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1  .WS Services / WebSite Development / GDI SITE BUILDER Won't Respond on My Computer on: June 16, 2009, 03:40:50 AM
I am completely new to GDI signing in two weeks ago going about this at a very primitive grass roots level, i.e., internet marketing, advertising for a GDI downline, building a web site through GDI, going out on the internet and basically selling myself, essentially learning a completely different way of going about existing is what it really comes down to here having ONLY rudimentary computer skills. I'm talkin' really rudimentary here, almost like an eighty year-old woman trying to bronc a very ornery Brahman bull.

I wouldn't have started a new post if I only knew where to start looking for help in this forum and yes, I have contacted support, twice in fact, but to no avail when their suggestions were implemented and didn't work.

Here's my problem:

Can someone direct me to getting assistance on how to get my computer to respond to GDI's SITE BUILDER?  I have been struggling with this for damn near two weeks now and when I go into the DNS and click on SITE BUILDER which would ordinarily take you to the SITE BUILDER page, all I keep getting is a black page on my screen and my computer will not respond any further than this.  I've tried everything, I've downloaded Adobe Flash Player successfully based on Supports suggestion, I've download Shock Wave Adobe, I've gone into my settings to make sure the 'customized' settings were correct from the 'Security' tab, I have tried everything to get this SITE BUILDER going to no avail.

I am using Windows with Firefox as my browser.  All I need are links within this forum from anyone who has had similar difficulties getting SITE BUILDER to respond on their computer or any info that can get me into the SITE BUILDER so I can start taking advantage of this 10 dollar a month domain fee for GDI.  It has to be something frustratingly simple I am missing here, that's usually the case, the simplicity just blows right by you.

Thanks everyone, really appreciate the tips or direction.

2  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New Members! on: June 04, 2009, 06:51:58 AM
Tokyoteaman aka Timothy Grass here and am off to a really bad start.  Angry

Signed up with GDI a week ago to build a website and use it as a platform for my online existence.  Since signing in and trying to access the 'Build Your Website' through the icon from the back office, all I keep getting is a blank black screen no matter how long I wait for the web site builder to appear.  I grew a damn beard waiting and still nothing. 

I don't feel like plowing through hundreds of posts to find an answer to my circumstances here but is there a protocol of some sort I haven't followed up with after becoming a GDI member that precludes me from building a site?  I posted a request in the Website Thread, but it hasn't been posted yet?  Wow, like what's going on?  I feel like a dinosaur not being able to figure this all out.

Also, I would like to try marketing GDI in Japan and want to know if the DVDs through GDI are available in Japanese?  Anyone know?
3  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: Site builder query on: June 04, 2009, 06:51:58 AM
Signed up for GDI (one week ago) and went to start putting a web site together and I keep getting a black page and it goes no further then this after clicking on the web site builder icon.  I think I've done everything correctly, i.e., setting up the server through GDI's, but am not making progress.  Help? Embarrassed If this is posted somewhere else and I can read it just send me the link.  Appreciated.

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