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Author Topic: A New System  (Read 41727 times)
Posts: 18

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« on: May 31, 2009, 11:23:54 PM »

 I was thinking about how selfless G.D.I. has proven to be, yet there is another thing that would make it more selfless. It is a system that still needs to be constructed, so really it is just a concept. It goes like this: You open a website, like say www.PrivateFortune.ws and for the sign-up/video link you see www.website.ws/member01. Now, suppose that you refreshed the page or were to revisit the site at a later time, the link will have changed to www.website.ws/member02. These members would be the affiliates in the first four layers of my downline. You see, what I want to do is help my downline build their initial downline by channeling all of my site's traffic into their accounts. Everytime people see my site, there will be a cycling through of my affiliates to help them gain exposure, without them having to do any work. This not only helps you be a better sponsor, but it helps you earn commissions as well. This concept could be expanded. Suppose that there was a weekly contest comparable to the leaderboard and the prize was a day's woth of my site's traffic instead of cash bonuses. I hope that I was clear enough to be understood. Let me know what you guys think of this idea.  Grin

  Michael Starr
Posts: 9

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« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2009, 07:37:40 AM »

I like your concept Mike. All I know is that GDI needs to continue to add value to its members and seems to be slowing down. They have a great beginning. When is the next GDI Executive Committee meeting? Members need to know that this is a growing vibrant company.
Posts: 18

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« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2009, 10:29:44 AM »

I have a great idea! Let's put every single thing that G.D.I. should improve on this thread. Perhaps Chip Snyder or someone will see it and take note of it. It's like you said Rick, they should keep striving to make their system better for the affiliates. I love the system already, but constant improvement breeds unlimited success. So, who ever reads this and has an idea, please put it down.

Posts: 18

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« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2009, 10:33:04 AM »

  Here are some ideas that you may or may not have come up with. They are just some ways to better promote G.D.I. and equip sponsors of all experience levels better. They mostly pertain to Site-Builder:

1.)     It would be nice to have the two G.D.I. videos available for people to place on their site. There should be some customizable video borders and they should be moveable. This will help to educate new prospects without turning them off with a sign-up page (not to say that the sign-up pages aren’t appealing, it is just more convenient for sponsors to do this.)

2.)    For the sponsor’s sign-up page, meaning the page on their “.ws” site, it would be cool to have a variety of different “Sign-Up” buttons. These buttons would direct the viewer to the sign-up page. Overall, adding this option will allow ordinary people another chance to look professional with the aid of the Site-Builder.

3.)    I like the cool plug-ins, “Email” and “Guestbook”, but it would be nice if we could somehow treat them like text, where we could move them around, so that we could add more info to that page, without the page being completely dedicated to one plug-in. Also, more plug-ins like “Instant Message” or “Text Me” would be a really nice feature. I know that Yahoo allows you to talk through a chat box and send messages to phones. If G.D.I. came out with something like this, that would only enhance the product further.

4.)     Blogs are efficient ways to let people know what’s up. Perhaps G.D.I. can come out with a specially designed blog that domain owners could put on their site. Also, maybe introducing a calendar of some kind would be beneficial for updating people.

5.)    When a new prospect signs-up, they get an automated message of some kind. Maybe there should be a feature where affiliates can make more personal messages, like “Hey, how are you today?” type messages that are still automated but are a lot more personable. If these messages could be disguised to actually look like personal email, then the new sign-up will feel like they are important, which should be the goal for any sponsor.

6.)    There hasn’t been a 100% proven way to persuade somebody about G.D.I. because everyone is different. Fliers, however, have seemed to be an effective means of intriguing people enough to go to a site. What G.D.I. should do is produce a few well made fliers that people who are just starting out can print and distribute. This will only make the whole G.D.I. experience easier and more enjoyable.

7.)    Tools would be nice to add to a website, like the income calculator. This will increase peoples’ awareness of the true money making potential every time they visit a “.ws” site.

8.)    This idea is one that I have previously shared with you. It is the “Sign-Up Randomizer” feature that would not only help the sponsor, but the sponsor’s downline as well. You see, with this feature, the sponsor can assign traffic to the people that he/she wants to. All you would have to do is insert a few usernames from your downline and the sign-up button’s link will change every time someone click’s it. This helps the people who just started build their initial downline without doing any work! It couldn’t be a better deal.

9.)    And finally, are you aware of the full length DVD being present on MySpace? If not you should check it out on my page at www.myspace.com/masmusicplz.


This is what I have come up with for now. Let me know if you guys like any of these ideas. More on the way!

Posts: 9

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« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2009, 02:47:17 PM »

Hi, what do you think about the MYSPACE info? Is that against all trademark rules? Let me know.

« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2009, 03:07:40 PM »

Yes, great suggestion, Mike!

I encourage all Members to Post thoughts/ideas, in this thread,
as to how GDI can improve their systems to create true duplication
and maximize the benefits of .WS=WebSite.

