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Author Topic: Team Questions/Suggestions  (Read 75502 times)
« Reply #15 on: June 29, 2005, 11:40:38 AM »

To encourage each Member to build out their first level and on down.

Willie Earnest
Posts: 7

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« Reply #16 on: June 29, 2005, 03:11:37 PM »


I want to take this time and thank you for all you do to help our GDI Business's.
Your Internet Radio Show is the best. I can't wait till the new shows start.

I have a request and observation all rolled into one.

 Do You Think Management would consider after the first level (7-10 members) is completed, to allow a sponsoring  rep(within the 7 day trial period) to move one of his/hers sponsored members past level 1,  then after level 2 is completed would be allowed to move a NEW trial member to level 3, level 4 and so on? (especially if some new members are not as motivated at first or not comfortable with building this super business initially.)

Then the rep that can sponsor easily can help others on the team that can not sponsor as easily ( at least initially)

We all know it takes time to build a huge group, but having said that, seeing a new person in your group that you did not sponsor will inspire most people emotionally, not to mention seeing the residual money start to build up in the commissions section of the back office. The way this is structured now a sponsoring rep cannot move anyone past level 1 .

With the new privacy laws it is hard to get in contact with downline. some do not open there emails etc.

I think you will agree there is a growth process that takes place with this kind of business. (Until A new Rep learns more about contacting people, follow up and really about themselves, their personal confidence ,(unless they have done this kind of business before) might be a little shaky with those first NO's they get.(smile)

If that first level is in place , it seems like a win win if the sponsoring rep can move people as needed in his/her organization for maximum Momentum and stability

The way I see it is that the wider the first level goes, makes the individual more Profitable on that level, but the deeper Level one goes at least to level 4 with duplication, makes the  group more stable and profitable. (because everyone connected in depth has something to lose if they decide to quit.

Thanks for Listening
Keep up the Super Work!
Will (USA)
« Last Edit: June 30, 2005, 02:06:32 AM by ChipSnyder » Logged
« Reply #17 on: June 29, 2005, 03:16:02 PM »

Thank you for the kind words and, your suggestions are duly noted.

They will be taken into consideration in future planning.

I can assure you Mike, Alan and, the entire GDI team are interested in all
suggestions that help fine-tune this dynamic business model.

Roxanne G
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« Reply #18 on: June 30, 2005, 09:27:23 AM »

I think that another reason for the downline move only under your first level is this:

If someone who you placed on your second level was allowed to move members down so far that you did not earn commission on that incoming member, you might get discouraged because your commission was taken away due to that move.  In order to make it fair for all of your upline, this is actually a great policy.  Each time you move someone, you are cutting the commission of one of your upline members.

Just my opinion.



Have a great day, after all, today is the first day of the rest of your life!!

Willie Earnest
Posts: 7

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« Reply #19 on: June 30, 2005, 05:48:04 PM »

Hi Roxanne,

Your post always have great information and great direction. Your last one is no exception.

I want you to know I disagree with you this time, but not in a mean way. This is more in a respectful debate kind of way.

I can see where you are coming from, however I am thinking that if that upline person feels they are not getting maximum compensation out of the plan. They should use every ounce of their personal motivation to become a master affiliate.(infinity bonus) That will regain any revenues past level 5 they feel they are losing plus make them very profitable in the process.

That is why I said that maybe there could be a compromise of some kind of how many levels you are able to sponsor once you help those on your first level and second levels. The way it is now you can not move anyone that you personally sponsored  past level 2. That to me does not seem fair.

Why should a sponsoring rep not be allowed to put their personal signups in their group wherever they feel it will do the most good?  It is evident if they sponsor more than 50 that they have a gift for sponsoring whether it has taken them a few years to develop these skills/ contacts or they have sent a few thousand emails or exchanged a few thousand business cards. The point is they did the work and that work should allow them to be able to place those people in their group any place they want because they have earned the right.

Why try to stifle that productivity, when really you could let them do what they do best. Build a huge group and create so much momentum and stability that everyone in the group (including upline) is making money.

That is my opinion, but I definitely respect yours and hope you respect mine, even if we don't agree.

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« Reply #20 on: July 03, 2005, 09:18:03 AM »

I made it to the leader board in only 2 weeks but I cant seem to get my downlline to do any work. they are just sitting there like a bump on a log. I have gotten about 31 referrals but most are not even eligable to get comission b/c they have not regisetered for a domain or have no payment info.  I always email all of my downline with helpful tips and I always let them know if they have any questions at all to give me a call or email me but nobody ever does. When I call to check up on them they say "um I'm confused. I don't know how to start". Most of them don't even know they have a members page to check their hit log and downline which is vital for success! Am I Doing something wrong. I have only been with GDI two weeks and I'm on the leader board but again my downline is not doing a thing to help me or themselves. Someone have any suggestions?!?!?!? Huh
« Reply #21 on: July 03, 2005, 09:32:22 AM »


As for getting Team Members more involved, first, keep in mind, some are only interested in the product and may, in time, get involved by sharing with others.

Second, encourage all your downline Members to come to the GDI Forum, look over the various boards and, let you know, what they are most interested in doing short/long-term.

Third, involve your Upline by seeking advice, guidance and involvement.

