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Author Topic: YOUR Success starts with...  (Read 81198 times)
Posts: 2

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« Reply #60 on: July 21, 2008, 04:58:57 AM »

hi Chip Are You Able To Tell Me If The Site Can Be Viewed In Maltese, I am Currently In The UK But  Can Understand Some English
Any One Help
Gordon Milton
Posts: 43

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« Reply #61 on: July 23, 2008, 02:50:09 AM »


How can I start?Huh
I need help.
I don`t have e-mail address, so I need this help, just like the ad tell me in the first page: 1000 E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR U.....

Go to this forum link and read the post. http://talk.ws/index.php?topic=547.0

Hope this helps,

Gordon Milton
Posts: 43

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« Reply #62 on: July 23, 2008, 02:50:09 AM »

Hello I recently joined GDI and I am having a very difficult time starting my downline. I have zero people. What can I do??? Can anybody help me?  Undecided

Your help will be very appreciated   Wink

Sorry to repeat myself, but click on this forum link and read the posts http://talk.ws/index.php?topic=547.0

All the best,

Posts: 41

Tired of the rat race!

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« Reply #63 on: July 23, 2008, 04:24:16 AM »

There are so many MLM opportunities available these days that 'hopping' between them is becoming more common. The chance to join a new venture at the ground floor can seem extremely attractive and many network marketing professional can be found dropping their existing business and jumping into a new opportunity - often taking their whole network along with them.

Of course, there are good and bad points to moving between companies, but switching your loyalties is a decision that should never be taken lightly. There are pros and cons to be considered before making a hasty decision:

1. Many people are attracted to the idea of being number one in a new company, thinking that will be one of the few who forge the way ahead for everybody else. There is nothing wrong with this pioneering attitude, but abandoning everything you have worked long and hard for is a potentially disastrous step. You have to consider your downline - what would you do if they suddenly jumped ship and joined another MLM opportunity?

2. The company you jump to might not even survive past the initial set-up. We can all think of numerous examples of companies who fail - even when they seem like winners. Look at Enron! Your existing network offers you security and stability. Can you say this of the new opportunity? The majority of new start-up companies don't survive beyond their fifth year. Is this a risk you, as a professional, can afford to take?

3. Think about your existing network marketing opportunity - how much support does it offer to you? New companies often have very poor support structures initially, they don't come into their own until past their tenth year (if they even survive that long).

4. As attractive as being a pioneer is, they are the ones who have to slog long and hard to build the business up from nothing. With a proven MLM opportunity, you have a model to follow, you don't reinvent the wheel, and you can avoid the mistakes of those who have gone before. Not everyone can be a pioneer - how will you motivate your own downline to go the distance with you if you can't demonstrate the same ethos?

5. Is your position important to you? Starting at the bottom again means you will be pressurized into lowering your ranking within the company. Think of what you will be giving up as well as what you will be getting - are you happy to put status and income into the hands of an unproven opportunity?

So how can you ensure your new opportunity will be a success?

Firstly explore the track record of the management team with the MLM opportunity. Check out the marketing potential of the product yourself, don't rely on their figures. If you plan to take your downline with you, ascertain their willingness to come along. And think of the consequences of taking your loyalty elsewhere - what if it didn't work out and you wanted to return? Try not to burn your bridges.

Do your research with care. Your livelihood and that of your family depend on how well the new opportunity performs. Don't be fooled by all the hype and try and think things through carefully however exciting it seems.

So why is GDI a good business model low start up cost and with a little effort you to can be financially free!
Posts: 41

Tired of the rat race!

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« Reply #64 on: July 23, 2008, 04:32:17 AM »

This simple technique will change your limiting beliefs and flow with money.  Use this technique to open new avenues of money to flow to you.

If someone were to ask you, “Do you have any money?” What would be your most common response? If it is frequently “No,” then you are telling your subconscious mind you have no money and you will continue to have no money. Always carry money in your wallet or billfold. Always be able to answer, “Yes, I have money. I have plenty of money.” That is the message that will help you create more money.


Whenever you spend money, notice how you feel. If you feel uncomfortable and nervous because you are worried that the money you are spending might not be replaced, the signal you are sending out is one of lack and lack will be returned to you.


When you spend money, create a positive, peaceful feeling and trust that as you spend money you create a vacuum for more money to come into your life. Always stay within your current means of income and at the same time create a vibration of prosperity to create more coming in the future. Every time you pay your bills, be in the energy of gratitude that you have creditors that trust you and offer you their services. Acquire sound money-management skills to assist you in staying in integrity with your money.


When you communicate about money, do you talk about not having enough and focus your words on lack and struggle with money? Notice your communication patterns with money and choose to speak positively and reference your state of abundance with money. Do you trust your family members and perceive them as capable and competent when it comes to spending money? Or do you fear that they will create debt and spend more than you have so you need to control them? Create perceptions and language that reflect a state of prosperity consciousness rather than poverty consciousness.


The Universe does not know your bank account status; it only reads the signals you are feeding it. So create a vibration of wealth by playing the following game:


Pretend you have an unlimited supply of $100 dollar bills in your wallet. Every time you spend a $100 dollar bill, imagine another one magically replacing it. Throughout your day, think of the many things you could spend that $100 dollars on. Act as if you are spending it over and over and over. Rejoice and have fun with all the things you could buy, all the people you could share it with, and all the experiences you could create. As you do this you will send out a vibration of wealth and prosperity that will assist you in creating more wealth.


As you shift into a vibration of prosperity consciousness, you will create and attract new avenues and opportunities for more money to come into your life. Money is a resource that God has given us to bless our lives—not to interfere with our daily happiness. If you are creating your experience with money as a negative distraction, choose to clean it up.


