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Author Topic: Building a Downline  (Read 3621 times)
Posts: 1

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« on: June 14, 2010, 09:47:17 AM »

Is anyone really getting people to join their downline by using free traffic exchange sites??
Full Member
Posts: 202

Vincent R Parker

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« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2010, 12:01:59 PM »

Hi Patrick,

In order to answer your question here are some things for you to consider.

1) Who uses Traffic Exchanges?

2) What are they looking for?

More than not people using traffic exchanges are ALREADY in a business of their own.  They are using traffic exchanges to build traffic to THEIR business or THEIR products.

So, what would they be looking for?  Something to help build THEIR business or build traffic to THEIR websites.

Based on that not many people on traffic exchanges would be willing to look at Global Domains International while they are surfing.  And the fact is, they have probably already seen a GDI affiliate page multiple times while surfing.

But all is not lost.  The best thing to do is use what many call "Attraction Marketing".  What does this mean?  It means finding a way to attract those people to you and ultimately to your business.

So, how can you attract people to you?  By giving them what they want or need.  And then on the back end introducing GDI as a solution.

For instance, instead of promoting GDI directly how about proposing an easy way for them to cloak their affiliate links.  (This is just a quick example, and might not be your best option.)  You could design a splash page (more on splash pages below) that says, "Are You Losing Affiliate Commissions?  If you are not cloaking your links you definitely are.  Fill out your name and email for more information about cloaking your affiliate pages using a web site that YOU control."

Then, send them a few emails talking about why you want to cloak and how you can use the GDI forwarding function to forward their visitors to the page of their choice.  And don't forget to mention how this can passively increase their income as well by being an automatic affiliate of GDI.

That was just one example and you'll have to do some thinking and get creative to create your own.  But the point is this:  People are not on traffic exchanges (mostly) looking for a business opportunity.  They probably already have one or are just trying to do affiliate marketing.  You need to approach those people based on where they already are, and then offer GDI as a solution on the back end.

A little note about splash pages.  You've been surfing for a little while, I would imagine.  And you know that people are only viewing your website for a small amount of time.  A splash page is designed to get their attention and get them to take action quickly.  Without them having to watch a video that's over 8 second long or read a big web page.

Can you get signups just rotating a GDI affiliate page?  You might.  But they will be very far and few between.  Instead, put yourself in their shoes, imagine their needs or problems and then address those.  And offer GDI as a solution.

I really hope this helps.  Good luck out there!

Vincent Parker

Vincent R. Parker
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