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Please avoid posting any questions which may require us to discuss detailed information regarding your GDI account. Such questions should be submitted to support@wsdomains.ws.

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Author Topic: Newsletter Archives...  (Read 152187 times)
Alan Sheffield
Posts: 42

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« Reply #135 on: January 08, 2007, 01:16:48 AM »

Hi Chip,

We use the thumb-up as a big part of our Australian culture! This opportunity is like everything available in the world with the same amount of effort and determination required to make it happen. If one secured a corporate sales executive job/consultant for example, they would be doing exactly what you describe as the path to success anyway. To secure the high paying position, the person has put in the hard yards and gone the extra mile already. It isn't a mystery how one becomes successful. GDI offers someone like me the chance to utiilize my skills and learn new ones. I have to 'believe' in something whole-heartedly to be credible. I do believe GDI is simple to comprehend, easy to set-up and different to any other network marketing 'gig'. All others require you to buy expensive, imported (from the US products) per month to stay in the game. Most Aussies don't like that, I don't either. We also do not go for hype, as we learnt it isn't the reality here. There is some hype with GDI, but it is low-key and gives you the freedom to make your own mind up with the 7 day trial. It is Day 3 for me and I am absorbing everything at my pace. It is another key to success, I believe!!!! Cheers, Deborah

Well Said.
« Reply #136 on: February 20, 2007, 03:02:32 AM »

Principles of Success: The Law of Increasing Returns

    In this newsletter:

        * Feature: "What attracts prospects to you" [read more]
        * New Spanish Version Animated Presentation! [read more]
        * The GDI Wealth Guide [download it here]
        * SPAM WARNING: [read more]
        * Suggestions from the Support Department [read more]
        * Compensation Outline [read more]


Hello GDI Affiliates!

It's been awhile since you've seen a newsletter. We decided to discontinue them in December as we felt the value they brought to you was being diminished by the frequency of them. On the flip side, we think it's important to stay in touch with our customers. So we're going to start back up with the newsletters. This time around however, we will be doing them monthly instead of weekly. We would love to hear your thoughts on this change. Do you think once per month is ideal? Would you prefer to get them more often? Would your prefer to not get them at all? Send us a reply and let us know!



We want to elaborate on the benefits of doing more than is expected of you, and also examine another principle of success that can add tremendous value to your business and your life in general.

Just today, we received a card in the mail from an affiliate. It had no readily apparent purpose other than to thank our staff for the opportunity that Global Domains International is providing to affiliates world-wide.

We'd like to believe that the affiliate sending the card read the article last week and decided to begin trying the principle of "going the extra mile" out for himself by sending cards of appreciation to those people whose business relationships he values.

However, more than likely, he's discovered either through learning or through his own experience in business how to be more savvy than the average affiliate. For instance, he has probably learned that by standing out from the thousands of other affiliates we do business with and getting his name in front of our staff, in print, he'll earn a favorable standing with them.

He probably knows that the next time he emails the Support Department for help in solving a problem, his question or concern will be handled with priority. There's no written law or rule in our customer service manual that suggests we will treat people differently when they "go the extra mile", but our staff are all human, subject to the same rules and laws that govern us all.

When someone goes the extra mile, someone else almost always takes notice.

When someone does something for us, no matter how seemingly insignificant it would seem to someone who does not understand the laws that govern all relationships, business and otherwise, it sets something in motion that cannot be absolutely defined or measured. The effects and benefits of going out of your way to be above "the norm" by doing more than what is expected of you are not always immediately clear.

Although there is no proven scientific formula for measuring the benefit of making your relationships with everyone you come into contact with more pleasant and beneficial to the other party, we can say from our years of business experience that it is always beneficial in some way, and at some time in the future.

Even if the only thing you get out of it is the personal satisfaction you feel from having done something beneficial for someone else, it's well worth the time and energy you'll expend. More often than not, the benefit will be much greater, even if it's months or years down the road and the exact benefit you need comes at a time when you need it most.

The Law of Increasing Returns plays a major role in all businesses, and in your personal relationships. This law, simply stated in our own words, means that everything you do has an impact that you'll often feel later down the road of life, and in increasing quantity.

