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1  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Sigs...share what works for YOU! on: August 29, 2007, 05:39:07 AM
A Sig I like Is:  Domain Name, Web- Site, Internet Business all For The Price of a Pizza!
I like that. I hope you don't mind if I use it on a biz card with the picture of a pizza and my website url.
Thanks in advance.
The main thing in life is to forget about Murphy's Law and approach life with the reverse logic "If anything can go right, it will."
The above quote can into my mind when having a discussion with my daughter. I don't know if I made it up or read it somewhere..................John Phillips

Have a Great Day!
John Phillpis


2  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: How can I put my phone number on the signup form and other pages? on: August 29, 2007, 05:39:06 AM
I think that should be an option for those who do not want to hid behind email..... I personally would not sign up to an anymous websiite. As it happened, I knew my enroller. If it's not possible than that should be changed......
I'm not sure exactly what other pages you are referring to but if it's in regard to your website, you can put your phone number in your webpages by using the "Additional Properties tab" in the page editor of the Sitebuilder for each page that you want to add your number to. Hope this helps.


Have a Great Day!
John Phillpis

3  Administration / Announcements / Re: Additional Domain Extensions are Now Available on: August 27, 2007, 07:37:52 PM
It looked like there was an additional $10 maintenance charge for any domain ext other than .ws. Is that correct?


Click on the ? mark next to where you would pick your domain extension. It will explain any additional maintenance charges.

Have a Great Day!
John Phillpis

4  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Share Your Best! on: August 07, 2007, 06:47:42 PM
Is it legal to put business cards in magazines and books at the book store? Isn't that the same as putting un-stamped ads in mailboxes? Great idea, I hope it is legal and want to make sure first!
I don't know if it's legal or not but it works. If you're going to do it, may I suggest taking it easy. You don't want the management getting mad.
Speaking of business cards, I just made up one that I think is adorable. It says on the top:
GOT DOT?? AND UNDERNEATH THAT THERE IS A DRAWING OF A CUTE QUESTIONING DOG SURROUNDED BY THE DIFFERENT DOMAIN EXTENSIONS AVAILABLE. Under that I have my website address. The back of the card has some additional info. I would post it here but I'm not sure if I can do that because of copyrights, etc. The program I used said I could use the images but only for my personal use. If you're interested in seeing it, go to my website and click on my email. In the subject put "picture of card" and I'll email a picture so you can get the idea. Just don't use my dog. Actually, any cute animal should look good.
Have a Great Day.
John Phillips
5  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Think outside the Internet. on: August 05, 2007, 12:18:07 PM
As I look at posts on this forum and at the websites in use by my downline, I am struck by one obvious fact.  Many people are simply pushing the business opportuniity, trying to get others to sign up for GDI in hopes that THOSE people will, in turn, push the business opportunity to others.

What so many people forget in their quest to "grow their downline" is that they actually have a real, genuine product to sell.  Many of the people they recruit who simply want to make money will fall by the wayside, but the people who actually have use for the GDI domain name they buy will not only probably stay as customers for a while, creating residual income, but, as satisfied customers themselves, will be in an excellent position to possibly make YOU more money later!

After all, what is the best, and cheapest, form of advertising?

Word of mouth, of course.  Better yet, word of mouth from a satisfied customer

And, who often makes the best distributor for a product?  Why, the satisfied customer who realizes that he or she has no problem telling others about how great the product is, how it served his or her business, and how it also presents the opportunity to make a couple of bucks as well.

With this all in mind, I just sent my downline the following email:

SUBJECT:  What do these people have to do with GDI?

Walter, Christina, Anneta, Mike, Pete, Carlton.

Seems like a random list of names to you.  However, to me they are potential GDI clients NOT found on the Internet!

I stopped in a local bakery in a small town the other day.  On the counter were stacks and displays of business cards belonging to local people.  None had an email address or website on it, yet it seemed to me that the businesses (insurance, para-legal, art gallery, motorcycle repair, pool service, car sales) could really use their own website, and, after all, these people were actively trying to promote their businesses.

There were a couple of email addresses on the cards, but they were Yahoo and SBCGlobal...generic. 

Most of these people don't feel they can afford to get a website, yet we know different.  We know that it is simple, and relatively cheap, to get your own domain name and email address that reflects your business, AND build the website yourself, without having to pay a website designer, and then host that website for $10 a month.

I bet Anneta would like to have lampasasartgallery.ws or originalpaintings.ws.  Maybe Mike would like to trade his email address at hotmail.com for mike@mikescycles.ws or something similar.  You know, I think I'll give them a call, send them a letter, or send them a DVD. 

What do you think?

Could you make a few more sales of your product if you think outside the Internet?

Have a great day.

Don Baldwin

P.S.  If you think this idea has merit, why not pass this to YOUR downline.
I like your idea. i have to agree with you that our product is what we should be selling especially now with the addition of the other domain extensions. If you get enough people who use and like the product, they will tell their friends and associates about it without thinking about making money. Your approach is great. Always be on the lookout for a potential customer. They are a lot easier to sell if they could use the product. I think it's time we redirect our thinking to the millions of potential customers.
Have a Great Day!
John Phillips
6  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Eastern USA on: September 07, 2006, 08:55:38 PM

I live in Dutchess County, NY. Are we neighbors?

Hi! I also live in Dutchess county. Hyde Park to be more specific. GDI is a great opportunity. Hope to see your business cards on bulletin boards when I post mine.
John Phillips
7  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Best way to advertise? on: August 07, 2006, 01:26:04 PM
Would like to know if one can use google to advertise without signing
in under some one else?

