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1  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Anyone from the UK on: November 11, 2005, 11:38:36 AM
I also think it would really help if the USA conference call had a duplicate at a sensible UK time or at least a recording of the USA one available.

It would also be a great idea if the conference calls were recorded and put somewhere in the back office so those of us who can't make the calls could listen at a later date.

2  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Hi! Newbie in California! ;) on: November 11, 2005, 11:35:30 AM
Well, greetings to all the Newbies from Bob in Pensacola, FL.  I'm still a relative newbie myself.  You've found one of the best tools you can have for information and tips for bulding your business.  This forum is awesome.  I try to get over here and keep up with it regularly.  Lots of great folks here just waiting to help you.

Again, Welcome!!!

3  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Leads that you buy. on: November 07, 2005, 05:30:53 AM

I have been very disappointed with the leads I bought.  I bought the $49 deal for 50 leads.  They were almost all Yahoo addresses, which makes me wonder how many of the e-mails wound up in their Bulk folder never to be seen.  And almost 2 weeks after purchasing, I've had ONE read the email, and not a single one clicked on anything or watched the movie.

I know that was a small test, but for $49 bucks, I sure expected better.

4  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: DVD Full Preview... on: November 05, 2005, 03:34:55 PM
If they will let us copy them, I am going to copy them. I can make 50 for $10 including my own "professional packaging."

I was hoping they would be like $25 for 50 copies. Instead, $25 will only get you 8 copies. That's only $8/month. No profit. And you can't always count on the weekly bonuses because they can come and go at anytime and who knows how many people would sign up out of those 8 copies that you gave out.

I say we should be allowed to copy.


Let me try to give you some perspective here.  I've been in other programs in the past that charged a lot more than this, for less than what we're getting.  Each DVD you order is going to come, as I understand it, with your Access Code and Contact information printed on the back cover.  The packaging is absolutely fantastic.  This is going to be such an incredibly impressive package to hand out or send out to prospects.  They can't help but be impressed.  It gives us credibility that we are representing a first class company -- which we are!

I understand, we all have to work within the budget we have.  But the old adage that it takes money to make money is still true.  It's like priming a pump.  Oh, I know in today's world very few people have seen an old fashioned water pump.  With those, you never drank the last bucket of water, but saved it to prime the pump for the next time you need water.  To get the valuable substance (water) that you wanted out of the pump, you had to first put in the very same substance to get it started.  Buying your business cards, leads, DVDs, etc are the same concept.  To build your business, you need effective tools.  GDI has put together the best, most polished approach I've ever seen.  But you need the tools to work the business.  Think of any expenditures along this line as investments into your business.  Work it, work it right, and work it hard, my friend, and this business will pay you back.  The money's there for us.  The sky's the limit.  It's all up to us to go after it.

I hope that helps.  Be encouraged, Chad.

Bob in Pensacola, FL
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