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1  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: gdi question on: December 06, 2011, 02:58:40 PM
There are many ways to sign up people. The biggest thing is to build a bonded relationship through trust. My team and I would be more than happy to help you. Send me a e-mail and we can discuss further and take you through some training at no cost to you. darryl@hbventure.ws

Skype darryl.burgess96

Best Regards

Darryl Burgess
2  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Supporting You all the way on: November 17, 2011, 12:41:43 PM
Are you having problems not receiving support from your upline. You are not alone, I have had many people in GDI comment to me that they are not getting the support they need or deserve.
That will stop now!. It does not matter who's your up-line is my team and I are here to help you. We will show you how to navigate through GDI and get you where you want to be.
   I will help you to grow and build a real relationship bonded by trust. You will have access to daily contact with our team and I. All this support and training at no cost!. That is what we are all about. To make this amazing opportunity a tool that will jump start your “Home Base Business”. That with a real solid foundation.
    It’s only about you and the end result, success as only you determined it to be. That is our only focus to each committed person we support. If you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time. It is only about you and what you determine to be success. I will support you all the way with our team of ethical people. Just our way of giving first to help others achieve great goals and success!.
   I would recommend that you open up a Skype account if have not already done so. This way we can communicate more effectively.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Darryl Burgess
Skype: darryl.burgess96 

E-mail Darryl@hbventure.ws

3  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New GDI Members: 2011!! on: November 11, 2011, 08:51:05 AM
Hello and Welcome to GDI,

My name is Darryl Burgess from Ontario, Canada. I have been a member with GDI for a little while with over 25yrs of successful management and marketing. I would like to do my part in starting you off with a real chance to be a success in this business.
   First step, lets get started by you placing one of  GDI’s temporary web pages as your site. Go to the main menu page here at GDI and set your website to parking services. This will allow a replicated site to be displayed. This is until your own website is complete.
   Then go to GDI affiliate page and scroll down and click on the GDI step-by-step wealth guide. This will explain and answer a lot of the questions you may have on success with GDI.
   There are many tutorials that guide you through building your Blog. This is located in the main menu  on the left side GDI Tutorials. These videos take you through step by step.
   I will help you to grow and build a real relationship bonded by trust. You will have access to daily contact with our team and I. All this support and training at no cost!. That is what we are all about. To make this amazing opportunity a tool that will jump start your “Home Base Business”. That with a real solid foundation.
    It’s only about you and the end result, success as only you determined it to be. That is our only focus to each committed person we support.   If you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time. It is only about you and what you determine to be success. I will support you all the way with our team of ethical people. Just our way of giving first to help others achieve great goals and success!.
   I would recommend that you open up a Skype account if have not already done so. This way we can communicate more effectively.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Darryl Burgess
Skype: darryl.burgess96 

E-mail Darryl@hbventure.ws

4  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Help pls! Need traffic for my website! on: November 03, 2011, 09:35:43 AM
Hello and Welcome to GDI,

My name is Darryl Burgess from Ontario, Canada. I have been a member with GDI for a little while with over 25yrs of successful management and marketing. I would like to do my part in starting you off with a real chance to be a success in this business.
   First step, lets get started by you placing one of  GDI’s temporary web pages as your site. Go to the main menu page here at GDI and set your website to parking services. This will allow a replicated site to be displayed. This is until your own website is complete.
   Then go to GDI affiliate page and scroll down and click on the GDI step-by-step wealth guide. This will explain and answer a lot of the questions you may have on success with GDI.
   There are many tutorials that guide you through building your Blog. This is located in the main menu  on the left side GDI Tutorials. These videos take you through step by step.
   I will help you to grow and build a real relationship bonded by trust. You will have access to daily contact with our team and I. All this support and training at no cost!. That is what we are all about. To make this amazing opportunity a tool that will jump start your “Home Base Business”. That with a real solid foundation.
    It’s only about you and the end result, success as only you determined it to be. That is our only focus to each committed person we support.   If you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time. It is only about you and what you determine to be success. I will support you all the way with our team of ethical people. Just our way of giving first to help others achieve great goals and success!.
   I would recommend that you open up a Skype account if have not already done so. This way we can communicate more effectively.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Darryl Burgess
Skype: darryl.burgess96 