Create money to be like your experience with air: something you know there is plenty of for you and everyone else. Money, like air, is a resource to assist you in creating and sustaining a life of joy and happiness. You never worry about air, you just trust and let it be there for you. Stop worrying about money and start trusting that you will be provided for and trust that you will make choices and manage it in a way that blesses your life.


Micheal Dhane
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« Reply #65 on: August 02, 2008, 09:05:17 AM »

chip how can i download the gdi videos or can i get the code to imbed them in myspace, yuwie etc
Posts: 41

Tired of the rat race!

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« Reply #66 on: August 17, 2008, 05:52:07 AM »

My Friend... Get your pen out because I am about to share with the formula for success...

I came across this some time ago and it is not only a very simple formula but also one that works every time...

Plus it is one that every successful person in this industry also uses I can literally guarantee it...

So...  do not just read this and forget about it...  Write it down and post it all over your house and car... make sure you see it every where you turn.

Here it is:

"When you get knocked down...  Get up again...

When you feel like giving up...  Get even more determined...

When life beats you up...  Keep fighting...

When people tell you it won't work...  Do it anyway...

When you're too tired to keep going...  Go even harder...

Or summed up... Chase your dreams, and keep chasing your dreams until you realize them."

That is it very very simple formula and one that virtually guarantees the success of everyone who makes it part of their lives...

See there is no magic secret to success...  it is simply hard work and perseverance combined with a burning desire...

Simply go for it and do not stop until it happens...

Failure is not an option and retreat is not part of your vocabulary...

Push on when all others have quit.

God has set up this universe in such a way that you are tested to see if you are really serious...  pass that test and you are set.

REALLY do the work required to build your business and it will happen...  it has no choice.

And know I Believe In YOU!

Until Next Time Keep Your Head Down And Press On!!
Posts: 1

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« Reply #67 on: August 29, 2008, 11:55:29 AM »

Some really good pointers here and I really appreciate what Kmanski, (Sorry about poor spelling) says about the women at the unemployement line. I focus almost solely on online marketing, and realize that I am in a sea with several billion fish all trying to accomplish the same thing: Getting Traffic! Times have been rough for people and with the US economy things are going to get worse over the next 2 years, (Regardless of who the next president is). During these tough times more and more people are going to HAVE TO find second income or some type of home based business.

So yes, do carry cards and fliers with you and do not so much think that there may me a business oportunity but rather a favor you may offer someone by offering them a legitamate income means for a very low investment of only $10 per month.  renatoworld.com
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« Reply #68 on: September 11, 2008, 07:35:23 PM »

Hello how do you start your emails & autoresponders to work for you Ray
Sr. Member
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« Reply #69 on: September 12, 2008, 11:36:30 AM »

Hello how do you start your emails & autoresponders to work for you Ray

You can put a lead capture form on your website or blog.
Encourage your visitors to fill in the form by giving away a report or video.
For example you can write :
Fill in the form here to find out how to make money online
Then redirect them to the GDI movie or a report download link.

If you are using an autoresponder program, then the emails will start when the visitor confirms his/her emails.
To learn about the technical details on how to put the form on your page, please send me a private message.

Want to install a blog for your GDI domain name?
Send me a private message to get help
Armin Gaehwiler
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« Reply #70 on: September 22, 2008, 10:59:37 AM »

hi chip,

my name is Armin and i live in mallorca/spain. is it posible to get all of GDI in German ?

Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Joleen H
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« Reply #71 on: September 22, 2008, 02:29:48 PM »

Am a new member myself - have had the GDI account for a couple of months, but don't know where to start advertising.  I think there are so many opportunities out there online, that people are just afraid to jump into something.  I know, from my own experience, I don't like to pay for anything - and I'm sure that is what a lot of people are feeling, too.  Especially with the way the economy is right now.  I think GDI is a great opportunity and that is why I continue to be a member.  I've advertised on traffic-exchanges, but, same thing there, people are just there to advertise their product, so not much success there.  There is just SO MUCH out there.  Just have to keep trucking - that's my motto! Feel free to contact me anytime!  I'd love to talk with others and build our businesses together!  JOleen Cool
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« Reply #72 on: September 29, 2008, 06:28:00 PM »

Joleen H, I love your attitude about building your GDI business together with affiliates who are not even in your downline.

I believe 'YOUR Success starts with...' beeing sold to gdi BY A SPECIALIZED RECRUITING METHOD so you can draw off experience on how to repeat the important PROCESS OF DUPLICATION.

I have come up with a plan to use our strong number of GDI affiliates worldwide to take the internet by storm and make our collective voice heard.

Take a look at my blog and comment back if you think I'm on to something.

google - power5plan

• Get step-by-step instructions
• Copy & Paste ease
• FREE regardless of your upline

Stop Struggling in GDI and Start doing  'GDI the Smart Way!'
Aderogba Adewusi
Posts: 3

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« Reply #73 on: November 10, 2008, 09:48:05 AM »


Yes, while the .WS/GDI product and system are 'state-of-the-art',
for YOU to excel is simply a matter of focus, to wit, taking time to
learn as much as you can from the forum, radio show, training and,
then, IMPLEMENTING with excitement and passion.

If you have any Qs, just send to me and I will reply, promptly!

To Great Results,


Hello Brother,
I really need to know about the gold rush stuff for yahoo $100 advertisement of my site
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« Reply #74 on: December 19, 2008, 03:25:06 PM »

             My,Name:Mr.David Searcie,
And I Need As Much Help,As Posible !
From You,And My,Sponsor,Mr.Paul,
And My,ws Website:davidsearcie

         Thank's !
« Last Edit: December 19, 2008, 03:25:39 PM by ChipSnyder » Logged
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