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Author Topic: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere  (Read 178284 times)
Full Member
Posts: 136

"Repetition is the mother of all Skills"

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« Reply #150 on: February 12, 2006, 09:20:09 PM »

To become a leader you must have a solid game plan.

Next you must not quit when you get discouraged because your business will not grow overnight without some effort.

Mainly, you must be willing to do above and beyond what your currently doing.

You should make contact with your upline or leaders within GDI.

To start must find a duplicable system which has been tested by other members examples located at www.wealth411.ws

We at the G0-TEAM try to help not only are team but other members who use the resources and educational tools.

If we didn't have great results we wouldn't put the information out to all affiliates.

« Last Edit: February 12, 2006, 09:26:38 PM by HowardMartell » Logged
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« Reply #151 on: February 13, 2006, 09:06:11 AM »

 ;)Hi everybody, I have been with GDI for 3 months , so far no sign ups. I agree with Amy most people want instant gratification in every aspect of life , when it does not come they quit. But I believe in the pit bull dog mentality don;t let go even when your dead.
Its a long  term business, its okay to get frustrated, thats normal,but Rome was;t built in one day.I have no idea why I said that, but if it helps great. Remember in year and half or two years when you are making the big money,you will be glad you did not quit. And now I will tell something that I am sure you have heard all your life. WINNERS NEVER QUIT AND QUITERS NEVER WIN. BE A WINNER.
                                                                                               Have a great 2006 everyone.
Linda R
Posts: 13

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« Reply #152 on: February 13, 2006, 05:07:31 PM »

I want to thank all of you that have expressed how you are feeling about working hard or not getting anywhere and I want to thank those who have given advice and words of incouragement because I am in the same place also with not having the back up from family or friends. So I have to be bold and honest with myself. I did something stupid I quit and canceled my membership. I received a e-mail right away from my upline. Asking me what was I thinking by doing what I did? He told me what I was missing out on and he was right! I tried to contact GDI support right away but I didn't receive any reponse. So for the next 2 days or so I fretted and worried that I really screwed up and I wouldn't get a another chance and I didn't hear anything from them so I really got worried more. I kept trying to enter my business sight and I couldn't get in. I would receive a final notice later.  Today I got that notice whether to stay or quit. Boy! did I hit that right button to stay! It took my worst depression away and made feel that I was doing the right thing. I don't regret it!  Quitting will make you feel like you have given up.  I'm glad I decided to stick it out.  I should always take the advice of my mother who always says. It  could be worse.   THANKS!!! Linda Rich

~Life is to big to be resolved in one day.            ~Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the                         
  Just take the challenge's that come your             by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.
  way one day at a time.~                                                      So throw off the bowlines.
                                                                                       Sail away from the safe harbor.
                                                                                     Catch the trade winds in your sails.
                                                                                                      Discover.         ~Mark Twain~



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« Reply #153 on: February 14, 2006, 02:31:36 PM »

My name is Roberta and I have been doing GDI off and on since October and I have yet to get one real person to join my downline. I have use the email leads and the only thing that happens is that I get a lot of hits but no info put in to the system so there is know one to contact. I even get repeat hits from the same number code but know way to find out who the propect is. Can you please give me some advice on what I'm doing wrong.
Thank you
Charles Karolewski
Posts: 7

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« Reply #154 on: February 15, 2006, 12:06:30 PM »

I've read thru all six pges.
I've read some posts more than once; some depressing "stuff" here.

I need wonder aloud . . . "why are we stil here"?
The simple answer is that we all recognize the potential.

The majority of us are frustrated & concerned (myself included) that no matter what we have done, or what we have tried . . . our downline is minimal, or non-existant.

I keep asking myself why I became an affiliate, and the answer is always the same.

I truly believe that if I can (somehow) convince a handful of people to INVEST thirty-three cents per day in THEIR future, and they (each) in turn can do likewise, all of our futures are secure.

I too am still searching for methods to "awaken" others; when I do discover it, you will all know.

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Posts: 136

"Repetition is the mother of all Skills"

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« Reply #155 on: February 16, 2006, 12:21:23 PM »



I understand how people feel if their business hasn't taken off, but how many of you have used any of the resources which some of

the members have mentioned in the past and present.

Truly, I  can tell you having a home business is not for everyone this is why we need to be very selective in who we bring into the


Advertising this is must  to have more people to call or email then you have time for and qualify the serious ones for your time.

If you don't the people who you try to force into the business will backfire on you not everyone is cut out or disciplined to work from home.

Remember their is numerous trainings available from different GDI Leader attend them or listen to the archived radio show or

G0-TEAM recorded calls.

