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1  .WS Business / Marketing / I believe Marketing is the Game...isn't it? on: August 23, 2008, 04:36:21 PM
The Greatest Benefit of this industry provides is not the money, the time, or even the friendships,
It's what this industry can make of you..,It's the The Person YOU Become!

We all come to the table with the same tools, marketing materials, and systems. You and the strengths you bring to the table are the only unknown factor in the equation.

Choosing the right company with the right product, and with the right marketing system can help you reach your goal faster just as a sharp axe will out perform a dull one. but it will not determine your end result!

My business took off once I decided to just simply"help others". even if I didn't know everything. I was going to try and help as many people as I could. I stopped worrying about the marketing plan, the presentation, and all of that junk and I think this is the key for most people who are 'stuck'...they are focusing on things like tools, websites, and compensation plans too much. always looking for something outside themselves that will bring success.

But the desire to help people wasn't enough in and of it self.I had to learn how to market so I could get that message and that energy into the marketplace.

Intentions are useless without the ability to execute them.

This business allows us to change and inspire thousands of people around the world. YOur actions today will start an enormous chain reaction of events that will travel the globe for years, and you will never be able to see or comprehend the inpact you will have on generations of  people.

About eight years ago, a conversation with a man who became my first sponsor in this industry set a series of events in motion that afternoon which have completely influenced and changed every major decidion of my life since.

Think about that....

One stranger and a simple phone call set my entire life down a certian path.
2  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Share your banners/logos and Ads here! on: August 19, 2008, 02:27:03 PM
I know I've come up with a bunch of ads lately, a few are listed elsewhere in the forum. I just though it would be a good idea to have a thred of just ads,banners,logos or whatever kind of ideas we can all come up with to help each other.

I'll post some adds again soon. sorry we lost them, I closed the site down and forgot the pictures were over here!
I'll load them up on photobucket to make sure i don't loose them this time!
3  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Any success with safelists? on: August 19, 2008, 02:05:57 PM
Hi Luis,

The Safe List Defined:

A safe list is basically an email discussion list that you become a "member" of. The terms you agree to when you enroll is that you will permit all the members of the list to send email to YOU in exchange for the right to send email to THEM without having to worry about SPAM complaints. Some lists allow daily postings, some only allow weekly postings and some are based on a "credit" system where you earn "mailing credits" by reading the emails you receive from the list and visiting website links those emails. Usually for each "mailing credit" you earn (or that you purchase) you can send an email to one member of the list. For example...if you had 10,000 credits in your account and the list had 13,000 members, you could only send to 10,000 of those members. Please be sure to read and understand the rules of each list you join.

I would send an email like this one:

[begin safelist email]

SUBJECT: Let's exchange contact information

I'm looking for people who want to have REAL communication
with me about online marketing strategies.

Feel free to contact me if you're interested, but please
don't send me a bunch of advertising messages
because I'm only interested in sharing marketing ideas with you.

Please contact me at: youremailaddress?subject=NEW_CONTACT

Leave the words "NEW_CONTACT" in the subject line
so I know to add your information into my contact manager.

Please include the following information when you reply:

1. Your full name
2. Valid email address
3. AOL IM username
4. Phone number

Here is my contact information for YOUR records:


I'm looking forward to corresponding with you and
finding out how we can mutually benefit each other's
marketing efforts.


[end safelist email]

Your first goal is to attract attention and get the person
to actually open and read your email.

Some of the safelists (the credit based ones) give incentive
for their members to open and read their emails
and earn more mailing credits.

These are generally VERY responsive.
Play with your subject lines. Be creative.
Don't send sales letters. Don't send ads.
Offer your contact information.
Offer to exchange contact information....etc.
The idea is to generate a contact list at this point.


Awesome! I never thought of creating a safelist like this before...I'll use it! thanks!
4  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: PLEASE! STOP Focusing on the GDI Opportunity! on: August 19, 2008, 02:05:57 PM

Thanks DPro! I've been looking for this list for a long time!  Grin
5  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Share your banners/logos and Ads here! on: August 18, 2008, 09:17:23 AM
I know I've come up with a bunch of ads lately, a few are listed elsewhere in the forum. I just though it would be a good idea to have a thred of just ads,banners,logos or whatever kind of ideas we can all come up with to help each other.

