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Author Topic: Leads  (Read 6587 times)
Jose Soares
Posts: 3

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« on: June 14, 2010, 03:06:35 PM »

Hello everyone! 

My name is Jose and I wonder if any of you usually buy leads.
I found some sites where I can buy leads and honestly do not know which one should I buy because I heard on the internet that some are not serious and have no result!
What are the sites where they usually buy leads and use that method to get in contact with leads?

I am very new to the business and I would appreciate some suggestions on how I can get affiliates.

Another question I have is that often advertise on Google adwords or Yahoo (or any other form of advertising) and what results have you been?

I am grateful for any help you can give me!
Joseph  Wink
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Posts: 202

Vincent R Parker

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« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2010, 07:53:05 AM »

Hi Jose!  It's great to hear from you!

I personally do not buy leads or use any form of pay per click advertising.  However, I do know that many people have had tremendous success using both.

Here are my opinions on both, but take it with a grain of salt as again I do not use either method.

Pay per click can become quite expensive if you do not know what you are doing.  There are several great courses on using pay per click effectively.  Two people I would recommend would be Perry Marshal and Mike Dillard.  Both have amazing courses on using pay per click.

Buying leads, as you have read, can be a dangerous proposition.  You have probably already read the dangers that come with doing this.  For instance, buying leads that are very old or even buying ones that no longer exist.  However, if I were to buy leads my personal choice would be the leads that GDI offers through your back office.  Again, I have no experience in this but in dealing with GDI for quite a few years this would be one place I would not hesitate to place my trust.

So, those are my opinions.  I hope they helped a little.  Perhaps soon someone with more experience can speak more openly and give better advice.

Here's To YOUR Success!

Vincent Parker

Vincent R. Parker
Jose Soares
Posts: 3

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« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2010, 09:35:16 AM »

Thanks for your reply!
What is your experience with GDI? How long have you registered and how many people you have in your downline?
Which tools you use to collect these?

By the way, I put this question to all forum members, since it may be useful to everyone.

Thanks again,

Posts: 1

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« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2010, 04:57:48 PM »

Hi my name is Claritza and I'm very new at this. I've been looking at different alternatives to getting leads. I was thinking about buying 10 leads through GDI, and am wondering; if I buy leads do my leads qualify me so that I can get the "$100 for each 5 people I get in"? Or is it only for leads I find on my own?

Full Member
Posts: 202

Vincent R Parker

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« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2010, 11:50:44 AM »

Hi my name is Claritza and I'm very new at this. I've been looking at different alternatives to getting leads. I was thinking about buying 10 leads through GDI, and am wondering; if I buy leads do my leads qualify me so that I can get the "$100 for each 5 people I get in"? Or is it only for leads I find on my own?


Hi Claritza!  Yes, those leads will qualify you for the bonuses if they go through their trial and pay for their first month with GDI.  There are only 2 instances where this is not the case.  1) GDI members you get from being a premium member and 2) GDI members that your sponsor places under you.

Thanks for your reply!
What is your experience with GDI? How long have you registered and how many people you have in your downline?
Which tools you use to collect these?

By the way, I put this question to all forum members, since it may be useful to everyone.

Thanks again,


Hey Joseph!  Thanks for the question and thank you for posing it to all the members who visit the forums.  We might not be in the same downline, but we are all still part of a team.  By helping each other, ultimately, we help ourselves.

Now, your first question.  This is one myself, and I'm sure many others, get on a day to day basis.  However, it is a question I never answer.  Because, if a person bases their success on what you have accomplished they may find themselves sorely disappointed.  When on the phone this is how I handle that question:

"Vincent, how much money do you make with GDI?"

"That's a great question, So-And-So, but let me ask you a question first.  How much of my money can you spend?"

"I can't spend ANY of your money, Vincent."

"Exactly.  So, the question here is not how much money I personally make, but how much money YOU can make.  And I can't answer that question for you.  Only you can determine how much energy and work you will put into this business.  Only you can decide if you are willing to send out invitations and take action to build this business.  So, are you the kind of person that will take action and do whatever you can to build an income for the rest of your life?"

"Absolutely.  I'm going to work hard and build this business in any way that I can."

"Great!  Let's go ahead and get you started.  Are you at your computer?  Go here, now fill out this form....."

You definitely don't want to let anyone base their success on you.  It's their decision what they will do to make it happen.

Now for the second part.  Which tools do I personally use to grow my business.

This is a fun question.  Because GDI has permeated every part of my life.  There are a few stores that have my business cards on display.  Some of them do it for free, some of them charge me a little money to keep them on their counter.

I leave cards and flyers everywhere I go.  Each morning when I buy a paper I slide a flyer into all the other papers in the machine.  So, when someone else buys a paper they are getting my flyer.  After I pump gas I slide my business card into the credit card slot so if someone wants to use their credit card, they have to take my card first.  With my tip at a restaurant I always leave a card.  I place my cards in junk mail that I receive and send it right back to the company.

One of my favorite question to ask people I meet is, "What do you do for a living?"  Because 99% of the people, after telling you what they do, will ask what YOU do.  That's when you say something like, "I show people how to make an extra paycheck every month."  Do you think they will then ask, "How does that work?"  They sure do!  That's when you say, go to my website and watch this video.  And I leave it at that.  No selling, just inviting them to check it out.  Most people do.

Classified ads are great.  BUT, one or two just don't cut it.  I make it a goal to post one classified on many sites every single day.  Eventually you will have hundreds and hundreds of ads floating out there and you will find your hit log FULL of visitors and your email FULL of people that viewed the presentation.

One of my favorite ways, though, is using emails.  I have a series of lead capture pages that offers free training to anyone in the internet marketing field.  And through it I offer generic training so they can build any business.  But each email is sent out using my GDI email address, and every once and awhile I invite them to check out GDI.  As they begin to look forward to your emails and view you as a resource to help them, they will seriously start to consider GDI.  There are even people who call and ask to join before they even know who I am with.

There are so many ways and I'm excited to hear what other people do.  The big trick is to get GDI in front of as many people as possible every single day.  And get creative!  Include GDI in everything you do.  You don't have to push or be an expert in the field.  That's what makes GDI so great.  It's a business anyone can make huge advances in, if only they make a habit of including GDI in their day to day lives.

I hope this helps and gives you a few ideas.  Smiley

Vincent Parker

Vincent R. Parker
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