For example, when you do harm to a personal relationship by lying, saying things you don't mean, or by cheating someone, the effect of the action you choose to take will most likely impact you negatively in the future, in a quantity of harm far exceeding the harm you originally caused.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, when you go out of you way to do things for other people, that good you've done is also returned in kind. Although you cannot determine how or when "going the extra mile" will pay off for you, it ALWAYS does pay off for you. It can do you no harm.

In terms of business, consider this profound example. If a small group of research doctors were to spend YEARS and MILLIONS of dollars, with each of them going the extra mile every minute of every day, and pouring their life savings into successfully developing a new drug that could cure an epidemic, do you think at some time in the future, it would pay of grandly for them?

What about software developers, such as Microsoft, who pour millions of dollars and hours into developing software? When they finally start selling it and profiting BILLIONS, it's only costing them pennies per disk, isn't it? That's a great explanation we've found of the Law of Increasing Returns, and it all starts with "going the extra mile".

The reason the last two articles have strongly focused on this principle of success is because it's the ONE THING that every one of our affiliates can start doing now to increase their business success. Regardless of your nationality, your sex, your religion, your education level or what any of your other beliefs are, if you begin taking more care in developing and carefully nurturing your relationships with everyone you meet, you will benefit from it. If you make this a personal habit with everyone you come into contact with, you'll see the business benefit of it in very short order.

In network marketing, the easiest way to increase your results fast is to examine yourself and to change for the better those parts of your personality that may be unpleasing to others. We are in a people business. If you display the personality of someone who cannot be trusted and depended on, or who will trample on others instead of helping to lift them up, you'll have difficulty in building an organization of any size, much less a substantial one.

If you want something that will benefit you in terms of money, health, and happiness, go the extra mile in being pleasant towards everyone you communicate with. Smile as you're talking on the phone or writing your next email.

Be sincere, be honest and be fun.

These things make you an attractive person. When a person is "attractive", it means they attract people. When you're building a network marketing organization, that's exactly what you want, right?

The WS Internet Show Archive and Live Broadcasts

If you missed the last WS Internet Show with great tips from successful GDI affiliates Bram Smith and Janet Legere, you can now listen to the show archive at the URL below, along with 18 other archived shows with tips from other GDI affiliates and online marketing experts. With over 40 interviews and great tips for promoting GDI, this show is a must for all affiliates, new and experienced alike.


You can listen to the archives here, and get information on future shows. To listen live, all you have to do is visit the WebSite at the air dates and times announced. No phone or radio needed!


Company of the Month Reprints!

The reprints of the July 2006 Network Marketing Business Journal, featuring Global Domains International as the Company of the Month, are now available! If you haven't read this impressive multi-page article from the industry's most respected publication, The Network Marketing Business Journal, you should read it immediately.

This is a sure-fire way to show your prospects that Global Domains International is a credible business opportunity that has the potential to change their lives. The reprints include the full article published in the July 2006 issue of the Network Marketing Business Journal.

There is no specific sponsor information in the article reprint. Instead, there is a place for you to write or type in your own ID and contact information so the people you send these to can join with you as their sponsor. Order your NMBJ Reprints now at a very affordable price of about 35 cents per copy.

Spanish Version of our
Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:
http://www.website.ws/insert username/spanish/show
http://www.website.ws/insert username/espanol/show

You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.
URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.

Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws

Suggestions and News from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

Professionalism: When promoting GDI or .WS domain via email, phone or in person please keep in mind to always be respectful and professional with potential customers and/or your downline members.

Taxpayer Identification: Entering an invalid SSN on an account is a federal offense and will lead to account termination.

Business Accounts: Opening a business account requires a valid Tax ID and the use of the Business Name on the account sign up page rather than personal tax information.

WebSite Security: All confidential information you provide to GDI is entered on a secured page protected by high-level encryption. This is indicated by the (s) in the https:// you will see in your address bar on secured pages.

Advertising Approval: All advertisements should be submitted and approved by the GDI Executive Advertising Committee.


