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Author Topic: How To Sign Up With A Different Upline?  (Read 11244 times)
Bill Z
Posts: 2

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« on: April 30, 2012, 02:44:57 PM »

This is the second time I signed up for GDI. The first time I dropped out because of lack of support from my upline. That was in 2010. Joined again hoping to get on a different upline. I guess because I was an affiliate before, I was assigne to the same one. And, still no  support. AFter making up my website, sent an email asking for comments on it, received an email telling me I there was a wrong referral to a second page and to do something on a blog. I have never even read a blog (as far as I know) and would not have any idea where to strart one. I recieved a welcome email from two other upliners and was told if I had any questions to contact them. Did so, twice. In over a week never received a reply.

Is there any way I can be assigned to another upline that is interested in my learning this program and start making everyone more money or should I just drop out a second time? From reading a lot of the messages in teh Forum, it appears many affiliates just do not want to give a simple answer. Just want to take the easy way out by saying read this or read that. No much help for a totally new-be to the internet maneymaking program. That sure is a good way to handle that if the upline is to busy to take tiime to actually help. I belong to another internet business and their Forum works very smooth, with many people answering questions with detailed information and giving their emails if more assistance is needed. I receive a message weekly from my co-sponsor asking if everything is OK and to contact him if I have any questions. He kn ows if I cannot make money, then he looses money. I have only been an affiliate there for 2 months, but have learned a lot thanks to my co-sponsor.

How can I get on a team that will afford the necssary training so I can start making some money. I cannot even ask anyone to join because if they ask me questions, I have no where to go for the answers since I have never been helped.

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Posts: 13

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« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2012, 05:54:38 PM »

Hello Bill Z, When you signed up you should have seen a "Sponsored by" with the uplines name. Did you see that when you signed up a second time? I'm new on GDI, so I don't have all the answers yet.  I'm having the same upline issue. Who is you upline?
This is the second time I signed up for GDI. The first time I dropped out because of lack of support from my upline. That was in 2010. Joined again hoping to get on a different upline. I guess because I was an affiliate before, I was assigne to the same one. And, still no  support. AFter making up my website, sent an email asking for comments on it, received an email telling me I there was a wrong referral to a second page and to do something on a blog. I have never even read a blog (as far as I know) and would not have any idea where to strart one. I recieved a welcome email from two other upliners and was told if I had any questions to contact them. Did so, twice. In over a week never received a reply.

Is there any way I can be assigned to another upline that is interested in my learning this program and start making everyone more money or should I just drop out a second time? From reading a lot of the messages in teh Forum, it appears many affiliates just do not want to give a simple answer. Just want to take the easy way out by saying read this or read that. No much help for a totally new-be to the internet maneymaking program. That sure is a good way to handle that if the upline is to busy to take tiime to actually help. I belong to another internet business and their Forum works very smooth, with many people answering questions with detailed information and giving their emails if more assistance is needed. I receive a message weekly from my co-sponsor asking if everything is OK and to contact him if I have any questions. He kn ows if I cannot make money, then he looses money. I have only been an affiliate there for 2 months, but have learned a lot thanks to my co-sponsor.

How can I get on a team that will afford the necssary training so I can start making some money. I cannot even ask anyone to join because if they ask me questions, I have no where to go for the answers since I have never been helped.

Melinda Alexander
Posts: 21

"Success Is Only For Those That Never Give Up"

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« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2012, 08:26:00 AM »

Unfortunately that is the #1 reason why so many GDI affiliates quit after a few months, upline support is crucial for any business. I would suggest the first thing you do when you sponsor someone is to help them as much as possible..

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« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2012, 04:42:55 PM »

It is about finding us within GDI who give daily free hands on support. You have to love to read and get to master navigation throughout GDI platform. If you have no luck in contacting anyone in your sponsor's group. Then read more within these forum walls you would have found people such as me.

I have been providing hands on support to all and not just those within GDI family. I never charge anything. There are no hidden agendas and systems to purchase. I do not sell and gimmicks and junk.

I have coached countless global people and love what I do. You can contact 24hrs a day and my group that I have been blessed to coach over 32 years in our great industry are here to serve you.

We keep ourselves and our accomplishments out of the equation. We do not want anything from you except your commitment to yourself. I purpose is simply to support you for a lifetime with not once being charged for any support. We do not need anything except respect and honesty from all who ask for help.

You have to manifest the hungry for a real lifestyle of abundance. We will show you how to find your passion and share it globally. By just doing that and then showing others how you did it. You will prosper in every part of your live.

Hey, all you had to do is find me and ask for help. Below you can see my 24hr contact information. When your sick and tired of being sick and tired of all the junk and gimmick. When all you want is to finally get support and shown the right way to use GDI as what it is, the platform of you foundation. That is it to be clear.

So, contact me today! Just take action show you can get the full benefit of GDI and how to use it without duplication of the pitch pages. Hey, why would anyone create a site that is a pitch page when GDI gives us over 8 pages to use. Your site is build based on your passion and will be the platform to grow your real business. You just need to do it right the first time and that is what I am here for.

