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Author Topic: A New System  (Read 41732 times)
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« Reply #15 on: June 06, 2009, 12:23:42 PM »

  Here are some ideas that you may or may not have come up with. They are just some ways to better promote G.D.I. and equip sponsors of all experience levels better. They mostly pertain to Site-Builder:

1.)     It would be nice to have the two G.D.I. videos available for people to place on their site. There should be some customizable video borders and they should be moveable. This will help to educate new prospects without turning them off with a sign-up page (not to say that the sign-up pages aren’t appealing, it is just more convenient for sponsors to do this.)

2.)    For the sponsor’s sign-up page, meaning the page on their “.ws” site, it would be cool to have a variety of different “Sign-Up” buttons. These buttons would direct the viewer to the sign-up page. Overall, adding this option will allow ordinary people another chance to look professional with the aid of the Site-Builder.

3.)    I like the cool plug-ins, “Email” and “Guestbook”, but it would be nice if we could somehow treat them like text, where we could move them around, so that we could add more info to that page, without the page being completely dedicated to one plug-in. Also, more plug-ins like “Instant Message” or “Text Me” would be a really nice feature. I know that Yahoo allows you to talk through a chat box and send messages to phones. If G.D.I. came out with something like this, that would only enhance the product further.

4.)     Blogs are efficient ways to let people know what’s up. Perhaps G.D.I. can come out with a specially designed blog that domain owners could put on their site. Also, maybe introducing a calendar of some kind would be beneficial for updating people.

5.)    When a new prospect signs-up, they get an automated message of some kind. Maybe there should be a feature where affiliates can make more personal messages, like “Hey, how are you today?” type messages that are still automated but are a lot more personable. If these messages could be disguised to actually look like personal email, then the new sign-up will feel like they are important, which should be the goal for any sponsor.

6.)    There hasn’t been a 100% proven way to persuade somebody about G.D.I. because everyone is different. Fliers, however, have seemed to be an effective means of intriguing people enough to go to a site. What G.D.I. should do is produce a few well made fliers that people who are just starting out can print and distribute. This will only make the whole G.D.I. experience easier and more enjoyable.

7.)    Tools would be nice to add to a website, like the income calculator. This will increase peoples’ awareness of the true money making potential every time they visit a “.ws” site.

8.)    This idea is one that I have previously shared with you. It is the “Sign-Up Randomizer” feature that would not only help the sponsor, but the sponsor’s downline as well. You see, with this feature, the sponsor can assign traffic to the people that he/she wants to. All you would have to do is insert a few usernames from your downline and the sign-up button’s link will change every time someone click’s it. This helps the people who just started build their initial downline without doing any work! It couldn’t be a better deal.

9.)    And finally, are you aware of the full length DVD being present on MySpace? If not you should check it out on my page at www.myspace.com/masmusicplz.


This is what I have come up with for now. Let me know if you guys like any of these ideas. More on the way!

i like #5 & #8   it will be great if the follow up message is personal
P Eddings
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« Reply #16 on: June 14, 2009, 10:22:18 AM »

Thanks mike for the html code. However, those that copy and paste it need to change the user id to their own.

Posts: 18

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« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2009, 01:01:46 PM »


   Thanks for pointing that out! For those of you who want to add this video to their site, make sure you change the username to your own.

Posts: 18

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« Reply #18 on: June 14, 2009, 01:05:19 PM »

Hey Everyone,

   Here is my new "article", if you will, of how People String can work to help you build a substantial downline with G.D.I. Here it is:

                                 How People String Can Enhance Your G.D.I. Career
           Oftentimes people are hesitant when coming across a change in their life. This is usually due to the clarity or potential that the new change seems to lack. This couldn’t be more prevalent in the business world. I can personally guarantee that G.D.I. (Global Domains International) is a company of their word, for I have made profits myself, but perhaps there is that money hold up that stops you in your tracks. There are two things that you can do to help you gain confidence. The first is signing up for the free seven day trial at G.D.I. This trial gives you all the privileges of a normal account (ten custom emails, one convenient domain name, web hosting, and Site-Builder) except for the commissions feature. Once you begin to pay your $10 a month fee, however, you will earn your commissions. I highly recommend this because it gives you a sense of what the G.D.I. experience is all about without spending a dime. The beauty of it is that during your trial week, you have the chance to rack up your commissions until your first payment. And since G.D.I. offers a lifelong perpetual monthly income, your profit may cover your fee right off the bat, leaving you room to make more profit!
    There is a second choice that is also 100% free. It is a new social network called People String that is spreading at an alarmingly fast rate. People String offers you a variety of unique features found nowhere else on the web. Among them are self-destructing emails and revenue earning potential by simply logging into the site. For those of you who are new to network marketing and have trouble gaining recruits, this may be an ideal option for growing your downline. Since it is free there is nothing to lose, so you will have a substantial downline within days of joining. What can be better than something that works for free? After a while, when you finally have a significant downline, you will have the opportunity to start referring people to G.D.I. What will this do? It will literally double your monthly income! Think about it, if your downline has been succeeding with one affiliate program, is there any reason why they wouldn’t join another that is just as promising? I doubt it. I will leave it up to you to decide whether or not you want to join me in these two amazing home business ventures. Contact me at mike@starr.ws if you have any questions or interest in these programs.
                           Your Friend and Business Partner,
                                                                Michael A. Starr
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« Reply #19 on: June 20, 2009, 11:59:54 AM »

   LandRush is here!!! Go to www.landrush.ws to get your free (free website, until someone claims it, 42 day free email, no commissions until first $10 payment) G.D.I. account! I think this will a very powerful tool for recruiting. A FREE account= nothing to lose! Email me if you have questions.