How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!
* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression       

The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show as they are scheduled.

Bonus Contests

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

    Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

    Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

    Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

    The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***
Posts: 1

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« Reply #137 on: February 20, 2007, 03:02:46 PM »

The newsletter is important because its a note from the company and since we dont have meetings or events,
its the glue that keeps everybody together. Maybe bi-weekly would be nice.
Posts: 1

View Profile WWW
« Reply #138 on: February 21, 2007, 12:12:53 PM »

I agree that the newsletter should be available to all members, once a Month should be fine. Cheesy
Clif A
Posts: 2

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« Reply #139 on: February 23, 2007, 01:54:23 AM »

A once a month newsletter would be good I believe. I just got my first batch of dvds, looking good!
Alicia Acoba
Posts: 1

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« Reply #140 on: February 25, 2007, 06:46:36 AM »

Would it be possible that the newsletter be shorter and written with bigger print, so that reading it will be easier?
Posts: 1

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« Reply #141 on: February 25, 2007, 03:22:34 PM »

I would love to see a Bi-Weekly Newsletter to keep us informed and motivated.
Sr. Member
Posts: 263

Internet Marketer & Search Expert

View Profile WWW
« Reply #142 on: March 01, 2007, 01:02:15 PM »

I enjoy the newsletter too.  Cheesy
Just a suggestion, why not allow GDI members to contribute in the newsletter their experience/business tips?
All of us can submit articles, but the admin will decide whose articles to publish in the newsletter.

Want to install a blog for your GDI domain name?
Send me a private message to get help
Posts: 1

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« Reply #143 on: March 02, 2007, 03:11:51 AM »

I enjoy the newsletter too.  Cheesy
Just a suggestion, why not allow GDI members to contribute in the newsletter their experience/business tips?
All of us can submit articles, but the admin will decide whose articles to publish in the newsletter.

« Reply #144 on: March 22, 2007, 11:39:58 AM »


How to Aim for Success

Success means something different for each person who desires it. To achieve success in any way, one has to work for it. Some may see success as power, while others may view it as money in the bank, status symbols, a big home, abundant life styles, or influence. Others still may see it as peace of mind, a comfortable lifestyle, a feeling of security, or any mix of varying human desires.

Have you ever met a person with money who was unhappy? Their lives are often like shells found at the ocean – gorgeous and shiny on the outside, but empty on the inside. Of course, you will meet many well-to-do people who do lead very happy and fulfilled lives. They did not let their affluence detract from their love for others or their peace of mind. For them, wealth adds to their personal lives instead of taking away from it. There is no argument that these people are successful, but how did they aim for success?

Take a moment to think about your life and building your home based business. Wouldn’t you like your business to flourish so that you can live “beyond the norm”? Many people would think of living beyond the norm as buying a bigger home, a bigger car and overall living a more lavish lifestyle. What about the possibility of living beyond the norm in terms of building your self-control, patience, kindness, and overall peace of mind?

Some food for thought: By gaining financial independence, you can increase the time you have to share with your family. This will strengthen the relationship between you and your family. Financial independence could also allow you to quit a dead-end job, resulting in you having more control over your life. You can see how this would help you in becoming a happier and more patient person.

Essentially, when your priorities are in order, your self-esteem is higher. When people have high self-esteem, they tend to be more productive in every area of their life. The following example of how to aim for success in terms of financial wealth has made millions of people financially independent worldwide.

How can you do this? Duplicate yourself. Encourage and assist others. Professional sports team owners pay their athletes millions of dollars, taking into consideration that if the athlete performs well he will attract spectators that will ultimately make the owner a profit on his investment.

Your downline is made up of your players. Collectively, they are your business team. When they do well, you will profit. Guide them and educate them in how to aim for success too! Share with them your new ideas or things that have helped you. Your mission is to help inspire them to increase their productivity, in turn helping you to succeed.

Stay focused on your goals. Maintain the belief that you are unique, and that you are deserving of a unique life. Generally speaking, people who are financially stable are much happier and have less stress. Undoubtedly, that success comes from within. It has to do with your own personal satisfaction and self-esteem, material possessions not withstanding.