Productivity/performance rewarded by a continuous flow of leads is
a true win-win.

Posts: 18

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« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2009, 05:56:42 PM »

One of the main reasons that I want G.D.I. to constantly improve such features as Site-Builder is to show new prospects what can be done with the tools given. I have been working on my site a lot recently, but it needs definite revising and improvement. You can see it at www.PrivateFortune.ws. Leave a comment if you wish. I am looking forward to brainstorming with you guys on ways to constantly progress. I will have more ideas up soon!  Grin

Posts: 18

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« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2009, 02:07:48 PM »

 Hello Everyone,

     I have been doing some thinking about the raw power that G.D.I. has. If utilized properly, we could help so many people. I am not talking about helping people make a living, which is also important, but rather helping people by charitable means. I currently am aware of the millions of children that starve in Africa and other continents each year. Now, as a species comprised of intelligent creatures, mankind should not tolerate such absurdity. I love G.D.I. because of its underlying selflessness in helping people live comfortably. But, I think that everyone involved in this program should greatly consider the power we have to transform the world. This is a lot of dreamer talk, but I truly believe that in the not so distant future, there is going to be a G.D.I. Non-Profit Charity dedicated to a variety of important causes. Maybe this is the inevitable purpose of Global Domains International. So, let me know what you think of this idea. Feel free to email me too!

« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2009, 02:27:15 PM »

Over the last several years we have had posts
that envisioned GDI as a fundraiser.

The vision that we embrace a strong, long-term
commitment to a Non-Profit Charitable contribution is
worthy of everyone's input.

Remember, this forum has over 94,000 Members and,
as a Worldwide Community, we can make a difference.

Please share your thoughts and ideas~!


Posts: 9

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« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2009, 03:15:23 AM »

I believe it can go 2 ways:

1.have existing non profits use it as a vehicle to raise funds

2. have GDI set up a 5013c non profit division that takes contributions.

The appropriate marketing tools are needed,
Posts: 18

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« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2009, 07:47:41 AM »

G.D.I. Training
       In order to achieve this purpose, however, people need to be prepared. G.D.I. still lacks the formal training that prospects need to succeed. I mean sure the concept is easy to apply, but a majority of novice marketers haven’t the first clue as to where to begin. Over the course of this year, I will systematically try every sales strategy that I know of and record the results to the best of my ability. From there, I want to compile in an easy to use, printable handbook, a list of the most effective strategies.  My goal is to find five easy approaches that have the relatively high conversion ratios. All of you guys are currently trying out different methods with varying degrees of success. Since G.D.I. can’t provide a proven handbook without trials and recorded data, it is up to us affiliates to create a getting started book that can truly help people make it in this program. I would be more than happy to make this happen with your assistance. I will be trying out different methods, but your emails with your results would be greatly appreciated. If I am able to find these five methods, I will release a well written version onto the forum where people can copy and print it. This is just an idea, so let me know what you think of it. Remember that this thread is all about new ideas, so keep em’ coming!

Posts: 18

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« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2009, 04:34:47 PM »

 Hello Everyone,

       I have just updated www.PrivateFortune.ws. It now contains a document that has a majority of the marketing strategies on this Forum. I will constantly being posting one brand new article every few days on my "Tools" page. Let me know what you think of this because my whole goal is to produce a site that is fully duplicable with Site-Builder.
Posts: 18

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« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2009, 10:19:03 PM »

For those who have read previous post on this thread, I said that I thought it would be neat to have the G.D.I. video on my site. I found the HTML code for this video! If you do not know how to put it on your site, all you need to do is create a new text box and paste this into the source window. Here it is:

*** Please make sure to replace YOUR-USERNAME-HERE with your own account username. Be sure to test HTML code prior to posting to make sure it's working properly.***

   <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;  charset=ISO-8859-1">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" leftmargin="0" topmargin="10" marginwidth="0" marginheight="10">
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         <PARAM name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF">
         <PARAM name="movie" value="http://images.dvd.ws/video/preloader_dvd.swf?sponsor=YOUR-USERNAME-HERE&tm=1244178181&cookie_id=141921149200450681869015534040868990474&host=images.dvd.ws&language=english">

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Hope that this makes your G.D.I. experience more rewarding.


*** Please make sure to replace YOUR-USERNAME-HERE with your own account username. Be sure to test HTML code prior to posting to make sure it's working properly.***
« Last Edit: December 02, 2009, 11:24:15 AM by FelipeC » Logged
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2009, 03:21:01 AM »

Attention all Members~!

Most informative and helpful Posts including code!

Our forum is where we can all benefit and grow, worldwide.

Posts: 18

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« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2009, 09:54:17 AM »

I know that this company doesn't only pertain to English speaking countries, so I thought that all languages are important. Here are the codes for every language that G.D.I. offers:

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If there are any errors, be sure to contact me so that I may correct them. I hope that this helps!


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« Last Edit: December 02, 2009, 11:25:13 AM by FelipeC » Logged
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