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Author Topic: Team Questions/Suggestions  (Read 75538 times)
Posts: 39

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« Reply #45 on: July 26, 2005, 07:20:31 PM »


Unfortunately, the problem is that people out there (not all of them, but a lot) are looking for something for nothing. They see the word free and they think it's free forever. Now, we know that this isn't the case. If you want something worthwhile in life, you will have to pay something for it. And, look at what all they get with GDI. This actually is a great deal for a small amount of money per month. Not too many other places will offer a deal like we have here. So, keep in mind, it's their loss if they choose to leave.

BUT, don't ever give up! You will find the people out there that realize the reality behind this and will stick with it. You are doing a great job promoting this, so keep up the great work. You will get it done, just hang in there! keep doing what you're doing and it will pay off in the end. Just have patience, everyone develops at different paces, BUT DON'T GIVE UP!!!

To Our Success All Around,


Teamwork is the key! Let's everybody work as a team!
Doug Mann
Posts: 14

Making every day count!

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« Reply #46 on: July 26, 2005, 07:24:10 PM »


  First of all, let me tell you where I'm coming from...I have had my GDI business one month now and I have personally sponsored 18 affiliates (19 total in downline).  Of those 18, 7 are active, 4 are in trial, and the others are in limbo land.  I fully expect to keep active at least 2 of the ones on trial bringing my total active up to 9 (half of my small group).  That active ratio really isn't too bad, I believe, and the main reason they are staying is because I have them on an autoresponder training series that gives them a little bit of training every day as well as tips, tricks, and some homework to do.  Get them involved!

  I believe you MUST get them active sending out leads right away!  I also believe that they must feel like they are getting hand-holding training because most people are completely new at this and need help (even if it's just a little bit, consistently).  They won't ask for help normally, so you have to offer it to them.  I start  letting them know about the training series I have for them in the last couple of emails they get from me during their trial period (I build some excitement!).  Also, if I can move someone under them on the 7th day of their trial (coinciding with the last "Trial" series message they get),  then they get excited and decide to hang in there a while longer and check out the training.  Smiley  You just have to keep them in long enough to get some training, some success, and get their belief system up.

There are two other things I believe keeps people in:

1) Business cards!   It has been shown that people stay in an MLM business longer when they have business cards.  It give them a sense of ownership and investment.

2) You must get people to join this forum!  Not because of what they will learn, but because of what they will experience.  In other MLM companies, there are home parties/kick-offs, hotel meetings, seminars, conventions, etc... where people gather and have a sense of community, belonging to something greater than themselves, family.  We don't really have that here because this is an Internet business.  So the Forum supplies that much needed connection with people and gets them into a "family."  Get people involved in the Forum and they'll stay (until they believe on their own).  Smiley

- Doug

Success isn't a secret, it's formula.
David Verney
Posts: 5

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« Reply #47 on: July 28, 2005, 03:58:29 PM »

I've put a lot of work into my business over the few weeks I've been involved with it and I only have one level one member who is doing well.  I'm now sick of the colour yellow and what it represents in my downline page.  I know that one day I will make it, but I think that these inactive people are scared of success.  It's ridiculous really because they are getting a free trial for nothing so they have nothing to lose, but the attitude these people have is the only thing against everyone's success.
Kyra Tuey
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« Reply #48 on: July 29, 2005, 09:29:53 AM »


All you can do is hope that they can see the potential in GDI. Some people do...some people don't. Unfortunately, a lot of people think it's just another one of the schemes and because of the free trial, will try it out for FREE for the 7 days and then leave. It's just part of the process.
If you want to get more successful results, contact them by phone and personally talk to these people and get them excited about the business.


« Reply #49 on: July 29, 2005, 10:47:49 AM »

Ah, yes, the power of a connect with a 'personal touch'!

Cedric Aubry
Posts: 4

Every Flood starts with a single rain drop

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« Reply #50 on: July 30, 2005, 09:08:10 AM »

Hi folk,

I was wondering what kind of email i should send to my prospect
that did not provided a pay method..

I have 3 members in the last weeks without a pay method.

Anyone have a good sample ads to send to this members to convice
them to add a pay method ....

I am french Canadian and i'm certainly not the best copywritter out there
any sample ads will be appreciate.