For you who want to treat this like a business these tools their to give back and help you have a edge.

Take care

Howie Martell

« Last Edit: February 16, 2006, 12:23:11 PM by HowardMartell » Logged
Charles Karolewski
Posts: 7

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« Reply #156 on: February 16, 2006, 05:14:19 PM »

I've (only) been involved since mid-January.

When I opted-in the total "enrolment" was (I believe) less than fifteen-thousand people; we now have an affiliate group of over seventeen-thousand people.

Obviously some of us are doing something "right".

"Our day" WILL come.

Charles Karolewski
Posts: 7

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« Reply #157 on: February 18, 2006, 12:15:48 PM »

I read this on a site offering "hot leads" -  (they claim) you need " . . . 60,000+ leads per month in order to close an average of 5 to 10 sign-ups a month . . . "; this was part of their PROMO, part of their reasoning as to why one shld buy "hot leads" from them!

I do NOT believe that.
I DO belive that the "quality" of the leads is the primary consideration.
By "quality" I mean what the "leads" interest/intentions are/were, and how they relate to OUR business.

I could send a million email invites to people who are interested in (home-business) opportunities involving organic gardening, and I might recieve a few positive replies, perhaps even a sign-up or two, when they "discover" the website-building potential (to foster their gardening preferences) . . . but, I'd bet that if someone contacted ME, about an ad they read regarding domain names & website building tools & email addresses & "hosting svces", etc, my "closing" rate would be much greater.

I'd further "bet" that folks who contacted ME seeking a " . . . simple, free-startup, inexpensive, no-selling, no-inventory, deliverable, in seconds, anywhere in the world product, Inc500 listed . . ." home-based business, my "closing" rate would far exceed ANY "opportunity seekers" who's names might be included in a 60,000+ names "opportunity seekers" DB.

CERTAINLY this IS a numbers "game" - but pure numbers are not going to put bucks in our pockets.

I "think" part of OUR problem is our inability to seperate the two distinctly different, yet necessarily co-joined aspects of our offering; wanna' build a site? we have that; wanna' make some money from home? we have that (too).

These are two distinct & seperate potential "reasons" to cause someone to opt-in . . . or, opt-out.

A small business owner might be interested in the potential, at $10/month, for creating a website & email addresses & hosting services . . . but then "discovers" the MLM aspect of our business & "sees" scam.
A work-at-home prospect might "see" MLM as a potential income but is frightened away by the "build your own site" aspect . . . because he/she has no HTML "knowledge".

It's a "tuff nut" to crack  . . . but I do believe WE can do it.
I've not yet learned "how", I've not yet earned dollar-one, but I look at what we have to offer & I KNOW there must be a way, a "simple" way.


Matthew Green
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Posts: 67

"Stop thinking about it, Start doing it"

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« Reply #158 on: February 18, 2006, 04:03:00 PM »

Global Domains International (GDI) is the BEST and EASIEST way for ANYONE to make money online.

This is a bold statement I know, but I believe it to be TRUE.

How to make GDI work   Huh
There are 3 distinctive markets for GDI
    1- People that are seeking their own website but are inexperienced.
    2- People that are seeking a Reliable Web Hosting service.
    3- People that want to earn money online
    or a combination of the above.
    All 3 markets command a different approach OBVIOUSLY, but you can use the same Marketing Systems to Promote to them all. (see other posts by mg247)

    1- People that are seeking their own website but are inexperienced.
    This group provide the lowest earning potential for you because they are less likely to Promote GDI, but the Product is attractive to this Market for 3 main reasons.
    1- The Website Builder is extremely easy to use which means that they can build the Website they want without having to buy extra software or use any other service. As far as I am aware there is nothing else online with the same capability.
    2- Freedom to choose their own DOMAIN NAME. (web address)
    3- 10 Email Addresses

    2- People that are seeking a Reliable Web Hosting service.

    GDI make it simple to Upload files instantly to the server. Many other services take days to upload. The SERVER is NEVER OFFLINE and NEVER has been, EVER. GDI boast the quickest SERVER.

    3- People that want to earn money online
    The combination of the 3 Markets and the fact that the INTERNET is EXPANDING at a phenomenal rate means that GDI has a HUGE and I do mean HUGE Market. Better yet there is NO COMPETITION you see .com has all but filled up with Addresses and there are many companies trying to sell the last few.  GDI still has most Address combinations remaining and there is no competition.
    GDI also pays commissions for 5 levels of referrals which is good, add to that the idea that your first level is as big as you make it and you are laughing all the way to the bank.
    The initial investment is minimal (free for 7 days, then $10/month) but for every new referred you make you receive $1 of their monthly fee. You refer 10 and its FREE. If they also refer 10 you will be $1000/month better off and so on through 5 levels.
    GDI actually sells it's self. All you need to do is introduce people to the System and let it do the work for you. To start with there is the Call Recording. On the same page there is a FORM that has to be completed in order to see a FLASH MOVIE and then the SAME FORM activates a series of personalised emails containing other MOVIES and useful information.
    The System works really well and all you need to do is refer to 1 link.

