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Author Topic: What would $1 a Day do for YOUR GDI Business?  (Read 31545 times)
Michael Coursey
Posts: 2

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« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2007, 04:34:20 PM »

To answer the 1 penny a day and double it question...the answer is $5,368,709.12.

As far as the marketing question goes you have to get the word out on your business.  Sometimes that WILL require you to sepnd money to attract and keep good customers.  Once you have the customers in the door you need to find a way to keep them there. 
B Lum
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« Reply #16 on: May 29, 2007, 03:05:47 AM »

i would say best way is try to get a few downlines so that u get paid 30-100 per month.  then reinvest that into marketing and make it grow even faster instead of cutting your expenses.  But harder you work the faster your payout. Also more money u invest more money u make if you do it right. Basically work smart or work hard or both.
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« Reply #17 on: May 29, 2007, 07:49:15 AM »

Free methods of advertising is usually hard work.
I think it's almost impossible to get free quality leads without either spending time or money.
However you can combine the two, that is to put aside some budget (maybe $100 each month, or even $10 if you are really low on budget)
and at the same time use the free methods to drive traffic.

You can strecth every cent that you spend on advertising, (usually pay per click) by capturing the emails of the people who come to your page.
So even if they don't buy from you the first time, you can follow up with them.
I suggest not to spend money advetising the main GDI referral url because too many people are already doing that.
Advertise the webpage that you made and put a form there.

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« Reply #18 on: May 30, 2007, 02:14:36 PM »


But wasn't the whole idea to make some money with GDI? 
Do I have to cut out everything that makes my life worthwhile in order to get GDI going by spendiing money on 'iffy' propositions?

That's not what the ads say.  They say No Selling.  Well, if I have to purchase hundreds of dollars worth of other programs (ie. $150. per mo. recommended by PIF4P), to get a downline, then I say, no way Hosay! (My apologies to those Spanish speaking people here, I know that's not spelled correctly).

Anyway, let's try to get our GDI downlines without having to spend, spend, spend!

If anyone has any ideas on how to get those e-mail addresses without having to spend, let me know.

Yday I just bought 15,000 leads for a few dollars. This is my second day into using them. I imagine it'll be a few more days before I start seeing some results. Until then I'll keep you posted and you can drop me a personal message if you want to buy any from my leads source.
P De Thierrry
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« Reply #19 on: June 01, 2007, 01:26:28 AM »

Free methods of advertising is usually hard work.
I think it's almost impossible to get free quality leads without either spending time or money.
However you can combine the two, that is to put aside some budget (maybe $100 each month, or even $10 if you are really low on budget)
and at the same time use the free methods to drive traffic.

You can strecth every cent that you spend on advertising, (usually pay per click) by capturing the emails of the people who come to your page.
So even if they don't buy from you the first time, you can follow up with them.
I suggest not to spend money advetising the main GDI referral url because too many people are already doing that.
Advertise the webpage that you made and put a form there.
Yes I agree, there are a lot of free places offering free websites which you can create curiosity to the reader, and like DPro said put a box on it, although try not to go to far of the subject or point you want to establish, don't start blabbering on about cats and dogs then all of sudden they come to your box and see "Get A Free E-Book About Making Money Online", and why not tweak your .Ws homepage into a promoting of the GDI business at least it looks like it's done by hand, have a look at mine and what I've done with it http://bonzdee.ws my homepage is forever on traffic exchanges and will stay there for a very long time, you don't have to spend mega bucks on promoting your GDI business, just takes persistence.

We all know how much we can spend and want to on advertising, I place 2 ads a week in 2 local papers in 2 different suburbs, they cost me $16.95 to place every week, it's how I got 3 members of my downline was through these newspapers, and the newspaper reaches over 200,000 people so there is a lot of people out there to cover, so weather you want to spend money to make money, it's entirely up to the individual, but spend it now, it will all come back 10 fold from the business, once that snowball effect takes motion, you'll see the duplication process at it's best, and you will definatly see your income grow month after month, year after year.

Develop, Unleash, And Confirm....is my motto.


Patrick De Thierry
Auckland, New Zealand

For your free autoresponder for your webpage, just private message.