Li_Jia Fu
Posts: 2

I want the shortest possible time in order to help

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« Reply #20 on: June 29, 2009, 05:08:19 AM »

 :)Very grateful to MichaelReed
They gave me a great deal of help, I will not speak English!
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« Reply #21 on: July 12, 2009, 12:12:42 PM »

That's an awesome site.
Is it yours?
How do I set it up on my own domain?


   LandRush is here!!! Go to www.landrush.ws to get your free (free website, until someone claims it, 42 day free email, no commissions until first $10 payment) G.D.I. account! I think this will a very powerful tool for recruiting. A FREE account= nothing to lose! Email me if you have questions.


Want to install a blog for your GDI domain name?
Send me a private message to get help
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« Reply #22 on: July 23, 2009, 02:49:56 AM »

chip i am in the philippines i joined gdi cold turkey. knowing nothing about computers or i nternet sales.WHY ?daily i see young girls begging coins carring near dead babbies. a very comon site to see. our little church do what we can my social security income from USA is about 6 times more than local residents. I want to intro duce gdi to church groups as afund raising project. IT WOULD WORK for every one. but it also.  invites the greedy scam man to spoial a good thing           thats my thought. john
Jason K
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« Reply #23 on: October 09, 2009, 11:35:59 AM »

Hello everyone. I am a new member with gdi. I thought by expressing some of my immediat concerns, I might "paint a picture" of potential views of other new prospects. I am befuddled to say the least with how to go about setting everything up. I started my account almost a year ago and kinda put it on the back burner. I now have the time to work the system, but havn't the slightest clue how to set up my e-mail, or build my website to what I want. My take on this was to create a multi-faceted web site that each page displays an example of potential uses for a .ws site. Whether it be a family web site, a childs web site or one for a pure bang for your buck cash cow. They provide you with 10 pages. Each one a different flavor...like an icecream shop. That way when I sit down with someone, I can show them an actual example of what..."might be". The something for everybody approach. To date, I have no one in my downline, and very few page hits. Does the web builder cost anything for the initial setup? I'm gonna let it go there for now....one step at a time, cause I don't want to be a square wheel with no info, but like I said...I'm new to gdi and can use all the help I can get....I really see the true potential of this company, and want to hit the ground running. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Preston Blarek
Posts: 17

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« Reply #24 on: October 16, 2009, 12:34:39 PM »

Hello everyone,

I am 22 and have no experience in home businesses or network marketing. I work part time but don't enjoy my job, so I am looking to expanding my GDI business. I have begun my campaign by ordering some DVD's and giving them to people at work. I have on order, some business cards. What I was planning on doing was attaching my business card to some of the flyers and putting them in peoples mailboxes. Then I was going to put up flyers on my town's local college campus. I was also planning on dropping business cards at places that I frequent (e.g. with the tip at a restaurant). I think when I have my cards I am going to go out of my way to get to know people. This isn't hard to do since 95% of the population all have the same TWO ISSUES! 1)Money problems AND 2)Time Freedom. What GDI is offering is amazing product and an amazing opportunity. I have set my goal to building a network of seven people in each layer (equivalent to earning $250,000/ year). I have my goals and my self developed strategies. I am not relenting until I have them, success is a choice...things dont get better without you CHOOSING to make them better!



p.s. Use the gift cards! I know I am going to, I think they are going to make a GREAT incentive! 

C Palomo
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« Reply #25 on: December 19, 2009, 08:49:05 AM »

I like the idea that GDI should support the non-profit programs where they matter most.  Working from the home and community.  Today I happen to share some insights of the parents who attended a Christmas Family Potluck and Island Girl Power.  The organization has become a fan to say the least my secondary mother home to at risk youth and families.  We are going to host several projects and I thought of this idea.  What if we teach basic computer courses and teach kids about business, social networking, cyber bullying and all of these positive things we do in real life with real parental concerns. I have been testing the water and out of blind fold to see where my conversation goes as I build on valuable relationships.  My partners think it is a good idea since I am able to teach at least the basics.  I kind a like what GDI promoted in one of their announcements.  Quote .. and even your grandmother can do it"  If I can teach adult level classes like to the kids.  I had the GDI motto as my primary sponsor.  I am already promoting it to the students I care very much about and do all of their advertisements, T-shirts, business cards and created one with my Partner.  We both work hand in hand and now we run our programs like a fun and caring business outlet to assist youth and their families.  If we can mentor then we are able to reach many who might just look at working with their friends and special groups.  I thought of Skate Clubs, Tutoring Clubs and some of the ways positive role modeling trains through communication.  I am not sure about the rules but I know that every supportive business sees the positive end result to sponsor an organization.  This is just and idea.  If anyone is already doing this we would like to learn more.  Happy Holidays everyone.


William Stewart
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« Reply #26 on: February 03, 2010, 02:48:55 PM »

  Thank you very much. I will tell my whole team about this: GDI Fast Track.
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« Reply #27 on: March 01, 2010, 03:44:47 PM »


I just came across this forum, and had recently approached a fundraising organisation as I feel it's a no brainer for them to start working towards having some sort of fixed income that they can rely on. The first one wants to know if there are any examples of charities that are already using GDI anywhere. Are there?
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« Reply #28 on: June 16, 2010, 01:31:41 PM »

Thanks SO much for the code for video. I easily put it on my blog.
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« Reply #29 on: June 18, 2010, 10:16:08 AM »

How about a sample classified ad that is effective?
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