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Posts: 5

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« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2012, 09:38:23 AM »

same thing happens to me, my line up not doing anything about it, my direct sponsor disappeared, does not answer emails, and above i flood your inbox with spam business.

I have contacted with a new team, and I will remove all to start over, good luck
Posts: 21

"Success Is Only For Those That Never Give Up"

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« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2012, 05:40:56 PM »

It is about finding us within GDI who give daily free hands on support. You have to love to read and get to master navigation throughout GDI platform. If you have no luck in contacting anyone in your sponsor's group. Then read more within these forum walls you would have found people such as me.

I have been providing hands on support to all and not just those within GDI family. I never charge anything. There are no hidden agendas and systems to purchase. I do not sell and gimmicks and junk.

I have coached countless global people and love what I do. You can contact 24hrs a day and my group that I have been blessed to coach over 32 years in our great industry are here to serve you.

We keep ourselves and our accomplishments out of the equation. We do not want anything from you except your commitment to yourself. I purpose is simply to support you for a lifetime with not once being charged for any support. We do not need anything except respect and honesty from all who ask for help.

You have to manifest the hungry for a real lifestyle of abundance. We will show you how to find your passion and share it globally. By just doing that and then showing others how you did it. You will prosper in every part of your live.

Hey, all you had to do is find me and ask for help. Below you can see my 24hr contact information. When your sick and tired of being sick and tired of all the junk and gimmick. When all you want is to finally get support and shown the right way to use GDI as what it is, the platform of you foundation. That is it to be clear.

So, contact me today! Just take action show you can get the full benefit of GDI and how to use it without duplication of the pitch pages. Hey, why would anyone create a site that is a pitch page when GDI gives us over 8 pages to use. Your site is build based on your passion and will be the platform to grow your real business. You just need to do it right the first time and that is what I am here for.

I agree with you in some parts, in other parts I do not. The biggest earners in GDI all have a system in place, I am not saying GDI's replicated sites don't work. I am saying everyone markets the GDI opportunity in a different way and those that did market GDI in a different way (Brian Bear, Tissa, Tim Serbert, Martin Wilson, Ash Mufareh, Jason and few others) did it using their own unique spin and system.

Just my 2 cents

Free Tips & Tricks To Learn How To Build Your Global Domains International Business http://www.lesterdiaz.com/blog

My team's automated Global Domains International sales funnel http://wsaffiliatenetwork.com
Posts: 42

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« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2012, 09:52:58 AM »

Well said Lester. Most of the more successful people in GDI have an amazing funnel that allows them to have wild number of members. But not sure how their downlines are getting the help they sometimes need if they are "newbies". I personally have found Jason pretty awesome to answer and respond quickly to my questions.

  With that said I want to help people as much as I can and hope to be in a position like Amis and have 30 years of great success.

 If you are not getting the help you need from your upline then you should be able to then choose to be placed with someone that will help, then GDI would be a more powerful option for people knowing they will not be left hanging wondering how they are going to achieve their personal goals.

 Just saying 

How I am Building My GDI Empire
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2012, 10:05:38 AM »

Just a procedure is to make sure you made all attempts to contact everyone in your upline. Then if that fails contact headquarters and tell them you have had no luck in getting the required support for your GDI business and would like to change the sponsor to?

Now, if you need a lifetime of free support our group does all of this and never sells anything. Nor would we accept anything for our lifetime support. You can make contact with me below and we will have you get it right the first time.

It is not about how many people you can recruit. It is about building a foundation with GDI that allows you to share your real passion and someone to give hands on daily support without gimmicks and hidden agendas.

There are some who give our great industry a bad taste. Then we have only us few who live to serve others with a true servant's heart.

Hey, I have been in this industry over 32 years and coached each person in my group of 15,017 which is growing daily. We deliver hands on coaching and have you up and running the right way.

You should always complete your due diligence and with everyone before jumping into something like GDI. GDI is just a platform to build your foundation. The rest must be shown to you and that is what you need passionate supportive people who need nothing from you yet gives everything for support without a cost.

Hey, contact me after you have completed your due diligence. We never leave anyone alone from our GDI family. That is the way this GDI platform is designed to be.

Looking forward in serving all and never looking for anything in return. This is my passion to support all and coach them into sharing their passion with prosperity the end result.

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
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Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2012, 10:17:44 AM »

It is about finding us within GDI who give daily free hands on support. You have to love to read and get to master navigation throughout GDI platform. If you have no luck in contacting anyone in your sponsor's group. Then read more within these forum walls you would have found people such as me.

I have been providing hands on support to all and not just those within GDI family. I never charge anything. There are no hidden agendas and systems to purchase. I do not sell and gimmicks and junk.

I have coached countless global people and love what I do. You can contact 24hrs a day and my group that I have been blessed to coach over 32 years in our great industry are here to serve you.

We keep ourselves and our accomplishments out of the equation. We do not want anything from you except your commitment to yourself. I purpose is simply to support you for a lifetime with not once being charged for any support. We do not need anything except respect and honesty from all who ask for help.

