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166  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New Members! on: January 08, 2010, 08:27:34 AM
Hi Brenda.  Welcome to the GDI forum!  Your first step is to get your website going.  You can do this by using the site builder, you can build your own and upload it or use one of the GDI replicated sites.  Take some time to get to know your back office and click on all the links you find there.  Your next step is to get some marketing training.  Definitely register and attend the GDI webinars.  You will find a link right on your back office home page right at the top, as well as all the recorded versions.  The last webinar for 2009 and the first one for 2010 were fantastic.  As you get marketing training then start taking some action.  Every day take steps to grow your business.  There are many marketing methods out there for you to use.  And virtually all marketing techniques will work great for you.  Just be sure to learn how to use them effectively and above all, take daily action.

Here's to your new year!  Smiley
167  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Hello from India on: January 08, 2010, 08:18:51 AM
Hi CMurugesan!  Welcome to GDI and the GDI forums!  Smiley

A happy and prosperous 2010 to you too!
168  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Hi from Malaysia on: January 05, 2010, 06:06:37 AM
Hi Syed, Muhamad and Bazli!  Welcome to Global Domains International and the GDI forums.  Smiley
169  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Greetings from the UK on: January 05, 2010, 06:04:19 AM
Hi Phil, welcome to GDI and the GDI forum.  Unfortunately I have no answers and cannot comment on shipping charges, but welcome nonetheless.  Smiley
170  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New Members! on: January 04, 2010, 03:40:16 PM
Hi Remigio, Tamas, Lisa, Chris and Susie!  Welcome to the GDI forum!  Susie, I absolutely love the advice you give, "DON'T GIVE UP!"  That is so very key to growing a strong business.  Your efforts build over time.  So keep it up!  You're on your way!  Smiley
171  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New Members! on: January 02, 2010, 02:41:09 PM
Lots of new names on the forums this New Year!  Welcome one and all to GDI and the forums.  Look around, you'll find a lot of useful tips, advice, experiences and suggestions.

Welcome aboard!  Smiley
172  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: I am Richard from Malaysia on: January 01, 2010, 07:52:31 AM
Hi Richard, welcome to GDI and the GDI forums!  Smiley

Well, you've already stumbled upon one of MY secrets.  Learning.  Corny?  Perhaps.  Yet, here's what many people arriving in the network marketing scene do:

One morning they wake up and say, I want to be a doctor.  So, they head over to the hospital, steal a gown and put it on and then say, 'Hi everyone!  Richard here reporting for duty.  Today I'm going to do brain surgery.  Where's my first patient?'

Now, I'm not trying to pick on you, Richard, but if I were the patient I would wheel my bed out of that hospital as fast as possible.  Chances are if you worked on my brain at the VERY LEAST I'd walk away with a stutter and a handicap sticker.

Yet, many network marketers take this approach.  When first beginning years ago I did.  And it led to a lot of frustration and failure.  So much so I felt that I DID need a handicap sticker.

So, I really like what you said about "still learning".  Make it a point to keep learning and then implementing what you learn.  By learning you are already ahead of everyone else.

One final thing, don't feel bad about spending money on your education.  In my mind that is the one thing your money is never wasted on.  You can buy ad space but when it's used up, it's gone.  Yet, when you invest in your education the rewards and benefits are on going.  If you want a list of books just shoot me a message and I'll let you know some that I find tremendously valuable.  Most of them you can pick up at Amazon or a bookstore for around $10.  There are also some e-books on the internet that have completely changed my mind set and how I grow my business.  There are even some free resources out there that, though free, are top of the line.

Anyway, keep that dream alive.  If you keep learning and implement what you learn on a daily basis you will be able to fire your boss and escape that rat race for good.

Oh!  One more thing!  (Don't you love long posts?)  Be sure to attend the weekly GDI webinars.  If you want to be the best, you have to learn from the best.  Smiley

173  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Questions about GDI on: December 31, 2009, 07:06:43 AM
Hi Jayme.  This is a problem everyone encounters.  Ever hear the saying that you can lead a horse to water but not make it drink?  In my experience what you are doing works best.  Keep in touch with them.  Call them on the phone.  Your goal is to help them.  So, find out why they started the trial period.  Ask that outright.  "What caused you to sign up for the trial period?"  "What do you hope to achieve with building your own business?"  Dig deep!  I just want to make money is not really an answer, find out why they want to make money and then let them know that you are here to help.  Make sure they know that when they become active you will help them by placing people that sign up under you into THEIR downline.  People respond very well when they know you are there only to help.  Yes, you are going to earn money from them.  But you don't have to tell them that.  Just let them know that you are there FOR THEM.  Remember, ask and you shall receive.  So, don't be afraid to ask them to continue.  Let them know the benefits to them, i.e. I will place new members I acquire under you and your team to help you grow your business.  Make it all about benefits.