GDI can give you the freedom to enjoy your financial success. Start now and aim for success today! You may separate yourself from the past or build upon it. Either way, look to the future. That is where you will live, and you should strive to live well.

Our systems will be unavailable late this evening while we perform scheduled maintenance starting at 11:00pm Pacific Time. Total downtime is expected to be 4 hours or less.

Visit the GDI Forums!

What was once a small sounding board for affiliates, has grown into a massive forum with over 39,000 active participants sharing marketing wisdom and technical advice. This is a free tool available to all active affiliates from within your account (click the "GDI Forum" link along the left sidebar in the Members Area).

Come see what other members are doing using our awesome SiteBuilder tool in the WebSite Showcase area.

Join the GDI Forum today using the link in your member's area.

WS Internet Show Archive and Live Broadcasts

If you missed the last WS Internet Show with great tips from successful GDI affiliates Bram Smith and Janet Legere, you can now listen to the show archive at the URL below, along with 18 other archived shows with tips from other GDI affiliates and online marketing experts. With over 40 interviews and great tips for promoting GDI, this show is a must for all affiliates, new and experienced alike.


You can listen to the archives here, and get information on future shows. To listen live, all you have to do is visit the WebSite at the air dates and times announced. No phone or radio needed!
Company of the Month Reprints!

The reprints of the July 2006 Network Marketing Business Journal, featuring Global Domains International as the Company of the Month, are now available! If you haven't read this impressive multi-page article from the industry's most respected publication, The Network Marketing Business Journal, you should read it immediately.

This is a sure-fire way to show your prospects that Global Domains International is a credible business opportunity that has the potential to change their lives. The reprints include the full article published in the July 2006 issue of the Network Marketing Business Journal.

There is no specific sponsor information in the article reprint. Instead, there is a place for you to write or type in your own ID and contact information so the people you send these to can join with you as their sponsor. Order your NMBJ Reprints now at a very affordable price of about 35 cents per copy.
Spanish Version of our Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:

You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.
Anti-Spam Policies

Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.

Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws
Suggestions and News from the Support Team

The email invitations sent from within your affiliate accounts now primarily direct your prospects to the original shorter cartoon presentation, with a secondary link included for the longer DVD presentation. Clicks for both presentations are tracked in the "Invite Statistics" section of your account.

You will find answers to many common questions in our FAQ section. You may also find the GDI forum extremely helpful; thousands of affiliates share advice and tips with each other there each day. You'll be surprised how helpful it is if you take the time to visit the forum.

If you are using our Hosting service, you can find answers to many of your questions in our new Hosting FAQ. You can access this by clicking the "WebSite.WS Hosting" link on the "Domains" page within your account. There is also an indicator to show you how much hosting space you have available.

Remember, never give your password out to anyone, even your upline. No one should ever require your password, and they should never ask you for that information. If another customer does ask you for your password, please report the occurrence to our Abuse team immediately.

Each affiliate is permitted to have one account. If someone chooses to cancel their account and re-register, they must wait a period of fourteen full days before they may do so.
How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!
— Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
— Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
— Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
— $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
— Dynamic Upward Database Compression
The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show as they are scheduled.
Bonus Contests

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.
4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***
Tatjana Prelog
Full Member
Posts: 221

Love, friendship and honesty are treasures!!!

View Profile WWW
« Reply #145 on: March 24, 2007, 04:18:23 AM »

Would it be possible that the newsletter be shorter and written with bigger print, so that reading it will be easier?

Yes, I agree with this too. I'm terrified if I have to read that amount of text and then under links in it more text, and in the underlinks of that text too etc ...

And no offence DPro, but if members would "contribute" to newsletters with their tips, suggestions etc, then for the one the letter would be even longer and this forum would be ded. I think for the tips, experiences etc here's this forum and we all can and are allowed to contribute in so I think this idea isn't particularly good. Besides, these newsletters are the news from inside the company out to the members and not oposite or member to memeber.

And yes, once a month in at least a lenght as those were before or even shorter would be planty enough.

Thank you for reading!

