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Author Topic: tips for success  (Read 65456 times)
Full Member
Posts: 136

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« Reply #15 on: October 22, 2005, 05:56:46 PM »

Tips for success

I consider the following things a person must have to be successful online.

1. Good Attitude
2. written goals long term and short term
3. Be coachable,trainable and teachable
4. Understand this is business and it will take some time and little money to invest into building your org.

I want to say each of you who decided to join us and help other people get what they want so create a win win situation within your GDI Team.

Don't ever give up stay the course and have fun showing people the 7 minute movie or the new Dvd movie.

take care

howie martell
Gina Morales
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« Reply #16 on: November 02, 2005, 11:30:45 AM »

Because I am new to internet marketing, I have found myself doing things a bit "backwards." I've been here for about 3 months and have had no upline support. I finally downloaded the training manual and am researching ideas in the marketing section thanks to Norma's recommendation. I think because I have only been advertising online on free ad sites, I realize that what is said in the training manual regarding online recruiting only being a very small part of this whole thing, to be a very true and accurate statement. I think because I felt very "new" to all of this, the personal contact scared me a bit. But after a few months of limited success, I realize that the real success has to be multi-faceted and I am ready to give some other avenues a try. I'm posting this for all of us who are new to sales and internet marketing. I don't want anyone to feel alone if they have felt uncomfortable with getting started. I have definitely been there and I can relate. There is a lot to learn. Sometimes we need to go out of our "comfort zone" to grow.

Take Care,

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« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2005, 01:01:46 PM »


Joseph J
Posts: 16

"Learning is the key element to persuation"

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« Reply #18 on: December 21, 2005, 04:15:05 AM »

Hi everyone,

I just want to say that I agree with what you positive people are saying, don't give up put some or all of your effort in what GDI has to offer. Because if you it will pay off, not only for you but, for your family and everyone at GDI.

It's almost on the line of what Howard was saying;

1) You got to come into GDI with a good attitude or feeling

2) You must be ready to go with a prove plan that works for everyone (this is not a get rich scheme) it will
    take time and effort to build your business

3) Always set your goals and aim for the stars

4) It is always good to learn your product so that you and your downlines can all benefit

5)If you are having trouble with your business watch the DVD or 7-min movie to give you inspiration, and
   please don't be ashamed to ask questions. That's what the forum is for.

One last thing. We are all now apart of something really huge that is going to eventually turn the face of the earth as far as how we communicate to one another. Don't miss out on some as big as GDI because it is here to stay.

I wan't to thank you all wish you well on your journies.

Joseph Johnson Cool


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« Reply #19 on: December 30, 2005, 03:33:49 AM »

From what I have learned from previous attempts at internet marketing. You have to do as everyone says follow-up on all leads. Most new contacts don't even respond until after they have seen your add 6 to 7 times. It takes this long to register in the mind that this is something that they have seen before and to awaken the senses that they are open to a new idea. Always give them just the infomation to pipe thier interest to visit your site and then make it easy to sign up for more info. It all take time but will pay off in the long run.
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« Reply #20 on: January 08, 2006, 09:00:01 AM »

Jladd, you are so right. I've realized this for some time now. One of my concerns is "The Pitch" What do I say. I really think its going to be a trial and error type of thing. Any suggestions would be appreciated though.
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« Reply #21 on: January 29, 2006, 07:01:56 PM »


After reading some of these posts. I am thinking of giving up leads purchasing altogether.

I just got my hands on the magnetic sponsoring system and what is told to me in there makes a whole heap of sense.
PLUS: I think that you can't do any better than leads you generate yourself anyway.

Posts: 9

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« Reply #22 on: February 14, 2006, 02:33:35 PM »

HI everyone,

I agree with what with what everyone is saying I just don't like the fact that it will take some time before
we see a desent check or two. I guess a you might as well say "good luck" to a newbie because it is really
going to be a while before you see any movement n your Biz.

I really thing that it should be easier to make a honest living in AMerica.

What do you all think?

Joseph  Tongue

Freedom is given to those that will Fight for it
Matthew Green
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Posts: 67

"Stop thinking about it, Start doing it"

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« Reply #23 on: February 14, 2006, 07:13:33 PM »

HI everyone,

I agree with what with what everyone is saying I just don't like the fact that it will take some time before
we see a desent check or two. I guess a you might as well say "good luck" to a newbie because it is really
going to be a while before you see any movement n your Biz.

I really thing that it should be easier to make a honest living in AMerica.

What do you all think?

Joseph  Tongue
Hello Joseph,

I work very closely with my Downline MEMBERS and the aim is to show them how to Promote GDI Online...

I have set-up a Website,Forum and a Conference Room and all 3 are geared towards TRAINING my Downline in GDI as well as all the Products and Services I use to Build my TEAM...
Having access to the Right Tools and the Right Information is vital to the Success of any GDI Affiliate..

Progress can be very slow with GDI..  I joined a Downline without too much consideration for who I was joining under...  I saw the GDI MOVIE and figured all of this was going to be easy..

My Sponsor did / does not have a clue so Progress was really slow for me...  REALLY SLOW...

The thing is I have been at this game for a while now and I have learned how to not just Promote GDI, but actually use GDI to it's full potential...  You see being able to Host your own Website and WebPages means that you are capable of Advertising Anything in many different ways...

