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1  .WS Business / Marketing / How many of you are reading books on the industry on how to improve business? on: June 16, 2008, 05:13:45 AM

Hello GDI Leaders,

What I learned along time ago from my mentor and friend is that you must continue to educate yourself.

This means to have a budget set up for Network Marketing or book on the industry.

You should concentrate on areas which my be weak areas for you and your business.

Understand this is 10.00  a month business but would you just spend the 10.00 dollars to advertise.

I don't think so this includes coming to the free trainings which are given throughout the week.

Set time aside each day to become a better relationship building partner with your serious downline.

Lastly, qualify people for your time and no when to say to a prospect that having a home business is not for everyone.

Take care,

Howie Martell
2  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Eastern USA on: June 14, 2008, 05:25:00 AM
Hello everyone,

My name is Howie Martell and I wanted to welcome each and everyone you to the GDI Family.

If you need any assistance please feel free to ask.


Howie Martell
3  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: WHAT DID YOU DO BEFORE DISCOVERING GDI? on: June 11, 2008, 02:51:23 AM


I have been marketing online part time now for well over 8 years plus prior to GDI.
Had some success in the direct sales industry and have been part of GDI now for well over 3 years.

Seen many companies come and go but love the support my team and my mentors give me towards running a successful home business.

My regular occupation has been the US Military for 16 years in the information technology field.
Feel very blessed to be able to share my experiences with many people.

See you at the top,

Howie Martell
4  .WS Business / WS Internet Show / Re: Stay tuned... on: May 31, 2008, 05:02:39 AM
To all GDI members encourage all the serious ones to visit the .WS Internet Radio show archives to help build your business.

I had the pleasure a few years back to be a special guest.

Take care,

Howie Martell
5  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: What "tools" do you need to succeed... on: May 31, 2008, 04:40:11 AM

Being a long time member in GDI.

We have so many tools to choose from and resources to qualify people for are time.

But before we try to automate are business.

We must first build relationships and common rapore with potential business clients.

Without this success for your business will fail.

Take care,

Howie Martell
6  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome to YOUR .WS Community... on: May 23, 2008, 03:53:11 AM
Hello Everyone,

I wanted to welcome each new member to GDI.

Been a member now for a few years and have seen how my business has grown not by my actions, But by the drive persisitance of a select few leaders who had a vision and goal.

You must always remember to find the right type of person  whom the opportunity can fit their needs and not yours.

Support from your upline and experienced leaders will make a difference whether you succeed or fail.

Nobody said this was going to be a cake walk. Having a home business is rewarding and challenging but remember to continually strive to reach your goals and educate yourself with the vast resources online and off.

Simply stated their is not one book which can make you a better marketer. It will take a constant effort on your part by investing time and little money into how to attract the right type of people into your business model.

Lastly lets not forget the men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms we have.

God Bless,

Howie Martell
7  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Share Your Best! on: November 17, 2007, 07:11:13 AM
I was impressed with your dedication and the flyer idea can work to a certain extent.

You must consider your target market for GDI.

If you just place flyers in those places lots of time people who will be looking at it will not take it as serious as belly to belly marketing.

People don't buy from companies because of the product or service.

They buy because you have certain leadership skills and resources which can help them be successful at any home business.

Understand your method can work but is it as duplicable as say creating your own leads and educating them at the same time.

Ponder this how many people these days get bombarded daily by offers?

Lots of us do those people who are trying to steal our hard earned money going about it the wrong way.

Any basic business  building steps is about relationships first product or service last.

The reason is a simple most people don't want to hear about the latest widget, they just want someone to listen to them, and figure out a way for them to get out of debt ect...

You see the industry we are in is about providing hope, and way to create finanical freedom.

8  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: How I Handled Rejection From A Prospect on: November 12, 2007, 07:52:08 AM
Hello everyone,

Lets first take a moment of silence to honor those Veterans.

How do I handle rejection?

I love it when a person rejects me.

This is because their not rejecting me as a person their inner belief system is doing that inside their heads.

To be honest with you most people can't handle having a home business that is why at times to be very successful its takes lots of blood sweat and tears.

Failure is something we deal with and most overcome when running a home business.

Why may you ask? Its because we were brought up to land the dream job need a good education, study hard, and make yourself valuable to your company.

Wrong, How do you Donald Trump or any enterpeur started out they made themselves valuable by creating a brand and sharing this with like minded individuals.

Not everyone, should have a home business because you will not get rich overnight it will take many years of failures and successes to become successful.

7 years part time myself in this great industry and on top of that doing college, and a full time miltary career.

