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Author Topic: What if my upline never contacts me?  (Read 46335 times)
Wade Blake
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« Reply #45 on: March 30, 2008, 07:30:01 AM »

 Tongue hello my name is wade and seeking someone who will me learn more about this business ask my upline but i get riddles in return riddle dont help. heres my problem i have never even concider trying internet marketing so i dont have a clue about any of it. i have been here a month and got 2 sign up which the 2nd one is doing better than i am. i am really in need for help.
Mario Meunier
Posts: 11

I will build the largest family ever seen on GDI

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« Reply #46 on: July 18, 2008, 04:07:50 AM »

I Have wait for be contacted and noting..

Can we ask for change and choose or sponsor if we have not a good and helpfull upline ?

I ask that .. because first of all I am new here.

you can see that I have only 2 post at this time. but... that is not for long time... every where I go... I am one of the most productive.. in my area..

I am french and excuse pls my english.. I am bad.. and use translation software for help me.. but that sometime realy not good.

I am working my site now.. but in few.. time. I willl be able to start to work with my site.. I have few good idea that I will be able to share soon...

with all of you..

but for start.. my first question is... how to get help from our upline..

that's my fault I know... I have choose them.. tinking that if I take as upline GDI Them self.. I will be able to have little help from they're programer's

I am good in desing and not bad in html coding..

but need more information and help for hard code and for php..

the better exemple.. I can show

I have post three time the same thread but I am moderated..

I ask for whois and help with that programation and my thread never came out..

any way.. my name is

mario meunier

you will see that name many time realy soon..

I have succes whatever what I touch..

try on google. mario meunier


I am realy good in seo (search engine optimisation)

my question..

can we change or and select our sponsor and upline ?
Sr. Member
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« Reply #47 on: July 19, 2008, 01:00:41 PM »

Hi Mario,

Do you have the phone number or instant messenger id of your upline?
Try those, sometimes emails can be unreliable due to spam filter.

As for the answer to your question, I am afraid you can't change your upline/sponsor.
But you can sign up another GDI account under a new upline of your choice, but you must use your business name or
a family member. This is because GDI only allows you to have 1 personal account and 1 other business account.

Hope this helps.


Want to install a blog for your GDI domain name?
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Mario Meunier
Posts: 11

I will build the largest family ever seen on GDI

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« Reply #48 on: July 20, 2008, 10:01:11 AM »

Hi Mario,

Do you have the phone number or instant messenger id of your upline?
Try those, sometimes emails can be unreliable due to spam filter.

As for the answer to your question, I am afraid you can't change your upline/sponsor.
But you can sign up another GDI account under a new upline of your choice, but you must use your business name or
a family member. This is because GDI only allows you to have 1 personal account and 1 other business account.

Hope this helps.


thanks for your response.

I dont tink I will change.. any way my goal is to creat the biggest family in there.. almost like you !!!

I suppose that's the goal of every one..

do you know if it's possible to have some programer's help.. I mean the GDI programmer's

I need few answer that I need programer for good answer.

I am good in html and in desing I am building a great site.. for now I am not ready to go live becuase I creat that site in english and in french. I need to finish the translation..

How long that take before we are normal user.. I mean not moderated ?

whats star mean under your name ?

in other forum that mean you have pay.. here what's that mean ? number of post ? number of time logged ?


Posts: 26

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« Reply #49 on: July 20, 2008, 10:09:25 AM »


Though I do not know you personally, I must share my opinion with upline contact.

It is certainly nice to be part of a group tht shares in everyones success, and makes people feel like they are part of something bigger then themselves.  Though I believe that ONLY YOU are ACCOUNTABLE for you own SUCCESS!

Educate yourself about this business, marketing, advertising and any other related areas.  Then align yourself with others, not necessarily those only in GDI but other online marketers and pick their brains for ideas.

Read books on business related topics - Internet Marketng, Website Design etc.  Find the things that you are at first comfortable with, THEN do the things that are uncomfortable until they become comfortable.  You may even checkout webinars ad conference calls to participate in to accelerate your learning curve.

If I can be of ny help please feel free to connect with me.

The "EarningCoach" - Marvin Drobes

PS - I would check with GDI about having 2 accounts even if one is a business and one personal I believe it is no longer allowed.

Teaching, Coaching & Mentoring individuals how to earn full-time incomes working from the comfort of their home.
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« Reply #50 on: July 21, 2008, 04:23:38 AM »


We at GDI wanted to thank you for the inspiring words and leadership.

To be honest with you the industry in a whole has a problem with people not treating this like a business.

Why do you think only 10% of us make money while the other half is completely lost and frustrated.

