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1  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Help pls! Need traffic for my website! on: November 12, 2011, 08:18:13 PM
Hi Petrak,

Traffic is just one part of the equation. There's a whole game plan to doing this right so you can still profit from your traffic that don't even join your GDI business. I teach a duplicatable 5 minute a day traffic strategy that GDI affiliates can do on their favorite social network that really works. I really hope you study this game more before you waste your money on adwords. Good luck and if you want to know more about how I market click the globe below my picture.

2  .WS Business / Training / Re: GDI Real Training Done In Reading Time! on: September 16, 2011, 12:05:20 PM
Thank You William!

I couldn't have said it any better. This is the kind of insight and mindset that develops after many, many years in the trenches and without a good mentor by your side.

If you combine this knowledge with the proper tools & strategies for automation than your a force to be reckoned with.

What a great post, straight to the heart of the truth and very inspirational.


Where do you get your traffic from and where do you direct that traffic?


3  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Google Adwords on: June 01, 2011, 12:28:02 PM
Watch out,

You could lose a lot of money if you don't know what your doing!

I advise that you set a daily limit and drive your clicks to a squeeze page that builds your email list.

At least that way you could build a relationship and sell them on something later.

If you send them straight to a gdi sales page you'll lose the lead forever because most of your clicks won't join GDI.

People join people, not opportunities!

4  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Marketing GDI on Facebook! on: May 19, 2011, 03:34:29 PM

No one uses Facebook to market GDI?

Come on, Facebook is the place. The community is huge and there's so much amazing tools that make marketing much easier prior to Facebook.

I'm experimenting with Facebook Fan Pages and the best ways to use it for  marketing GDI.

I'll report back with my results.
5  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: lets hit the market together on: May 18, 2011, 08:05:52 PM
Hey Robert,

Great idea but it aint gonna happen. I don't mean to sound negative but I know this for a  fact through a lot of experience. People won't do that sort of stuff if there is no immediate gain for them.

Just trying to save you some time as I wasted over 2 years trying to trsansform GDI into a lottery through teamwork.

Again, great idea!

6  .WS Business / Marketing / Marketing GDI on Facebook! on: May 18, 2011, 07:46:41 PM
Who here uses Facebook to market GDI?

I'd like to hear your strategies on what's working so we can compile an overall best practices strategy to share with our downlines.

Thanks to all who contribute to this post!

7  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: What's Your Problem?!?!?! on: February 04, 2011, 11:42:33 AM
Hey Lance,

Yes it is complete but I put a price tag to it because it comes with all the graphics and the fbml code needed to get started instantly. As a bonus, it even comes with a '$20 off Promotion Code' that you can use to entice your prospect to join GDI under you.

I'm currently in the middle of working on a 'Lite' version of GDI the Smart Way that's FREE but will not include all the extra's above.

8  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: Disapointed in upper level participation! on: January 14, 2011, 04:03:23 PM
Hey Fran,

I feel your frustration; BUT, if your looking for help from a sponsor monster than just go to the GDI webinars, you might find the help you need there!

I've been told by my upline that only losers hang out here on this forum and the number one way to fail is to hang out here. If all the upper level sponsors feel that way than your not going to find much help from them here (after all, their not sponsor monsters for hanging out on a forum full of GDI affiliates all day)

That being said, there is a lot of great info here and a lot of great affiliates sharing their knowledge and wisdom for free. As a GDI affiliate who really cares about the GDI community, Im here to tell you that your not alone and we are here to help.

Just make sure you find a recruiting system that works for you and thats easy to teach to ensure duplication.

9  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: New GDI team!!! on: January 08, 2011, 11:26:35 AM
Hey Allen,

I was all about the 'lets all team up and help each other' idea a few years back. I even created a FREE system where we collectively create and popularize entertaining YouTube videos that drived traffic to a rotator page which pitched our GDI opportunity and unique marketing approach.

I thought and many others as well thought that it was GENIUS (I still do); BUT...


A waste of my time. People are not wired to help each other succeed. All I required was people to rate, comment and share a new video every day and that was already tooooooo much to ask.


Although people loved the idea of teamwork. The reality is that only a small percentage of people will do the work and thats not fair to them when the slackers benefit with free signups to their downline for not even contributing 5 minutes a day to the plan.

People want a system that rewards those that take action!

That's been my focus ever since, helping others do GDI the Smart Way!


10  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Where? How? should You Advertising Your Business on: January 08, 2011, 10:48:11 AM
Hey Kitty,

Great post; BUT...

$200 a year for an ad above the fold on a site that gets 500 unique visitors a day?

If that's correct than this is a great idea!

Please send me the information.

11  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: Build GDI on Auto-Pilot By Targeting Those Who Wants To Know. on: January 08, 2011, 10:40:13 AM
That's been the key to my success. That being said...

Unfortunately, what your not sharing is that many people you will attract will already be GDI affiliates.

If you front end FREE information to get peoples name and email and back end with a PAID lead generation system than your not building GDI on auto-pilot. Your building your lead generation business.

Im not saying that's what your doing, but that's been my experience with people using this FREE information approach.

Is your system any different because I stopped entering my name and email for FREE information that tells me I need to spend more money.
12  .WS Business / Training / Re: What are you going to do in 2011 to boost your GDI business on: January 08, 2011, 09:55:58 AM
I'm going back to my offline roots as well but this time I can plug them into an online system I created (very duplicatable). Once their set-up they can repeat the process.

Let's go 2011 !!!

13  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: FREE Marketing Help for GDI's December Bonus Contest on: November 30, 2010, 08:22:35 AM
The promotion code has been sent to my email list!

It's still not too late to get the promotion code to get GDI the Smart Way for only a penny, just join my cool mailing list...


14  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: FREE Marketing Help for GDI's December Bonus Contest on: November 27, 2010, 12:04:26 PM

On Tuesday November 30, I will broadcast a special promotion code to my email list that allows you to grab & sell 'GDI the Smart Way' for only a PENNY (regularly $47) from Dec. 1-10 only.

What is GDI the Smart Way? ==> http://gdithesmartway.com/ebook/

Why am I doing this? Because I want you to CRUSH IT during GDI's December Bonus Contest...
  • Use it as a bonus incentive to join your GDI downline
  • Use it for yourself to create a Facebook sales funnel
  • Tell your downline so you all can experience growth

I doubt I will ever do this promotion again, I just want to see who take's advantage of my offer to help them win some prizes. I'm curious how other people do GDI the Smart way and I'm hoping I could get some case studies out of this.



15  .WS Business / Marketing / FREE Marketing Help for GDI's December Bonus Contest on: November 26, 2010, 10:58:43 PM

To compete against the pros from Dec. 1 to Dec. 10 you need an edge, GDI the Smart Way is exactly what your looking for. No purchase is required to take advantage of my special offer...

==> http://gdithesmartway.com/222/my-penny-affiliate-special-for-gdis-december-bonus-contest/

Any questions?
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