« Last Edit: June 16, 2007, 02:28:49 AM by Tatjana Prelog » Logged

Have a better day than I ever had!!! Charish the life, true friendship, love and honesty!!

« Reply #146 on: April 20, 2007, 03:09:02 AM »

Hello GDI Affiliates,


How to Assemble and Keep a Solid Network Marketing Team

You may have heard that many network marketers give up after only 90 days in business. This can be especially troubling when it occurs among people you have personally sponsored. However, you can prevent this if you shift your focus from personally sponsoring people to assisting your existing downline in getting off on the right foot.

Many people tend to forget that without duplication, it's difficult to be successful in network marketing. Duplication comes when you instruct and coach your team members to be more successful than you are.

Your team will produce the best results when they are working in a comfortable environment, and where they know they will find unconditional support. This type of environment will also help to build a lasting relationship between you and your downline, one that will endure any challenges you might face together.

The best way to foster this type of environment is to have consistent and frequent coaching sessions with your team. These sessions are invaluable, especially for new team members; it shows them that you care and that you want to help them succeed and build a successful organization of their own.

You can start these coaching sessions by talking about the individual's life and the challenges they are facing, or you can talk about what is going well for them. In any case, the goal is to begin building trust with this person. This is absolutely crucial when it comes to coaching.

Some of the other cornerstone elements you could discuss are:

    * The reason the individual chose to start the business
    * Effective means of recruiting new team members
    * Time management as it relates to marketing

There are many other topics to discuss - just use your imagination. The most important thing is that your team knows that you are there to help, no matter what problems or challenges arise.

Remember: This should all be done on your downline member's terms so that they can discover for themselves how to make network marketing work for them.

During these weekly coaching sessions your focus should be on listening, asking specific questions and taking notes. If you encourage an environment of unconditional support in these coaching sessions, you will begin to see positive results in your new member's performance.

Do this with the first 5 people you sponsor and try to be consistent in meeting once per week. We think you'll agree that the long-term results will be worth the time you invest.
Visit the GDI Forums!

What was once a small sounding board for affiliates, has grown into a massive forum with over 41,500 active participants sharing marketing wisdom and technical advice. This is a free tool available to all active affiliates from within your account (click the "GDI Forum" link along the left sidebar in the Members Area).

Come see what other members are doing using our awesome SiteBuilder tool in the WebSite Showcase area.

Join the GDI Forum today using the link in your member's area.
WS Internet Show Archive and Live Broadcasts

If you missed the last WS Internet Show with great tips from successful GDI affiliates Bram Smith and Janet Legere, you can now listen to the show archive at the URL below, along with 18 other archived shows with tips from other GDI affiliates and online marketing experts. With over 40 interviews and great tips for promoting GDI, this show is a must for all affiliates, new and experienced alike.


You can listen to the archives here, and get information on future shows. To listen live, all you have to do is visit the WebSite at the air dates and times announced. No phone or radio needed!
Company of the Month Reprints!

The reprints of the July 2006 Network Marketing Business Journal, featuring Global Domains International as the Company of the Month, are now available! If you haven't read this impressive multi-page article from the industry's most respected publication, The Network Marketing Business Journal, you should read it immediately.

This is a sure-fire way to show your prospects that Global Domains International is a credible business opportunity that has the potential to change their lives. The reprints include the full article published in the July 2006 issue of the Network Marketing Business Journal.

There is no specific sponsor information in the article reprint. Instead, there is a place for you to write or type in your own ID and contact information so the people you send these to can join with you as their sponsor. Order your NMBJ Reprints now at a very affordable price of about 35 cents per copy.
Spanish Version of our Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:
http://www.website.ws/(insert username)/spanish/show
http://www.website.ws/(insert username)/espanol/show

You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.
Anti-Spam Policies

Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.

Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws
Suggestions and News from the Support Team

You will find answers to many common questions in our FAQ section. You may also find the GDI forum extremely helpful; thousands of affiliates share advice and tips with each other there each day.

If you have moved or are planning to in the near future, please remember to update your address and phone number in the "Account Info" section of your members area. This will ensure that commission checks are delivered properly and without delay. Also, make sure the email address is correct so you don't miss out on important information.