Nicole Taylor
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« Reply #51 on: July 30, 2005, 09:18:15 AM »

Hi Cedric,

Try this out...

Hello New Affiliates

I welcome you to one of the best and fastest growing companies to date! Congratulations on your decision to better your life for you and your family!

There is some of you who have signed up for this incredible opportunity but have not YET provided a form of payment. Folks.. GDI is only free for 7 days. This gives you the opportunity to try us out and make money before even spending a penny! After that it's $10 a month.

I urge you to sign into your member's area and provide a method of payment to cover your monthly fees. Otherwise, you will lose all sign up's below you and your domain name. Ladies and gentleman... get serious about this business opportunity! GET SERIOUS TODAY! If you're wanting to make a difference in your life and be able to stop working for someone else, pay those bills off, go on that beautiful vacation... DO IT!

I am here to help each and everyone of you. There is no excuse to NOT do this business! It's been wonderful for me and my check is growing month after month. I want to see yours grow too!



I make a good income right from home while I am drinking Starbucks and eating my cinnamon crumb cake.
Cedric Aubry
Posts: 4

Every Flood starts with a single rain drop

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« Reply #52 on: July 30, 2005, 09:31:27 AM »

Awesome Nicole,

Once again Thanks you so much   Wink

To your success,


Kyra Tuey
Jr. Member
Posts: 72

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« Reply #53 on: July 30, 2005, 06:00:02 PM »


I love your letter....I, too, am going to try it out! Hope you don't mind!   Wink


Nicole Taylor
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Posts: 177

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« Reply #54 on: July 30, 2005, 07:37:44 PM »

Hi Kyra,

I don't mind at all! Smiley

I received a fairly good response from it so I hope it works for you too!


I make a good income right from home while I am drinking Starbucks and eating my cinnamon crumb cake.
Doug Mann
Posts: 14

Making every day count!

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« Reply #55 on: July 30, 2005, 08:03:55 PM »

Hi folks,

I was wondering what kind of email i should send to my prospect
that did not provided a pay method..

  I send a "Trial" member 4 different emails during their trial week.  In each one, as a P.S., I elude to a "Success Training System" that I will be offering them at the end of the week that can explode their GDI business.  Then, in the last email of the week, I ask them if they're ready to take charge of their financial future!  I ask them if they can mentally answer "Yes" to the four questions in the email, and if they can, then they can simply click on an email address in the message (it goes right to my training autoresponder series) and they can start getting the training they need and want.  The autoresponder then sends me an email letting me know they signed up for the training.

  Then, as a P.S. I put in there...to get the training, they must have a valid payment method on file and I tell them where to go to check it.

  What I do in the three email messages prior to the last one is get them thinking about their dreams in life and how GDI might help them get them.  By the time they get the last email message, they not only want their dreams, but they want the training series too (you must offer them something in order to get them to continue AND supply a payment form -- in other words, what do they get out of it???).  I believe it's important to slip in the little "commitment" section too while the time is right (the four questions).  It's called posture.

Here is a slightly edited version of the last email I send out.

Hi [firstname],

Have you decided to go after your dreams?  GREAT!

Your GDI trial period is just about over and it's time to make an important decision about your future...is it going to be the same as it's always been, or are you ready to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

  As I promised [firstname], I want to train you with Success Techniques proven to produce outstanding results in your GDI business.  Before proceeding with your training though, you should be able to answer "Yes" to the following four questions:

1.)  Are you willing to be coachable?

2.)  Are you willing to follow a proven system for growing your GDI business?

3.)  Are you willing to commit at least 6 months of serious effort before judging your results? This is a business, not a "get-rich-quick" scheme.

4.)  Are you willing to invest a small amount of additional funds dedicated to marketing your GDI business and gaining massive exposure by purchasing such things as business cards and email leads (people who have asked for information about a home business)?  When you're out of leads (possibilities), then you're out of business!

  If you said "Yes" to all four of the questions above, then let's get your residual income stream started right now!  Simply send an email to [ARemail1] and put on your working clothes (meaning: your robe and slippers and get in front of your computer screen).    Smiley

[firstname], I look forward to building an incredible business with you.  By the way, I will expect a postcard when you're lying on the beach in Hawaii.  ;o)

Talk to you soon...

