiasme dan semangat tinggi, cuma belum tau mesti mulai dari mana untuk memasarkan GDI dengan cara efektif tapi murah.

Kebetulan sejak dari 2002 saya menerbitkan Newsletter elektronik tentang Internet Marketing dan Network Marketing namanya Arigola e-Millionaire Newsletter. (Saya gak mau kasih link di sini khawatirnya nanti postingan saya di banned. Kalo mau berkunjung coba aja search "Arigola e-Millionaire Newsletter" di Google. Ada lebih dari seribu link di situ yang mengacu ke website saya.)

Bila Anda perlu tips-tips untuk memasarkan situs GDI Anda, coba aja Anda ke seksi Marketing di forum ini. Setelah menulis perkenalan ini saya akan posting tips-tips tersebut di sana.

Sekian dulu perkenalan kita. Mudah-mudahan kita semua bisa sukses bersama GDI! Roll Eyes
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