E-mail Darryl@hbventure.ws

5  .WS Business / Marketing / Starting out with no or little help on: October 31, 2011, 10:09:46 AM
Hello and Welcome to GDI,

My name is Darryl Burgess from Ontario, Canada. I have been a member with GDI for a little while with over 25yrs of successful management and marketing. I know what it is like to go it alone. There are some great people within GDI that have tremendous knowledge and help others.
I would like to do my part in starting you off with a real chance to be a success in this business.
   First step, lets get started by you placing one of  GDI’s temporary web pages as your site. Go to the main menu page here at GDI and set your website to parking services. This will allow a replicated site to be displayed. This is until your own website is complete.
   Then go to GDI affiliate page and scroll down and click on the GDI step-by-step wealth guide. This will explain and answer a lot of the questions you may have on success with GDI.
   There are many tutorials that guide you through building your Blog. This is located in the main menu  on the left side GDI Tutorials. These videos take you through step by step.
   I will help you to grow and build a real relationship bonded by trust. You will have access to daily contact with our team and I. All this support and training at no cost!. That is what we are all about. To make this amazing opportunity a tool that will jump start your “Home Base Business”. That with a real solid foundation.
    It’s only about you and the end result, success as only you determined it to be. That is our only focus to each committed person we support.   If you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time. It is only about you and what you determine to be success. I will support you all the way with our team of ethical people. Just our way of giving first to help others achieve great goals and success!.
   I would recommend that you open up a Skype account if have not already done so. This way we can communicate more effectively.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Darryl Burgess
Skype: darryl.burgess96 

E-mail Darryl@hbventure.ws

6  .WS Business / Training / Re: Help with daily Navigation within every area of GDI on: October 28, 2011, 12:18:26 PM
If anyone is having problems navigating through GDI. Please contact me and I will be more than happy to show you. If you have skype that would be benificial for communication as we can walk through while you are in GDI.
We offer continued support to members. It only takes a second to send me a quick message, and stop all the fustration.
I will respond promptly.

e-mail darryl@hbventure.ws
Skype darryl.burgess96

I wish you all the success!
7  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: Web Site help on: October 03, 2011, 09:28:48 AM
Hello I really need some help. This web site building is really getting to me. I built my web site with web builder. I down loaded FTP software as stated from GDI e-mail. It also indicates I must set the HTML to my home page. I do not know what to DO. Can someone please help me get my web site up and running as I have been at this for almost a week now.
It is difficult for me to continue. I want ot promote GDI and get my business off the ground. but until the website is running I am screwed and very fustrated. PLEASE HELP ME. I have viewed so many things and watch videos that I am so confused now.
Please respond asap.
Thank You
8  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: HTML Questions? Ask Here! on: October 03, 2011, 09:28:48 AM
I have been on this site for about 4 days now. Reading watching videos etc. Also asking questions. I builts my website through here but one I set it to go live I received an e-mail from domain informing me I need a HTML upload for files and need to configure my FTP so I can upload files.
This is confusing. Why can't things be made easier to explain step by step how to actually build the web site with site builder and how to exactly get it live. When I view my web site a error comes up 403? i think. Can some one please explain to me and help me get this up and running. I really want to stay with GDI but am getting really fustrated at this point.
Thank You in advance
9  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New GDI Members: 2011!! on: September 29, 2011, 08:48:17 AM
Hello everyone;
I am so grateful to apart of GDI. I joined yesterday and was able to set-up my web page(lol) I cannot wait to sign up affiliates who will benefit as I will. I have sent out e-mails to all my contacts but do not know how I am going to generate other leads on-line as of yet. Rome was not built in a day.
Any advice from vetrans would be appreciated.
hello again Smiley
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