I'm not quite sure as to what you're referring to when you say "signing in under someone else". All you have to do is sign and set up a Google Account with your info and then post your own ads.
You shouldn't have any problem.
John Phillips
8  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Where do you find the Flyers on: August 06, 2006, 08:26:00 PM
[Hi,] My name is Lou and Im from ontario Canada, I have just joined GDI, and found this form I really dont know how to use it yet. But am trying,any suggestions you can give me will be GREAT. Cheesy
You're picture seems familiar - like you've been around awhile. In any case, enjoy the forum. It is packed with info.
Best of Luck and hang in there.
John Phillips
9  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: DVD Full Preview... on: July 21, 2006, 04:36:16 PM
I'm curious about the DVD , I don't want to copy them because I want them to be top quality
My question is....Can we sell them instead of just giving them away ?
I want to charge $10 each...If after they view the DVD and decide not to join they could return the
DVD to me for a refund , as long as the DVD has not been damaged
If they do join my downline , I'll use that $10 and give them a couple more DVD'S to share with their friends
to help them get started.....Can we do that  ?

J Blake,
I know for a fact that you cannot sell the DVD. Although, you have a nice idea, it is against GDI's rules to sell the DVD.

10  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Downline Questions on: July 17, 2006, 05:18:16 PM
I guess that I'm unclear about the commissions.  Do we get paid $5.00 for each of our 1st line recruits and $1.00 for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th?  Or do we get $1.00 for everyone we recruit? 
You get $1.00 for everyone you personally recruit and for the ones recruited by them down five levels. This is continuous month after month. Say you recruit only 3 and those 3 each recruit 3. You now have 3 on your 1st level and 9 on your 2nd level for a total of 12. You would get paid $12.00 a month for as long as thyose 12 remained active.
Now let's say those 9 on your 2nd level duplicated you and your 1st level by referring just 3 each, you would have 27 on your 3rd level. And those 27 did the same, you would have 81 on your 4th level. Then those 81 did the same, you would have 243 on your 5th level. I don't have a calculator handy but if you add up each level: 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, you would have your commission for the 5 levels. This would come each month.
I hope this has answered your question.
Much Success to All!
11  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Share Your Website on: July 11, 2006, 07:40:42 PM
Hi there everybody !!

I have been having some success with GDI and recently put up a site.

I am targeting clubs and large community groups as this is one of the fastest ways to success

kind regards to all

Lynden Ferris

I was very impressed by your site and your approach. Very nice. How do you plan on reaching your target market? Also what bridge was that you were climbing and in what city?
12  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: GREETING FROM NEW YORK! on: July 09, 2006, 01:39:59 PM

Hi everyone, my name is Joan Crasten and I live in New York.  I'm new to GDI, I just signed up  few days ago.  I'm trying to get my website up and running, and have to work out the kinks.  Any suggestions, I'd really appreciate it.

Newbie, Joan

Welcome Joan!
I'm also from New York, upstate - Poughkeepsie area.
My advice is to read as much as possible what is on the Forum. Know your back office like the back of your hand and contact your sponsor and upline for tips to getting started.
Best of Success!
13  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Share Your Website on: July 04, 2006, 03:26:14 PM
Greetings All,

Got the site up...sending out emails to folks I know in RL. Any other advice from some of you more experienced (and successful) GDI'ers?


I love your site. Amazing that you got it up in just about your first day. You should be going places with GDI.
14  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Questions about GDI on: June 26, 2006, 06:41:24 AM

I would like to ask a few questions before I decide to move forward or not  .

How good is this programme overall ?

How reliable is it ?

Is it likely to last 20+ years ?

How honest has it been so far ?

In what format do you get paid ? (check , or is it credited to your credit card or another way)

Thank you  Dianne &  Craig

Dianne &  Craig,
Hi! My name is John and I've been an affiliate for quite awhile and I would like to try to answer your questions. I'm sure a lot others will be adding in their comments too.

First, the program is great! If you give it time you can build a good foundation on which to build a really good business. The company is fantastic. The forum is the best.......you can say what you want as long as you don't get out of line. The members area is state of the art. Once you get use to it you'll be amazed at how it keeps your records. There is a lot to learn but it's one of the simplest business to understand.

Reliability: It's like having a job with a good company. How reliable are they? You can expect to get paid when you're suppose to.

Is it likely to last 20+ years ?: This company and it's product are great! I truly believe this company will be around as long as the internet is around. How long do you think that is?

Honesty: I haven't seen any dishonesty. Anything is possible here but it's up to the person how far and big they will take this. It requires work, dedication and persistance. There is no free ride. It's not a get rich quick thing. It will take time to build. Some do it faster than others and others give up. My advice is don't spend any money where you don't have to. There are plenty of ways to promote this opportiunity free. Talk to your sponsor. Ask them for advice. Search the forum thoroughly. You'll find a lot of information.

Payment: Bonuses are paid through Paypal. Commission payments are made through various methods (ie. Paypal, Check and more.) Study your members area. Check out all the tabs on the left and see what they are all about. Check out the FAQs Tab at the top of the members area.

If you are really serious about building a business, I think you may have found just what you are looking for. Think long term.
John Phillips   
15  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Share Your Website on: June 02, 2006, 04:14:42 PM
hi all...

check out these websites...



I liked your sites (the first 2 as I haven't looked at the tyhird yet. Your did a great job with your color contrasting. I do have one question, Why do you have a generic link to the members area sign in page? Are you trying to lose your customer? I'm not quite sure why you used that   
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