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1  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: Don't Be A Dead Sponsor! on: September 28, 2006, 03:29:54 AM
I couldn't agree more Sean.  I myself have ZERO upline support in my GDI business.  Luckily I found support for my online business ventures other places or I would have just dumped this thing completely.  I am very glad I didn't and now I too try to offer support to new members that have been left out to dry by their "Sponsor".

 >:(I hate when that happens because it makes people feel like a sucker and they believe they have been brought into a shady community.  I sincerely hope everyone will take heed and give those signing up under you more support.  If you dont feel you have all the answers for them, at least acknowledge them and try to help them find the answer. 

 ???I wish I would have thought about dropping out and signing back up under someone that would support me before I started marketing so much.  Now it would take too much work and money to change.  Help your downline, or Sean is right, they will become someone elses downline if they are smart.  After all who wants to make money for someone who doesn't have the time to acknowledge you.

THINK ABOUT IT!  Great advice Sean!!

Marcus McCullough
2  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere on: September 09, 2006, 09:24:53 AM
Here is a snippet of a light hearted article I wrote on what lessons we can learn from Forres Gump, use it as a little motivation to keep on trying... Cheesy

Marcus McCullough

I Was Running 

When Forrest put his mind to something he always succeeded.  When he felt like going for a run, he ran and kept on running.  Eventually, a little at a time, people started following him until he had a small army behind him.  The same thing that will be happening to you when you go to www.my.ws (access code:________) and decide to run with the opportunity.  When he said he was going to be a shrimpin boat captain, and Lieutenant Dan told him he was crazy, he succeeded at that.  In fact Lieutenant Dan ended up being his first mate.  Who knows how many Nay Sayers that tell you that you will fail, will eventually be working for you when they see your success.  Forrest wasn’t a trained runner or a captain, but he set his mind to something and didn’t let anything or anyone stand in his way.  He even got Jenny with all his persistence and loyalty.  By the way, if you haven’t seen the movie you should, I loved it.  Find the Faith of Forrest in you and don’t let anyone or anything keep you from making a better life, or maybe even a fortune, for yourself through www.my.ws (access code: ________).

3  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere on: September 09, 2006, 09:24:53 AM
I do not have any upline support in the Business, but I really never thought of it as much of problem because of this Forum.  What can you get from your upline that you cant get here, except maybe a little spillover, and lets face it, if you are waiting on spillover to get going you are in for a rough ride.  You have to market this yourself, if you are low budget use the flyers and business cards method along with email to your family and friends.  Don't exclude anyone, you cant predict what circumstance anyone is in and you may hit them at just the right time.  At only $10 a month you can afford for it to take a little while to get going, but be persistant, it is easy to fade out on your marketing.  Engage people in the opportunity you have found and see how many people are interested in it.  Don't barage them with the business side right off the bat, inform them about how great it is to have your own personal domain forever, and by the way I am making a little money with it as well.  Work it into the conversation if someone is interested in the initial proposal of getting their own domain.  The DVD's are cheap and they do a great job of explaining everything, or at least send people to dvd.ws and give them your access code, so when they are done watching it they can get going.

Be persistant if you want to succeed, Keep your chin up and talk talk talk about it, you may be surprised who is listening.

Best of Luck all,
Marcus McCullough
4  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Central USA on: September 09, 2006, 08:10:44 AM

Plug into the knowledge base that is available in this forum for one.  I highly recommend ordering a DVD and viewing it, then having it onhand if you want to share with anyone (at least view it online at dvd.ws).  There are a load of ways to successfully promote your new business, best advice don't get into too many campaigns too quickly unless you are a marketing genius already.  GDI has some good marketing tools available in back office.

Don't blow any potential partners by offering the opportunity before you are very clear on what it is.

PM me if you have any specific questions that I might be able to help you with.

Best of Luck with the new Business,
Marcus McCullough
Stilwell, KS.
5  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Hello to all on: August 28, 2006, 05:41:07 AM

You cant be to hopeless, you are here and posting thats mor than a lot of people.  I say your not hopeless, you are on your way!! Shocked

Best of Luck and keep using the Forum it is a great resource.

Marcus McCullough
6  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Hello fellow GDI Affiliates my name is Jeramy and I am new on: August 24, 2006, 09:10:57 AM
Hello Jeramy

Welcome and good luck.  The Forum is here if you need any help, dont forget to look around the other topics and learn from what others have asked.

Best of Luck,
7  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: New Member on: August 22, 2006, 02:44:27 AM

Congratulation and welcome.  Hope everything is going well for you so far.  Don't forget to be specific with your questions if you want help. 

Best of Luck,
8  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: I Just Joined Yesterday on: August 22, 2006, 02:44:27 AM

Congratulations, I joined a few weeks ago and things are going really well.  I bet your head is spinning trying to figure out what to do first.  Don't get overwhelmed it will all come together.  If there is anything you need answered post it and it will get answered dont worry, by myself or one of the other members. 

Best of Luck,
9  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / On Board in Kansas City on: August 11, 2006, 10:32:46 AM
Good morning everyone-

I signed up with GDI about a week ago and have been reading all the info and trying to set up the webpage (Challenging).  I have sent out quite a few invitations to family and friends and I am following up on them, actually had my sister sign up last night.  I have ordered a DVD so I can check that out too and ordered business cards to hand out.  I have also tried to contact the person who sent me the information, my sponsor I guess, but have not rcvd any email in return.  I am hopeful that I can get support here since it isn't coming from my upline.
I wanted to know who of you have used the purchase leads and what kind of luck you have had with them.  I really want to get this business going, and actually think it will be easier to sell once I start seeing the returns. 
Looking forward to working with everyone.

Marcus McCullough
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