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Author Topic: Struggling, big time.  (Read 12289 times)
Posts: 3

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« on: May 11, 2009, 06:42:56 AM »

Hi all, just wanted to post this because I am feeling a little disheartened at the moment, being involved in GDI for a little over 5 months now and i currently have 4 people in my down line, i have had a lot more but they have slowly dropped out, and i don’t feel as though its lack of my effort as i tried to give them as much help as possible. On two occasions giving up my only bonus chance and putting people in there down line, i have also paid for a number of peoples first month, and the reward for my efforts.... they don’t reply to emails, and drop out as soon as the membership i paid for runs out.
Now i wont quit that’s not my style just needed to vent.
Thanks all for listening to my ranting, hope you are all having a good day..
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« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2009, 09:28:26 AM »

Hi James,

glad to hear that you wont quit. It can be difficult sometimes but hold on. What is your  strategy to reffer people?/
What is your Website??

Best Regards

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« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2009, 01:10:31 PM »

Hi James,

I hear you!

That's why many GDI affiliates are working together to make Power5Plan's idea work. We are trying to Transform GDI into a Lottery. A very out of the box solution to our recruiting, duplication & retention problems.

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Stop Struggling in GDI and Start doing  'GDI the Smart Way!'
JudyLynn Moore
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« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2009, 10:57:09 PM »

 Smiley Smiley James,
Be sure and get business cards and DVD to hand out, let the company sell for you. keep your focus on your goal, you can not do it for someone, they have a choice. move on to someone who truly is wanting a income.
Sign up on facebook and my space and twitter, Lots a way's to advertise.

God Bless You
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« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2009, 02:23:19 PM »

I know what you mean!!!!!!!!  I have been a member since January 2009, have sent an email to every one I know with the link, have advertised on traffic exchanges and safelists.  There have been several traffic exchanges that have banned GDI and won't let you advertise the link.  I have written my upline and have not heard anything from anyone.  I noticed that I am getting a lot of hits from the traffic exchanges, but have yet to sign anyone up.  I am getting down about this.  I thought and still do think that GDI is a good program.  I have seen ALOT of other people advertising GDI too.  I have been out of a job since last May 2008, so $10.00 per month is lot to me right now.  I hope that things will change soon.

Any, Any suggestions would be most helpful.

Thank you

« Last Edit: May 24, 2009, 02:23:42 PM by ChipSnyder » Logged
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« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2009, 03:04:06 AM »

Hello, I just wanted to let those of you that are struggling to know that this system DOES work and works very well.  I have only been in GDI for a few weeks now but if you look at the leader board you will see that I have been on it every week.  No, I'm not at the top, YET, but I had 6 my first day, 8 my second week, and 6 my third week.  I don't do anything special, I just talk to everyone I see.  I don't know these people, but I walk up to them and ask them if they would be interested in information on how they could have an internet web site and start earning money.  They always ask what the cost is and I always have the same answer... NOTHING!  You can start for free and the only cost you MUST pay each month is the $10.00 hosting fee for your web page.  After all, if you want to make money on the internet you MUST have a web page.  So far this is working very well and I should have even more new members this week and every week.

Now I am going to take this a step further.  I am going to hold free seminars on how to weed out the fake internet offers and start making money on the internet.  My first seminar will be in a couple of weeks and we expect at least 50 signups from that.  I'll have to let you all know how that goes.  Oh I also offer to refund the first month $10.00 fee if they decide this is not for them.  That way they know I am serious and that I believe in GDI.  Show them how excited YOU are and they will get excited too.

Don't give up, help your downline and help new customers as much as you can.  I help mine so much that I actually had 6 of my downline suspended for fraud.  This happened because I sign them all up at MY computer so that I can help them and show them how to use the back-office etc.  The problem is that GDI noticed a bunch of signups from the same IP address and thought they were fake.  It took a few days, but GID has corrected all but one of these and that one will be corrected as soon as I can contact the customer to have them call GDI support.  I HOPE that GDI will work with me and stop doing this since we are NOT going to change how we sign up customers.  We are here to help them and that means they are going to see a lot of new signups from the same IP address.  Heck when we do the seminar we are going to sign people up from a few computers but they will all have the same external IP address so WORK WITH ME GDI <smile>. 

If any of you need help or advice from a newbie with a TON of excitement, please feel free to contact me.  I will help everyone, you don't have to be part of my downline.

Good luck to ALL!