"Extra ordinary people do daily what ordinary people do occasionally"
DanielWilson Jr.
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« Reply #20 on: June 12, 2007, 04:06:43 AM »

I see what your saying, but its kind of hard as I have no auto insurance, I am driving on suspended liscense (for failure to show proof of insurance), I live in a $500 house trailer that I still haven't received the title for (after 3 years) My third shift job barely pays my utility bills and lot rent, my girlfriend (for 17 wonderful years) cant physically work and my 16 year old son (honor roll) works to pay for his school expenses. We dont smoke or drink and we haven't been out to eat or to a movie in over three years.

 I am not trying to sound negative, its just a little harder for low income people to make their dreams a reality. I am currently doing odd jobs in what little spare time i have (auto repair, computer repair and gun repair) to actually pay for this opportunity and I am keeping a positive attitude. I have had one sign up and four clicks in the first couple of days.

 Personally, I am thinking of bumperstickers with my site listed on them and fliers, both of which I can do on my own from my own computer.

 I dont want to be rich, I just want to be able to buy food AND gasoline and not have to choose which one that I can afford.

 Good luck and God bless.   Dan Wilson Jr
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« Reply #21 on: June 17, 2007, 06:15:46 PM »

And I thought I had it bad!! You got determination dude! Dont lose it... if you'll like you can take a look at my site.. eventhough you're not a downline of mines.. I sure dont mind helping fellow GDIers out.. www dot revitup dot ws click on building your downline.. theres some links there that you check out and see if you can afford any to help you with your business. Im currently paying 60bux a month for my tools. In your situation that maybe a bit high.. but its well worth it. Im currently researching out more tools that I can use.. soo be sure to stop by every now and then for more updates.

To Your Success!
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« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2008, 04:53:40 PM »

Every business requires some kind of expenses or call it operational cost. Nothing is ever free at least not in the business world.

Please where i can get a personalized lead capture page for my GDI business. I mean something i can afford because for now am always at work that is, on the road. But i want to start gradually to plan to be my own boss.

Or a system that can intergrate about 4 businesses.

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« Reply #23 on: March 03, 2008, 03:17:11 AM »

You can subscribe to an autoresponder program to create personalized lead capture page.
The popular ones are aweber and getresponse, which will cost about 19.95/mth.
I am using one which is under $10, it does not have all the features of aweber, but it's good enough for me now.
Drop me a private message if you want to know more.

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« Reply #24 on: July 15, 2008, 05:21:29 AM »

Hey people, i'm at poverty level. This isn't my computer. According to my adwords stats, I've gotten 18 clicks. I had to pause that campaign because of money. I got on that rotator at clixsense. I placed some free classifieds. Acording to my hit logs at GDI, I've had 14 unique hits in almost a month. Still waiting for that 1st sign up and hopeing that she/he will be a super affilliate. I'm a full time student mon-thurs and a full time father on the weekends. I'm looking for an evening job to hold me over till I get a job through the school.

This GDI business is the best on the web. I mean, you all know that GDI stands alone when being compared to all these big shot gurus. I'm in it for the long haul. I couldn't afford the GDI business cards but I found a place to get them made the way I want them for a whole lot cheaper($5). When I goto town or anywhere, I stick them in magazines or books or I just set a pile on the shelf. I create my own flyers and post them wherever I can. I'm a total newbie but I can see the value of my GDI business. I look forward to making a nice monthly check even if it's 2 years from now.

Gordon Milton
Posts: 43

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« Reply #25 on: July 15, 2008, 02:37:49 PM »

Hey people, i'm at poverty level. This isn't my computer. According to my adwords stats, I've gotten 18 clicks. I had to pause that campaign because of money. I got on that rotator at clixsense. I placed some free classifieds. Acording to my hit logs at GDI, I've had 14 unique hits in almost a month. Still waiting for that 1st sign up and hopeing that she/he will be a super affilliate. I'm a full time student mon-thurs and a full time father on the weekends. I'm looking for an evening job to hold me over till I get a job through the school.

This GDI business is the best on the web. I mean, you all know that GDI stands alone when being compared to all these big shot gurus. I'm in it for the long haul. I couldn't afford the GDI business cards but I found a place to get them made the way I want them for a whole lot cheaper($5). When I goto town or anywhere, I stick them in magazines or books or I just set a pile on the shelf. I create my own flyers and post them wherever I can. I'm a total newbie but I can see the value of my GDI business. I look forward to making a nice monthly check even if it's 2 years from now.