You may login to your .WS email accounts by visiting www.email.ws and entering your email address and password.

The DVD presentation is available for viewing online in seven languages at http://freedom.ws.

It is always a good idea to maintain a healthy level of contact with your downline. You will succeed by helping them succeed, so keep the lines of communication open!
How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!
- Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
- Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
- Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
- $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
- Dynamic Upward Database Compression
The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show as they are scheduled.
Bonus Contests

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.
4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***
« Reply #147 on: May 18, 2007, 06:49:56 AM »

Personality Traits for Success

Affiliate marketing continues to gain popularity because of the convenience of the concept, and it has proven to be an easy may to make money from the Internet.

As with any other business venture, a GDI affiliate must invest time, energy and resources. However, the business model does not have the high start-up costs that may be associated with many other business ventures. Our program comes set up and ready to make money.

That said, there are still some key character traits that will help make you successful as a GDI affiliate. Generally speaking, successful entrepreneurs also share these common traits.

    * Self-assurance
    * Determination
    * Objectives, both short-term and long-term

Self-Assurance - Believe in what you are doing. You have to be confident in your product and in your ability to succeed in selling it. You must believe that you can achieve your goals. This conviction will keep your spirits high and help you be successful. High self-esteem is a powerful motivator. You must have faith that you can reach your goals.

Determination - Being a successful affiliate requires consistency and a steadfast determination to succeed. If ever you were told that earning income online is easy, you were misinformed. There is no easy road to riches, especially when you're just beginning. There is a huge learning curve for most new affiliates. You must have the resolve and the energy to follow through on what you learn. Utilizing new and different marketing methods is important, but following through is key.

Marketing is an ongoing process that requires constant attention. You must monitor your web page and opt-in list to ensure that all of your links are working. You have to provide fresh content. Tenacity will win over procrastination any day. Persistence is required for a successful home-based business.

Short-term and long-term objectives - Setting goals will help you to measure your personal level of success. Try not to set very broad goals, such as "making money". Set more specific goals, such as making a certain amount of money by a set date.

Attempting to run a business of any sort without setting goals is like trying to reach a new destination without a map. Being able to consult a map makes reaching the destination much easier.

Your goals act as the map, the steps that you take each day that are crucial to your success. Your goals are the road leading to where you want to be.


Company of the Month Reprints

The reprints from last July's Network Marketing Business Journal, featuring Global Domains International as the Company of the Month, are now available! If you haven't read this impressive multi-page article from the industry's most respected publication, The Network Marketing Business Journal, you should read it immediately.

This is a sure-fire way to show your prospects that Global Domains International is a credible business opportunity that has the potential to change their lives. The reprints include the full article published in the July 2006 issue of the Network Marketing Business Journal.

There is no specific sponsor information in the article reprint. Instead, there is a place for you to write or type in your own ID and contact information so the people you send these to can join with you as their sponsor. Order your NMBJ Reprints now at a very affordable price of about 35 cents per copy.

Suggestions and News from the Support Team

Suggestion 1
You are more than welcome to register as many domains as you want from within your account, but each affiliate may only have one account.

Suggestion 2
Our Spam Policy and FAQ do change. Be sure to check them often to be sure that you are within the terms and using the correct opt-out link.

Suggestion 3
If you have recently moved or are planning to in the near future, don't forget to update your Account Information within your account. This will ensure that you continue to receive GDI mailings and commission.

Suggestion 4
Please remember that the GDI invite system is meant to be used only for people that you know personally and have had prior contact with.

Suggestion 5
You should never give out your GDI password to anyone, including your sponsor.

Marketing DVDs

If you are not yet familiar with the DVDs we have created to help you in marketing the GDI product, go visit www.DVD.ws right away to learn more about this excellent prospecting tool. DVD prospecting can be a truly rejection-proof way to explode your GDI organization into something that will provide a full time, lifelong income. The key to the whole DVD prospecting method is to be on the lookout for the prospects who display a genuine interest in the business AFTER watching the DVD, and only talk about the business one-on-one with THOSE prospects.

