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Question: What do you think i should do?
just talk to people. - 3 (75%)
business cards. - 1 (25%)
Total Voters: 4

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Author Topic: Need Help getting some GDI sign up's  (Read 2853 times)
Louis Layton Jr
Posts: 3

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« on: November 01, 2010, 03:07:41 PM »

Hi everyone,

Would anyone out there that would like to help me out with getting GDI sign up's Please.  I have been with GDI for over a year and have one sign up. So if anyone can help me that would be great.


Full Member
Posts: 202

Vincent R Parker

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« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2010, 10:55:44 AM »

Hi Louis,

There are so many ways to increase your sign-ups I can't list them all in this post.  Before we talk about a few ways to get sign-ups there is one sure fire way to get sign-ups and that is...  take daily action.

What a great way to side-step the question, huh?  But, it's absolutely true.  If you really think about it you can come up with dozens and dozens of things you can do on a daily basis to spread the word about GDI.

The secret is exposure.  Some methods of exposure work better than others, sure.  But if you include GDI in all that you do, all of those little ways will add up to a huge downline.

For instance, two things you mentioned in your poll are 1) just talk to people and 2) business cards.

Both work great.  Let's talk about business cards first...

What are some things you can do with business cards?  You can leave one along with your tip when you go to a restaurant.  You can give one to the person taking your order at a fast food place.  You can include one along with your bill payments.  You can give them to grocery store clerks, cashiers, gas attendants...  the list just goes on and on and on and on.

You can ask your friends or family to hand out a few for you.  You can buy one of those plastic card holders and ask a store owner if they will let you put it in their store for $20.  Get creative!  The only wrong way is not leaving them at all (or by breaking some law).

Talking to people...what a great way.  Here is a personal trick of mine.  The next time you meet someone new ask them what they do for a living.  People love to talk about themselves and they will tell you.  (In fact, listening to them you might see that they NEED a website.  Like, if they have their own lawn care service or something.)  Now, after they answer you I guarantee that at least 90% of the people will turn around and ask what YOU do for a living.  This part is fun.

Person:  "So, Louis, what do YOU do for a living?"

Louis:  "I show people how to make an extra paycheck every month."

Haha!  Now, Louis, do you think they might be curious about that?  You bet they will be.  "You do?  How does THAT work?"  "Here, take a look at my website, it has a movie that explains everything I do."  "But what company is it for?  How does it work?  How do you make money?  Etc..."  "Hold your questions.  Just visit that website, it explains everything, much better than I can.  If you have questions after that we can talk about it then.  What's a good time for me to call you after you watch the movie?"

Some of my team members feel a little shy at first doing that.  Don't worry, it gets easier every time you do it.  Practice saying it in front of the mirror, or practice with your wife or a friend or relative.  Don't let your fear of people stop you from growing your business.  Most, and I do mean most, people will be at the very least polite about it.  Many will be excited to learn more and a few will just take your card and never visit.  And that's OK, nobody likes a pushy person.  If they don't want to know, great.  At least you tried.

That's about all I'm going to mention because there are just too many ways to get team members.  The secret though, the BIG secret, is daily action.  And that's it.  Maybe you only get 1-5 team members a week like this.  But in time those add up and add up and add up until wow, you have a monster team.  Just take that daily action.

If you want to know more ways just browse these forums.  So many people have written tons of great posts on this subject.  Talk to your upline.  Call them or write them an email... or both.  If they won't respond, contact support and ask if they can put you in contact with someone that will help.

And I hope this helped.  It can be a slow process, it might be fast.  But that doesn't matter.  What matters is what you do on a consistent daily basis to grow your business.  If you work every day at it, even when you don't feel like it, great things will come your way.  Keep learning, keep growing and keep on working.

And have fun!  Smiley

Vincent Parker

Vincent R. Parker
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