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1  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Why some members can and others just cant? on: April 02, 2009, 11:06:46 AM
I did notice that some members just enter in one week and get rigth in the first line as the "best ones", but how did they start?
In only one week promoting, they already achieved more then the ones that were here first in less then one week?
So how come they can and i just cant get one miserable person to sign up??
Anyone want to share the secrets? I already post in forums, already put over on my blog, already paid for traffic twice, also did payperclicks... and it just seams that it doesnt get there... am i doing anything wrong?
2  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: What "tools" do you need to succeed... on: March 26, 2009, 09:09:06 AM
Ok, i am a newby, and i am a bit lost, i did in fact recieved an email saying...
Hello Carla,

Congratulations! You have a new visitor to your My.WS portal site.

This person came into the system via the My.WS portal, perhaps from a flyer with your ID on it or an ad you placed on the Internet. They have just watched the flash presentation!

IT IS VITAL that you contact this person RIGHT AWAY. Don't waste ANY time at all!

For your convenience and to aid you in building a prospect mailing list, we have sent this email using your prospect's name and email in the "FROM" field, however - you should not reply directly to this message to mail the new prospect unless you delete the contents of this email before typing your message to them.

It would be ideal if you can contact this person while they are still on your GDI website!

The more time that passes between when you receive this notice and when you take action, the less your chances are of turning this person into a new partner in your GDI business.

This person has viewed your flash presentation.

Here is their contact info:
And then it tells you to contact them,
So when it is to contact... what the heck should i say??
Is there any successfull "e-mail template" that i can use to make the person to sign up or so?
Thank you,
3  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Greetings from the UK on: March 24, 2009, 09:07:34 AM
Hello, i am a portuguese girl living in Uk at the moment. I am pretty much new at this, only started today and am in the trial mode... any tips?
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