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1  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: Do you move your downline members? on: February 12, 2008, 07:07:09 PM
Hello Toni,

You can still keep the "magic" going...just duplicate what your upline did. When you receive a personal recruit you can pass him/her to your downline. Or send a message to the "new" recruit asking for their website and that you are willing to help them recruit. Smiley This doesn't limit you to just the first level and the recruits 7 day "free" trial. If you see that part of your downline is at a stand still...send a note asking if you can help. This shows you care...teaches duplication. TEAM WORK...everyone working for each other creates personal growth and retention. Giving is a good feeling.
I am trying a different approach on recruiting. Interested people respond to an e-mail of mine stating that I am working for my downline. When someone responds...I send an e-mail to the person in my downline that there is someone interested and that I am sending them to their site. I also send an e-mail to the person that responded...introducing him/her to their sponsor. Immediate communication link. I am just starting this...I will let people know how this goes. Smiley

If you send them to your downlines site instead of waiting til they sign up on yours and then move them won't u lose the bonus money?

2  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: Don't Give Up on: February 12, 2008, 03:29:19 PM
i just wanted to mention that if anyone hasn't heard from there upline yet, there could be many reasons including...they expected a free ride (bad thing) or they just joined for the website/hosting and aren't building the business (OK thing).  There is one option you can try that might solve your problems and its worth a try.  Go to your members area....click on upline and you will see the e-mail addresses 5 levels up.  e-mail each of them,(bypassing the first one that didn't contact you if you want) tell them your situation. ask if they are building the business, do they have a sucessful system and will they mentor you.  One of them might care and not know you were hung out to dry by your direct sponser.        this being said...nothing ventured nothing gained  and at worst you still have the forum.   By the way, I'm a newbie thats having worse problems than this with my upline....but I am creatively solving my situation and you can too!!!!   This is not a get rich quick scheme, it is a business and has to be built on a solid foundation.  Rome was not built in a day.

By the way the majority of the people on this forum are here to help you and have your best interest at heart...but due your due diligence and realize there are always a couple bad apples that will offer help in a private e-mail that will just try to sell you some other business or solution.   I have had this happen...these people will never have true success with GDI.  After all do you think you could get married and build a perfect relationship with your wife....all the while going out and marrying other wives and trying to have a perfect relationship with them also.    This is my two cents  Smiley   Richard
3  .WS Business / Team Building / computer requirements on: February 12, 2008, 03:16:47 AM
Are there any minimum requirements I will need if I am going to do some autoposting/responding etc.  operating system...ram..etc.?
I'm just getting started....the forum is awesome!   Thanks in advance for your replies. 
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