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Author Topic: Talk.ws affiliate link?  (Read 6750 times)
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Posts: 202

Vincent R Parker

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« on: April 10, 2016, 09:20:03 PM »

Hi everyone,

So, I've been playing around with this to no avail.  My question and idea is... is there a way to tag your affiliate ID on the forum?

The links at the top of the forum like the testimonials page, the bonuses page... they could have affiliate ID's tied to them.  So, is there a way to give people a link to talk.ws with your affiliate ID attached so if they navigate to website.ws or some other page it is tagged with you as the referrer?

Ideas?  Thanks!


Vincent R. Parker
Posts: 20

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« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2016, 08:34:00 AM »

Vince, I don't have an answer, but rather a question. Why would you want to do that? In my view this forum does not exude enthusiasm and success, and is definitley not abuzz with regular postings that suggest it is humming with enthusiasm and support. I'm not sure I would want to refer a prospect here. Perhaps I'm missing something. Any comment?
Full Member
Posts: 202

Vincent R Parker

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« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2016, 09:39:33 PM »

Hi Gavin,

Thank you for replying!  No idea how I missed the reply as I've been on here every day for over a week!

A couple answers to that, so thank you for the question, too.

One, and this of course is purely selfish, I just started a new blog and at some point I want to point people to the forum.  (I'll answer the why in a moment.)  At the moment Global Domains International forum is not searched for very much at all but... well, that brings me to my second answer.  If I do create a post like, "Need GDI Help?  Check out the GDI Forums!" then I would, selfishly, like to earn them as an affiliate if they join GDI from one of the top links on the forum.

Obviously a better way would be for them to click my website link to check me out because I have sooooo much knowledge and information to share, and to join from there.  But, I wouldn't bemoan a signup from here, either.

Now, on to the second part which is why I would want to show people this place to begin with.  And great point!  This has been on my mind for a couple days now.  I took a 3 year break from GDI (kept my account, just took down my websites and all that), and coming back this place is very quiet.  And that does sadden me as it is a good place for affiliates to connect with one another and exchange ideas.  When I first joined Chip Snyder was the main moderator.  Had a lot of fun reading his posts, answers and we messaged each other back and forth a bit.

Anyway, right before I saw your reply I came on here to do one thing: start answering questions.  Start creating relevant, interesting posts to help other members.  To take it upon myself to start helping this site breathe a bit more deeply.  And hopefully by making a personal commitment to being more active, others will do the same and this beast we call GDI will roar back to life.

Wishful thinking?  Absolutely.  But without dreaming and wishful thinking (imagining things that others find impossible or improbable at best), most of us wouldn't be here to begin with.

So, that's why!  Hope it made sense!

And thanks again for the reply!


Vincent R. Parker
Harold P Gibson Jr
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« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2016, 12:04:54 PM »

I can Relate...I come on here Looking for answers too for Ideas and means to grow build my home based business I've been affiliated with GDI for years still thinking to myself my downline will grow gonna continue to Believe it will Never Give Up I See success around the corner... Cool
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« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2016, 09:33:58 AM »

Hey, GDI is doable if you learn how it is to be used for your vision. Each of us uses GDI tools for various reasons. Not everyone will be joining GDI understanding this is just a location. We have all the tools one needs to share their passion. Also, like me and others who spend countless years with GDI. We have used GDI tools to run our global business. Non-Profit Organizations.

You have tools no one else will give you for only $10.00 per month US. Yet, until you understand all the navigational tools and how well you can have others globally complete Virtual Assistant work. I have 10 pre-established departments. A 10 year old Blog which I have just returned after a time to gather personal clarity on my travels. People subcontract for each department for years. I only communicate with new people who need my support. Love it when I learned how to use it for my vision of a future.

We all may find clarity on how our personal, business use can be completed. All from one location for a source. I have a global business that traveled with me and continues each day. Other's access my various departments.

Now, most have no idea all this is within your access for no more funds than what you pay. Knowledge is only power when you apply strategic daily activity. Let us walk you through all the areas and show you how GDI fits everyone's vision of their future.

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
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« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2016, 01:35:54 PM »

Hi to everyone here,
I am Mike Lyles and I have been receiving a check from GDI since 1999. That is a long time in the Network Marketing industry, but while I have ventured into other opportunities I have not found any thing that gives me the Tools and value was well as reliability that GDI does.
I see people come into GDI and fail because of a serious lack of sponsor support. That seems to me to be because for the most part to many people that sponsor people don't have the knowledge or support themselves.
 If people would just stop to see just how valuable GDI is and how incredibly simple it is to build a real livable full time income is is with GDI then perhaps they would stop chasing the opportunity of the week that usually never pans out or stays around for more than a month or two before collapsing in on it self.
I feel it is up to those that understand GDI, to teach and help those in the Network Marketing industry to understand that they do not need a better program but rather they need to see GDI for what it is and take advantage of the great business they have available to them for less than 35 cents a day. By the way I have been in a profit mode with GDI since 1999 and effectively GDI cost me nothing to run. I don't think you can find any program that can beat that.
Let's all pull together and revive what we know to be the best real income opportunity available.

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