Here's a banner I created for the tag line: Got Dot? Why Not? IT PAYS!!!

Here it is:

6  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Ads, Flyers and Business Letters on: August 18, 2008, 09:05:18 AM
Here are some ideas you all can use. I made them a few years ago, but forgot all about them, actually shocked I found them again!

Hope you can use them!

As soon as I make some more, I'll be sure to post them if the moderators don't mind.

Here's to your success! Grin
7  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: Targeting YOUR GDI Sign-Ups on: August 18, 2008, 09:05:18 AM
I do this as well. I've mostly been doing off line promotion. The kids at the fast food joints seem like good prospects... I leave one with the person who takes the money at the drive thru and one to the person who actually gives my order to me. I just ask them if they don't mind if I teach them to earn an extra income...then I direct them to the number on the card and whether they're interested or not, I would appreciate an email if they have any questions. I also mention I will be helping them all the way.

I like this! It's been helping me actually talk to more people, than I would normally.

sounds like good therapy to me? what do you think?

Good job everyone! I look forward to hearing from everyone.

Here's another tip... download the training manuel for GDI Success! Then you can join the Success Club With Bram Smith and the other big dogs!


-Logan Wandell

I still do this...and it works!Just need to promote the right business to them.

Recently, I went to a local restaurant that didn't have a website, and gave the OWNER a GDI DVD! He seemed very thankful, he is eager to get one up, he just needs someone to build the site for him...with menus and everything! Just hopes he uses the .WS ending!
8  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: Building a Physical Team on: August 18, 2008, 09:05:18 AM
Building a physical team is what I am after as well. That is why I am focusing more effort in marketing in my community. 

Here is my short term vision: Picture this!   
I am hosting a meeting in my home for local members in my team. Outside is a sign in my yard  with balloons and streamers.  The sign reads, "Welcome to the .WS Conference Meeting".

Inside, members will be sharing ideas and progress.  I will also have a live conference call set up so we can meet other members on line as well.  Everyone gets in on the action and excitement.  We enjoy some mini sandwiches, chips, and dessert.

Now, here is my long range vision:  Picture this!

I have a conference room reserved at a hotel.  The hotel has posted a sign outside their building welcoming .WS members.  Inside the conference room, members are coming in from other counties and state.  Everyone shares tips, progress and cheers!! I call Chip Snyder and say, "Listen to all the excitement going on here, Chip!"  (Yes, I would actually do this!) I would take pictures to add to my website and promotional material.

Now, my final vision: Picture this!

Members are coming together at a nice recreation area where they have reserved hotel accommendations. People are flying in from other nations as well. Yes, Chip Snyder, Marvin Drobes and other top leaders will be there also!!  Fun, excitement, and many cheers in all direction. I would have a professional photographer on hand to take pictures so I could put them in the newspaper.

We all relax and enjoy a meal together before leaving while focusing on an even larger conference meeting the next time!!

What is your vision?

All my best,
Norma  Shocked

How's everything looking now Norma? Let me know where it'll be, and I'll be there!

9  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: New WebBuilder!! New vs. Old... on: August 18, 2008, 09:05:18 AM
 Wink Forgive me for not explaining myself in that last post...why would I start talking about building on a budget in the new web builder forum? Well, I was talking about budgeting your time. It does take a bit of time to make a website the way you really want it. Just like it's taking GDI some time to get the new web builder working smoothly. You just need a little patience.

If you see something on the site builder that isn't working, let them know about through the "help button".   :-\That's what it's there for.

 Wink You must realize this is a new system, and will, as we all know, have a few "bugs" in it. We can help them by letting them know how to make it better. Not all servers, or browsers work the same or translate material the same.

Just do the best you can, and if you see something wrong, let them know. It's all just a matter of time when this new builder is running smoothly.  Roll Eyes

The way I've been able to get around my problems, is to just enter the HTML code into the "source" tab at the bottom of the TEXT page. Then I go back to the design tab and fix it the way I want it. It takes a few times, I've almost given up a few times, but if you be a little patient, it'll work out. Have faith!
10  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: New WebBuilder!! New vs. Old... on: August 17, 2008, 02:59:32 PM
After messing with the new builder and noticing the upgrades to it... other than it's slow to respond to commands, I can deal with it.

