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1  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: DVD Full Preview... on: May 11, 2010, 02:51:06 AM
Hey everyone,

When I go around to peoples houses and present the DVD this is the script that I use. Feel free to adapt it to suit your personality and needs:
"Hi, my name is Preston Blarek! How are you doing today? (engage in casual conversation if you choose) The reason I stopped by today is that I am actually a local business owner and I am just trying to network and get the word out about my business. (I get the DVD out of my bag and say the following) I actually have a promotional DVD that I purchased from our Company that talks about our business and gives you more information on who we are and stuff. If you could just take a few moments out of your day to just take a peek at the DVD that would be great and I would really appreciate it! I do purchase the DVD's and use them again, so if I could stop back around (name a date usually one to two days in advance) to get it from you that would be great! What time would work best? (confirm time) Awesome, great and thanks! Oh and when I come get the DVD, I can also answer any questions you may have for me or about my business! Thanks again for taking the time to talk to me and for watching the DVD! Here's my business card in case you have any questions! I will see you on (say the scheduled time and date of follow-up)!"

And thats it! Pretty easy huh? No selling, you get to meet some awesome people and build relationships with them, you set up a follow up time which puts on very light and easy pressure for them to watch the DVD and get the picture. I am sure most people will have questions afterwords, so just answer them honestly and try and help them to the best of your ability!
2  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New Members: 2010!!! on: May 10, 2010, 03:03:57 AM
Hi everyone, welcome to GDI!  Glad to see you all here.  Smiley

The challenge for me with this business will be personally contacting prospects I receive via the Leads generator and via the business cards I will be sending in the mail with my bills. I am confident, however, that I will be able to overcome my own shyness and create a thriving business over the next several months.

Hello Deanna.  Just a few words of encouragement here.  Like you, I was quite shy talking to people that I did not know about GDI and marketing.  Writing is no problem, speaking is a whole different ballgame.

But, just like anything else the more you do it, the easier it becomes.  Before I would stutter a bit, or my mind would go blank for a moment trying to search for a word.  My first calls were a DISASTER.  You have to get over those disasters quickly though.  Never bring what happened on your last call to the person you are calling next.  And above all, don't put off making those calls.  Just do it as Nike would say.

Over time, it becomes easy and then it becomes fun.  These are people with problems and dreams just like you.  The worst they can do is say "No."

So, one of my biggest tricks is using the first part of the call to ask questions about them.  It's easier to talk to someone you feel you know.  And people love to be listened to.  So, to break down those walls of resistance ask them questions like, "Where do you live?"  (You might already know, but ask anyway.)  "Is that where you are originally from?  Where do you work?  Do you enjoy it?  What made you consider looking for a way to make money from home?"  And just listen to what they have to say.  You will become more comfortable, they will become more comfortable, and instead of trying to convince them to join GDI or anything else you can then offer it as a solution.  You become a concerned "friend" and not a salesman.

Finally, NEVER be afraid to ASK the person to join.  "When would you like to join GDI?" or "How soon do you want to get started with GDI?"

Hope this helped a bit, Deanna.  Make those calls, it will get easier.  If you want some help on how to talk to people there are 2 things that really helped me out.  1)  Mike Dillard's courses on prospecting.  Especially black belt recruiting.  Great courses and they helped me a bunch.  2)  Every week my system has a one hour prospecting training session.  You get to hear others talk on the phone and we also do role playing at times.  It can really help.  So, contact your upline and see if you can listen in on some calls.  Or, perhaps find a training system that has prospecting training and join up.  Learning from people who have already been there can be a HUGE asset.

Oh!  One final thing.  Did you catch last Tuesday's GDI webinar?  I thought it was fantastic and those guys really dropped some golden bombs on the call.  It was great.  Be sure to listen in every week.  If for nothing else use those calls as your weekly motivation.  They help keep me excited!  Smiley

Here's to YOUR success!  Have fun!

This is some really good advice! Thanks so much for this post, I know I ordered some DVD's and I am went into an area of my town and walked around for a bit but I couldn't get myself to go to someones house, introduce myself, give them a DVD and then schedule a follow-up. I don't think I had enough faith in the product, but after researching it and seeing where this company wants to go, I am totally excited to do it now! I ordered some business cards to give myself a more professional approach. Can't wait to start talking to people and helping them!
3  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Use The Invite System on: May 10, 2010, 03:03:57 AM
I read lots of posts and people generally ask the same question over and over again.  How do I get started?  It is very simple.  Go back and listen to the 7-minute movie.  Listen very closely. 

It say's place the name and email address of people that you know into the invite system.  What happens from that point is the person that you know will receive an email asking them to visit your website.  Once they view the movie, you will receive an email stating that the movie has been viewed.  You then, follow-up and if they have not already done so, ask them to try GDI FREE for 7 days.  That's it.  The movie does 95% of the work...all you have to do is follow up.