Your partner in success!
[myfirstname] [mylastname]

P.S. Here is the email link again: [ARemail1]
Just click on this link and pick send.

**IMPORTANT: If you do not currently have a payment method on file for your $10 per month business hosting fee, then you will need to do that right away in order to receive our "SUCCESS TRAINING SYSTEM" series.  Go to your web site back-office now by clicking here:

http://movie.ws/members/?userid=[user1] and select "Preferred Payment" on the left side of the screen

Cedric, I hope this helps,
Doug Mann


Success isn't a secret, it's formula.
Doug Mann
Posts: 14

Making every day count!

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« Reply #56 on: July 31, 2005, 04:21:56 PM »

As an additional comment to my last post...

  You don't have to offer them a "Training series" if that is something you are not comfortable with or knowledgable about, but you must offer them something of value to get them to continue.  Understand, right now they have no idea what to do next and when people are confused, they will ALWAYS say NO (or quit in this case).

One thing you might offer is to give them a certain amount of FREE phone help (and training) to continue.

Another thing to offer might be some FREE leads.  You might offer a week's worth of leads to help them get started -- say, 700 leads (100 per day going out through the GDI back-office).  Now, instead of just the 100 you can send out with your account, now you have some duplication...they are sending out 100 also.  The excitement your affiliates get from receiving emails telling them "Someone has watched your movie!" will make them want to continue.  Towards the end of the week, let them know where they can buy their next set of leads.

  Now, what if you had 10 people doing this in your first level?  You would  have 1100 leads per day going out every day week after week and you only supplied the first 7000 (10 x 700).  This is a powerful way to get people active and involved RIGHT AWAY!.

- Doug

Success isn't a secret, it's formula.
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« Reply #57 on: August 01, 2005, 08:52:17 AM »

Personally i  think the only way a person should be able to sign up is as a paid . why give a 7 day trial, it's only an invitation to drop out, if someone can't afford $10 a month, then they are not interested in starting a business .

i feel there is however a problem with the signup, as you signup and then you have to register your domain, and i know at least 2 people who managed that wrong, thinking they were signing up for another domaine.i would like to see it all as one process, automatically when you signed up, and then if you wanted another domaine register again

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« Reply #58 on: August 01, 2005, 08:20:07 PM »

hello to all my name is elmire

i'm new to the GDI family and am learning the ropes slowly but surely... i have one complete sign up and one that didn't complete the payment portion (i working on that though) 

UMM well i made an  info guide for my sign ups in order to help them get an idea of how to get their business up and running and need some feed back on it... feel free to make suggestions on what i could add
HERE IT IS (is a WORD document couldn't figure out how to add it as an attachment Undecided)


>>>>Ok, so you’re signed up and ready to make money, Now what??

FEAR NOT!! Here’s a helpful list of things you can do to help your new business!!

•   Print and either fax or mail the Independent Representative Agreement and the W-9 forms
•   Read The Serious Promoters Guide to Marketing GDI
•   Get familiar with your GDI site (there are videos that help you learn the basics)
•   Join the GDI forum: there is plenty of information there, and you can ask questions and get answers form people that has plenty of experience in the business
•   Join in on the conference calls; There’s a schedule of them in the input needed site
•   Learn as much as you can about the business, read thru your GDI site and the input needed site
•   Promote your business
o   Tell your friends, family, associates, anyone that you think may be interested in this Great business opportunity!!
o   You can join bulk mailer for $9.95 and be able to buy leads thru them
o   Print copies of the flyer with your personal link and pass it out, post on bulletin boards etc
o   Advertise in the news paper, discussion boards/forums online, etc just be creative and keep in mind a budget for your advertising
•   Don’t forget to help your leads/recruits along too!!

Take advantage of these tips and any you may come across while reading through the GDI forum.  Feel free to use what ever great idea you come up with…
 Woo hoo!!! Now that you well informed and equipped to do business….LET”S MAKE SOME MONEY
« Last Edit: August 01, 2005, 08:20:46 PM by Nicole Taylor » Logged
Gina Stone
Posts: 11

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« Reply #59 on: August 01, 2005, 08:51:44 PM »

I love it Elmire! Great tips and a  positive attitude to introduce to your downline!

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