    Once people subscribe under you it is vital that you offer your SUPPORT, be prepared to teach them EVERYTHING YOU KNOW.
    As soon as you have helped them to reach their FIRST 10 they will NEVER LEAVE because it will be FREE FOR THEM FOREVER.

    It is vital that PROMOTION MATERIALS and STRATEGIES are passed DOWN the LINE otherwise not only will you get very few leads, the ones you do get will QUIT when it is costing them MONEY for too long.

    Backtracking slightly I said all you need to do is Refer to 1 link.. This is TRUE, but the way that you do that is a far bigger task than it might sound.  You can't just expect someone to log onto the internet, find your link via GOOGLE and BINGO another Dollar in the Bank. The beauty of GDI is you can use a combination of your GDI Website and other INTERNET TOOLS to SELL, not just GDI but your ENTIRE Marketing System.

    For example, you may choose to PROMOTE GDI by HOSTING an FFA.Net Page and adding your GDI Link to the Auto-Response email. If you then introduce your new GDI MEMBER to FFA.Net, a System they know worked for them to join YOU will GET PAID and you also know your NEW MEMBER will be getting NEW LEADS also.

    If you incorporate your entire Marketing System into your GDI Website you can just REFFER back to the SITE and let it TRAIN your DOWNLINE whilst at the same time EARN YOU more COMMISSIONS. NOT to mention attracting NEW MEMBERS for YOU.

    What you end up with is Multiple Income Streams and a STRONG DOWNLINE  :wink:

    Please refer back to the mg247 - SITE INCOME PLAN (my website) for further info about creating your Marketing System.  Wink Wink
    « Last Edit: February 18, 2006, 04:05:09 PM by Nicole Taylor » Logged

    Linda R
    Posts: 13

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    « Reply #159 on: February 18, 2006, 09:09:21 PM »

     ::)Matthew, I read what you had to say and it sounds great. Thanks for the all that info, I briefly checked out your website and will get back to it. You were alot of help to me and offered alot of great ideas. You seem to have alot of energy! LOL! and full of excitement! Wheeeeee!! I want that energy!  I was kind of down in the valley there for awhile but I am headed now in the right direction.  Keep giving what you have. I appreciate it. Thanks, Linda Rich

                  Obstacles are those frightful
                     Things you see when you
                  Take your eyes off your Goal.
                                      ~Henry Ford
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    « Reply #160 on: February 19, 2006, 05:29:52 AM »

    You know I realize this is my first post ever in this fourm and I hope you will bear with me to the end of it, because at the beginning it might seem like I am being unduly hard on GDI but if you read right through it you will see I am not.

    Ok, IMHO the idea of marketing GDI soley online is fast becoming harder and harder to do. Why you ask? Well let's look at a few numbers and I think it will make more sense to you.

    GDI will cost you $10 bucks a month, for that you get a domain name, hosting and 10 email accounts, there are some other features of course but for the sake of keeping it simple I just want to focus on these items... ok...off we...

    You can buy a .ws domain name from any number of registrars for under 10 bucks a year. You can purchase webhosting for less than 5 bucks a month in any number of places. These accounts often also have website building software built in and they will allow any number of email accounts...they also have graphical file managers to upload files, etc..etc...

    So let's do some math, GDI = $120.00 a year.
    Other guys = 10 + 60 = 70 bucks a year....

    So the question that begs to be answered is why would anyone pay an extra 50 bucks a year for the same thing more or less?

    The answer is I don't think many savy online people would do so for the domain name or the hosting, but they would for the payplan, which TOG (the other guy in my example above) does not offer. So the reality is, they know that if they can get say 1 person a week to join them and if those people do nothing else, but pay their ten bucks, that 50 bucks in earnings now makes the two of equal value...so the online people that might be wise enough to see the value in the long term of GDI have likely for the most part come on aboard already.... of course I am speaking in general terms..