Keys to success:

1. Postitive mental outlook (Count your blessing and humble yourself)
2. Education make sure to read books on the industry, find leaders within your business and work with them.
3. Provide them the tools for success (Lead generation system or way to put more money into their pockets by attracting people to them.
4. Training join the numerous free calls mentioned in the forum and see how the successful people simply the business model.
5. Dedication every day before you go to your Job set goals and get your business in front of people.
6. Ask for referrals
7. Advertising free or low cost methods(Business cards a most)
8. Lead capture page with your BIO and information on how you can help those in need.
9. Never quit understand there are many benefits to a home business (I.E Tax savings)

If you would like any information visit my profile and please feel free to contact me:

Remember if a person in the military can do this business any one can:

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« Reply #51 on: July 21, 2008, 04:58:57 AM »

No one has contatcted me me and told me what to do.Kind of confused but excited at the same tim e from what i read.
If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to contact me.
Mario Meunier
Posts: 11

I will build the largest family ever seen on GDI

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« Reply #52 on: July 21, 2008, 04:58:57 AM »


Though I do not know you personally, I must share my opinion with upline contact.

It is certainly nice to be part of a group tht shares in everyones success, and makes people feel like they are part of something bigger then themselves.  Though I believe that ONLY YOU are ACCOUNTABLE for you own SUCCESS!

Educate yourself about this business, marketing, advertising and any other related areas.  Then align yourself with others, not necessarily those only in GDI but other online marketers and pick their brains for ideas.

Read books on business related topics - Internet Marketng, Website Design etc.  Find the things that you are at first comfortable with, THEN do the things that are uncomfortable until they become comfortable.  You may even checkout webinars ad conference calls to participate in to accelerate your learning curve.

If I can be of ny help please feel free to connect with me.

The "EarningCoach" - Marvin Drobes

PS - I would check with GDI about having 2 accounts even if one is a business and one personal I believe it is no longer allowed.

I agree.

and I work a lot on my new idea.. I have read all part of affiliate file in pdf that we have to sign and I will just have to modifie one thing's or will need to receave the approbation for use someting that is a part of the dvd... I have take a screen shot of the image new's paper.. not .com but .ws

but I have great idea to work on.. and I will be able to share my success with all of you soon !!!

but I need someting that is not created at this time here in the GDI TOOLS.. a search box for the availability for domain name.

that's amazing.. that GDI do not have  creat that already

someone is good in coding ? I have post in the coding area.. if someone is good.. maybe he can help in that thread http://talk.ws/index.php?topic=4752.30

Posts: 24

It's All Just Baby Steps...

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« Reply #53 on: August 15, 2008, 04:20:49 AM »

I also understand what you mean when you have no upline help. I was here a long time ago in 05, and dropped out because of it. Imagine if I had stuck with it? Imagine the downline I'd of had!!! I was gone for a while to pursue different avenues, and learned a lot along the way.

You see, even if you don't have upline support, you can still succeed. It helps, but there are plenty of people here you can ask for help. Just look at the members who've been here the longest, and contact them. Of course in my case, I have a lot of experience NOW, and am eager to help anyone succeed in their online ventures and have also been known to help them personally.

I know I can help point you in the right direction, but as Marvin, and Howard stated earlier, educating yourself is the first step in your way to success.

My personal 2cents is ....budget, budget, budget! Don't get caught up in pay per clicks when you don't know what you're doing! Always pay attention to how you're spending your time online...whether it's spending too much time on your website or not marketing your site enough. It's all a matter of budgeting your time and money.

Hope this helps!


Logan Wandell
Wills Point, TX

The first step to success is building on a budget, whether its your time or financially. If YOU *FAIL* to plan, YOU *PLAN* to fail!
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« Reply #54 on: January 17, 2009, 05:55:47 AM »

hello my name is fred my upline is no help so im going to some one that will help me
i like the way gdi works so i want to work with gdi members that will work Grin
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« Reply #55 on: February 16, 2009, 09:07:23 AM »

My goodness I know how you feel. I was in a business before where I never heard a peep from the upline. I quit them. Thankfully, I haven't had that with GDI. My open invitation to anyone out there who are feeling alone and not hearing from your upline: don't be afraid to write to me, I will be happy to help.  I not only help my downline, but people from outside my group (lol, I don't know how they find me but they do and Im glad). I only hope that they put in a good word for me sometimes, lol. I feel good helping too because I look at GDI as my family, and I know that when you do something nice for someone, it does come back to you.
It only takes a minute to say hello to your downline and see how they are doing and to boost their belief that they can do this and have everything they want out of life. Surely people can spare a minute.

If I don't know the answer to your question, I WILL find it for you! I am on here everyday, most all day, so usually my reply is pretty quick.

Not only in it for me, but for my team and for the GDI family
Brenda Sue

Hi Brenda
I read you post here and feel that you are a great person to talk to, I too signed up with GDi and never heard anything from my upline, I sent an email that its not even existed ( fail to delivered) and I just lost and don't know where to start. I'm willing to learn and make it work for me. I hpe you can help and give me some direction.
thanks, Hope to hear from you.
Posts: 1

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« Reply #56 on: September 20, 2010, 09:44:50 AM »

Hello my name is Franna and i am new from Columbus,ohio....I am so glad to hear other members are experiencing the same thing. I was suspose to get a call from my upline which i did and training today..and the person never called back Angry...so i basicly wasted my time on a saturday. It is really disappointing.
Anywho, i will succeed with the help of God. I just need someone to tell me about traffic exchanges and banners and links..That is all..
help!!! i am new just joined last week.
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