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1  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: another simple method use to advertise GDI on: September 25, 2013, 04:16:13 PM
Hi Howard
Couldn't agree with you've given me inspiration to "go back to basics" and I agree with all the other posts that there is too much emphasis on making money as opposed to a superior product. Once your sign-up understands the value of the product, only then would they get excited about selling it and only then will the money come!

I am also new and thought I would make a killing through google ads...well surprise I am also going the route of first selling the product, second prove to your sign-up how valuable the product is, identify, train and assist the ones that are excited and after some long old fashioned hard work, sit back and enjoy the income!!!.....and please I am not knocking the internet gurus coz they know what they're doing but for us newbies....hey one can be extremely creative just with old fashioned basics

Has anybody ever thought about a way we can assist one another from a geographical perspective with off-line marketing? ....we're scattered all over the world ( I'm in South Africa)...I don't know why I am saying this...just thinking aloud!


In response to William and Howard - with the advent of the internet many have forgotten that word of mouth and respected business referral leveraging is the best form of advertising.
The ones who have not forgotten keep doing it in the offline world. Time to move on - there is a great way to take advantage of what has always worked best in the days before the internet and incorporating it into the online world. Here is an article I have written that shows you how you can increase your reach for prospective customer in any business by 600% or more within a couple of weeks.

I have been internet marketing for over 10 years, and have to say that GDI has treated me really well. If there is one big draw back for newbies in this business it is confusion over what methods they should use to recruit new customers. Advise comes from everywhere: PPC, PPV, CPA, List Building, website building, Capture Pages, Sales Campaigns, Sales Pages, Sales Funnels, SEO, Lead Generation, and on and on.
So how, a newbie may well ask do I keep it simple - and the answer to that is not so simple.

William asks: "Has anybody ever thought about a way we can assist one another from a geographical perspective with off-line marketing? ."
A: Yes and that is the topic of my article. [note if the moderator sees fit to remove the link to the above article] Private Message me and I will send it to you.
2  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Become an embassador for your local community on: July 19, 2012, 06:28:57 PM
Hi everyone here at GDI.
I get asked all the time - how can I get more traffic to my .ws site?
Where can I find new people and tell them about GDI?

The answer to these questions is varied, I could [actually I have] write a book on the subject.

Anyway today I have a doable solution for most - and one where you can actually get paid BIG money to do it.

Become an ambassador for your local community.

Step1] Join the social site at:
The membership is totally free always - no upsells or sales pitches whatsoever.

Step2] Check to see if there is an established community site for your postcode/zip code.
If there is join the site and start to interact with your community.

If there is no community site established for your area get in touch with admin and ask them to build a site for your community.
They will build the site for you - for free. If you want to become the admin for the site they build for you, they will pay you $500 up front and share 10% of advertising revenue with you.
Your job as an admin is to become an ambassador for your local community - in other words let people in your community know that there is a site that addresses issues within their own community and encourage them to take an active part. There are no techie skills needed to become an admin - as the main admin takes care of all the technical aspects involved in running the site.

You will meet many new people at this social site, you could form your own GDI group and forum on this great social site - all at no cost to you and adding links pointing back to your .ws site will get you heaps of traffic.


3  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Happy New Year on: January 04, 2012, 10:53:38 AM

I'd like to take this opportunity to wish everyone here at GDI a very happy and prosperous New Year.


4  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Private Advertising for Your .WS Sites here. on: July 18, 2011, 11:06:52 AM

I have just published some new free material to help people get traffic to their GDI sites at:
5  .WS Services / WebSite Development / What You should Know Before Developing Your Own Websites. on: July 18, 2011, 11:06:52 AM
If you are about to build a personal website - a website to communicate with family and friends - where you will send the web address [URL] to the people you want to visit your site - then there is no need to read further.

If on the other hand your intent is to build a website to promote the GDI business or any other product, information or business to the general public then the following information is vital.

No matter how good your website design/content no one will ever see it!

Creating a good website or blog that converts visitors into customers is only half of the equation.

Before you start building your website you need to be aware of vital concepts to make your website highly visible on the cyberspace main street.

If you were to start an Off-Line business on the fifth floor in a housing commission block somewhere beyond the black stump - how many people would you expect to find your business?

Just about everyone knows that "Location" is vital for an Off-Line business - it is no different for an On-Line business.

It is true you can run your On-Line business from anywhere - but your website needs to be in the best high traffic area possible to get visitors.

There are several ways you can get your website noticed in cyberspace.

You can use paid advertising.

You can use free advertising.

You can do press releases.

You can spread the word about your site via social sites like facebook, twitter, dig, stumble, etc.

All of the above work but can cost you a lot of money or a lot of time if you don't know what you are doing.

Deciding on the best methods and designing your site to cater for the methods you are going to use to get visitors to your sites at the outset makes a lot of sense.

If you do not know what to do in this area - please email me for free advice.


6  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Very Important Announcement - About Domain Names on: July 11, 2011, 09:41:23 AM
The biggest change on the Internet since .com is happening in January 2012.

ICANN, the governing body for all Internet addresses, has announced new changes on how domains will be named in the future.

I hope the moderators here won't mind me posting this link here - it is not a sales pitch - but important news that everyone should be made aware of.


7  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Wishing and Hoping OR,... on: June 28, 2011, 10:09:46 AM
Hmmmm ...... The Plan?

Get 10 in your first level and help those ten get their first ten and teach them to do the same.
A  lot of work you say - I say you bet it is!