I teach my Downline how to do everything I do...  And I teach them quickly... What took me months, takes them days......   Thing is, I am not a BIG HITTER yet, but I am going in the right direction and the momentum is gathering strength..  This week I supported a Downline member to getting his first Sign-up on day 3 of his FREE TRIAL... 

I believe the only way to the TOP, and I am going to the TOP is to take a LOT of PEOPLE with you...

Not only can it be adopted by anyone, with the right support the results can come fairly quickly...  I have Downline Members that are as strong out there as I am and they are only in their first month...

If a Downline MEMBER seeks your support it is your duty to show them everything you know... Teach them everything that you have learned, stuff you know works and you will have Quicker Results...

If you turned to your Sponsor and they were unable to help you; then you have learned the same lesson as me, the HARD WAY...


I believe if any of us in this THREAD that have not had much joy with GDI YET would not of been in the same position if we had actually joined under a BIG HITTER..

I hope this all makes sense...

Nicole Taylor
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« Reply #24 on: February 14, 2006, 07:20:50 PM »


The forum is here to help those who need assistance in building their business and Website. You're not alone regardless if you have a helpful upline or not. The training, resources, information and individuals available to you here is immense!


I make a good income right from home while I am drinking Starbucks and eating my cinnamon crumb cake.
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« Reply #25 on: February 23, 2006, 10:12:55 AM »

Hey guys,
I'm still a newbie here but I got a good question - or so I think!  How on earth do the big guys (the veterans) manage to get 97 new accounts in a week?  Huh I'm getting these statistics from the Main pool results. I'd LOVE to know the secrets so that I could make big money too! Wink

Any help please?! Smiley

Brian Smiley
Matthew Green
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Posts: 67

"Stop thinking about it, Start doing it"

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« Reply #26 on: February 23, 2006, 09:34:08 PM »

Hey guys,
I'm still a newbie here but I got a good question - or so I think!  How on earth do the big guys (the veterans) manage to get 97 new accounts in a week?  Huh I'm getting these statistics from the Main pool results. I'd LOVE to know the secrets so that I could make big money too! Wink

Any help please?! Smiley
I think the secrets you are seeking do not exist...

If you have a decent intelect and the patience to sift through and apply the tried and tested Marketing Systems, you to will be pulling 97 leads a week..
What these BIG HITTERS Have is TIME that you have NOT HAD...  They do not have secret potions that make Customers FLOCK against their WILL... TIME creates reputation, be it GOOD or BAD...  The Internet lives on so the longer you are online the bigger your prescence becomes...  If you get caught up looking for secets you will be let down..

If you are looking for sound advice and info just look around in forums...  This forums is well maintained and BAD ADVICE is picked up on...  You will learn everything it just takes time...


Posts: 4

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« Reply #27 on: February 24, 2006, 03:34:25 AM »

Well although it CAN be frustrating seeing people manage to pull in 97 new accounts a week I'm pretty sure they have a good experience about doing so.

What I can say I learnt so far is that sending a bunch of emails to people is not gonna be that effective and sometimes if you're not careful it could be spam.  I can say that actually calling the person is so much better as a relation is built.  What's even better is actually meeting the person. But then this ties down to how friendly and outgoing you are. An introvert wouldn't have that many friends as a party guy!  I guess you get what I mean.

That's what I learnt so far. I managed to get 2 sign ups in 4 hours and I'm still in my trial week but I managed to do that cause I knew those people and I told them personally.  I must have sent about 300 emails and the response rate was VERY low...

It's hard to keep the marathon not sprint idea in mind especially after watching the 7min movie but at least at $10 a month, it's worth a try to become financially independent!


Brian Smiley
Posts: 23

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« Reply #28 on: February 24, 2006, 08:43:22 AM »

Hi Brian:

It is all about relationships.  Back in 2000 (can't believe 6 years now) I started building
a list.  When I was introduced to GDI back in May 2004, I sent information about GDI to
my list and I immedately had sign ups.  It is all because of the work I did 6 years ago.

One of the reasons why people fail at this business is that they just talk  "Join GDI and
make lots of money" and go on.  This does not work.  This just turns people off and they
will never look at GDI.

If, however you take the time to ask someone how they are and actually listen to them
for a few moments, they will be glad that you did and your chance to have them look at
GDI is much better.  All I want from people is to see the GDI Flash Presentation.  That's

Hero Member
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« Reply #29 on: February 24, 2006, 08:37:49 PM »

I think the secrets you are seeking do not exist...

If you have a decent intelect and the patience to sift through and apply the tried and tested Marketing Systems, you to will be pulling 97 leads a week..
What these BIG HITTERS Have is TIME that you have NOT HAD...  They do not have secret potions that make Customers FLOCK against their WILL... TIME creates reputation, be it GOOD or BAD...  The Internet lives on so the longer you are online the bigger your prescence becomes...  If you get caught up looking for secets you will be let down..

If you are looking for sound advice and info just look around in forums...  This forums is well maintained and BAD ADVICE is picked up on...  You will learn everything it just takes time...

I would disagree slightly - one of the big secrets is automation. This is a repetitive business that needs automation so your business runs along quietly even when you are not at your PC.
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