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Author Topic: New Members Daily Help... Look No Where Else...Keeping It Real.  (Read 12950 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« on: August 12, 2011, 09:09:08 AM »

My name is William Earl Amis, Jr. III of Boston, Massachusetts. Loyal supporter of the new guy/gals globally in establishing a brand/HBB. If you do not understand what real hands on support is. Well, welcome to GDI and we all support each other. Post your needs and I will get them done for you with you. Teaching you along the way, that is support and you will give back without expecting anything in return. That is serving others with a true heart! Ask any questions on how to, and I will even assist you all the way until you feel confident with this business. No question is to small or large and it's all free. My way of giving back! I am here to serve. Just keep it real and to the point. I do not deal with self-pity issues. This is about empowering others to learn and do for themselves with 100% support daily if required.

"Welcome To GDI"

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Posts: 2

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« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2011, 01:30:02 PM »

i have no downline and i need more signups to me
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« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2011, 01:30:02 PM »

very very good
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« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2011, 01:30:02 PM »

I really like the fact that you are willing to help the newbies, like myself.  I want to know if the company has available any advertzing materials that we could use to perhaps set up a booth at a Mall.  Or anything along those lines.  I'll be willing to try anything to get out of the financial mess that I'm in at present.
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2011, 09:05:10 AM »

I really like the fact that you are willing to help the newbies, like myself.  I want to know if the company has available any advertizing materials that we could use to perhaps set up a booth at a Mall.  Or anything along those lines.  I'll be willing to try anything to get out of the financial mess that I'm in at present.
yes we here at GDI have unlimited tools to utilize at fairs, cookouts and other public awareness functions. You can utilize GDI Banners and Fliers. Setup your laptop at a fair with our DVD's to hand out to onlookers. You can continue to play the fantastic introduction on one of your GDI sites. While welcoming onlookers. Handout the DVDs and give them you GDI business card. Set up a huge Screen at night and have your laptop replay your GDI replica site information and also hand out DVDs to those who stop by. You can even get a peddling license through your state department. You can setup in front of schools, daycare, hospitals it is unlimited with the area's.

I would love to brainstorm with you and all. If you would like more fantastic ideas. Just reach-out to me. Contact me day or night. Every actions is within the high quality ethical standards that GDI has in their TOS. You should read the Success Manual and complete all the GDI training. Attend the Webinars where there are like-minded people who have the same idea. You may located some in your area and split the cost of setting up in each community a fair. To show of GDI and how it has changed your life. Give live testimonials while having a cookout for that community. A couple of hot dogs and hamburgers with potatoes chips and water. Would go along way into having people test drive and sign up by the hundreds. These a methods that we think out of the box.

My team and I have an unlimited supply of workable blue print procedures and activities that even the churches have jumped on board to allow setup of a tent cookout after each service. This is to help the wellness of families. We are helping everyone gain back their respect and empower them to achieve great levels of fulfillment.

Your mind is the only thing that can limit the massive ideas that are here to grow your business. My team and I would be honored to accept your business as one that we support for growth. We believe in giving back without expecting anything in return. You have to brand your name in order to gain success as only you can determine. If you do not understand that get with me. I have training and support for all businesses without a cost. You have more to focus on than spending anymore money for something that is free?

I look forward in supporting your growth and this is an open invitation for all who come up on this response. We accept all and never worry again about how your going to make this thing work. We have it covered.

With all opportunities, please complete due diligence on the person and company before you make a valid decision to be involved. Keeping it real.

William Earl Amis, Jr. III
Skype: william.earl.amis.jr.iii

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2011, 09:05:10 AM »

i have no downline and i need more signups to me

look no more for support with growth to your business. You can contact me day or night after you have made contact attempts with your upline and their support team. If you have and no help is received. You contact me and our team with myself. We will accept to support your business with no fee. There is no worries about your prayers are answered with ethical people who give to others without looking for something in return.

It's only about success as you determined. There is no other action other than to contact me today. We will be there for you. I will personally support your business and train you with all GDI has to offer. Just get plugged in with our Webinars and online training. That is the only way you will learn what you can and can not do with GDI products.

I look forward in developing a real solid relationship bonded on trust.

Very Truly Yours,
William Earl Amis, Jr. III
Skype: william.earl.amis.jr.iii

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2011, 02:56:24 PM »

I really like the fact that you are willing to help the newbies, like myself.  I want to know if the company has available any advertizing materials that we could use to perhaps set up a booth at a Mall.  Or anything along those lines.  I'll be willing to try anything to get out of the financial mess that I'm in at present.

I have responded yet I do not see my information to guide you. There are webinars held weekly that will answer the most updated questions. There are some that are taped and can be reviewed at a time suitable to you.

Contact your upline and their support team. If that has no resolution. Then you can contact me day or night. I believe in GDI as a whole. We support everyone after you have followed standard procedures with getting help from you sponsor and their support team. After that seek help in forums and if that has no help. Contact me!

Very Truly Yours,
William Earl Amis, Jr. III
Skype: william.earl.amis.jr.iii

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2011, 02:56:24 PM »

My name is William Earl Amis, Jr. III of Boston, Massachusetts. Loyal supporter of the new guy/gals globally in establishing a brand/HBB. If you do not understand what real hands on support is. Well, welcome to GDI and we all support each other. Post your needs and I will get them done for you with you. Teaching you along the way, that is support and you will give back without expecting anything in return. That is serving others with a true heart! Ask any questions on how to, and I will even assist you all the way until you feel confident with this business. No question is to small or large and it's all free. My way of giving back! I am here to serve. Just keep it real and to the point. I do not deal with self-pity issues. This is about empowering others to learn and do for themselves with 100% support daily if required.