While this is good advice and absolutely what you should do to start making money IMMEDIATELY with GDI, there is a small part left out. I would highly suggest that you make the list of the people that you are going to send the invite to. I would then call them or talk to them at work and let them know that I just started a new home business. When they ask me what it is, I would ask if I could send them information by email (this way they are expecting AND aware of it, this takes out the risk factor of possibly SPAM-ing them). When they agree, inform them to keep a look out in their inbox and thank them. Also tell them that if they don't see it right away, to check their SPAM folder (this is due to different SPAM filter settings on different email providers). By GDI's awesome automated system, you will get a confirmation letting you know when they watched it so you can contact them about it!
4  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: DVD Full Preview... on: May 07, 2010, 12:30:13 PM
I feel the DVD's are absolutely wonderful! For those of you who plan on ordering them to use them in your marketing and recruiting, definitely be sure to pop in a copy and watch the "Full Presentation" and the "Summary". There is some lifestyle imagery that is given in the "Full Presentation" that is wonderful and can be worked into your follow up conversation. The "Summary" I would use for people who are hesitant to watch it, for this you need a shorter, straight-to-the point approach and the "Summary" does an excellent job at this, I feel. But watch both versions and think about how to use them when giving the to people. Also you can take notes and learn a lot about our product and opportunity!
5  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: How I Handled Rejection From A Prospect on: May 07, 2010, 12:30:13 PM
I plan on not even dealing with rejection. I use the DVD, if they have questions afterwords I can answer them and fill the unclear spots. If they have some objections, I can try to deal with those too. But if they are completely not interested, I don't plan on dealing with them. Simple. Don't put more time or energy into it than you have to. The GDI program is not a difficult one.
6  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: Remember what you sell on: May 07, 2010, 12:30:13 PM
Making people product of the product is the key. The rest will take care of itself. People intererested in the opportunity will surface from your customer base. So, show prospects how the products can be solutions for their business or their interests. There are prospects everywhere!

This is so true and I believe in this whole heartily! The opportunity and product we are offering are worth absolutely nothing if we don't point out the value to their lives. I don't see potential people as "prospects", I see them as people and I plan on talking to them that way too!
7  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Welcome Wisconsin Team! on: May 07, 2010, 06:38:56 AM
This section is specifically for team members of my sales organization to share tips, ideas and experiences
8  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Why .WS/GDI? on: May 07, 2010, 06:22:19 AM
Hello everyone,

I found Global Domains International on the DSA (Direct Selling Assocation) website. I was doing research on direct selling to see if was for me as I was looking to boost my income as I only work part time and finding a 2nd job proved difficult. Well, after I read about it, I found that I liked the idea of owning my own business and being able to work my own hours and set my own paycheck. It's been a dream of mine to own my own business. Well then I did research on what kind of business I should start and was able to search for DSA Member companies by my interests. I was appalled to find that some companies charged $100-$200 for a Starter Kit.
Then once you had the Starter Kit, you would need to hassle your friends, families and relatives to do parties or to buy things. Plus most of the businesses were geared for women, selling make up and cosmetic items. Global Domains appeared on the list, and I visited their home site and clicked on the Affiliates section, watched the 7 minute animated presentation and was drawn in. The fact that it's FREE to start and then only $10/month! That's much better than $100-$200 for a Kit! The product is amazing and the market untapped. A Domain Package for business or personal used. A guaranteed Internet Presence For Life! Amazing! The income potential, UNBELIEVABLE! I am excited to be a part of this business! My goal is to make $500/month to start! Wish me luck!

9  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: Team Questions/Suggestions on: May 07, 2010, 06:22:19 AM
This is SO IMPORTANT! Whether you find a customer that would like to just utilize the product or someone who would like to become a distributor, building a relationship with them is vital to them staying on. People don't like the feeling of being used for your money. Call them during their Free Trial, ask them if they are enjoying their product. Call your Level 1's AT LEAST every week to train, check on progess and set goals.
10  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: Do you move your downline members? on: May 07, 2010, 06:22:19 AM
I think, when your starting out, you need to have a focus. If you want to do GDI Full-time, make that your focus. If your looking to buy that dream car, make that your focus. Once you have to overlying purpose as to WHY you want the money, think of the steps you need to take it. Don't rush into saying: "I need 10 and those 10 need 10...etc". How I am starting is with 5, if it takes me awhile that's okay, its all part of the plan to get to that big picture. Once I have those 5, I am going to train them, but continue to recruit. But now, with my new recruits, I am going to place them under my 5 Level 1's. This starts them off and kind of commits them to the purpose and helps build confidence. After training and if I see positive results. I will focus on bringing on another 5 and repeating the process. Should be fun!
11  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: Targeting YOUR GDI Sign-Ups on: May 07, 2010, 06:22:19 AM
I think when it comes to GDI and the WebSite.ws product, EVERYONE is a potential customer or distributor. Now a days, the internet is becoming a vast and growing force and having a permanent web presence is a MUST for personal reasons as well as business. I think, it would help to build this value to your customers. The second growing demand today, is the growing need for more sources of income. It's a basic fact, everyone needs more money to live happily. Don't tell people only how to make money with GDI, SHOW them that they can!
12  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: Build a SOLID team and retain them! on: May 07, 2010, 06:22:19 AM
I think the ability to move new members under your downline helps in building a solid team and make them stay because it makes the members, especially the newbies, feel that they're not alone in building their GDI business. It helps them get into profit sooner too.

Too bad we can only move them to our first level now. I think it's better that we be able to do it to at least 2 to 3 levels deep. Could we request that this feature be allowed down to 2 or 3 levels?

In regards to moving members of your downline, you shouldn't have to do it for Levels 2 and 3, or else your taking on the work load of Level 1. The goal is to help motivate your team members and make them strive for their own goals. Work with them to find out WHAT they want from the business and if they don't have the driving force of WHAT you need to help them develop that focus. Then you develop the HOW to focus on it-what they need to do to get to that point. Help kick them off to a good start by placing a referral under them. I would call them to let them know that you plan on doing this. If they ask how to handle the new recruit, you tell them to call, welcome them and train them. If the new recruit asks something that their not familiar with, that they can come back to you to find out. It should be replicable and easy...just don't make it any harder than you have too
13  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New Members: 2010!!! on: April 21, 2010, 02:10:27 PM
Hello everyone,

My name is Preston and I am in Wisconsin, excited to build my team and business!
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