This is about the best you can do.  You also do have to know when to just break it off.  Don't spend a whole lot of time on people who want proof or say they need more time.  If they say they need to think about it, ask them what they will be thinking about.  Listen but don't respond to that.  Say something like, "I understand where your coming from.  What exactly caused you to sign up for the trial?"

The trick, for me, is to communicate with them.  By phone is best, email is second best.  Always speak about benefits, let them know what you will do for them, concentrate on what they want.  And, if they still go "Ummmm", "Well....", "I have to think about it more..." cut them loose.  OK, it was nice talking to you.  I have a bunch of other people to call so I'll leave you to your thoughts while I continue building my business.  Have a good day!  Click.  Sounds harsh, right?  But, some people will never decide.  You have to learn to pick up on when that is and say, bye bye.

I guess, in the end it's all about communication and benefits.  This is the best you can do.

Good luck!  Smiley
174  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome to the Philippines!!! Filipinos, let's unite!!! on: December 31, 2009, 07:06:43 AM
Hi Crisanac, welcome to GDI and the forums.  Smiley

There are so many ways to improve and increase your GDI business.  You are right, there is a ton of information out there.  And many many ways to market.  Here is a bit of advice.  As you learn how to market and you discover all the different methods there are, pick only 2-3 methods and stick with those.  Research all you can on those methods.  And keep doing them until you start getting results and have mastered them.

Virtually all marketing methods out there work.  The trick is learning how to do them properly and then following with daily consistent action.  Do them everyday, because nothing you do will bring instant results.  But, the more you do it the better you get and the stronger it becomes.  It's like stacking pieces of paper one on the other in order to create a tower.  One piece of paper is not very high.  But if you keep stacking one piece of paper onto another eventually you will look at it one day and it will be very tall.  Do you see what I'm saying here?

With that said, you wanted simple and specific instructions to start your GDI business going.  Here is something anyone and everyone can do.  Get yourself some business cards.  You can use the ones from your GDI back office, these are really nice.  You can also order them from places like VistaPrint for very cheap.  Then get in the habit of placing a card in all the places you visit.  When you go out to eat leave one along with your tip.  Leave one on the counter of stores.  Leave one in a taxi when you reach your destination.  Put them in hotel drawers.  Just, everywhere you go, leave behind a card.  It will become habit in no time.

One of the biggest things that separates people who get results and people who do not are the habits they form.  Get in the habit of doing things productive to your business.  They don't have to be big, they build over time.  Just keep doing them.

Another thing you can do is join some forums and read/post in them every day.  Then, in your signature include a link to your GDI page.  It may say something like, "Got Dot?  Why Not?" or "Build A New Life" or "Go Global.  It Only Makes Sense."  Put whatever you like, just be sure to be active in those forums every day.  Don't over do it.  Start with just a few forums then once a month or so add another.  Remember, your work builds over time, it's the daily action that really matters.

You might also consider creating a blog.  It's best if you don't use a free blog site, create your very own.  One you control completely.  Then just talk about what you did that day to grow your business.  What you learned that day about marketing.  Make some videos and just speak about what you experience in GDI and the marketing world.  When you get a sign-up, definitely talk about that and how it made you feel.  What your hopes are.  Things like that.  Blogs are very popular and if you post at least 3 times a week you will slowly start to draw attention.

Finally, to keep this short (because there are literally hundreds of things you can be doing) go out and get some training on building a business.  Take a look at people like Mike Dillard and watch their free videos and if you have the money, buy some of their ebooks and materials.  Because the more you know, the more you can share, the more value you have to other people and the more they will want to be around you and listen to what you say.

Hope this helped a bit.  Feel free to contact me if you have questions or write them in the forum and let everyone benefit with what you are learning or trying to learn.

Best of luck!  And happy New Year!  Smiley
175  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome to the Philippines!!! Filipinos, let's unite!!! on: December 31, 2009, 03:41:31 AM
Hi James!

Welcome to GDI & the forums!  Learn, put into effect what you learn, do it daily.  You'll have a great 2010!  Cheers!  Smiley
176  .WS Business / Training / Re: Training 101 on: December 28, 2009, 03:36:08 AM
This reply is a little late, so please do forgive me on that.

First, to answer the question about the email that I personally use.  Like I said, I write ONE message to the new prospect and let the GDI automatic follow up take care of the rest.  The message I use is short and is only meant to let the person know that they can contact a real person if they need help.  So, here is an example of something I might write:

Subject:  You're In NAME, Welcome To The Team!