    BUT and this is a very BIG BUT.... what about in your home town? I mean think about it for just a second. I know the city in which I live is not very big... maybe 75,000 people. But how many of them have their own websites? I would bet a pretty small %. How many of them would like one? I don't know, but if I can show them a place that they can post their vacation pics, a place where relatives from a distance can keep up with the family going's on, a place where they can have their own email addresses, a place where they save pics for those auctions they love to tinker with, I mean the uses are simply endless, you probably don't even need to push the commission side as it would just be a complete and total bonus to them. So looking at my city because, well because it's my post :-)

    I will assume that of the 75k in my city 10k of them are under 18 and are either not interested or too darn net savvy as it is and have their own stuff. To be fair let's say another 5k are over 70 and not interested, being the old stick in the muds that they can be. :-) That leaves me 60k people as I am sure not all of them have computers or care about the internet but it's a numbers game... if only 10% of them joined up, I'd have a 6000 person downline... what if each one of them only told one person? I think you see where I'm going... to me the biggest untapped market for this business is off line. The face to face, the people sick of hotmail and yahoo and the people that don't even know what html or server side includes are....

    You don't have to live in a huge city, what about the people that live in a small town of a few thousands, well if you got 2 or 3 hundred people I am sure you'd be happy with that as a starting point?

    The bottom line is this is a business unlike the usual lotions and potions and pills and so forth, something that you can proudly take to your friends and family. Everybody pretty much can afford ten bucks a month. They can get use out of the product to any extent they wish. They will find new ways to use it the more they have access to it and try it out. You don't need to stock anything, you can use your included site as a model to show them what can be done and you can do it with a lot less competition than to keep blasting the same message to the same people online over and over again.

    Don't get me wrong I'm sure there are still signups to be had online, but why do so many people seem to miss the obvious?

    Anyway, that's my sermon for today, sorry for the longwindedness (is that a word?) of my first post, but it just seems so obvious to me...

    Take care, good luck one and all,

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    « Reply #161 on: March 01, 2006, 02:19:49 PM »

    Hi Gina my name is Richard to answer your question I don't know because everybody is different,
    when it comes to making money, meaning it won't come over night. Please try to focus on athletes
    that worked hard for one Michael Jordan right him did you know that in high school he did'nt play even though he was on the team,also in college he was not a starter but his persitants got him where he is now, he practriced 6 to 8 hrs a day now that's hard work. Keep working you'll get there
    be PATIENT!!!! 1 DAY at a time. You don't know this but at one time I was an alcoholic but one day at a time with Gods love got me here 20 years later. PATIENTS!!!!

    Posts: 34

    Enjoy Today Yesterdays Gone Make Tomorrow Special

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    « Reply #162 on: March 04, 2006, 08:47:13 PM »

    When you start making money with GDI your spouse will support you. It takes time. Don't be a program jumper. Stick with it.


    Scott Price
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    « Reply #163 on: March 07, 2006, 09:08:57 PM »

    I now realize what I was doing wrong thanks to Nicole and a few other people on this wonderful forum. Now I'm getting tons of responses. I'm actually getting signups now, even though it's just beginning. I can't wait to see what's going to be happening for me within a few months with GDI. GDI is awesome... if your not getting results, try something else until you find what is right for you... but I assure you that it does work... just dont give up so quick or you will never find out.

    Anyone can feel free to contact me if you want sugguestions.  Smiley

    Kaci Lopez

    I'm still getting several messages from people desperate for help/suggestions even though it's been nearly 7 months since I've posted this. Well, I just need to let everyone know that my success has not continued. Infact, I have  had to take a break from working with GDI. Yes, things were going great for a little while, but then everything has been downhill from there. My luck quickly faded away. With my current financial situation, I am in no position to market GDI properly. I also have several limits to what I can do and how to promote/market GDI (whereas others don't) so here's another problem. Anyway, anyone can certainly feel free to contact me still - I love hearing from you. I just wanted to go ahead and follow-up on this post and let everyone know that things have not continued as hoped. 

    ~ Kaci
    Nicole Taylor
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    « Reply #164 on: March 07, 2006, 09:53:05 PM »

    Hello Kaci,

    I haven't talked to you in a while. It's nice to see you here at the forum!

    There's free advertising methods that are effective and will help you build your GDI business. You just have to be persistent and not give up.

    In your search engine type in "free business cards." You will see several sites that will only charge you a small shipping and handling fee or will allow you to print them out right at home.. for free! Same thing with flyers. We all receive junk mail in our mailboxes. Save the postage paid envelopes and stick your flyers and business cards in them and send them back! I've had quite a few calls from people who have received my business cards from using this method.

    Put up a post on bulletin boards. Join free communities/forums on the Web and make your GDI business known.

    Word of mouth is probably the best free advertising there is! Talk to people about GDI. For $10 a month, anyone can afford to do this business.



    I make a good income right from home while I am drinking Starbucks and eating my cinnamon crumb cake.
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