You have to manifest the hungry for a real lifestyle of abundance. We will show you how to find your passion and share it globally. By just doing that and then showing others how you did it. You will prosper in every part of your live.

Hey, all you had to do is find me and ask for help. Below you can see my 24hr contact information. When your sick and tired of being sick and tired of all the junk and gimmick. When all you want is to finally get support and shown the right way to use GDI as what it is, the platform of you foundation. That is it to be clear.

So, contact me today! Just take action show you can get the full benefit of GDI and how to use it without duplication of the pitch pages. Hey, why would anyone create a site that is a pitch page when GDI gives us over 8 pages to use. Your site is build based on your passion and will be the platform to grow your real business. You just need to do it right the first time and that is what I am here for.

I agree with you in some parts, in other parts I do not. The biggest earners in GDI all have a system in place, I am not saying GDI's replicated sites don't work. I am saying everyone markets the GDI opportunity in a different way and those that did market GDI in a different way (Brian Bear, Tissa, Tim Serbert, Martin Wilson, Ash Mufareh, Jason and few others) did it using their own unique spin and system.

Just my 2 cents

Just my 2 cents....yes you call it a funnel, and mention names that they have no hands on support. You join and pay and keep paying for other platforms. Most after a couple of hundred dollars give up no matter how much hype is used by the named. If you want to establish a real lifestyle with GDI as the foundation as it was designed to do. Then get with people who have experience and created lifestyles utilizing GDI as what it is, a platform to build your business from.

You missed my message and point, yet I love you enthusiasm. Your an amazing supporter of our GDI family and if there is anything that I or my group can help with, just contact me day or night. I live to support others and remain transparent.

If you really want to learn the basics upto getting it done the right way the first time. Welcome to my life. Just visit my site and there is no selling ever. I do not self promote nor promote for anyone else. I keep it real and give unlimited support globally for over 32 years in our great industry.

Take the Billy challenge and allow us to support your GDI business and never a cost. It is our way of giving back to our communities. Hey, you have to find your passion and then share it globally. Then learn how to generate real spendable prosperity just for doing what you love. When your able to do this, as the few of us have. Then you have a real passionate, exciting lifestyle so few only dream of. Leave the drama out of the picture. Books, tapes and other motivating products are free and always have been. Think about that? That is what our amazing libraries are for since the begining of our industry. Use it like those you names and you can make your own product then reap the rewards as they are. Just remember to give back to those who need and hunger for the truth.

Try to find just one person daily to help in some way from your heart. Do as you want others yet do it first. I can be what ever, I will to be....

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
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Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2012, 10:26:43 AM »

If you take a look at some of the areas within our great forum. You will see where we are starting from the beginning of setting up a real business. All this step by step information free with a lifetime of free support.

This is being done by our huge group of passionate people who are committed to GDI and getting every member coached the right way the first time. Travel this lifetime journey with us and never be left behind.

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
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Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2012, 05:14:45 PM »

Bill Z is doing fine now. He has support and almost finished creating his real blog. He has a bio written and getting that last page up is going to be great.

We speak allot and walk through navigation. Bill Z is going to be a huge force for out GDI family. I love seeing other develop their uniqueness.

Well don Bill Z

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Posts: 16

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« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2012, 10:21:53 AM »

I encourage each of you that are struggling to not waste anymore time and to contact me.  Our group passionately coaches and equips you to have the foundation of a business and build long term for the future.  You have to take this one step at a time and do know that you cannot go at it alone.  Working together with a coach is extremely important for success.  I challenge those who are struggling to find a coach, Bill is one of them, and so am I and we will help you.  Get in touch with one of us and we will show you the door that has continuous excitement and opportunity to really grow!

We are here to help!

Turn the "I Can't" into the "I Can."  Success is about you!
Michael Levy
Consultant, Visionary, Coach & Mentor
24hr request for support: Schedule an Appointment
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« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2012, 06:22:59 PM »

SUCCESS BEGINS IN YOUR MIND. Your mind always sets your limit. If you believe that you can do something, you can do it. You must believe in it 100%.

If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success  Smiley

-  Serving others is my personal passion.
Jody M
Posts: 10

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« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2012, 06:33:04 PM »

its funny how everybody has the best system and will do so much for their downline, well If you are doing so well , then you must have hundreds maybe even thousands of affiliates so how do you help all of them, it would be impossible, no one should have to wait a week for a response with an excuse of"I just found your email in my spam folder" they should be checking that everyday. I just say dont depend on anything from your upline, you should never have to contact your upline when you first sign up anyway. they know you signed up so why dont they contact you? because they are poor sponsors. and If they were really serious, they would move others below you so you can start making some money and to help you pay for advertisements and such. you just do the  best you can , there are others out there that will help you dont worry, you may have to locate them, but they will help you . And if you can afford it, get a premium membership, I was a premium member for two weeks and won the gdi lottery and received four affiliates, and you can win again and again. usually thats a good jump start for someone struggling. plus you get better comissions. as a premium member I will give anyone a thirty day trial all you have to do is email me, and if you have questions, dont ask them here send questions to my email:jody@znzandgdi.ws. it will be noooo problem to answer them for you.
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