Let the DVD handle all the potential rejection for you.

Learn More About Our DVDs now!

Let the DVD do the selling, telling and explaining. If a prospect asks you "What is this about?" politely ask them to watch the presentation on the DVD first, and that you'll be glad to answer any remaining questions they have after they have done that.

    * Introduce yourself and be personable.
    * Tell the people you are giving DVDs to that you would like their opinion.
    * Write down contact information.
    * Schedule a specific date and time to pick up your DVD and talk with them about the opportunity.

When using DVDs, you're not experiencing rejection and you're not spending a lot of time explaining the business or our product, it will be easy for you to remain excited and energetic about GDI and the money you're making.

Visit the GDI Forums

What was once a small sounding board for affiliates, has grown into a massive forum with over 43,000 active participants sharing marketing wisdom and technical advice. This is a free tool available to all active affiliates from within your account (click the "GDI Forum" link along the left sidebar in the Members Area).

Come see what other members are doing using our awesome SiteBuilder tool in the WebSite Showcase area.

Join the GDI Forum today using the link in your member's area.

Anti-Spam Policies

Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.

Bonus Contests

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.
4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***

How You Get Paid

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!

    * Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
    * Our Infinity Override Bonus
    * Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
    * $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
    * Dynamic Upward Database Compression

Click here to learn about our available bonuses.

Spanish Version of Our Online Animated Presentation

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:

You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.

Nicole Taylor
Full Member
Posts: 177

Welcome to Talk.ws!

View Profile WWW
« Reply #148 on: July 03, 2007, 10:03:17 AM »

6 Elements of a Great Email Signature

One of the most important and often overlooked methods of promoting your online business is your email signature. Let's take a moment to discuss the benefits of using an email signature and how to add one in Email.ws. In e-mailing clients or prospects, the use of a signature can be one of your most effective tools. Signatures should not be long and drawn out, but should offer quick information that will help your clients contact you. For any business venture, having a well written signature can make the difference in higher sales, more networking contacts and the potential for prosperity! Use the following as a guide to build a signature that will help you meet your needs and reach your goals:

Your name, the name of your business, and/or your position is necessary to build your brand or name recognition. You don't want to forget this, right?

Your email address is vital. If your email has good content, people will want to contact you. Having your email address visible (and clickable) is the best means to satisfy the need to "do it now".

Your domain is your presence on the web. People will be enticed to take action immediately if the information is readily accessible. While it may be best to send them to the home page, the content of your writing may suggest you send them to a specific page.

Email is great, but people often like to connect with you on a different level. Make sure to include your phone number so they can. Remember your fax number too!

State your mission or purpose. This is a short sentence that differentiates you from others in your business.

Provide a reason why they should contact you now. You could offer an incentive for recipients to take a specified action.

Here are some simple steps to create a signature in Email.ws:

Log in to your.WS email address at www.email.ws
Click the "Options" link on the left sidebar
Click "Personal Information"
Enter the information for your signature in the "Signature:" field
Make sure the following is selected toward the bottom of the page "Use Signature: Yes"
Click "Submit"
Now the next time you send an email, the signature should automatically populate in the body.

The signature field in the personal information section will also accept HTML code if you would like use a signature with a flashy format!

Compose a message
Delete any content in the body, if any
Create your signature as you would like it to appear
Click the "HTML code" tab
Copy the all of the html code shown in the body
Repeat steps 1—6
Overall, there are no set rules regarding your email signature. Your signature in your everyday personal emails might be shorter—not containing all of the items above, while signatures for business purposes may be longer. Use your good judgment; use this list of guidelines, and experiment to find what works best for you. You might choose to write a signature for different categories of recipients or decide to change your signature often.
 In This Newsletter:
 Feature Story
 Company of the Month Reprints
 Suggestions from the Support Team
 Username Changes Now Available
 Marketing DVDs
 Visit the GDI Forum
 Anti-Spam Policies
 Bonus Contests
 How You Get Paid
 Spanish Version of Our Online Animated Presentation
   You Should Know...
Your Member's Area Login:

 "Thanks, GDI!"
- Tanyakorn Prukprasert, Thailand
 "I'd like to recommend all Brazilian people to GDI."
- Alexandre Proc, Brazil
 "Con GDI Puede Cambiar Tu Vida"
- Arturo Menendez Pardo, Spain 
Company of the Month Reprints

The reprints from last July's Network Marketing Business Journal, featuring Global Domains International as the Company of the Month, are now available! If you haven't read this impressive multi-page article from the industry's most respected publication, The Network Marketing Business Journal, you should read it immediately.

