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1  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Lead Generation on: May 27, 2008, 04:03:35 PM
None of the above.  I have been part of MLM and network marketing for about 5 years now and I have used all of those methods without much luck.  The people I sponsored dropped off because they couldn't duplicate Me. 

There is hope though.  I now use funded proposals and give away free systems to the leads that I generate online.  I don't cold call, or chase leads.  I offer services and advice and people chase me down now for help. 

I use an auto responder system that helps me monetize even the people who say no to me and GDI and can now say that I put more money in my account then I spend.  Not everyone in MLM can do that.  It took sometime to set up but now that it's going I can let the sales letters and emails do the work for me.

Not everyone will join GDI but if they are serious about making money on the web or from home they will always need information.  Give them what they want and promote your business on the back end.  They will follow your leadership and if you show value to them they will want to join you no matter what business you're in.

2  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Bridge Building~! on: May 27, 2008, 04:03:35 PM
Fight back at the spam you get as well! 

Put your signature in front of everyone that sends you bulk mail.

It is a great way to get your website in front of people that are trying to make an online living.

When I get spam messages I reply to them with a "Thanks for the info" and then my signature file gets attached.  When they open the reply the signature should stand out and they may click on the link to your site.

Get the spammer on your side!
3  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Share Your Best! on: May 27, 2008, 04:03:33 PM
I agree with the drip marketing methods.  I hated talking to strangers who wanted nothing to do with a business opportunity.  It was such a waste of time for me.  I was always on the look out for someone to talk to when they couldn't care less about what I had to offer.
If I was a real estate agent I wouldn't tell someone they needed to buy a new house or try to convince them to sell theirs...
I would advertise my services and expertise and then when they were ready to buy or sell I'd be the person they would call.

Talking to business opp seekers has never worked well in my opinion.  Marketing to people that know what residual income is and the basics on how to be successful are the people you should be trying to reach.  Tire kickers are a waste of time and money.

Plus, you need to have a system in place that monetizes the people who say no to you and GDI.
Funded proposals are the way that everyone (even newbies) can generate real income, qualified leads and get the training that we all need to succeed in this business.

Get a lead generation system that captures leads into an auto responder and then when they are in your list you can drip information to them on what you do and the tools and tricks that have made you successful.
When they see your leadership and your value to them they will PAY to join you! 
Become the hunted instead of the hunter!

4  .WS Business / Training / Re: How to be an MLM leader to your team on: May 21, 2008, 02:04:17 PM
I couldn't agree more. 

One thing that I would add would be always expanding your education.  Readers are leaders.

Find sources of education and invest in yourself.  If you quit learning you will never increase your value to your team members. 

People don't join companies for products, they join people... leaders who offer value to them. 

Success in this industry comes down to just 2 things...

1 becoming a leader to others by increasing your value
2 the ability to express your value to prospects through marketing.

If you don't see yourself as a leader, act like a leader (or alpha), present yourself as a leader you could get free leads all day long and never sponsor any of them effectively. 

Everything you need is already in you...

You just need to bring it out!
5  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New Members! on: May 21, 2008, 02:04:17 PM
HI Everyone! 

It's great to be part of the GDI team.  We love this opportunity because no matter where you live you can build a real business.  We were living in Dubai for about a year and our MLM business was so frustrating.  The government controls everything and to try to get a traditional product into the country was terribly challenging.  But now that we have GDI we can promote it to the masses no matter where we hang our hats!

Best of luck to all of you and we are looking forward to learning and helping as much as we can on this forum.

Kenny & Erica Jones
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