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1  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / New Affiliate on: April 25, 2009, 03:26:31 PM
I am new (4-15-09) to GDI and I know it will take some time and effort to get this going. However, I am not having any luck getting any responses to ads. Before anyone tells me to buy leads or anything else that costs money, I don't have ANY money that I can spend on this at this time. If it ever begins to generate some cash, then I would be able to spend some to make more. For now I am trying to do what my direct sponser told me to do, and that is to place ads.  I mainly use Craigslist but that is becoming a big hassle as my ads are removed almost as soon as they are published due to the fact that this is a work at home ad. I can't pay for ad space. I sent an e-mail to everyone in my upline asking for help and I got one response. That person gave me a list of places where he places ads, but failed to answer any other of my questions. I am not familiar with building a website and am lost when I try to build one. I have no idea what "html" means or what it does. Anyway, the point is, I joined because I thought I could make some money at this, but when you don't get any responses to your ads you don't make money. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?
I live in California, and really need some hand holding and would greatly appreciate help from someone. Hope to hear from someone soon.
Thanks, Julie
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