But lets look at the rewards - do this only five levels deep and your income is over $100,000 per month.
I think you'll agree that that sort of income is worth a lot of effort - there is no free lunch folks - heck there isn't even a free breakfast!

Lead by example - get your first ten.
Show your first ten what you did to get the first ten.
Give your downline any new signups once you have your first ten and get them to do the same.

I have the plan all laid out on my site its called the 10 X 10 plan.

Now get to work and enjoy,

8  .WS Business / Marketing / Promoting GDI? What You Should Know about Online Advertising on: June 28, 2011, 10:09:46 AM
Hi To All at GDI

I am posting this info here as I believe we are all involved in advertising online in some form or other.

If your old enough you will remember the little Mom and Pop corner stores, now replaced, actually driven out of business by the huge local supermarket store.

History is repeating itself on the internet, did you know that 95% of all internet traffic goes to ten major websites? The rest of the millions of websites have to fight for the other 5%.

Just like the newspaper, car and corner store industries have been monopolized by super giants off-line - history is repeating itself within the Internet industry.

It isn't just the current volatile economy that is making Internet marketing more difficult than a few years ago. It is the Super Giants who's advertising budgets we can't compete with that are driving Internet Marketers out of business.

So what's the solution - how can you win against such odds?
Does history HAVE to repeat itself? The answer is an emphatic NO!

Because the Internet has given us a medium for "People Power" all we have to do is use it. Never before in history has there been such an opportunity
not to let ourselves be relegated into taking a back seat by the Super Giants.

I have written a free report showing you how you can compete with the Super Giants like Google, Facebook etc - and win!

This free report will show you how you can advertise your products/affiliate products in the same places as the Super Giants on a shoestring budget, without third party media buys.

Yes I'll show you how to cut out the middlemen who take $100000's  of dollars out of everyone's advertising budget.

I'll also show you how you can monetize your own websites by running ads for other people without utilizing ad-serving companies that take the lions share of ad revenue. This is not about AdSense, AdBright or any similar ad-servers.

We as the people can take back control of the Internet but only if enough people become aware of what is really happening and how we are being manipulated and ripped off!

Help me to spread the word - get your free download today and then if you agree with my 7 page report, spread the word and make this a better world.

Get access through my "Protected Index" at:

9  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Need some ideas on: April 08, 2011, 08:46:17 AM
Great Post VParker,
In addition for Frances go to my website [click on the blue world globe under my picture]
There you will find generic free information on how to promote anything online including GDI.
You may even want to copy my concept to recruit - it is working for me.

10  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: 403 Error on: April 08, 2011, 08:46:17 AM
It is working fine now.
11  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: New to GDI, Question on making a webstie on: April 08, 2011, 08:46:17 AM
Building a top notch recruiting site is paramount to successful recruiting in GDI.
You will find a free web building tutorial with all the tools included free to build your site on your own computer.
Once you are happy with the site you have built you will get the free tools to upload your site to your GDI hosting.

The next very important step is to get hordes of real visitors to your site for free - generating free visitors works - using free advertising resources is a waste of time.

Setting all this up is a lot of work - but once set up, your site will work for you for years to come.

Help your downline to do the same and you will truly be making a full time income from home.

Get your totally free instructions and tools today at:


12  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Sign up URL on: April 08, 2011, 08:46:17 AM
Hi F Onodi,
Follow the instructions above in Mohammed Naveed's post to get YOUR code.

Then add this code to your website where you want the "sign up" to show<a href="THE CODE GOES HERE">Sign Up</a>

13  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: 4WordProgress on: April 08, 2011, 08:46:17 AM
Hi Dario Paul,
Create a fan page on Facebook,
Get the free Tweet Later program for your promotions on Twitter.
Study the Internet marketing techniques within the free "Kimbro's Study"
just do a search for that term on Google it will come up #1.
14  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Where? How? should You Advertising Your Business on: April 08, 2011, 08:46:17 AM
As I am getting so many inquiries for the list of sites I have posted them for your convenience online.

If you go to my website [click on the world globe under my picture on the left] scroll to the very bottom of the page
and click on the link "Advertise Your Business On This Site" that will take you to the page with a list of sites you can advertise on.


15  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: Disapointed in upper level participation! on: March 03, 2011, 12:41:28 PM
Hey Fran,

I feel your frustration; BUT, if your looking for help from a sponsor monster than just go to the GDI webinars, you might find the help you need there!

I've been told by my upline that only losers hang out here on this forum and the number one way to fail is to hang out here. If all the upper level sponsors feel that way than your not going to find much help from them here (after all, their not sponsor monsters for hanging out on a forum full of GDI affiliates all day)

That being said, there is a lot of great info here and a lot of great affiliates sharing their knowledge and wisdom for free. As a GDI affiliate who really cares about the GDI community, Im here to tell you that your not alone and we are here to help.

Just make sure you find a recruiting system that works for you and thats easy to teach to ensure duplication.


Joe if uplines would respond to their own downlines call for help - there would be a lot less "Loosers as you call them" coming to this forum to seek help.
I have a big downline in GDI and 9 other web properties to look after - so I don't have time to hang out here - BUT and it is a "BIG BUT", I always respond to any of my GDI recruits when they ask me for help.
I would be really embarrassed to find any of my downline at the forum asking for help because I was too busy - mean - lazy to give it!

When you have huge downlines it can get very time consuming to train everyone on an individual basis. However if you publish all the information on a website and direct your recruits to help themselves of the information you have posted - you can help everyone very efficiently. In turn your recruits will also be successful - and everyone is happy.

Kitty [Just another LOOSER on this Forum!].
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