If you are so financially challenged, may I suggest you make use of a signature file in forums. Most people make the mistake of posting in forums that are to do with internet marketing, or working at home. That's not such a good idea.

A better idea is to select about five or six forums that specialize in subjects that you have a big interest in. Try and make sure that they are nothing to do with business (on or off-line). Make at least one post each day on each forum, either as a reply to another post or as a request for help.

Make sure that your posts are informative and not just, "Me too!" sort of posts. The latter will do your reputation more harm than good.

As people on the forums get to know and respect you they will start taking an interest in GDI. You will get sign-ups, especially with the rate of inflation and the credit crunch.

I use the GDI statement of:
1000's of people worldwide are making
quiet fortunes part-time from home.

xxx represents your GDI username.

This strategy does take time but it works.
Gordon Milton
Posts: 43

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« Reply #26 on: July 18, 2008, 04:05:01 AM »

Here's something else. The oldest and the biggest (by far) Network
Marketing company in the world does not allow any advertising for
distributors. It's top distributors are earning between 1 million and
4 million dollars a month.

If that is true, and it is, then doesn't it stand to reason that their
tactics and strategies must be worth serious consideration?

Just because GDI is internet based, doesn't mean that you should
use only internet marketing.

Visit your local library and ask for the book, "How To Build A
Multi-Level Money Machine" by Randy Gage  ISBN 8186775-87-0

Mario Meunier
Posts: 11

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« Reply #27 on: July 23, 2008, 02:50:09 AM »

$1 a day does not sound like much!  However, over a 30 day period it would add up $30.  That's $30 to put into your GDI business.  How far would that $30 go?

1.  Business Cards
2.  Printing Costs (Flyers, Drop Cards, Etc.)
3.  Online Advertising (Pay-Per-Click)
4.  Office supplies (Ink, Paper, Etc.)
5.  The list could go on and on....

How does one accomplish this?  It doesn't take a lot of time or personal sacrifice.  To start, all you have to do is take your pocket change at the end of the day and drop it in a jar or coffee can. If you can do that, and you put away about $1 a day, that's just $7 a week. At the end of the month, you'll have about $30.  At the end of the month, take it to your local bank and deposit it into your bank account, or roll it up and redeem it for cash.

Here are a few more ideas.  Trim your expenses to save more!

Take-out vs. dining out        Savings =$45 
Manicure less often             Savings =$15
Fewer trips to car wash       Savings =$12

Total saved for the month = $72

Now that's a whopping $72+ $30=$102 you could put back into your GDI business!   These are just examples how you could possibly fund your business when you first get started!  To your success!


I have an other great Idea without abstaining from your usual practices...

if you have already start to make business with GDI keep your bonus for advertise... Your bonus can be paid via paypal and you can use your paypal for pay advertisement... 100$ for each 5 new suscriber... that mean... if you do that few time ... you will have a great place on the web... I mean with search engine optimisation...

be in the first line with your website.. and google will do what you need ..  if you pay for stay in the first page. !!!

 5 new suscriber it's hard if you are not know... but 5 suscriber is easy.. ifyou are in the first page of google.. (if you know use seo correctly and target the right keyword !)
Posts: 34

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« Reply #28 on: April 20, 2009, 06:23:52 PM »

If you can get some kind of business card, the ones GDI has are the best because it has a 800 number people can call. When you get the business cards put one in every bill or mailing you mail out. Drop one at your local library or put them in coffee shops if they allow, just pass out cards and someone will at least look at your site and decide.

Besides that, buying leads and using autoreponders with so much spam, it still works but takes alot of leads.

Think outside the box. But it all takes time. You are investing $10.00 a month, a few members and your monthly fees are paid.

Good Luck to all
« Last Edit: April 20, 2009, 06:24:18 PM by ChipSnyder » Logged

Scott Price
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« Reply #29 on: November 11, 2009, 03:15:58 AM »

One thing most of you need to do is work on your grammar... Who will take you seriously if you are spelling simple words wrong? Who will believe a person who can't spell a simple word correctly? Fix this immediately! Secondly... I have adopted an easy system that pays for its self. If I get 5 people to sign up in a week (100 dollar bonus) I send them a 20 dollar bill. But only the 1st 5. I tell them that I will pay for their first 2 months. This gives them a longer free trial and it is no money lost to me. Try it and tell me what you think!
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