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Author Topic: Blog post:.......Living With Regrets  (Read 3694 times)
Posts: 28

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« on: June 14, 2013, 12:38:28 PM »

I suppose in our busy lives….We all have regrets….I know I sure do……I regret not working at having a better relationship with my father before he was consumed with altzhiemers disease…….I regret not taking better care of myself when I was younger…..Now I hurt when I get out of bed…….Sometimes I wonder what the last conversation I had with a friend that passed on was about….or when that conversation took place…….I hope it was a positive visit we had…..I regret taking up the habit of smoking at such a young age…….now I struggle with myself knowing its stupid to have something 3  inches from my nose that’s on fire!…..I regret drinking alcohol so much as a young man that it became an issue that I had to work out ….I have 21 years sober now…….

These are just a few of the regrets I carry everyday……I am a human and I make mistakes……some of them worse than others ….all combined are more than I want to consider……I am sure that I will have more regrets to add in the future…..Again, probably more than I want to consider……..I consider myself a decent man , as I ponder my life,…… and I think that others could learn from my education from the school of Hard Knocks…..I know you must be saying to yourself “Gee Smoke, You sound a little depressed there ,bud”. ….Don’t worry I’m not…..I’m just trying to be honest with myself and with you!

I have always been very open about what I think about things and how I feel about  the things I’ve lived through…..I have always been willing to say out loud to whoever will listen whats on my mind……sometimes to a fault…..Sometimes people don’t like to hear what I have to say….and for that I apologize……

Here are some of the things I do to help me carry my regrets the best I can…..The first thing when I wake up in the morning, I go to the garage for my alone time……(I’m not allowed to smoke in the house) While I’m in the garage I’m already Gearing my head towards welcoming the day…….I think about how grateful I am to be given another day………I ponder what the days plan is supposed to be……..On my commute to work I think about how grateful I am to have a job that I enjoy so much, that it seems like I’m really not working……..I start gearing my mind to be a positive influence to anybody that  I should encounter this day………I choose to stay away from people that seem to spread negativity……and surround myself with,” can do”, type of people…….With  my words. I instruct my students in such a manner that they are willing to work hard to accomplish their personal goals for the day!……I try to treat every person with respect…….and carry myself as a person with compassion and gratitude, for all the people I connect with during the day…….I look for the students that are fighting with frustration…….I always have some story from my life journey that can ease their mind…..I try to keep in mind, when a person is trying to learn something new, they are their own worst enemy……..I work at making sure my words are given like advice, rather than a scolding…..sometimes when a student feels like giving up, I remind them that nobody was born with a steering wheel in there hand……..I truly believe there isn’t anybody that can’t learn to drive a truck……some just take longer than others……..When I get home  every evening, if I can look myself in the face looking back at me in the mirror ……..I had a day with no regrets and a day I can say I did my best!

The last thing I want you to take with you, about how I carry my regrets and get through everyday is, I take care of myself spiritually!………and if a person would  listen …..I would advise them to pray…..you don’t have to pray with a mind to impress yourself with something profound …..just give thanks and say a small prayer for what ever arises…….Express your gratitude to the creator for this day and this life ……..ask for help for yourself and those around you…..It doesn’t have to be out loud ….It can be just a prayerful thought, somewhere inside your mind……..Doesn’t matter what religion you are ….or even if you claim one ….I’m no preacher…….. and I don’t claim to be knowledgeable about any religion …..I’m just saying it works for me……..just pray..

What do you do to get through your day?……What do you do to carry those regrets?…..How do you keep yourself  on the path you feel is where you belong? ….,What are you grateful for?….how do you express your gratitude?….I would love to here from you…… just click on the little blue word, “comments” at the bottom of this post ……..Serving others by motivating others ….You can too….Smokey


motivating others, by serving others...you can too! Gregory "Smokey" Bowen
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« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2013, 10:15:31 AM »

Hey Smokey! I did visit your blog and read this post. I do agree we all have regrets but I have learned the best way to deal with them is not to! Does this make sense? Live for tomorrow Smokey and let the past be the past! That is the best advice I can give.. Thanks for sharing.. Chery Smiley

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