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1  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: 10 Second Recruiting! on: April 10, 2008, 07:43:58 AM
Wow Brad, really interesting and helpful post. I am always working on ways of interacting better with people. I like being on-line because there is a lot less pressure. My SO worked as a cashier a few years back to make some extra money. I thought the job was beneath her and would get her down, but it didn't. I came in one day when the place was packed, and everybody was talking with her and she was cheery and responsive to everyone. She had great plus-sells and up-selling which her employer appreciated. She got to make nice contacts with the people who came in - regulars would bring her free food, invite her to parties, bring her flowers, give her discounts if they owned a place, she even got romantic propositions (appropriate ones!). It was a good situation for her because instead of just trying to pass the time, she made connections which made more money for the store and made the time pass more quickly and got her some free cool stuff. It was a win. And when I realized that, I thought that for things or jobs I think are tedious, I look at it more like I am putting in time instead of doing something I want to do. If I reframe it, I'm happier and more successful. If I treat others with appropriate, realistic praise  and a positive attitude, they see that and want to be associated with me. I am not bubbly so I have to modify my approach to fit my  personality, some of the things you say I would never be able to get away with, although my SO probably could. But when I modify it and make it truthful and real for me, then it works. So I'm definitely impressed with your ability and thanks for the helpful post!
2  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Lead Generation on: April 07, 2008, 04:14:46 PM

I use splash pages and free advertising systems to generate free leads.

The advantages of this method are numerous and I get a steady stream of 2 to 3 people signing up for my lists per day. I then use these people to bring me more fresh leads. Some of the advantages are that the leads are:

1] Fresh
2] Not tampered with
3] Very targeted
4] Virtualy cost-free

If anyone is interested in how I do this, I will be happy to send you some info on the methods that I follow.

Keep it up. Don't lose hope.


What free advertising systems are you using? Are you designing your own splash pages?
3  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Bridge Building~! on: April 07, 2008, 04:14:46 PM
enough of us will stop to smell the coffee, and remember that if we help enough
people get what they want, we can have what we want Cheesy


Now I have to go make coffee.... Seriously though, I really agree that helping others is vital to us helping ourselves. We don't live in complete isolation from each other and the more connections we nuture the better. I've had good relationships and contacts and bad ones. I learn from the bad ones about what not to do to others or what not to do myself to make myself less vulnerable to that kind of problem in the future.
4  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Sigs...share what works for YOU! on: April 07, 2008, 04:12:27 PM
Got Dot?  Why Not?  It PAYS! 

Love it! I use -

Money For You in 7 Days

and it seems to work
5  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: What "tools" do you need to succeed... on: April 07, 2008, 04:12:27 PM
Well to me if you don't have personal motivation none of these even matter

That's true. I wish I had read your comment before I voted, because I thought, well I already have that so... But you're totally right, if you're not motivated, there will be no success no matter what you do or do not do.  More likely do not without the motivation Wink

I find that altering the script I use with myself works too. So, instead of saying - I am going to try to make this work, I'll say - I am going to make this work. Just the deletion of try to makes a big difference in how I feel internally. Yes, I am going to make it work instead of well, maybe.... It's like Yoda says - Do or do not, there is no try Grin
6  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: GREAT Resource For Building Your Website! on: April 07, 2008, 04:12:26 PM
Hello all,


This is a great resource for tips, ideas and getting help with building your Website. The people are great and they really have a sense of humor!


Definitely true, I like them too. I also like http://www.bravenet.com They have some tools you can just copy and paste, which is great for me.
7  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: The Secret to Success is... on: April 07, 2008, 04:12:26 PM
P.S. So, what do you feel are the most important reasons to commit to YOUR Internet Address for LIFE?

My most important reason is to make money to care for my SO who became disabled and can't work anymore. After that, I like that I have something permanent and top level, it makes me feel more secure. After that, I look forward to the opportunity to join with others who have made similar decisions and to learn and be in community with them. Finally, I like the opportunity to make the website be anything I want and to reflect whatever. I ultimately want to have several domains to reflect different interests. Right now I am focusing on the money because of the situation, but I know that once I have more time, I'll be registering others to reflect me as a person more.
8  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: .WS is long-term... on: April 07, 2008, 09:13:27 AM
Just as email has become apart of our daily life now WebSites are the next and, natural evolution in Internet Communications.

Reason is simply that with a top level .WS domain name and WebSite services package you not only have the basic email but, a means by which to 'express yourself' whether it be you, individually; your family, your business, an organization, etc.

Please share ideas as to why, once you have your DOTWS, there is every reason in the world to keep it and build upon the services, for life.

I like having top level .ws domain because it makes me look and feel more in control. When I see those incredibly long urls, I always wonder if there is any success at all for that person. Not that being an affiliate of some business and having a long affiliate link is bad, on the contrary, that can work out extremely well, but if that is ALL that you have... For me, anyway, part of being a success is feeling like a success. Successful people and business have their own domain. Even if they are using that to promote other things because, let's face it, if the other things you are promoting are helping you be successful, why wouldn't you have your own domain to gather that information together?
9  .WS Business / Training / Re: Daily Plan of Action on: April 07, 2008, 09:10:09 AM
Having a daily plan of action is an absolute neccessity. I also have plans of action for specific days of the week - i.e. on Mondays, send out newsletter, on Friday update site, etc. I update my action plans and to-do lists as well. If I find I am doing something too often or too little, I can modify that. Maybe I only need to visit a certain traffic exchange 3x a week, but another one I want to log-in and read credit-ads daily, etc.
10  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Need Suggestions on: April 07, 2008, 09:10:09 AM
Another idea - go to www.yahoo.com and click on groups.  Search the groups for work at home message boards that will allow advertising posts.  Post DAILY on these boards.  Before you start this, set up one of your .ws email addresses to use only for this as you will get lots of spam and lots of messages from other members of the board. 

Great idea, especially the part about setting up a separate email address. I've made the mistake in the past of using my main email for everything and no matter how well I try to filter things into folders, it's time consuming and messy and ineffective. Multiple email addresses for specific things is a huge time-saver.
11  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Marketing Methods/Ideas on: April 07, 2008, 09:10:09 AM
i was looking in the yellow pages yesterday and i noticed that a lot of companys don`t have there own website.
i was thinking about getting in contact with them to offer them there own website and domain name and every other geat thing you get with GDI.
what does everybody think about that,would it be alright to do or would it be classed as spam.
please let me know.

I think it is a great idea. I am going to do that myself now that you have given me the idea!
12  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Drip Marketing on: April 07, 2008, 09:10:09 AM
I am tired of all the long winded emails that I get and I am sure that there are people that I am about to send emails to that feel the same way.

Oh, I so agree. When I get an email, I want it to be short and I want to know if it is something I can test before I buy. If I can, then I am extremely likely to go check it out. If it is something that is a one-time, low cost product, then I want to know key benefits, not a million testimonials in the email. If the key benefits are interesting or intriguing, than I will click on the link. However, even if a product is a test before you buy or if it is low-cost with interesting key benefits, I am UNLIKELY to click if the email is very long.

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