"Welcome To GDI"

Everyone and anyone after you have followed standard procedure as to contacting your sponsor and their support team. If that has no good results. Just contact me without posting any questions for faster resolution. Day or night. I believe in GDI as a whole and will not let anyone be left behind.

If one can do it, why not you?

William Earl Amis, Jr. III
Skype: william.earl.amis.jr.iii

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2011, 09:42:53 AM »

i have no downline and i need more signups to me

have you made the attempt to contact your upline and support team? If you have and not one has helped you. Then contact me today and my team with myself. We will be honored to support your business growth at no cost. Just a chance to serve others is all we are doing.

Looking forward to knowing you.

William Earl Amis, Jr. III
Skype: william.earl.amis.jr.iii

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2011, 09:29:34 AM »

I really like the fact that you are willing to help the newbies, like myself.  I want to know if the company has available any advertzing materials that we could use to perhaps set up a booth at a Mall.  Or anything along those lines.  I'll be willing to try anything to get out of the financial mess that I'm in at present.

Yes, there are DVDs, and authorized formats for posters and flyers. The Webinars help with all the training. There is a GDI step by step Wealth Guide that I will issue to you. Just shoot me an email and then I could get that right out. No worries.

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2011, 11:47:41 AM »

Hello, and for all member who would like the original copy of GDI Step By Step Wealth Guide. Drop me an email and I will issue it to you once I get a chance. I must have a request with your valid email to attach the book. Yes, this is from GDI and not me. That is how long I have been with GDI. This is my second account and last.

Look forward to a wonderful future with all.

Very Truly Yours,

William Earl Amis, Jr. III
Skype: william.earl.amis.jr.iii

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2011, 08:20:16 AM »

The training conference calls are the key elements to success with the GDI system. Hey, all you have to do is invite people to watch a video and that is it. GDI pays you for doing just that. It is nothing to sell. GDI will sell it's self.

Next, start to get all the training from the weekly conference calls. This is the only way to plug yourself in the system that works. Read all new updates on our industry. Email all your contacts utilizing the GDI invite system. This is how the auto-responder system will kick in and make more members for your growth.

There are easy ways to promote GDI. Then you have the untested so be careful and read GDI TOS. You do not want to do anything against GDI policy. Read and learn to navigate the whole GDI platform. This will be a skill needed to help all new members. This will duplicate the process of making everyone understand that this is a real business. No one is going to get rich overnight. Reality being GDI is a lifestyle and lifetime journey. There is nothing else to it. If you do not love what your doing. Then find something that you enjoy doing everyday. Then use GDI platform to spread your message with building a Blog via hosting. This is a fantastic way to grow your core business and help people duplicate the same. Your business grows and membership. Help enough people and all will be given to you.

For more information on the guides of standards within GDI. Contact me and request for the GDI step by step Wealth Guide. I will authorize an issue to you from my support team. It cost nothing. Just our way of serving others with a servant's heart.

Just get things done to grow your business ethically. Realize GDI as a platform to get you success as you determined. Then you will understand the true power of GDI as a tool. Create your business by using the tool. Just do something you love and it will not be a challenge. We all have something we always love doing. The days will past and you just have fun and joy. That is when you know your doing it right.

Good journey and if anyone needs more. Contact me and I will help at no charge. Loving living the real GDI lifestyle.

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2011, 08:28:50 AM »

There has been a huge response for the GDI Step By Step Wealth Guide. This is amazing based on it's free. This is a simple booklet that was created in the early days of GDI. It is a goldmine and it's your for the asking. Contact me today so we all can make GDI united. Unity is the key to any platform.

No one needs to be left alone. We all will support your business at no cost. Hey, all you have to understand is that this is a lifetime journey. Make it you lifestyle to help people daily and never expect anything in return. You will change you life and attitude for the better. It will add character and make you transparent. People globally will know your a good person. One people will search to be in business with. Spread your message that everyone has a story. Just learn how to tell yours. Be unique and contact me today.

I am just giving them away. This is huge and well worth my time. It's all free the way it is to be.

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2011, 11:43:29 AM »

I really like the fact that you are willing to help the newbies, like myself.  I want to know if the company has available any advertzing materials that we could use to perhaps set up a booth at a Mall.  Or anything along those lines.  I'll be willing to try anything to get out of the financial mess that I'm in at present.
just contact me and our team will help in every area. The knowledge is priceless and you will be able to focus on more activity that will increase your GDI business.

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
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Posts: 165

"Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill

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« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2011, 08:48:17 AM »

This is Great! GDI truely can help everyone! just continue to add your post and research the old post success leaves clues. I have learned that you must be discipline in internet marketing or any business you choose to do. That mean if you have email to send out you must get that done if you are into article marketing and that is on your list to due it must get done! When I first started internet marketing I was trying every new idea that I learned and slowly became overwhelmed with information, and begin to talk myself out of work. It is truly the things we tell ourselves. When we focus on the process we have to go through we don’t finish, but when we focus on the outcome it will motivate us more. Everyone want leads, but do we do the things on a daily basis to get leads? Example: post in forums and on blogs make a youtube etc. The mentors that get leads do this everyday, that is discipline! Hit my globe or contact me I will be more that happy to help you and I do return all phone calls and emails.

A person who gives to others will get richer. Whoever helps others will himself be helped. Proverbs 11:25  See how it works and get started for FREE here: 

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