So time is not on my side so I make myself very valuable by providing something to help other like-minded people.

If you would like to know what that is contact me or visit my profile.

9  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: What "tools" do you need to succeed... on: November 01, 2007, 04:01:13 AM
Hello everyone,

The tools for success include the following:

1. Right attitude
2. Solid plan of action
3. Patience
4. Tools which include the following: A good way to followup with prospects, via educational ebooks, video email, phone call based training or 3-ways with your leaders, or good autoresponder based system which does following up for you.
5. People who are in business for themselves must understand the importance of setting appointments and following up with potential clients.
6. A way to create your own leads which opt into your materials ask me and would love to share this with you via my profile.
7. Finally have the can do attitude not the get rich quick one


Howie Martell

PS: Contact me if you would like to know what we use.
10  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: How are you effectively marketing your home business? on: October 21, 2007, 02:57:34 PM

Thanks for the feedback and always good to have a successful business which the Lord has blessed us with.

I can't believe no one else wants to comment on this topic.

Leaders provide your people with the tools to be successful.

11  .WS Business / Marketing / How are you effectively marketing your home business? on: October 19, 2007, 07:40:23 AM
Hello everyone,

I want to share my experience of over 7 plus years online part time.

What I have learned thru trial and error and thru my experience is people don't give two hoots about your product or service.

Here is the reason why People want to be around someone who is a leader and can provide a solution to their needs not mine.

Have had the priviledge to be mentored by a fellow GDI Team Leader Marvin Drobes who has over 20 plus years of experience.

Just like the mastercard commericial Thats Priceless.

Each time talk to my mentor learn and take those lessons to my leaders within my GDI Family.

My motto is give back and don't expect anything in return for your efforts.

But, if people see you as a leader who has the tools and knowledge to help them reach their goals eventually they will come to you each and every time.

Relationships start by building trust and getting to know your potential business partners.

Sell Sell Sell is not the correct option.

I figure this if a person wants success bad enough they will search out leaders who have experience.

No one wants to fail in life or with their home business.

Finally, remember to never quit and understand that having a home business is not for everyone!

God Bless,

Lets keep this post rolling love to hear some feedback

Howie Martell VA BEACH VA
A leader is someone who is no afraid of rejection!
12  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: How many of you are using social networking sites to build relationships? on: October 14, 2007, 07:58:30 AM
To update everyone on my result from Social Networking with other marketers.

Average around 4-5 people who join me in these sites.

The results are staggering so many people looking for leaders and mentors to help them with their business.

Remember this be the one people come to for advise and ask nothing in return.

Guess what you will eventually have the serious marketers knocking at your door who want to know how your successful.

Stay determined get a great mentor and someone who will guide you correctly and efficiently.

Their our plenty of leaders who are having success with GDI and plenty who have had plenty of failures.

The difference between successful person and one who fails is the following:

The successful person who fails learns from his or her mistakes and makes sure to share that with their team.

Don't quit become a person who people look upon for advise.


Lets get this thing rolling.

13  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Question about Hits2u on: October 14, 2007, 07:52:21 AM

From my 7 years plus of experience you need to get in contact with these people and ask them qualifying questions.


1. Main job is to answer questions or concerns not sell them let the movie do that.

2. Ask for help from the upper leadership

3. Educate your potential business partners

4. Have a autoresponder but have a way to get in contact with these people to build trust and rapore.

5. Followup and follow thru

6. Don't quit

7. Ask questions find out what is working for other successful members in GDI.

Hope this helps

Howie Martell
14  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: How many of you are using social networking sites to build relationships? on: October 02, 2007, 07:14:44 AM
I wanted to give you an update to how my social networking sites are working out.

So far have over 100 plus friends combined in 3 months using social networking.

Examples of some good ones are CMU7 University, rotarfunmix, their are so many out their to choose from.

The key is first to build a trust with these fellow networkers and see how we can help them in their current business.

Next send them something which can help them achieve their goals.

Lastly, you need to ask what their doing to market their primary business?

If you have any question please feel free to contact me.

take care,

Howie Martell
15  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: How many of you are using social networking sites to build relationships? on: September 16, 2007, 03:57:38 PM
I wanted to update each member in GDI.
The on set of Social Networking when it comes to a home business and building relationships will take time but I am currently coming up with my own list of current ones  I am using and will make this available to anyone who would like to know.
My contact information is located in my GDI profile be glad to share these sites with any members.
So far been able to, in a short period of time, meet some like minded networkers and share my tools for success with them.

So remember this is the time to build your business into 2008 and beyond.

Take the bull by its horn and don't turn back!

Howie Martell
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