Jeff Paden
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« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2009, 10:10:29 AM »

Hi Everyone;
Just to let you all know, I signed up with GDI about a year ago because I needed a domain name and website for my other business.  I did not market GDI's opportunity and I regret it.  After looking at and joining numerous other "programs", some of which I am still in, I came to realize that no matter what business someone is in, they still need a domain name!

So when you market, contact people that already have an internet business.  Lots of people have 2 and 3 or more businesses and they may need a domain name for each one of them.  When you can show them how they can build a residual income with a product (the domain name/website) they they will have to get anyway, it is easy to sign people up.  I recently started promoting GDI and I am seeing results.

If you get everyone to just focus on getting 10 people that want or need a domain name or their own website, it will automatically build.  10 people out of the millions online, this is a no brainer.  Once you get 10, then get 10 more.  It's the little steps and goals that are realistic.  Then get everyone to duplicate.
 Get an autoresponder and send out emails to a list of business opportunity seekers. 
Just keep in mind, the internet is still in it's infancy.   Contact your local businesses.  I'm sure they would all like to have a website presence, if they don't already. 

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« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2009, 03:12:42 PM »

 :)Hi Everyone,

I've been with GDI since DEcember of 08, and I'm not going to make any excuses for not being successful.  I don't have internet access, so I'm at the Dept. of Labor daily.  You only get 1 hour, so I keep signing back up over and over again.  I haven't been able to contact my sponsor in months.  I've joined Trafficwave and I've upgraded to "PRO" status with NST.  I really appreciate all the tools we have in our GDI family.  I've sent out over 1,000 emails, with only a few prospects responding.  I've tried to  use the conference call number, but it doesn't work.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  I also have a habit of pressing buttons and finding out later that I pushed the wrong button.  Thanks for listening and I welcome all comments that will help.
David Minns
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« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2009, 12:53:57 PM »

It works for me. I have 26 in my downline after 6 months, in total there has been 40+. I think it is quite normal to loose people on the way, you just have to plan for that. You need to make sure each person breaks even within a couple of months then they are not going to leave. I provide them with a website that I have pre-built that offers the following:

A sale of a product
Advert space
A great GDI sales pitch

With 3 income streams it is easy to break even and this will ensure people stay. For example, 1 google adsense click per day will cover the costs. Or 1 product sale a week will cover the costs. Even if someone is only making $1 profit they have no reason to quit.

So in conclusion it is all about the system and package you offer your downline.



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« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2009, 04:52:22 AM »

David, I agree with you totally.
Your offers are brilliant because you give people something which is instant and immediately ready to create income.

This is similar to what I am giving my downlines too:
-automatically included in a 1 line spillover downline builder
-an auto populated website / blog with their GDI domain name
-an autoresponder for lead capture

However I am thinking of offering sale of a product as well.
May I know are you giving them something unique or everybody has the same?


It works for me. I have 26 in my downline after 6 months, in total there has been 40+. I think it is quite normal to loose people on the way, you just have to plan for that. You need to make sure each person breaks even within a couple of months then they are not going to leave. I provide them with a website that I have pre-built that offers the following:

A sale of a product
Advert space
A great GDI sales pitch

With 3 income streams it is easy to break even and this will ensure people stay. For example, 1 google adsense click per day will cover the costs. Or 1 product sale a week will cover the costs. Even if someone is only making $1 profit they have no reason to quit.

So in conclusion it is all about the system and package you offer your downline.



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« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2009, 06:42:05 AM »

 Huh Well your about 4 people ahead of me because I have had this site over a month and have talked to a lot of people and still no success. I'm not giving up but it sure is frustraiting,fortunately I have a site that throws me a bone every now and then, so I make 50.00 a month. Not the riches I signed up for but as I tell a lot of my followers on Twitter-Never,Never,Never give up.The reality is that it may not be your niche,but untill something better comes along do not Give up stay with it and do not become a part of the statistic that says 95% of people who try the internet business never succeed.My biggest problem right now is I spent so much money in the begining over a year ago that I just can't get the business cards etc (tools) to aggressively pursue this venue. I'm sure you have done the same,so lets stick together and maybe our next posting will be a little more positive. Joe
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« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2010, 02:55:12 AM »

there is a old network marketing saying that says "work with the willing" that means only invest time with people who are as serious as you are...be there for them in case the light bulb finally goes off but only deal with the movers and shakers in your downline.....follow this acronym A.B.M




The rest will take care of it self! Wink

Hope this helps!!



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« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2010, 01:29:44 PM »

I pass out business cards like a mad man I go to the dollar store and get posters and put up on polls along the road! I get ideas off the forum! join mlm forum. look at my site www.kingdombuilder.ws and get information on traffic generation! work your plan and plan your work!!

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