Gina Stone
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« Reply #22 on: July 03, 2005, 11:08:24 AM »

Hi Brandon,

Congratulations on your leaderboard status. I too have suffered the same difficulties. I constantly keep in contact with my downline, emailing them invites to explore GDI and join the forum. I send them links to the training manual and copies of my drop cards and the flyers I have created. One difficulty I am having is that most of the phone numbers my downline has listed are bogus! I just keep sending them useful info and encouragement and do the best I can. None of them have ever responded to any of my numerous emails! I'm disappointed since I would like to have somewhat of a relationship with these folks so that we can grow together. My upline keeps in touch with me on a regular basis and also responds to my inquiries in record time. I really appreciate them. Thank you upline!

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« Reply #23 on: July 03, 2005, 11:08:24 AM »

Hi Brandon, First of all let me congratulate you on making the leader board twice, 2nd I would tell your downline to first to get to know there GDI business and back office, your right most do not even know they have a free affilliate site, then when they grasp what they have and the potential, then tell them how you got onto the leader board and explain how they can too.
Keep doing what your doing and teach your group to do the same, keep it simple Brandon, what ever your doing works .
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« Reply #24 on: July 03, 2005, 11:08:24 AM »


My name is Howard Martelll from Hawaii to retain your members your first must prequalify them for the business.

Yes lot of people just curious but on the average if you provide your team with the guidance and leadership must will stay on the team.

Contact your 5 level upline leadership ask them how their keeping retention what do is soon see a person is 7 day trial mode try to contact them first via email then phone and finally instant messenger send a get started letter with how to login to the site and important links how to get started.

Tell them also that we have training calls available via Marvin Drobes every Second Sunday at 09:30pm EST

Retention in any business is hard but love the fact that mine has been steady even thru the tough summer months because my team know care about  their success and will share with them how do it part time.

In closing don't ever give up their lot free and none costly methods to advertise this business email me send you what have to offer.

Make sure you look at all the posting in the past this where got some of my ideas from and contacts in this business!

God Bless have safe and fun 4th of JULY!

Howard Martell Hawaii leadership
James Miller
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« Reply #25 on: July 03, 2005, 11:51:31 AM »

One thing I recently tried is by 'testing' my downline to see who is even doing anything at all.  So far I have just done everyone on my first level and will eventually do them all.  I just entered their affiliate URL, you know, website.ws/userid, and entered an email account I had, just as a prospect would.  For those that actually followed up I let them know who I was and gave them some encouragement on the quality of the follow up.  I then also rewarded them by buying a month's worth of advertising on an inexpensive site I use.  Unfortunately out of the 12 I tested, only 2 actually followed up with me.  That at least let me know I have 2 that are serious and 10 that need extra work so I can adjust my communication as necessary.
Marvin Drobes
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« Reply #26 on: July 08, 2005, 05:18:25 AM »

Congrats on making the leaderboard, and know that the work has just begun.

Some points to remember;
    1)  Not everyone will be like you,
    2)  Some people were intrigued when they watched the movie and proceeded to sign up
    3)  Others were looking for a Hosting Package, and then there are those that

Or in the simple words of Network Marketing - Some Will, Some Won't, So What!

You challange is to find those that WILL. This is not an easy task and will require patience and consistancy + persistance.

To many of us in this industry just find people who are willing to signup and then we either want them to do well so badly that we do all the work for them or they just want to see what we offered by taking a look and they do nothing and we feel it is somehow our fault.  Master the Art of Sorting,  Seperating those that are Curious from those that are Serious.

Not sure how then contact you upline and get their help. OR want to learn how then be prepared to learn through training. Participate in all the training your mind can endure.  You can learn from good books on this subject, articles found on the net, ezines that you receive regularly, the WSRadio broadcasts and through sponsored conference calls that are available that are specific to GDI or just the business of building an organization online.

For a GDI specific training I'd like to invite you to join me every other Sunday evening beginning July 10th at 9:30 EST.  The info for the call can be found at my GDI Training site www.wealth411.ws

Hope this all makes sense and continue to work towards your goals.

Your Partner In Success,
Marvin Drobes
Ann Stewart
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« Reply #27 on: July 09, 2005, 01:54:19 PM »

Hi Marvin and others on this thread (don't remember your names),

Had not been on this forum before but also need help getting off the ground. Have been doing a lot of advertising, including the Internet Success Club with Bram Smith but getting few clicks.

Just wanted to tell you that your site is Excellent! I jotted down some notes as these scripts can be applied to any business product. I tend to get too long-winded. This is direct and to the point. Helped me a lot. Just wanted to thank you for that.

Bless you and to our success!

Ann Stewart
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« Reply #28 on: July 11, 2005, 07:30:42 AM »


Keep it up. I could do with an upline like you. I have been with GDI about 6 weeks and do not have any one in my downline. I always the automated system provided, join a few safelist, but still. I would appreciate a few tips if you please, and keep them coming in.
Posts: 13

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« Reply #29 on: July 20, 2005, 09:21:38 PM »


This week I have had several people sign up, but without reqistering domain names, thus making them inactive ...  Sad Huh

Is this just happening to me? Or have other people had the same problem?

What would you recommend I do about it? And how should I try to get them to register and become active accounts?

Thanks for your comments

Rachel  Roll Eyes
« Last Edit: July 20, 2005, 09:22:17 PM by Nicole Taylor » Logged
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