If you want to see how I've updated my website using it...check out my site at www.WorldWideIncome.ws


we do need more template options though...these ones are getting a bit boring. (must my 2 cents!)

Good Luck everyone!
11  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New Members! on: August 17, 2008, 02:59:32 PM
A great place for anyone to start getting ideas for their website is at www.gdi-made-easy.ws. It has helped me quite a bit.

Though I still have some work to do on it, I've got patience though. If you want to see what I've done with mine, take a look!

If you would like some more help, please feel free to PM me anytime.

Good Luck!
12  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New Members! on: August 17, 2008, 06:06:09 AM
Hi I am a newbie as of today! I am on the 7 day trial right now.  Whats the best way to promote GDI? I need to get signup before my 7 day trial is up to decide if I am going to stay and pay 10 a month or not,


This is an excellent opportunity for you to take advantage of! There are loads of people who can help you with your GDI business. If your budget is tight, I can help...have a list of sites you can learn how to market yourself as well as your opportunity. Just PM me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

However, the first place you want to check out is www.gdi-made-easy.ws The informaiton there is "golden"!

Good Luck!  Grin,
13  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: New WebBuilder!! New vs. Old... on: August 17, 2008, 06:06:09 AM
I just sent this to support. Maybe we will find out something soon. Maybe not!

No One is addressing the issues of the new site builder. If you are not aware of them go to the forum and have a look. http://talk.ws/index.php?topic=11061.from1218397958#new

Can we get some information about when the issues will be solved?

I've built my business on a budget! If you need any tips on how to do it and develope youself into an expert, I can help. Just PM me and I get back to you as soon as I can.  Though, if you go to www.gdi-made-easy.ws it's sure a good starting point!

Good Luck!
14  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: can someone help me with this on: August 17, 2008, 06:06:09 AM
IF you want some ideas on how to design your webpage, check out other members .ws websites. If you like, I can make a logo for you when you figure out what you want to do with your website?

If you need any help marketing your site, please PM me and I can share with you what has worked for me over the years.

Good Luck!
15  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: 10 things I wish knew before starting a home business! on: August 17, 2008, 06:06:09 AM
It will take longer to grow a big business than you think.
Growing a big business is hard work and you must plan to give it at least 5 years. It may happen sooner but you should not get discouraged if it does not.
You should start looking for potential business partners on your first day.
You do not need to have been in the business for a long time or have a lot of knowledge in order to sponsor someone. If you need help your upline and other company leaders are there to support and assist you.
It is crucial to sell yourself before you sell your opportunity.
There are thousands of other distributors selling your opportunity but only one you. You are unique. In order to experience great success, you must focus on selling yourself more than you sell your opportunity.
You don’t need to know everything about your products and opportunity to build a big business. In fact, knowing too much can be your downfall. If you wait until you think you know everything to start recruiting you will have waited too long.
Some will, some won’t next! Everyone will not buy your product or join your opportunity so except this and get over rejection immediately.
No means not now. I have had many people say no and they come back a few months later and say yes. Just because someone says no, does not mean they will not be interested in the future.
Take the time to get to know and network with other network marketers.
If you don’t ask the answer is already no. It cannot hurt you to politely ask anyone you know or meet if they know anyone who may be interested in your products or if they know anyone who is looking to make extra money. You must ask in order to be successful.
You don’t need to make a lot of money for others to view you as successful. In network marketing many people have the perception that it is hard to make $500-$1,000 a month. If you can make just even this amount, you will find that many people will be impressed and view you as a success.
It’s not just about the money. Although yes, there is a lot of money in network marketing, there are also amazing, lasting and life long friendships, as well as fun and learning experiences which can be worth more than just money.

What do you wish you had known about network marketing?

Howard, You rock buddy!

All this was taught to me when I was in training for selling cars a long time ago! This is exactly what networking is all about!

Fear is your enemy! It leads to the "Dark-Side" ...who want's to be in the dark? Not me! Get over your fears and go toward the light!

Thanks Howard!
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