This is a sure-fire way to show your prospects that Global Domains International is a credible business opportunity that has the potential to change their lives. The reprints include the full article published in the July 2006 issue of the Network Marketing Business Journal.

There is no specific sponsor information in the article reprint. Instead, there is a place for you to write or type in your own ID and contact information so the people you send these to can join with you as their sponsor. Order your NMBJ Reprints now at a very affordable price of about 35 cents per copy.

Suggestions and News from the Support Team

While your sponsor can often provide you with great information, contacting them is not the same as contacting the support department. For help solving issues that require accessing your account, clearing up company policies and things of that sort, you can reach the support department at ws_support@wsdomains.ws.
GDI will never write to you from Hotmail, Gmail, or other webmail services. You can be sure it comes from GDI if the address ends in @wsdomains.ws or @gdicustomers3.ws.
Your username also acts as the access code that you can give to your prospects to enter at www.freedom.ws.
If you have recently moved or are planning to in the near future, don't forget to update your Account Information within your account. This will ensure that you continue to receive GDI mailings and commission.
You should never give out your GDI password to anyone, including your sponsor.

Username Changes Now Available
Customers now have the ability to change their usernames from within their accounts. People no longer have to cancel their accounts and lose all their hard work if they wish to have a different username.

This exciting, new feature is located along the left sidebar from within your account. Simply click the Change Username link and follow the prompts.
Marketing DVDs

If you are not yet familiar with the DVDs we have created to help you in marketing the GDI product, go visit www.DVD.ws right away to learn more about this excellent prospecting tool. DVD prospecting can be a truly rejection-proof way to explode your GDI organization into something that will provide a full time, lifelong income. The key to the whole DVD prospecting method is to be on the lookout for the prospects who display a genuine interest in the business AFTER watching the DVD, and only talk about the business one-on-one with THOSE prospects.

Let the DVD handle all the potential rejection for you.

Learn More About Our DVDs now!

Let the DVD do the selling, telling and explaining. If a prospect asks you "What is this about?" politely ask them to watch the presentation on the DVD first, and that you'll be glad to answer any remaining questions they have after they have done that.

- Introduce yourself and be personable.
- Tell the people you are giving DVDs to that you would like their opinion.
- Write down contact information.
- Schedule a specific date and time to pick up your DVD and talk with them about the opportunity.
- When using DVDs, you're not experiencing rejection and you're not spending a lot of time explaining the business or our product, it will be easy for you to remain excited and energetic about GDI and the money you're making.
Visit the GDI Forum

What was once a small sounding board for affiliates, has grown into a massive forum with over 37,000 active participants sharing marketing wisdom and technical advice. This is a free tool available to all active affiliates from within your account (click the "GDI Forum" link along the left sidebar in the Members Area).

Come see what other members are doing using our awesome SiteBuilder tool in the WebSite Showcase area.

Join the GDI Forum today using the link in your member's area.

Anti-Spam Policies

Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.

Bonus Contests

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***

How You Get Paid

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!

Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
Our Infinity Override Bonus
Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
$5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
Dynamic Upward Database Compression
Click here to learn about our available bonuses.

Spanish Version of Our Online Animated Presentation

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:

You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.

I make a good income right from home while I am drinking Starbucks and eating my cinnamon crumb cake.
Posts: 3

View Profile WWW
« Reply #149 on: July 03, 2007, 09:49:56 PM »

Great Issue of Newsletter. I especially like the article on signatures, something I think gets overlooked too often. There is money in the signature line.

Nick Grimshawe

Nick Grimshawe
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