I noticed that earlier today you came through my website looking for information on Global Domains International.  If you did not have time to really dig into the website please do so now by visiting {here I include my GDI link}.

If you have any questions or need any help, please feel free to contact me.  I am here to help.  And once again, welcome to the team!

Best wishes,

Vincent Parker
(contact info)
{Here I place a link to my GDI site once again}

The key here is to NOT spam them.  Write ONE message and let the GDI autoresponder (which sends out mails automatically) do it's work.  Your goal, your ONLY goal, is to let them know that you are a real person and you are willing to connect with them and help them.  Period space space!

Now, on to Sean's idea about placing new members under your current members and teaching them do the same.  Sean, FANTASTIC idea.  That is why GDI allows you to do this.  If you can give your team some kind of success, even just a little bit, they will be motivated to stay on your team and copy what you do.  You see, 97% of all network marketers fail to make any money online AT ALL.  Most spend MUCH more money than they make.  So if you can put money in their hand, even if it's just $1, you will have done something nobody else does.

Some might be thinking, won't this decrease my earnings further down the line?  The answer to that is NO.  Because by providing them with even a little success, a little help, a little money, you are fueling their fire and firing them up to really try.  If you just sit back, ignore your team and provide no help...well, you'll find your team leaving very quickly.  Remember the Zig Ziglar quote...make this your mantra...."You can have everything you want in life if you just help enough other people get what they want."  Giving is KEY to receiving.

Hope this helps.  Smiley
177  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Share Your Best! on: December 28, 2009, 03:15:54 AM
Hi Rick,

I have hundreds of ads that I use.  Every week I sit down and write out the ads I will be posting that week.  I'll give you an example of an ad but before I do here are a couple notes.  First, remember that one ad on one site will do nothing.  You must place an ad on as many sites as you can every single day.  Every day write a new ad and post that ad.  If you have ads that need renewing, go ahead and renew them and then post your new ad on top of that.  Do this every day.  Consistent action is what you are after.

Second, here is a great book to read.  Actually, any books on copywriting will help you.  There are some great ones out there.  One I find extremely helpful is Advertising Headlines That Make You Rich by David Garfinkel.  In fact, I'm going to leave it at that because in this book you are given loads of ads that you can use for GDI.  Fantastic book.  You can copy those ads and use them for GDI.  And, as you copy those ads you will see how to write great ones and you can start writing your own.

Hope this helps!  Oh, the book is about $30 from Amazon but believe me, definitely worth it.  It will really help.  Remember, an ad a day keeps the downline blues away!  Smiley
178  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Hello from The Netherlands on: December 28, 2009, 03:15:54 AM
Hi Edwin!  Welcome to the GDI forums!

You have it right, information and learning to market are the key to success.  Keep learning, keep growing and look to the long term.  As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is any solid business.

Good luck, my friend!  Groetjes!
179  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Share Your Best! on: December 10, 2009, 02:54:57 AM
Hey all, there are lots of great ideas here.  I've seen some posts about classified ad sites and other free resources.  It's funny how many people seem to think that these methods do not work.  They do, but here is a trick.  Actually, there are several tricks but one really really big one.

Consistent action.  Like Morten said earlier, place one or two ads per day.  Note: one or two ads per day.  Join as many classified ad sites as you can and post 1 or 2 ads on each of them every single day.  The fact is, most marketing methods work.  Yes, get some marketing training, that is huge.  Learn how to write good copy, learn how to build a list, learn how to market.

And then take action, massive action.  Only by taking massive action will you see massive results.  Keep it up, push yourself to the limits and run, don't walk, for your success.  Smiley
180  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Central/Western USA on: December 09, 2009, 02:55:24 AM
Hehe, hi Julie!  It IS easy to make a website, but I know how you feel.  My mom, who by the way calls me every other day with a question about her TV remote, used the SiteBuilder in GDI to make her own website.  And no, I am not giving out the link to that website as it features pictures of me that SHOULD NOT be up there.

Anyway!  If you want to make it really really easy you can always use the replicated site function.  When you first sign up with GDI your website is automatically set to forward to

If you have not changed that, just go to the My Replicated Sites tab and choose a site you want to display.

If you did change it and want to change it back click on Domains and then click on DNS Settings.  Change that to URL Forwarding and point it to  (remember to replace YOURGDIUSERNAME with your actual GDI username).

Hope this helps.  If you want some opinions on the website you create be sure to post it in the forums and get some reviews.  Smiley

Happy building!
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