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Author Topic: I need help from everyone please  (Read 2906 times)
Posts: 1

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« on: October 25, 2010, 11:43:22 AM »

Hi everyone. I could really use some advice on something that is not only an issue with myself but my downline as well.

I know we are supposed to follow up with missed sign ups (I get about a dozen each day) but all my efforts never seem to work, so what can I do?
What do you do to convert some of these people into sign ups?

Please let me know all who have had success with this.
Full Member
Posts: 202

Vincent R Parker

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« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2010, 11:14:35 AM »

Hi Miller,

First off, that's great that you get so many missed sign-up notices.  That means you are taking action.  Bravo!

Now, you need to learn how to close.  And that's not as hard as it might sound, but it does take some practice.

The first thing I would suggest is call the people if they leave a phone number.  Very few people do this, and for many it's actually a breath of fresh air.  I cannot tell you how many people say, "Thanks for calling me.  Nobody ever calls me."

The trick though is NOT to try and sell GDI.  Ask questions.

So, Bob, where are you from?  What do you do for a living?  How long have you worked there?  What caused you to look at my site?  Why are you interested in making more money?

Make sure to listen to each and every answer.  Chances are, they are going to tell you EXACTLY how to get them to sign up.  Don't enter the conversation thinking you are going to sell them.  This is a friendly conversation and you just want to know more about them and how you can help them.  The person you are calling is your friend.  If you think that, it will come out in your voice and they will pick up on it and appreciate it.

Now, the next part is where many people go wrong.  And it's so easy.  Simply ask them to sign up.  Don't ask if they are ready to sign up, don't ask if they want to sign up, just ask them to sign up.  Something like this...

"Are you at your computer, Bob?  Great, go to this website for me.  Now, put in your name here.  What username do you want?  OK, put that right here.  What's a great website name do you think?  That sounds good, put that right here.  Now click on this button...."

Guess what?  They just signed up!  Easy as that!

If they don't leave a phone number write them an email and send it from two email accounts.  That will make sure they get it.  Again, don't try to sell them on it.  Just write a note, in your own words, that introduces yourself, thanks them for visiting your website and let them know that if they have questions they can contact you at any time.  Here is an example:

Hi Bob,

Vincent Parker here.  Hope you are doing great today.

Listen, earlier today you stopped by my website with some questions.  ( www.Miller'sWebsite.ws )

This email is just to let you know that I am available anytime you want to talk.  You can call me at this number or just respond to this email.  I'm always happy to help.

Have a great day!  Looking forward to speaking with you.

Miller's phone
Miller's email

P.S.  Could you please hit "reply" and "send" to let me know you got this?  Thanks a bunch!

If you don't hear from them in a few days send them one more email and remind them that you are available to answer questions.  Include that P.S. at the end of the next email too.

One other thing I would suggest is get some books and audios from Zig Ziglar.  He has great advice on how to close people.

Hope this helps!

Vincent Parker

Vincent R. Parker
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